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Messages - jowifi

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Idea: Stats that are hard to max
« on: June 28, 2015, 11:18:03 am »
Has any thought been given to limiting by race how high a character's physical stats can go, similar to how they are set at character creation?  For example, maybe a Lemur's max strength is 200 while a Stonehammer can reach 400, a Kran's max agility would be 200 compared to an Enkidukai's 400.   Ylians get capped at 300 for all three stats, etc.   The Starfire Tourney has an interesting method for determining how the participants' physical stats are set.  I have a harder time making the argument that mental stats should also be limited, but it might work over a smaller range.

Another option would be to let the player decide what the character's max in each stat would be.  Give the player 2000 points to distribute among the six stats.  The character would still start at the levels currently applied at creation and would have to work its way up to whatever cap the player set.

Wish list / Re: Have Someone Buy Back Food Items in Gug
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:38:07 pm »
Well, it is a Kran city.  They don't have much use for organic food.

Allelia buys both food and alchemy preparations.  Not as convenient as having someone in Gugrontid, but still closer than Ojaveda. 

General Discussion / Re: Food Items Needed for Quests
« on: November 11, 2014, 03:23:44 pm »
Harnquist seems to have several different requests to satisfy his hunger, but I don't know what all they are.  It seems to depend on the skill of the individual.

 I think all the cooking quests  have the player make something as part of the quest.  I don't know if you could just give the completed item and bypass all the intermediate steps. 

As for harvesting, various quests require apples, lake mushrooms, night mushrooms, carrots, barberry root, juiceberries, wragberries, lavender, devil's claw, kingsfoil leaf, wyn reed, red mangrove, sicklepod, hops, white oak bark, blackbush stem, carp, trout.

Posting this here in case anyone else runs into the same problem.

I ran into a problem recently where PS started crashing during launch.  LIBGL was producing and error about not being able to load swrast.  This occurred immediately after my Linux distribution (Mageia) pushed out several updates to various GL-related packages.  I install the NVIDIA driver from their web site (instead of the Mageia package) and it compiles against the current kernel during installation.  Apparently, it was still looking for the old GL packages and that was causing the crash.  Uninstalling and reinstalling the driver made it compile with the new GL packages and everything works again.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Ma Brainz Hurtz
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:44:40 pm »
You have a strange growth between your ears.  Since it doesn't appear to do anything useful and is causing you pain, it's probably best to have it removed.

Complaint Department / Re: Brightness issues
« on: May 03, 2014, 03:02:09 pm »
Are you playing with shaders set to low and having problems with places like the passage from Hydlaa to the Arena?  If so, try setting your shaders to lowest or medium.  The low setting seems to cause problems where there is no illumination from the Crystal as LigH describes.

Have you tried using the 'm' key or the mouse scroll wheel to get out of first person?

General Discussion / Re: Feedback on new progression system
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:40:25 pm »
I certainly can see the convenience of no longer having to find a trainer for skills, but to be honest I think I would like a compromise between the old and the new system.  Perhaps something like only needing to see a trainer every 10 levels, or something similar.  To me, it seems like our characters may be self-teaching themselves a bit too much in some cases, and it would seem reasonable to have the trainer be more involved in teaching them. 

Also, there is somewhat of a side-effect of this new system, whereas the players can't "freeze" their character's skills to a certain level anymore.  That is, if we do an action, we automatically level the associated skill, whether we wanted to or not.  If I may, I would like to request the ability to slow down (or perhaps even stop) the leveling of a given skill for players that don't feel as though they are ready to level up for a given reason.  I would also understand and accept if there was a reasonable penalty to progression points gained if you slow down/turn off leveling.

That would be my two trias worth. ;-)

Celroc Amaul

I agree with both of Celroc's points. 

Needing to periodically visit a trainer, especially at lower levels (<50?  <100?), to learn new skills makes sense.  Maybe the spacing could increase as you advance beyond this threshold.  This exists to some extent with some of the crafting skills already since you need to do a quest to get the next crafting book.  Cooking, baking, herbalism, and alchemy are all like this. 

This would also give player a chance to stop leveling a skill.  The most IC reason I can think of is a mage not wanting to get too advanced in the opposing Way (since all the archmasters say this can be dangerous) but still wanting to be able to use a few low level spells. 

Regarding the armor training issue, maybe give the mobs a physical stamina drain when they attack just like players have.  After a period of time (less for weaker mobs, more for stronger mobs), they get tired and stop attacking.  This would at least require the player to periodically attack the mobs to get them moving again.  If the mob hadn't fully recovered, the time until it got tired and stopped attacking would be shorter.

General Discussion / Re: Two Little Ideas
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:12:51 pm »
Regarding the pterosaur at the Bronze Doors:

Pterosaur at the Eagle Bronze Doors was asked for tons of times but the team decided against it (even if my personal opinion is it wouldn't hurt) because it was meant to be a dangerous place not the next bus stop.

Regarding the topic my personal view is I would like them [tokens] to be rewarded in a repeatable quest. This way with some extra tokens available to role players they maybe used for RP opportunities, i.e. merchant/crafter needs some ingredient from a different city and hire a player to deliver it, he may offer a token instead of trias to make sure the hired guy doesn't vanish into the wild.

However, perhaps the token idea could be used to avoid people just "taking the bus."  Have pterosaur flights to the Bronze Doors only be available with a travel token.  When an NPC has a quest that requires travel to/from the Bronze Doors, they can give the player a couple tokens.  Maybe this could be reserved for "official" business such as Rylour's interviews and not for personal tasks like helping Hinoserri with his eyesight problem. 

General Discussion / Re: Combine quality considerations.
« on: April 12, 2014, 04:56:10 pm »
Reviving this thread in light of the new combination formula.  Is there a plan to add making axe handles to the axe making book?  I just tried making an axe and had to attach my Q239 blade to a Q50 handle, leaving me with a Q145 axe kit.  Without the ability to craft axe handles, the best anyone is going to be able to do is a Q175 kit, and I suspect improving this to finest quality in the final assembly step is going to be a real challenge regardless of skill.  Shield making may be even worse since it requires adding a purchased core and handle to the shape right before the final assembly.

I suspect things like alchemy and cooking will face similar challenges with items that only go through 1 transform before being combined in the last or second-to-last step.

Worst comes to worst you can jettison something.

And since  (last I checked) dropped stuff remains guarded, you don't really have to worry about someone stealing it while you put stuff  in storage to lighten your load.  There have been times I've had to make a couple trips to get everything stored and I've never had a problem with stuff being taken.

Edit:  I just did a quick test and stuff becomes unguarded if you get too far away from it.

General Discussion / Re: Why is the Polymorph spell Blue Way?
« on: April 02, 2014, 10:58:22 am »
I also can't imagine why Blue Way practitioners would need this spell. They already have control of water, cold, and ice. That's a great amount of power right there. And they also have the ability to neutralize poisons and cure diseases.

I've wondered about this "ability to neutralize poisons and cure diseases."  Unless it requires the poison glyph, which I have yet to find a way to obtain in game, this seems to exist in concept only.  The only Blue Way healing spell I've found is Healing Rain. 

General Discussion / Re: Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: February 05, 2014, 06:09:04 pm »
the difference between theory and Reality is so big...
The message you link to appears to have been a bug related to wearing armor while casting that is (or was) fixed.
A master mage (with his way boosted over 250), and with stats maxed &  boosted (all around 440), can't even kill an onyx dagger or maulbernaut without having to sit down, and wait for mental stamina regeneration... of course you can use load of potions of regeneration, that give you around 200 stamina point (at 300Q) when your spell consume 400... so one  spell = 2 potions... that gonna be very expensive...

I'm not sure what you're doing differently, but I have two mages that are Level 75 in different ways.  One has Int up to 300, but all other mental stats are 160 or lower.  Either can take out an Onyx Dagger without any trouble. 

General Discussion / Re: Is This Game Too Hard?
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:20:11 pm »
To those of you complaining about how hard it is to level, please answer this:  Why do you want to level up, especially to the max?  Is it just a desire for completeness, or do you have a plan for using your skill?

Obviously, some quests require a certain level of skill or the money to buy the needed item.  There have been a couple that I've found a bit of a grind (I've had the Forging Platinum Steel Blades quest open for months and still have a long way to go).

I've gotten to the point with my characters where I'm not sure there's much value in continuing to level up.  I haven't made it past adept in any Way, I only have two crafting skills above 100, and my highest combat skill is only 32.  I can already kill all the mobs I want to with magic, so there's little reason to level up combat.  There's not much of a player market for crafted goods, and making stuff just to sell it to an NPC seems pointless.  I've done most quests a couple times, so there's no strong pull to run a new character through them. 

It's at the point where I feel I either have to get more involved in RP or quit.   Perhaps this is the goal of the devs and they're just hoping I choose RP over quitting. 

Wish list / Re: The repetitive quest for any available quest
« on: December 30, 2013, 08:09:30 pm »
I think the easiest way from a player perspective would be adding a third tab to the quest window, so you'd have uncompleted, completed, and available quest lists.   

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: A monsterous event
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:39:34 pm »
Looks like time has changed to 2000 GMT on 1 Nov.

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