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Topics - Garris Shrike

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Guilds Forum / Rogues Rebooted
« on: August 24, 2015, 12:08:31 pm »
Hello, partners!

I'm newly flush with time, and I'd like to gauge some interest. Seems the current standings of PlaneShift are more grey-character oriented, but there aren't any people who's motives aren't at least mostly pure ;) I.E., they might be bad....but let's be honest, they're really good!

Now, I know Riggystein and I usually play at different times, but I'd like to get a guild going again where we can focus some efforts! Not necessarily creating EVIL RP, but just being lackabouts, thieves, cutpurses, rogues, robbers, mercenaries, assassins, and the like!

Just those types of people who may not have the purest of heart and motives, hey?

If there's enough people interested, I'd be more than willing to step in and help start an unholy flock!
(We'll do it differently than last time, where I just randomly disappeared ;))

Remember folks - it's good to be bad!

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Free.
« on: July 29, 2015, 03:23:24 pm »
Would they hold him here forever? Or was it the Crystal for him.

Mahkana paced back and forth, if one could call it pacing. There was maybe a total of eight feet between the solid walls of his cell, and his glyphs lay painfully out of reach. He closed his eyes.

Twenty feet forwards, Thirteen to the right. Pick the lock, open the chest. Retrieve the pouch, daggers, and glyphs. Break free.

But what then? One escape and he would be marked for life, he was sure about it. No guards would forgive what he had done, and even if he wasn't to be crystalled by the end of this, an escape would seal his banishment permanently, of that he had no doubt.

So he sat, and laced his paws together gently in front of him, folding his knees up this chest and letting out a long, contemplative sigh. After a few moments, his head fell forwards, forehead landing on the backs of his hands and ears folding flat against his soft fur.

It wasn't supposed to go this way, was it? Maybe I ran on information that was incomplete. Maybe I expected too much of those around me.

Ever calculating, the menki remained in his hunched position for a few hours, ears flicking occasionally. The air inside of the cell turned from cool morning to sweltering afternoon under the crystal's light, and drops of sweat began to bead along his skin, quickly becoming sopped up by his fur, which turned damp and matted down. There wasn't much more he could do, at this point. They'd even taken his petty training glyphs that had been sewn into his clothing secretively. Truly, there would be no escape for Mahkana Ruuka.

The Diaboli girl, Lyelora. She had been such an easy target, so trusting of him. A few simple magic tricks and the help of his two Lemur friends, and she had bitten - swallowed the bait whole in fact. A simple bit of work had gathered the blood. The mage to channel had ever-so-conveniently come to him, through the contact of the Faceless in Ojaveda.

Mahkana's fist pounded against the side of the wall. Perhaps it was testing for weaknesses, perhaps it was out of frustration. The wall didn't budge, and it seemed that the well-cleaned interior of the prison mocked him. No motes of dust even danced in the harsh light seeping through the bars and windows.

One does not work their whole life for nothing. One failure does not determine me.

I am failure embodied. One goal was given, one task, and I have failed! Would it not be better for me to be crystalled?

Failure is for the weak. There are setbacks, to be sure, but the end goal remains the same.

There is no end goal! The end goal has perished! Dakkru herself has removed any chance of an end goal! He is dead, and I have failed!

Am I.....worthless?

I I have been taken on the strings of men I have never met, and forced to dance. This whole time, I thought the actions were mine. I was...I wanted to see him live. I wanted to receive the blessings, the prestige. So hard I have cultivated this person, this enkidukai others call Mahkana. Was this a creation of the expectations of the dead?

For cycles I have spent my life studying the Brown Way. Becoming at peace with who I am, with the earth, soil, dirt, rocks, and life around me.....

But perhaps I am not who I thought I was?

Tears streamed down the Enkidukai's face, mottling his complexion and matting his fur even further. His fests clenched tightly, and rough sobs wracked through his body, until a sound pricked his ears.

Pristinely he adjusted his torn clothing. With no thought to it, he wiped his tears and fluffed his fur, popping his neck and putting a smirk on his face.

The door opened, the fenki captain of the guard parsing into view, her cold gaze falling upon Mahkana Ruuka, prisoner of the Octarch.

"We've news for you, Mahkana. New information about your case. We're moving you to a larger cell, something more comfortable....."


I can taste the beginnings of freedom.

General Discussion / The "Air all your Junk" Thread
« on: February 21, 2015, 03:13:57 am »
Because frankly, I'm quite curious to see what you have to say.

General Discussion / A Reference: PS Curse Words
« on: June 28, 2009, 09:02:03 pm »
Just interested, what is considered a profane or exclamatory word in PlaneShift?
I've heard:
etc., and am interested to see what else there is. I can think of quite a few others, but what's considered IC and not?

General Discussion / A Short Letter
« on: April 08, 2009, 05:06:40 pm »
This will be swift, and simple. If you have arguments, present them. I'm not trying to offend anyone at all, so if you are offended...
Sorry  :devil:
[I'm sure most of this may have been already said. I would like to keep it fresh in your minds, perhaps do a bit of inspiring. Get nitty gritty, folks! This is real-fake-life!]

Hokay. Players are slowly dwindling on PlaneShift. Perhaps not population-wise, but those that actually roleplay in any given situation are. Too many newer players, or even myself at times, will refuse an RP based on that we don't want our character involved. While this is fine, try and make it fun. A little killing won't hurt your character in the long run, and there really should be no reason you avoid it for OOC reasons.
What I mean here, is simply:

RP in any situation. I'm rather tired of people who step beyond real-life boundaries through quirks, and either separate themslves from general roleplay for some reason, or simply refuse to get involved.
PlaneShift has an incredibly strong core of talented, imaginative, and literate people who DO still RP. If you are one of them, I congratulate you. If you are not, become one, and I congratulate you anyways for simply becoming involved with this game. That is the very first step.

Another way to look at this is, don't leave new players hanging. Continue to bait their interest with RP's involving their character, as they learn the ropes of what they truly can or cannot do. Precise and accurate RP is not taught instantly, it is a learning process. It's a process that has taken my brain a long time to comprehend.

If you want PlaneShift to survive, and roleplay to continue, you absolutely MUST teach new players. There are no ifs or buts about it. The only way we will slow our dwindle is NOT huddling together in some veteran's group.
It is through associating with, and taking a good chunk of your time out, to teach the new players. Those who have no descriptions, those who meander aimlessly, and those who shout emoticons when they can.

I myself have not followed this principle. On occasion, I take a tidbit out of my time if I am on an alternate, to educate a player. Very rarely will I dedicate my time, not to pursuing roleplay, but to teaching it so that others can benefit. I plan to change this, and instead give myself a little bit over to that.

To the New Players who may or may not read this:
Take some of your time to listen to those who are telling you things. Yliakum is a large, imaginative land. But even such a place as this has boundaries and ropes that, if you are to be respected, must be learned. A player who truly wishes to experience this game at its addicting finest will take a chance at learning what the core is about. It is roleplay, restricted, yet unboundaried roleplay. You are only limited by the rules of the universe. It's like having a million legos and building what you want, only limited by the color or shape of said legos.

There are INFINITE possiblities. Go out, and learn.

Go out, and teach.

Wish list / The Main Gauche
« on: December 01, 2008, 02:51:09 pm »
Here's a little something Bovek and I were just chatting about, due to an RP that took place with him.

Item/Style: Main Gauche

A main gauche is a short sword, with more defensive capabilities, such as a wider hilt and a thicker blade, like a oversized dagger of sorts. It is capable of offensive stabs and is a good defensive blocker for any type of blade but an outright "LARGE" sword, I.E. Claymore, Broadsword. Here:

The Wikipedia definition:
The parrying dagger is a category of small hand-held weapons from the European late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. These weapons were used as off-hand weapons in conjunction with a single-handed sword. As the name implies they were designed to parry, or defend, more effectively than a simple dagger form, typically incorporating a wider guard, and often some other defensive features to better protect the hand, as well. The main-gauche (French for "left hand"; IPA: [mɛ˜ goʊʃ]) is used mainly to assist in parrying incoming thrusts, while the dominant hand wields a rapier or similar longer weapon intended for one-handed use. It may also be used for attack if an opportunity arises. The general category includes two more specific kinds of weapon: sword breakers and trident daggers[1].

The handles are usually curved, to catch and spin blades away from the opponent. However, since game mechanics cannot oblige to alot of the Gauche's properties, here's my suggestion for those who would think this is an interesting implementation.

Ingame Working:

The gauche would be used in the opposite hand of a saber, short sword, or typical one-handed blade. The gauche is a defensive as well as offensive weapon,so:

In the stance "Bloody" both the gauche and the opposite weapon are used to attack your opponent

In the stances "normal" "agressive" and "defensive", a the figurative ingame "dice" (or chance factor, if you will) is used to decide whether the gauche is used offensively, or as a defensive 'shield' type option. (Extra dice chance for defensive if set to "defensive", extra chance for offensive if set to "agressive", etc.)

In the stance "Fulldefensive" the gauche acts as a shield, with bonuses vs. sabers, short swords, and normal swords, and weakness vs. claymores, axes, and maces/polearms. Normal defensive stats for anything else.

My suggestion is that the higher quality the gauche, the better defensive and offensive properties it has, like any normal weapon. Perhaps varying types of gauches can be more geared towards offense or defense, depending on the user.

Learning the Gauche:
The Gauche would be harder to learn that typical sword, due to it being a complicated style. It would take more time with more PP and tria cost, due to its capabilities as both offensive and defensive. Another thought is, you could start learning Gauche as a split style from sword when you reach lvl 10-20 sword or so?

I don't think this would be too hard to implement into game, it'd be a job though, of course. Modeling, Coding,'s a whole new style.

Thoughts, Ideas?

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Crash as Garris ^^
« on: November 26, 2008, 10:09:29 pm »
Alright, here's the problem. I can log on as Verail Ellesfire, a secondary character of mine, but every time I try to log on as Garris, This message pops up:

any ideas here?

(this is really angering me) :'(

P.S. I suspect if a GM could purge Garris of his generic map from Jayose, this may solve it. I believe it's a problem related to Microsoft Visual Studios.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Steel Genesis
« on: October 03, 2008, 11:17:28 am »
[Yep, I'm back to the pen. The lure of a good tale draws me ever to typing, and I'm a good fan of expression. Hopefully my skills have improved!]

Steel Genesis:

Index of chapters:-Chapter 1: Driven


The earliest nature of a soul to be displayed, even in infancy, is not the want to do wrong, or disobey. It is the drive, the overwhelming urge, to live beyond death. The soul thrives on recognition, and the need to be the best is paramount. Even stronger, built off of this primal dominance complex, is the urge to be immortal. Written words lives long after their author is dead, flowing script telling a tale. Souls yearn to live a hero, but even moreso, a soul yearns to die a Legend. ~Garris Shrike

Chapter 1: Driven

Driven to exhaustion - tongue hanging out - breath, shallow, ragged - pain wracks the body - finally, darkness and the fall.
A pain-induced seizure woke him up to a destitute world, one he'd rather not be in. He found himself covered with dried and crusted blood, rats scurrying around his prone body. He was naked, and his swords were gone. Events flashed back into his mind. They'd come for him, finally. He'd always known he was taking it one step too far, but he was on his own now and had no one to cover his back. This time, they got him. They drove him unmercilessly into the sewers, laughing as he stumbled beneath the blows of the whips, and the stinging cuts of the deadly swords. They'd left him there, to die, his blood smearing the grimy floors as the gobbles watched his breath leave his body. But he'd survived.

He pushed himself to his feet. He was a tall Enki, in his prime. You would guess him to be nearing middle age, but the years were keeping him well. Broad shoulders, ripped abdomens, and heavily muscled forearms and legs spoke to you of a brawler, but the way he moved spoke to you more of a dancer, albeit not quite as graceful. Emerald eyes surveyed the rats as they continued to scurry around him, gnawing at the inedible grime of the sewers. He kicked a couple, muttering an Enkian curse. The movement brought spasming ripples of pain to him, and he promptly sat down.

Grimacing, he mutters to himself "Laanx does not favor the outlaw, eh?" and stands up again, more slowly, and careful of his oozing wounds. He looks around, and sees the rickety latter he stumbled down yesterday...or was it days earlier? How long had Dakkru kept him? Limping to the ladder, he pulls himself up it painfully, agonizingly slowly. The wounds would heal. But the wounders would not.

He heard a female shriek as he hauled himself out of the pit of the sewers, and grimly laughed to himself. The ylian ran off, screaming something about bloody murder, and he coughed up some blood when he tried to laugh again. The world wasn't used to seeing what went on behind the scenes of a complacent Hydlaa. They would learn...oh yes. They would learn. He spied some rags on the body of a beggar, and hurriedly used them to compromise a makeshift outfit, and bandage some of the larger wounds. This would do until he could get ahold of his friends.

He looked around, gathering in his position. Behind Kada's, yes...he had been drunk, they'd taken advantage of that. So, he limped back into Kadas, drawing stares from the "finer" patrons. Many mutters of "Shrike, the fool..." and "Garris, what happened THIS time?" echoed throughout the bar. Shrugging them off, he slouched into a proferred drink.

(will write more later today. Any thoughts on the writing style?)

In-Game Roleplay Events / [Roleplay Series]: The Lady of Fortune
« on: September 21, 2008, 04:18:25 pm »

As things stand, I wish to create a series of RPs that will eventually, in a quite twisted manner lead to something many of you will not expect....
I will be using other RPs in this, but it should be able to unwind as a story, too. I'll have a list of people who fit a certain stereotype of some sort that I would like, but other than that you are welcome to flesh your character out and have as much fun as possible during these. So, without further ado....

Part 1: Lady of Fortune:

Background story: A young Nolthrir girl, by the name of Arasi Thayfear, has just come to Hydlaa, searching for work, and protection. She has run into Eurac Hog, proprietor of the "House of Games". As luck would have it, Arasi was taught to gamble by her father, a priest of Laanx, who although spent most of his time drunk, was a witty character who had many tricks up his sleeve.
Arasi is a very pretty girl, but naive. She is proficient in magic, but mainly in the Dark Way....unexplainable, as she is an outgoing girl who does not appear to be "dark" in any way....

What You Can Do:

Meet and greet Arasi. She may ask you for a game, or tease you a bit, trying to test your wits. If she likes you, she'll direct you to the next part of the RP, which you'll have to find out ingame. Once we have 5 characters who have made it past the "Meet and greet" stage, I'll hand out their roles as I find them. Here are the 5 roles that I'll be needing, however. If you want to get on Arrasi's good side, she is known to become "wild" when drunk....but no one has been able to beet her in a drinking game before. These country girls are bred hard 8)

People I Need to meet IG:
-Hard worker
-Lazy bum
-Red way mage

Interested? This should develop well. I'll post part 2 when I have 5 chars, who I will post the names of so you can interact with them and follow along in the RP!


Other tidbits you can use:

-Arasi's father is an old friend of my other character, the somewhat insane Garris Shrike. If you know Shrike in any way, you may have met Arasi once before. She gets around.
-Arasi is very happy-go-lucky, and overly trusting to a fault.
-You can try to "play" Arasi...but she is not stupid. Only overly trusting. When her wit prevails over her mind, she incredibly sharp-tongued.
-Arasi can be found in Kada-El's. She is a heavy drinker when things are not going right.
-I'd like you to send me an OOC tell that says you want to participate. Otherwise, it'll be kinda hard on me, with Arasi being friendly to everyone.

Guilds Forum / [Guild] - Reaver Pack
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:06:40 pm »
Garris slowly walks up to the Ojavedan square plaza, remembering the times spent here.....shaking off his memories, he casually pins a frayed notice to a nearby cart. printed, in bold letters:

Are you a mercenary, assassin, or generally shady character? Are you renowned for your stealth, fearlessness, and speed? The Pack has need of you. the Reaver Pack is now accepting applications for new members. Those who wish to be a Reaver must have a good attitude, renowned skills or character, and must know how to traverse the world at least fairly decently. Inquire with Garris or Lokter, Enkis.


(Forums *Important for any Pack Member*:

The Reaver Pack is a family. It is loose knit and not officially a hardcore contracting guild, more of a we take what we get kind of deal, more of a gathering of players based on reputation as skilled characters. To be a Reaver I absolutely DEMAND that you have good character and roleplaying ability, and good loyalty.

The goal of the Pack is quite simple.

Reaver Pack Mission statement:

"To create a family of mercenaries, assassins, and warriors, and those with them. The Reaver Pack is a family, and as such, works like one. Those who become members of the Pack are allowed to bring in their wives, children, and acquired land into the Pack's holdings. The Pack will protect those within it as a brother would die for another brother. The Pack requries undying devotion. Reavers run together, not alone. Even if you are the wife or child of a Reaver Pack member, you are under the same protection as them. We are a family of friends."

So basically saying is, it's open to anyone with a good reputation, and you can bring those you know along with them. This is a very RP-ing guild, as I demand that those who become Reavers RP a Reaver character. Reaver clan work is based off of contracting:

Contracting with the Reavers:
The Reavers, to earn money, do odd jobs for those willing to pay. Now that we're pretty well established ingame, we should be able to pick up any work that needs done. If you need work done, contact a Reaver, you non-Reavers! We'll take part in any RP that you'd like, we're all actors.

Contracts can include anything within (or out of!) the law, provided it doesn't compromise your characters morals. The only rules we have on contracting currently are:
-the guild "Ways of Life" members cannot be harmed.
-Possible House of Purrty (?)

To join the Pack, post an application here or catch me online.

The Reaver Pack:

Founder: Garris Shrike

-Lokter Tarvitz

Specialized members and their roles:
-Vannaka, Duelist
-Lokter and Catarina, Smiths
-Lutrimer, Steward
-Garris, Lazy Bum

Members that we need:

In essence, those in every role of life.

Pack Members and their families:

Garris Shrike
Lokter Tarvitz
Vannaka (partial)

*Full Reaver and Reaver Pack Member Status:*
-Full Reaver: Those in the guild. They have full benefits, including applying for the war team for Guild vs. Guild wars, and are offered food and assistance whenever needed.
-Reaver Pack Member: Those who have applied to be a Reaver, but are in another Guild. You can be a Reaver and a Guild member with different guilds, so long as they do not interfere with your Reaver duties. The Reaver Pack members are offered food and assistance whenever needed and are accepted as part of the "family". They are not leeches on the Guild, as they must pay for what they take and give the family what it needs in time of duress. The system of supply and demand is in effect here.

***Note!: Even if you aren't a warrior and feel you can contribute something to the guild, we have need of players of every RP type! Apply!***

Pack History (For those interested):

[as told by Garris Shrike:]

As you walk into Ojeveda and into the bar, you notice a lean, wiry Menki sitting at a table, surrounded by some other Enkis, chatting and playing various games, and carelessly playing with knives....
You sit down, and inquire about the Reaver Pack guild, and its history. The wiry Enki is only too happy to oblige....

"The pack was started when H'okyba Da Ojaveda was disbanded. The H'okyba was a mercenaries guild, one of the strongest in Yliakum. Led by Blayze and his wife Nefert, the H'okyba had won many legendary battles, including one against the cretins who had invaded Ojaveda and their leader.

But the H'okyba is no more. Only I am left. Now, to get onto things...

The Reaver Pack is an ancient way of life, really. Born from the same principles of the H'okyba, and countless other guilds before it. The Pack is family. Those in the Pack are those to protect. Reavers are not solitary animals, except in odd cases.
(For just a little bit of Reaver history/story:
Reavers are fierce creatures, and so the Pack must be fiercely protective of those within it.
The Reavers are nomads, and will travel to where they are needed. We can be mercenaries for hire in times of war, or workers for hire in times of peace. But we stick together.

I have great dreams for the pack, traveler....dreams of having a nomadic village, of those within us becoming great legends, and the rest of us being the unseen players supporting the Legends, only to be elevated to that status one day ourselves. The Pack is family. Family supports, builds up, and shares loss, no matter the pain.... we are born of necessity, of the way of life known to all." [conceptually, the Reavers are a new clan. We have no old "history", but we are willing to make it.]

Garris slowly stares at you, with piercing green eyes....

"Will you become one with the Pack?"

-Delving into the Reaver Backstory!
The Reaver leaders have developed a rather interesting backstory for those interested. Ask them ingame about it (Through RP, of course) and you may learn some interesting things. Also, if you would like to sign up on the forums and chat there, feel free to do so! We'll give you guest status and you can poke around.

-The Reavers have no set religious background. You're free to worship whomever you please, provided it doesn't interfere with Pack matters. Which some may.

-The Reavers do engage in some RP that may be considered mature (PG-13+ we take to groupchat), so if you expect a tame clanchat...don't join. I'll personally ask you ahead of time if you have any problems with that, and if you do, this may not be the guild for you.

-The Reavers try to appear professional (with the exception of myself  ;D), therefore, outside of your clan members, try and uphold the Reaver name!

More Technicalities:

System: Reavers are a family, family gives to the other members in time of need. *This requires FULL devotion to the clan. Those who are not willing to help a brother out should not join. Of course, this also means that you will receive aid when you are in need too. But you must be able to give when necessary, unless you are low on supplies yourself*

Hard? Yeah. Very hard. But if we were able to pull this off, it would be an incredible step in the right direction for PlaneShift RP.

General Discussion / The "Return" Thread
« on: September 18, 2008, 03:46:01 pm »
This thread is for those of us who are coming back to PlaneShift from an absence, to help the moderators out so that they don't have to continually clean up the boards.

On that note, I'll start us out!

I'm coming back to PlaneShift! After a couple of years being gone, this game has SOMEHOW drawn me back. The roleplaying is incredible, and has even expanded to the forums, where many people roleplay and post through their character. Also, I'll be on the lookout for my old buddies, haunts, and enemies. If you knew me in the game, give me a shout out! I may also get back to writing stories, as those couple of years have wizened me incredibly, believe it or not.

Currently on my list of people I need to find are:

Proteous Glenn

and the other H'okyba da Ojaveda or Warrior's Guild players.

So, thanks all! Are you returning? Please post here!

Development Deliberation / Development Team Age Limit?
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:58:58 am »
I noted on one of my occasional returns to this incredible place, that many members of the development team have left, leaving us in a small quandary.
I have a small suggestion, that will probably be put down by questionable legality and other good arguments, but is a suggestion nonetheless.

Change the Development team limits from age to maturity and overall knowledge. I can GUARANTEE that that there are players here that have more RP, modding, and development knowledge than many of those far older than him. I don't know the average age of those here, but I will say I have RPed and modded for most of my teen life. This is not for me, however. This is for PlaneShift, to continue keeping it in development, and help Talad as much as possible.


Forum and Website Discussions / Forums Games and Chains Section
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:35:04 pm »
As my counting thread seemed to not go oever so well. :whistling:
I would like to suggest a section where we can go play fun games where we won't get +postcount for each post. This would allow us our neat little threads. I won't bother going into detail, this explains itself.

Single Author Stories / .
« on: April 13, 2007, 02:27:02 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Oh if it could happen. PS on the PSP
« on: April 11, 2007, 02:32:05 pm »
Now we have some great coders here I know, and alot of people who could make it happen. Alot of our great coders arent even on the board, therefore possibly freeing time up for them to do it. I would do alot to see it would be plain awsome is all. Anyone else?

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