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Topics - Dannae

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Where is Xiosia?
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:19:00 am »
Where is Xiosia?

She has been missing in game ever since her 2009 appearances coinciding with the Christmas holiday. Her several day appearances during 2008 and 2009, unofficially coming to be known as Xiosiamas, sparked some of the most memorable, controversial, most talked about events, and longest lasting traditions I’m aware of since joining the game!

I couldn’t play at the time of her first appearance due to the lack of Mac client available after a required update. Still, when I was able to return, I immediately became aware of what had taken place and the huge controversies that ensued. Apparently, the goddess gifted wishes to all that came to her during several days of appearances to the likes of maxed stat of their choosing, magical weapons, staffs, or armors, and even a guild house requested by a forward thinking guild leader bestowed to the Daughters of Xiosia which my character was not a member of at that time.

Her next appearances near Christmas 2009 were not nearly so controversial but the stir in the community and gameplay was still a time I won’t forget. She at first showed up here or there almost as a phantom. Appearing and racing through the land in the form of a rivnak, which had never been seen before at the time, she was chased by many only to disappear before being caught. She left my character and others a request to spread the news of her coming. She finally came to the Ruqua tree bearing her image to morph from rivnak to dermorian in front of a crowd of onlookers who came to see. There she asked each in turn how they would aid her in the year to come and handing each a Charmflower in her name. Those who held on to the flower were rewarded several days later as all the flowers changed into a magical ring of Xiosia (plus 3 endurance).

That was the last time any saw her that I am aware of. There was one further instance where a crowd gathered to watch the induction of four new members to the DOX guild within the Secret Garden heard her voice. After causing patches of rare Starphire flowers to bloom, she chastised a boisterous and interruptive nonbeliever dwarf, and eventually, with a clap of thunder, turned him into a kikiri for all to laugh at. Again, it was quite a memorable event and inspired the story to be retold countless times.

Sadly, the last four Christmas holidays have not seen the return of our fiery goddess Xiosia.

The occurrences undoubtedly make up my favorite of all time GM enabled RP and some of the best fun I’ve had playing Planeshift.
Even years afterward, there is still talk of the Xiosia inspired holiday and role play giving gifts, often specially inscribed, and building Xiosamas trees in the Hydlaa Plaza.

Xiosia… I miss you!

Wish list / Mark Topics as Read
« on: May 03, 2012, 01:45:08 pm »
Not a wish for the game, but one for this forum:

I'd appreciate a way to mark individual topics as read to make those I don't want to eventually read disappear from my "Show unread posts since last visit" page. Currently, the only way I know of to do so is to visit each one. The "Mark as Read" button seems useless to me because it just marks every topic on the entire page as read. If there is already a way to accomplish this, I've not found it.

Single Author Stories / The Tree
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:28:12 am »

The Tree

Married….. I'm really getting MARRIED! To Dannae, it seemed, she had not stopped smiling for a single waking moment, not since that day Debonara had lead her far from oft traveled paths, deep into a Bronze Door forest. Once there, she had been shown etched markings carved ever so carefully into a sturdy tree's bark. The thought of Debonara, anguished and alone as she had been while carving out this symbol of rejected love might have caused Dannae's smile to wane, if not for what had taken place on that day and the previous whirlwind of months. But on that day, that very special day, a day that would forever embed itself into Dannae's memory, she and Debonara committed to bound their lives, as each in turn proposed to the other.

She now smiled inwardly, recalling the events, how she had been moved so emotionally on seeing the testament of Debonara's love, one which they now shared openly. How she'd traced her finger through each letter which had been carved so carefully, so perfectly, then around the enclosing circle, and once again, clasping Debonara's hand in her own, tracing together.

A gentle snow had begun to fall at the moment they'd reached the tree causing a dreamlike stillness and serenity to permeate the forest. In the wake of heartfelt words of compassion and exchanged commitments, the two laughed and cavorted, swiping at snowflakes swirling among the trees well into the darkening dusk. Ultimately having grown weary, the two had settled under their tree for the night, affection and closeness warming away even the encroaching coolness.

"Married", she thought once more. So much to do, arrangements to make, friends to tell. Would Aramara perform their ceremony? She twirled around taking two steps one way, only to turn back and to start in a new direction, then another. Thank Xiosia her dress was ready, she mused thinking how Debonara always surprised her with gifts. She breathed in a sharp gasp, "Gifts, I need gifts! Oh wait, you dope, this is our wedding." she chides herself. In an attempt to calm down she drops into one of many overstuffed pillows on the floor taking a series of long, slow, breaths. "We have time…plenty of time". She lies back staring up into the high domed roof. "Ixi Debonara Veno…. what have you done to me? I can't bare the thought of my life without you in it. Her cheeks dimple deep with a spreading smile, "Debonara Reinor…., you shall even share my name and I can honestly say, I've never been happier!"

Single Author Stories / A New Life
« on: May 03, 2011, 05:38:33 pm »
It was the onset of quintahl (PS Autumn). Cooling weather urged Yliakum's farmers to bring in harvests. Preparations were underway for the bountiful celebrations and feasts of the season, a reward for tremans (PS summer) long toiling under crystal lit fields. Aware of none of these things, a female nolthrir lies sleeping, aqua blue skin glistened, slicked by the early morning's dew. Her near nude body shivers between gusts of brisk dawn air. Awakening, her teal irises peer from behind reluctantly parted eyelids. She idly recognizes the tangled mat of inky black strands of hair blocking most of the view as her own.

A coalescing sense of fear permeates her waking thoughts as she stirs, her mind groping for consciousness and evasive answers that refuse to come. Where is she? How did she come to this place? Even her own name eludes her. The surrounding fields of grasses in which she lay gradually come into focus as her fitful thoughts give way to more immediate needs. She winces sitting up, pain throbbing from the side of her head. Her hand reaches instinctively to rub against the bump she knows it will find there. Shaking hair from her vision, she studies the surrounding field and hills.

Eyes refocus to her tightened fist as she realizes, clutched within, is a crumpled parchment. A furtive glance around reveals no one within sight. She delicately unfolds the parchment. A bright gleaming first diverts her attention to a highly polished golden ring contained within. Without stopping to read, she slips the ring onto a finger. "Perfect fit" she mouths silently, then noting, as she holds it to the morning light for closer examination, engraved lettering. "Dannae Reinor," she speaks aloud. Vague recognition tingles her mind. Yes, she knows this name… it feels somehow right on her mind's tongue. Glancing back to the parchment, she begins to read what appears to be hastily scratched lettering. Her lips move in a trembly whisper as she reads aloud to herself,

"My Dearest Dannae, A new start… a new beginning, a new life. I give you this, though my heart breaks for it. Your past will be lost to you, as will I. I have made certain of this. Do not, I plead of you, attempt to find me, retrace your past, or leave the dome level. That path leads only to ruin and will undo all I have so carefully contrived. I've ensured your safety from events you cannot understand nor have any knowledge of. You are young, fair, and smart. I trust you will find it easy here to make acquaintances, friends, and yes, new loves. With my deepest sympathies and heartfelt regret, I must leave you to your new life, Miss Reinor".

A frown creases her brow as she crumples the tear-stained parchment tossing it to the ground. On impulse, she retrieves the wrinkled paper, folding and tucking it into a waistband pocket. Rising gingerly to her feet, she shakes off stiffness which had crept into her limbs after a nights sleep on cold ground. She glances around one more time to gathering her bearings. Reaffirming she's been left with nothing but the sparse skirt and breast wrappings she awoke in, she sets off toward a distant path visible along the valley floor below. "Dannae… Dannae", she repeatedly speaks in a low voice to herself as if fearing the name would be lost again should her thoughts be interrupted.

At length, she had clambered a good way down the hill. As she rounded a copse of trees, a flash of dark gray movement caught her eye. "Screeeeeee" rang out in a high pitched, deafening, cacophony of sound. Instinctively, she ran low, hurling herself into a nearby thicket to lie still, heart pounding. "Screee, scree" the screetching continued until gargantuan wings unfolded casting Dannae into shadow as the startled pterosaur took flight. She breathed a sigh of relief as the creatures cries faded into the distance. "You'll be safe here?" she recalled sarcastically from the morning's note. "Just what in Yliakum was that thing?" Gathering herself up and squirming her way out of the tangled thicket vines, she moved onward cautiously. Finally reaching the path spotted from high above, she squatted in short tufts of worn grass by its edge. She rubbed at her now thorn scratched thighs, calves, and arms as she looked down the path one way, then the other. Not a solitary person anywhere in sight. "Which way now?", she thought.

To be continued..... maybe  :P

Motivated by the recent stories here from these friends and guild members, Aramara, Onilise, Ixi, Arjaya, Jilata, Miomo, and Caraick, I wanted to take a stab at it myself. Hope you like.

And please don't point out the lame amnesia thing. I know. The storyline was created before I knew much of anything about PS or RP in general, but I'm trying to build on it anyway.

Fan Art / Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:54:19 pm »
I've been wanting to post some of my PS inspired sketches in here for some time now and finally got around to creating a thread for them. Love to hear what you all think!

I'll start with my most recent.

I had a huge amount of fun and surprisingly interesting RP with the events that led to the following. It stuck in my mind enough that I was inspired to create some artwork depicting a scene from near the conclusion of the RP'd relationship.

I want this thread to mainly just be pictures, so I've posted the slightly edited logs that go with this sketch here if any are interested:


Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Maps
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:32:56 pm »
After the last update, I can no longer upload copies of my maps to new blank maps or change the name of any maps. In map edit mode, clicking the load or name editing icons brings up the text box, but after entering the file name to load, or a new name for the map, then clicking OK causes nothing at all to happen. Is it just me?

General Discussion / Why do you play?
« on: November 23, 2010, 01:37:30 pm »
Guessing I already know what the most popular answer will be, if most of you vote honestly, but, let's find out.

I'm interested in learning how much the channels and alliance and other ooc chat tabs effect RP. I have a suspicion more "players" are here to chat than RP, or seem to get more enjoyment from it than from the game itself. If that turns out to be true, then it's an indication that RP might be becoming less popular, even here on the RP server. If there were no ooc chat, other than RP related, would players actually spend more time playing than chatting, or would even more players leave the game because it's not fun enough to only RP?

Personally, I prefer to stay out of ooc chat tabs because I love RP to the extent that I attempt to fully immerse myself into the settings and my character's situations. When I do look, the silliness I normally see going on there takes away my concentration and immersion in the game, although, I do once in a while find it a welcome diversion while training skills.

Why am I here?
Exploring emotional situations and interpersonal relationships is what I enjoy most from RP as I'm sure many who know me already realize. As I've experienced with some other players, this kind of immersive RP can literally lead to bringing a tear to your eye or heartfelt laughter and many other emotions in probably much the same way a film scene can cause an emotional reaction or an actor might work up emotion to portray their role convincingly.

Well, that explains what I love about this game and why I'm here. Am I one of a few? Now, what about you?
I'm so curious!

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