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Topics - MishkaL1138

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In-Game Roleplay Events / The Amdeneir Yule Ball
« on: November 20, 2016, 07:50:47 pm »

You might have seen the flyers in the billboard. Well, the thing is that simple: a ball to celebrate the end of the harvest season, and commemorate the visit from Xiosia that one time that no one barely remembers. It'll take place the 16th of December of this year, at 16:00 Western-Central European Time (one hour less for brits), so 14:00 UTC. Let me think...

British IslandsGMT17:00
European RussiaGMT+219:00
South AfricaGMT+118:00
Australia (Canberra)*GMT+1003:00
US/CND PacificGMT-709:00
US/CND MountainGMT-610:00
US/CND CentralGMT-511:00
US/CND AtlanticGMT-312:00
* Next day

Don't take these for granted: if you're unsure, check the calendar and gossip in game!

Also: bring your best formal clothes, armor is advised against, although ornamental weapons will be allowed within their scabbards at all time. If you bring a gift, you'll be entered into a small Secret Santa (name pending) event, too!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Monty Python appreciation thread
« on: November 15, 2016, 12:01:14 am »
In light of the recent events that have happened in the Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave, I hereby declare this thread inaugurated with this snippet from a great movie and didactic fable - because if this movie didn't teach you to laugh, you're a morose person, and...

Fan Art / Mishka's 3D learning thread
« on: May 03, 2016, 07:11:12 pm »
This is not to teach you stuff! It's to show what I'm learning. For example, just now I finished...


Some more pics (just 2 and one that you've seen already ^ over there)

Tips? Thoughts? Donations? *rattles a can with coins*

In-Game Roleplay Events / [CONTEST] The Second Starphire Tourney!
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:13:05 pm »

The Second Starphire Tourney

Should say "in" instead of "on." Just a typo. Carry on.

Now looking for!
- Jousters -
Participate, break a lance, win a trophy and a prize! Sign up today!
- Sponsors -
Sponsor a fighter, and share their glory!
- Judges -
Honest, sensible, unbiased judges, to arbiter the fights.
- Cooks -
Can you make Jomed cry when he tastes your food? Join up for the contests, or lend a hand with the catering!
- Strongmen -
Can you knock a pterosaur out cold with a punch? Sign up for our brute force contests!

How it works

After the apparent success of the First Starphire Tourney, the organisators of the event have come up with a more fair, less cumbersome way of playing it out. While it's still a game of luck, this time you'll have more personalization choices, and the dice rolls won't be carried out in the game, but through a Google Docs spreadsheet. The rules are as follow:

  • There are 3 classes: large, medium, and small. I've divided them by race, but if you indicate that your character is bigger/smaller than average, you'll be moved to the adequate class. For convenience, if you don't indicate otherwise, you'll be classed depending on your race. This is to do away with the apparent misbalance between races.
  • All contestants must be able to wear plate armor: like in the previous event, the armor will either be a mix of chain or plate, or full plate, with the correspondent modifiers. These have a weight value to take into account.
  • There are three kinds of shields and lances, all with different modifiers and weight values to keep in mind.
  • All contestants can only wear up to 70lb of equipment, regardless of their inherent strength. This is for fairness' sake.

The base system used for the dice rolls and blocks has been taken from the D&manual, modified slightly. It is well balanced as it is already. The mechanism is as follows:

  • Every class has an Armor Class, consisting on a number, plus an armor and shield bonus, and strength, dexterity and size modifiers. The participants will then choose their equipment: armor, shield, and lances.
  • Attack rolls are based off a 1d20, plus a base attack bonus (class inherent), and strength and size modifiers. This number must be higher than the opponent's armor class to land a hit.
  • Damage will be dealt according to the lance chosen.
  • The participant with the most damage taken at the end of a round (three runs per round) will lose.


Large class: Kran, Ynnwn
  • Size penalty: -1
  • Base attack bonus: +2
  • Strength bonus: +1

Medium class: Ylian, Stonehammer, Enkidukai, Klyros
  • Size penalty: 0
  • Base attack bonus: +1
  • Strength bonus: +1

Small class: Dermorian, Nolthrir, Lemur
  • Size bonus: +1
  • Base attack bonus: 0
  • Strength bonus: 0

Mixed plate
  • Armor modifier: +2
  • Dexterity: +1
  • Weight: 30lb

Heavy plate
  • Armor modifier: +4
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Weight: 50lb

Light shields: e.g. bucklers
  • Shield modifier: +1
  • Dexterity modifier: +1
  • Weight: 5lb

Medium shields: e.g. valiant, war, warrior
  • Shield modifier: +2
  • Dexterity modifier: +1
  • Weight: 15lb

Heavy shields: e.g. blue-steel and gold shields
  • Shield modifier: +3
  • Dexterity modifier: 0
  • Weight: 25lb

Light threestem lance
  • Damage dice: 1d6
  • Weight: 5lb

Dark oak lance
  • Damage dice: 1d8
  • Weight: 10lb

Reinforced white oak and steel lance
  • Damage dice: 1d10
  • Weight: 15lb

Mock match

Sir Gallahad, from Hydlaa Oldtown. A tower of an Ylian, packed with muscle, he can use a claymore in one hand and still cover himself with a shield. He's competing for the money, to pay for his mother's treatment for a severe case of pox. He's a large class, using full plate, a reinforced lance, and a light shield.
His AC would be 10(base number)+4(armor bonus)+1(shield bonus)+0+1(dexterity modifier)-1(size penalty)=16
His attack dice would be 1d20+2(base attack bonus)+1(strength modifier)-1(size penalty) -> 1d20+2; and his damage dice would be 1d10.

Brodr Quartzsmit is a Stonehammer from Gugrontid, stocky as a dwarf can be, making him a medium class. He seeks recognition so that he can join The Way of The Hammer and present the Cup to the guild. He's chosen to wear mixed plate, a heavy shield, and a medium lance.
His AC would be 10(base number)+2(armor bonus)+3(shield bonus)+1+0(dexterity modifier)+0(size penalty)=17
His attack dice would be 1d20+1(base attack bonus)+1(strength modifier)+0(size penalty) -> 1d20+2; and his damage dice would be 1d8.

>In the first run, Gallahad rolls a 14+2=16, and Quartzsmith a 16+2=18, which means he lands a strike, since his roll is higher. He rolls a 1d8 and gets a 4, dealing 4 damage points to Gallahad.
>On the second run, Gallahad rolls a 10+2=12, and Quartzsmith a 1+2=3, which is an automatic loss. Gallahad rolls a 1d10, and deals 8 damage points to Quartzsmith.
>For the last run, Gallahad rolls a 7+2=9, and Quartzsmith a 19+2=21, which is over 20, which is a win. He rolls a 1d8 and deals 4 damage to Gallahad.
Since both participants are tied, they run again one last time.
>To break the tie, Gallahad rolls a 18+2=20, which is a win, but Quartzsmith rolls a 20+2=20, which is a natural 20, thus better than Gallahad's. He rolls a 1d8, dealing 5 points to Gallahad.

Gallahad, sore from the beating, retires quickly to go take care of his dear mother. A passerby, however, caught wind of his story, and hands him a bag of circles with a kind smile and a blessing. The Ylian will never forget this gesture.
Brodr Quartzsmith is too busy celebrating his win and promotion to the next round with his brethren, drinking and shouting merrily. But in the back, a Nolthrir in gilded armor and a golden cape is making sure his lance is on point...

As you saw, it looks quite balanced and fair, and not too dependant on the character's race. Note that a natural 1 is an automatic fail, regardless of the modifier, and a natural 20 is an automatic win.

  • Lord Jocas DeFaye II, from the House DeFaye, Defender of the Starphire Cup. His emblem is two silver swords crossed over a blue field.
  • Challenger, Emblem ???
  • Challenger, Emblem ???
  • Challenger, Emblem ???
  • Challenger, Emblem ???
  • Challenger, Emblem ???
  • Challenger, Emblem ???

Date and time

This event is planned for Saturday, June 18th of this year, although the date may be pushed back on convenience, at 18:00 UTC.

British IslandsGMT+119:00
European RussiaGMT+321:00
South AfricaGMT+220:00
Australia (Canberra)GMT+1004:00
US/CND PacificGMT-711:00
US/CND MountainGMT-612:00
US/CND CentralGMT-513:00
US/CND AtlanticGMT-414:00

Granted or negated Wishes / Change skill progress bar
« on: April 07, 2016, 02:54:52 pm »
Given that we can now just train over and over, why don't we do away with the green/red bars, and substitute them with a % number?

Just my two tria.

PS will only load the first splash screen, and then crash before account selection. This is the shell output, on Mac OS El Capitan. See if any of you can make any sense of it. I think the line

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

could be causing it. But I'm not a tech expert.
Code: [Select]
Crystal Space for MacOS/X [MacOS/X-x86(32)-GCC]
Ported to MacOS/X by Eric Sunshine <>

Your configuration files are in... /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift
WARNING: could not load plugin ‘crystalspace.utilities.reporter’
WARNING: could not load plugin ‘crystalspace.utilities.reporter’
DEBUG: Initializing OpenAL sound system
DEBUG: Retrieving available devices.
DEBUG: Available OpenAL device: Built-in Output
DEBUG: Default OpenAL device: Built-in Output
DEBUG: No device specified
DEBUG: Falling back on default device
DEBUG: Opening OpenAL sound system
NOTIFY: Did not find extension: ‘AL_EXT_MCFORMATS’
NOTIFY: MacOS/X 2D OpenGL driver for Crystal Space
Written by Matt Reda <>
NOTIFY: Applied: ATI: Can't handle compressed formats for RECT textures
NOTIFY: Applied: ATI: RECT texture extension support apparently sucks
NOTIFY: Applied: ATI: Disable broken pixel buffer objects
NOTIFY: Applied: ATI: Disable unsatisfactory framebuffer objects
NOTIFY: Applied: OSX: Broken ARB_color_buffer_float implementation
NOTIFY: Using windowed mode at resolution 1920x1080.
NOTIFY: Pixel format: Color: 32 Alpha: 8 Depth: 24 Stencil: 8 AccumColor: 0 AccumAlpha: 0 MultiSamples: 0
NOTIFY: OpenGL renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4670 OpenGL Engine (vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.) version 2.1 ATI-10.0.40
NOTIFY: Using windowed mode at resolution 1920x1080.
NOTIFY: Multisample: disabled
NOTIFY: PlaneShift Azure Spirit (0.6.3)
NOTIFY: This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
NOTIFY: [MacOS/X-x86(32)-GCC]
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_ANY flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_WEATHER flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SPAWN flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CELPERSIST flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_PAWS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_GROUP flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CHEAT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_LINMOVE flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SPELLS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_NEWCHAR flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SUPERCLIENT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_EXCHANGES flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_ADMIN flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_STARTUP flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CHARACTER flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CONNECTIONS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CHAT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_NET flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_LOAD flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_NPC flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_TRADE flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SOUND flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_COMBAT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SKILLXP flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_QUESTS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_SCRIPT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_RELATIONSHIPS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_MESSAGES flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_CACHE flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_PETS flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_USER flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_LOOT flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_MINIGAMES flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_DRDATA flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_ACTIONLOCATION flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_ITEM flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, LOG_HIRE flag deactivated with no filter.
Sun Mar 13 23:24:53 2016, All LOGS are off.
Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/
Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/skins/base/
Loaded 954 translation entries for english.
NOTIFY: psEngine initialized.
Using fontsize 23 for resolution 1920x1080
ERROR: Unable to open shader file ‘/shader/terrain_fixed_base.xml’!
ERROR: Unable to open shader file ‘/shader/terrain_fixed_splatting.xml’!
ART ERROR: Invalid texture reference '/planeshift/tools/' in ShaderVar 'tex normal compressed'
ART ERROR: Invalid texture reference '/planeshift/world/guildlaw/' in ShaderVar 'tex normal compressed'
WARNING: Could not open image file ‘/planeshift/weapons/’ on VFS!
WARNING: Could not load image /planeshift/weapons/!
[node: library,textures,texture(name=myknife)]
WARNING: Could not load texture ‘myknife’, using checkerboard instead
[node: library,textures,texture(name=myknife)]
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Segmentation fault: 11

Single Author Stories / Departures
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:15:09 pm »
Mishka looked at the forge. It was gettng dark already, and the glow of the furnace fires reflected over the chiseled stones on the floor, worn from constant use -ingots clattering on it, people rushing to and from the shed, even rivnak hooves sometimes-, and tinted the grass in front of it slightly orange. A lone smith struck a blade over and over, with a repetitive, droning clinking that could put a baby to sleep, but turned the seasoned crafters crazy: Harnquist needed to muffle that ringing anvil soon enough.

"I'm going to miss this." With those words in her mind, and after sending a little groffel in pursue of a certain someone, she set off to the Winch. With light baggage, she walked over to the big gates, slipping through a crack between them after nodding at Percival. A couple of coins paid to Axomir for the service, and down she went. She thought she recognized a certain Akkaio on the plaform, but paid her no heed, and sat down against a support beam to take a short nap.

* * *

Sereenya read the note with a slight frown. Well, that was one problem less, and it meant she was free to do as she pleased. Slinging her quiver over her shoulder, and her bowstring across her chest, she called her rivnak, petting his neck and securing her belongings on top of him - a small tent, some tinder for campfires, a few bundles of arrows, and an ulbernaut fur. She hopped on him, looking around at the Hydlaan architecture as the beast walked slowly through the city -clip clop against the polished stone-, headed for the Oldtown gates, stopping at Willam first to leave a message for Celrau "I'll be back soon, S", along with a dried Blue Shan flower. Trotting through the forest, leaping over arangmas - and spitting out some of their dangling webs afterwards, soon she was out in the road, putting the rivnak to full gallop as she smiled. Next stop: Delving and then the Cups of Laanx.

* * *

In the dead of the night, the door of the hospital in Amdeneir opened slowly. A well dressed Kore looked around, fixing his coat and rubbing his arms a little in the chilly breeze that swept through the city. He walked briskly across the cobble-paved streets, and came up to the DeFaye manor. Pulling a little golden key from his pocket he opened the door and walked inside, sighing out of relief. A couple of minutes later, with a cup of that wine he liked to brew -dark, thick, nutty- Jocas pondered about where did he go wrong, and what could he do to fix it. He moved over to his desk, and started scribbling, sending out Amdeneir Postal Service groffels: to Axomir, to Jirosh, to Taemian, to Datal, and a bunch of scrolls tied at the back of a yulbar to deliver to Tarela, for the other levels. Then he sent his own groffel to the Octarch Salikarios, this letter considerably shorter than the previous. Afterwards, he took a canvas rucksack, and started filling it with goods and clothing. Donning his old chainmail armor and tabard, he slid his longword into its scabbard, and left for the pterosaur.

* * *

Jecewie laughed merrily, almost stumbling back as the winds shook the Winch platform a little, and then laughed more with the other Dermorian girl she had met. From her handbag poked out a few diagrams: an Ylian heart, cross-shaded beautifully, a study on a Kran's digestive tract, a Klyros' anatomy... She seemed to be carrying a light luggage, in contrast to the other merchants around, some tending to goujahs carrying tons of goods, some sitting on the ground and betting their trias on card games. And there was that one strange sleeping Clamod that looked familiar, but then her friend clicked her fingers in front of Jecewie's face, and after a couple of words the two were giggling again, enjoying life and carelessly laughing along it. Because, when you're an Enkidukai, you need to make the best out of an otherwise short life.

[Take these as my goodbye for now! See you in three months!]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Oh god not another "goodbye" thread...
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:09:26 am »
Sorry to disappoint you. But I feel like this is important. To me. I'm not precisely a selfless person.

The thing is, you've seen me coming on and off the game. The last month or so you've been seeing me less and less. Well, good news is, I'm not dying. Bad (or better, to some) news, is I'm actually going to quit this for quite a good time. The short reason? I need to get my life on track, and PS isn't precisely what it used to be when I joined.

The long reason? Brace yourselves.

When I started playing PS, I was a 17-18 years old kid starting Architecture at a somewhat prestigious (and equally pricey) university here where I live. I needed something to fill the void inbetween drawings and calculus, and WoW was too expensive for someone like me. Namely, I couldn't afford a membership with 0 money. It's the time and money paradigm: you get enough money, but not enough time, and vice-versa. Anyways, I found PlaneShift. Boy was I thrilled. I knew little to no English (despite good grades back in "high school" as most of you would call it), but the visuals were enticing, and the ambiance was so great, I couldn't help but get roped in.

This is where it all started going downhill. At the moment I didn't realize, but I was signing my downfall from a possibly bright -or not- future. You could say I regret it now, but I'm not so sure. The thing is, thanks to me getting addicted to PlaneShift, I was starting to fall behind in my grades, and missing important university appointments. Worse came to worst, obviously, and I ended up spiralling into a spiral of depression and anxiety that has left me with mood swings, overweight, and all around bitterness.

Better late than never, they say, but I'd rather this had never happened. I'm 23 now, it's been 5 years since I started going down, and it's about time I start going up. To put it short: I'm starting to get in my prime, and if I were living in the Middle Age, I'd only have about five years left of life, ten if I were lucky. So this has got to change. It's about time to change my life, turn it around and veer away from this path of ignorant self-destruction through which I trod now. So here it is: my goodbye.

I've met a lot of people in PlaneShift through the years, and while I can't remember all of them, I can say that
and I wouldn't even be lying.

However, at the top of my head there are some people that I do remember well, who have helped me more than done me harm:
  • Roled: you're awesome. Well, everyone is, but you're awesome on a whole different level. However, I have learned that polemics are only good when kept to real life, and only where they matter. There's no use trying to argue with a stupid person: they'll bring you down to their level and then beat you up with experience. So my advice to you would be to say "[REDACTED] it all" and enjoy your virtual life while you can.
  • Sulaika: it always seemed to me that you'd always be there to listen if I had needed you to, but I never made use of that service. Sorry for having been so mean from time to time, and I hope you have a very happy life both in real life and in game. Looks like you will, in the end.
  • LigH: You're tiresome, pedantic, somehow bitter, and too much of a perfectionist. But I wouldn't like you if you were a slightest bit different, and I've learned to put up with your quirks and enjoy your company. Our shorts RPs together were always meaningful and constructive, and I can't forget that. May prosperity finds your way.
  • The dwarves from the Way of the Hammer: If I had to thank you one by one I'd end up listing an almost infinite amount of reasons why I wouldn't leave this game, but since it's my intention to -because of real life reasons- I'll have to say a thank you to everyone at the same time. Whenever I needed help, you were there. Whenever I wanted to roleplay, or set something up, you were there. When I was bored you'd chat with me, and you always put up with my bragging about my high quality crafted goods. Congratulations, you may now try to have the monopoly. I'll miss you all, guys.
  • Naadah: Well, I know it was short, but I liked it while it lasted. I just wish it hadn't ended so abruptly. You're a great roleplayer, and you're up there with the legends of old, believe me. Somehow I always thought you were and alt of them, and you probably are. I'll actually miss you.
  • Kaerli: Yes, I haven't forgotten you. You're the worst challenge a person can get. I'm just sorry I couldn't help you any further, and that my patience wouldn't let me work more in depth alongside you to make you more... bearable. But you're taking the right path. Listen to what people say. And actually think about it.
  • Wulfar: <3. That should be enough.

Special mentions:
  • Illysia: wow, such bitter, very sass, amaze cate so mean. PS needs roleplayers like you, though.
  • Taya: You're not around anymore it seems, but you know I'm very thankful for you know what.
  • Mariana/Evirea: wow, such bitter, very sass, amaze lizarde so mean (x2). You already know what I think about you. Sorry for being an ass.
  • Sarras: Your most creative ways of getting banned never cease to amaze me. Keep it up, you magnificient troll
  • Anyone I might have forgotten: sorry, my memory is like some sort of colander. But I love y'all.

And to a very, very special person, I hope you finally realize your mistakes, and make your projects into the great ideas that you sought them to be originally. No hard feelings, dud.

Here's a kitten saying goodbye so you feel less sad (in case you do):

In-Game Roleplay Events / [CONTEST] The Starphire Tourney
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:03:50 am »
The First Starphire Tourney

(Organized by the House DeFaye)

Currently looking for:
 - Sponsors: does your guild want to sponsor the fighters? Do you have wares you can lend the fighters? The tourney needs sponsors!
 - Jousters: you have a rivnak, you have a lance, you have your armour and your shield. So what are you waiting for? Sign up! (squire required)
 - Squires: no jousters will be allowed to participate if they don't have a loyal squire to help them onwards to glory! We're looking for squires for hire in case a jouster couldn't find one. Besides, if your jouster is too weak to fight, it might be your chance for victory!
 - Judges: sensible, unbiased people are required in case a jouster decides to take the easy way up in the rankings. We're going to need them, definitely.


The Starphire Tourney is something new in Yliakum: it's a jousting tourney. Our team of erudites and mathematicians (namely, one friend who plays D&D) has come up with a fair, balanced way to calculate the prowess of the contestants. Based off a total of 150 attribute points, and disregarding any previous fighting eperience (let's remind the players that this jousting event hasn't been done before, to our knowledge), the jousters of the different races have been given different values:

There's also a series of modifiable variables, corresponding to the gear the contestant chose:
- Full plate: even though all fighters must wear a plate mail breastplate [even if it's just roleplay] (Klyros are an exception), they may choose to wear a full suit of armor, which will grant them a bonus of +20 STR.
- Mixed plate: the contestants may also choose to wear a mix of the breastplate and light or chainmail protection, granting them a bonus of +10 DEX and +1 SPD.
- Heavy shield: blue-steel shields and golden shields. Grants a bonus of +10 STR.
- Medium shield: valiant, war, and warrior shields. Grants a bonus of +5 STR and +5 DEX.
- Light shields: buckler shields. Grants a bonus of +10 DEX.

Note: Klyros can't benefit from the full plate bonus due to lore issues. Kran only benefit partially (+5 STR) from the full plate bonus, and partially  (+10 DEX) from the mixed plate bonus. This is due to balancing issues.

The mechanics for the jousts would consist of 3 rolls: First Blood, Breaking Lances, and Aftermath. Both contestants start with 100 HP (Hit Points).
• First blood: the squires will roll a 1d6 (1 SPD), 1d8 (2 SPD) or 1d10 (3+ SPD) to see  whose rivnak is faster. The one with the highest number hits first, unless they choose to defend, in which case they have to indicate so to the judge.
• Breaking Lances: both fighters charge against each other. The squires roll a dice with the DEX of their fighter. Higher number blocks the hit.
• Aftermath: if the hit is blocked, the damage dealt will be only 10% of STR value. If the hit isn't blocked, the damage dealt is 50% of STR value. To check for critical hits, both must roll a 1d6 dice: if they get a 6, the block is completely successful (0%), or the hit is completely successful (100%). If there's a tie, resort to original values.

At all points the contestants may retire from the joust, granting immediate victory to the other jouster. The jouster with less Hit Points at the end of Round 3 loses.

- Lord Foo, Nolthrir, wearing full plate and a valiant shield.
 Â· STR: 50+20+5 = 75
 Â· DEX: 100+5 = 105
 Â· SPD: 3

- Lady Bar, Ynnwn, wearing mixed plate and a buckler.
 Â· STR: 100 (no bonus) = 100
 Â· DEX: 50+10+10 = 70
 Â· SPD: 1+1 = 2

>Lord Foo rolls 1d10 for 10
>Lady Bar rolls 1d8 for 3
== Lord Foo attacks first ==

Both must now roll for block
>Lord Foo rolls 1d105 for 35
>Lady Bar rolls 1d70 for 55
== Lady Bar blocks Foo's hit ==

Both must now roll for crit
>Lord Foo rolls 1d6 for 1
>Lady Bar rolls 1d6 for 2
== Neither manage to land a critical hit/block ==
== Lady Bar blocks 10% of Foo's STR value: 7.5 (8 HP)

>Lord Foo: 100HP
>Lady Bar: 92HP

[In an interesting turn of events and after a couple of botched rolls, Lord Foo ended up biting the dust, and Lady Bar went on to the next round. Go girls!]

 - Lord Jocas DeFaye, of the House DeFaye. Sigil: two silver swords crossed over blue field. Squire: Jilerel
 - Anysu Atani. Sigil: green background, crossed by white diagonal line. On the right, a white Enkidukai head with green eyes. On the left, four shafts of wheat under a tan Enkidukai bow. Squire: Cormah
 - Kaerli Stronwylle, of the Dark Empire. Sigil: off-white background with black tower. Squire: Faicke

To apply, submit your application (how redundant) in this thread, stating the name by which people will know you (and probably root for), the house/guild you represent (if any), and your sigil. You must be able to wear heavy plate and a helmet, and bring your own claymore (jousting lance) and shield to the matches.

DATE NOT SET YET! I'll be talking to the GMs about this.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Just a nice quote
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:26:14 pm »

Complaint Department / Coercion of freedom of speech
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:42:14 am »
It has come to my attention that some players (counting myself) can't seemingly express their opinion and ask for an official point of view from the game's lead, without threads getting locked, comments being erased and, probably and in ultimate stance, getting banned for it.

We've been called trolls, accused of disrupting ambiance, of acting OOCly (actually, the ones who define what's OOC and IC in game are the players: that's why PS is supposed to be great, because it takes everyone's two cents... or at least it should). It's tiresome, it's furstrating, gives a bad image and makes you look like a bigot.

So instead of driving players away from your game, man up, open your mind, and accept criticism, suggestions, and what the players actually want. We can't be the change we want to see in PS, if nobody will accept it.

Complaint Department / Advertisements ahoy!
« on: March 23, 2015, 11:52:34 am »
What's going on in here! I log on to Hydlaa Plaza and it's CHOCK FULL of advertisements! I'm using AdBlock (sue me) and have never seen one single advertisement in here, and of course I want it to stay that way. It's affecting the way I use the forums, too!

Wish list / [SUGGESTION] Bulk combining
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:08:46 pm »
I've been thinking how tedious it is to combine rings for chainmail, so I thought "boy, they could just add these strings to the crafting book..."

Code: [Select]
==Four in One Patterns==
Combine 4 Dozen Open Steel Rings, Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 1 Four in One Patterns.
Combine 8 Dozen Open Steel Rings, 2 Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 2 Four in One Patterns.
Combine 12 Dozen Open Steel Rings, 3 Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 3 Four in One Patterns.
Combine 4n Dozen Open Steel Rings, Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into n Four in One Patterns.

==Six in One Patterns==
Combine 6 Dozen Open Steel Rings, Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 1 Six in One Patterns.
Combine 12 Dozen Open Steel Rings, 2 Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 2 Six in One Patterns.
Combine 18 Dozen Open Steel Rings, 3 Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into 3 Six in One Patterns.
Combine 6n Dozen Open Steel Rings, Dozen Closed Steel Rings, into n Six in One Patterns.

And so on. Or maybe rewrite that system...

In-Game Roleplay Events / DeFaye's Masquerade
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:36:52 am »

GMT+1 (Daylight Savings Time): Saturday 25 of October, 21:00
GMT+2 (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 22:00
GMT+3 (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 23:00
GMT-3 (DST) // EDT (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 17:00
GMT-4 (DST) // CDT (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 16:00
GMT-5 (DST) // MDT (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 15:00
GMT-6 (DST) // PDT (DST): Saturday 25 of October, 14:00
GMT+9 (DST): Sunday 26 of October, 5:00
GMT+10 (DST): Sunday 26 of October, 6:00
GMT+9 (DST) // WST (DST): Sunday 26 of October, 5:00
GMT+11 (DST) // EST (DST): Sunday 26 of October, 7:00
GMT+12 (DST) // EDT (DST): Sunday 26 of October, 8:00
I tried to get all the important timezones, forgive me if I missed yours.

RVSVP: Send me a private message (or have someone send it to me), or post here (ICly if possible, by groffel, etc...) so I can know how many people will come. Thank you.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A day in the life of an Engine dev
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:05:12 am »
99 little bugs in the code.
99 little bugs!
Take one down, patch it around...
... 127 little bugs in the code!

Forgive this stupidity please.

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