Author Topic: Dev Q&A March 27th, 2022  (Read 635 times)


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Dev Q&A March 27th, 2022
« on: March 27, 2022, 04:36:48 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: If there are no immediate questions, I'll start with a recap of what's been going on behind the scenes.
Uadjet says: Talad did continue work on factions, with Eonwind and Zunna helping as they've been working on factions for a while.
Uadjet says: It's pretty well finished, including the GUI for the factions window.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Uadjet says: The majority of his work over teh last few weeks has been on Ojaveda.
Uadjet says: I think he's taking a break from code, actually. :)
Uadjet says: But the unfinished parts of Ojaveda were filled with... not buildings, really. More... geometric shapes and random collision maps.
Uadjet says: He's currently going through and replacing those with actual buildings, so at least some of the closed-off areas should be available for exploration either in a future version of the unreal alpha or at release.
Thosor says: Like grey smooth buildings with stairs and furniture inside? Came across it on a trail. Can't enter it.
Uadjet says: I'm not sure what that would be. This is part of Ojaveda, so it won't be on a trail.
Uadjet says: In PSU the city walls are all complete, it's just that only some sections of the city had useful stuff in it.
Uadjet says: So that leaves me another city to try and fill with NPC's. :)
Uadjet says: If you want to get a look at what the new sections of Ojaveda looks like the streams are all available on youtube.
Uadjet says: At
Haviland says: that rings a bell. Talad asked me to maintain the list of open tasks
Haviland says: two points are to write new quests for delving and homestead
Haviland says: I know you are on it. Want any help?
Uadjet says: Yeah. A larger task is to write quests for the new sections of Amdeneir and Ojaveda.
Uadjet says: Those are going to take some time.
Haviland says: if so I'll write a remark for it
Uadjet says: If you have ideas for NPCs or quests you are absolutely welcome to help!
Haviland says: well I have to read up (a lot of) lore
Haviland says: but I have some ideas in my head
Haviland says: not about quests. but I thought it would be nice to have some npcs telling about the lore
Uadjet says: One of the Devs (Eonwind?) did mention that settings has a rule where every NPC added has to serve a narrative purpose.
Uadjet says: Knowledge areas are great!
Uadjet says: That's one of the things I need help on, no question.
Uadjet says: KA's (Knowledge Areas) are the things NPC's can say if you ask them the right question.
Haviland says: I thought of several npcs, historians, telling some stories
Uadjet says: Things that aren't a part of any quest, but still get a response.
Uadjet says: It's like how you can ask a trainer 'about you', or about something they train. Or about lore, like the way most of the Guards at the fortress will tell you about the Divisions of the Shadow and Sunshine Squadrons if you ask.
Uadjet says: Or how you can ask Jayose for ink and paper and then trade him 50 tria for it. Not part of a quest, but useful.
Uadjet says: So I can write KA's for questions that I might ask, but I don't know what other people might ask that the NPC should be able to talk about.
Uadjet says: It'll probably get easier to write those once the cities are filled out enough (with people and notable places) that topics can be predicted.
Uadjet says: Anyhoo, my list of Amdeneir NPCs is being filled out and edited down. It started as a list of medieval professions and then I build the NPC from that role out.
Uadjet says: I don't think any of the Devs have read what I've got so far, or they'd have brought up one of the professions I added to the list. LD
Uadjet says: I like adding little bits like that to see if they're paying attention. :D
Uadjet says: I'm sure they'll catch it eventually. ;)
Uadjet says: And I've continued work on GM flight as well as what I'm proposing as player gliding and safe fall effects. It's just something I'm proposing to the Devs, but I think it'll work.
Anysu cheers at flying
Uadjet says: Right now I'm trying to integrate those with the IK system in the Advanced Locomotion pack that PSU uses. I think I'll just have to turn that off, if I can, or your legs and feet will constantly be trying to find the ground while you're in the air.
Uadjet says: Let's see... I think I mentioned all of this before.
Uadjet says: But I've got two different safe fall animations, and a gliding animation ready to go.
Uadjet says: The spell ant weight mentions the caster/targer becoming as light as an ant and being able to fall from almost any height, so it would have a safe fall component. And Azure Way would have one, though I don't think any existing spells have that effect.
Uadjet says: I'm not sure if they're ready for gliding to be added, but as it's quite easy to set the rate at which you fall in Unreal it should be possible to keep players from gliding out of the playable area pretty easily. Nobody could glide from the Eagle's Head to Hydlaa.
Haviland says: ant weight actually increases strength, currently
Uadjet says: But in the description that's a "also". The majority of the text is about the safe fall effect. It's supposed to base damage reduction based on spell power, it seems.
Uadjet says: I'm not sure how to code that, though.
Haviland says: spell power of x percent reduces damage by x percent?
Uadjet says: Last night I think I figured out how to convert falling speed into gliding speed, so players using a gliding spell - or Klyros - could dive a bit to pick up velocity.
Uadjet says: My s/o was far less impressed by that revelation than I was.
Uadjet says: But I still have to figure out how to make that change more gradual.
Soociki says: Why not divide the fall speed so you take 10% of it and apply to glide? Would that work?
Uadjet says: 10% might be a little lower than i was thinking. But yeah, it comes down to getting speed and then applying that to the forward velocity.
Uadjet says: But I've been yammering for... 55 minutes now. Any questions on any of that?
Soociki says: I actually had a different one related to PSU, I was wondering how moving/rotating furniture and items would work.
Soociki says: If there's time to answer it
Uadjet says: Ah, there's a widget for that.
Soociki fist pumps
Soociki says: yeeeeeeessssss
Uadjet says: It's much like you'd see in Blender or Unreal. Moving an item is three arrows and you can select one or two and move the item along those axis.
Uadjet says: Rotating is the three arcs, and works the same way.
Soociki says: That's going to make things sooo much easier.
Uadjet says: It will. I've used in in PSU and it's a lot easier.
Soociki says: Any word on how book and note writing will work in PSU? Sorry, I know I'm cramming in two questions in one here. I just really like the book system.
Uadjet says: Books should work just as they do here. Music and drawings will take more work, but I think books are already working.
Uadjet says: Ahh, stream 169 to 171 covers books.
Soociki prays for an easier way to preview books before saving changes.
Soociki says: I always get the paragraphs getting cut off between pages
Uadjet says: You can add extra lines to push paragraphs to the next page. I think you need to add a non-displayed character to every other line to make it work, though.
Uadjet says: Any other questions?
Soociki says: Any notable differences in the quest system between PS classic and PSU? That's the last question I have.
Uadjet says: It's pretty well the same, bother for players and behind the scenes. Even writing quests looks to be the same as in Legacy, which is nice as I don't have to learn another set of arbitrary syntax rules. :D
Soociki says: damn...
Haviland says: talad said the quests are ported 1:1
Uadjet says: I remember one of the Devs saying something like: "The ideal is to have players log out of Legacy one day and into PSU the next and have it be a completely seamless change."
Soociki says: If I pop in any my bracers aren't between my feet, I'll be disappointed. :)
Soociki says: and*
Uadjet says: Now, that's not entirely possible, but most of the way the game feels should be the same. Just more of everything.
Uadjet says: Ha! That one... Wait, is that fixed? I genuinely don't recall.
Soociki says: I didn't bring mine with me, but I've still seen it happen, yesterday even.
Soociki says: Don't know if it happens in PSU however
Soociki says: Haven't found my way through to the storage yet due to the crazy weather effects
Soociki says: haha
Uadjet says: So, if those are all the questions I think we can bring this meeting to a close.
Uadjet says: Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you at the next meeting in two weeks!
Soociki says: Thanks Uadjet!
Anysu says: Thank you for the updates Uadjet
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
Thosor says: thanks
Anysu says: Bye!
Haviland says: thank you for the update