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Messages - Peacer

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:19:46 am »
tl;dr please :p

Development Deliberation / Re: New combat system - under development
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:46:41 am »
than looking forward to having combat even more complex and possibly beginner-frustrating (I already expect new characters being unable to kill a Diseased Rat without a double-boosted attack).
About diseased rats ... is a new character able to kill it from the start now?  ;D
We would like to keep the ordinary attack as much as equal to the existing one as possible.
if you implement a new combat system I don't know if it's good to build it on top of the other or just revamp it completely, beginner frustration will be as big as nice-to-have features are low with all features that get implemented. That being said if you're going to revamp it revamp the whole thing to reduce bugs and build starter templates for attacks similar to the current system, and make a script that can translate the old attack x to the new one

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:35:25 pm »
... you still have a character in the Thieves of Yliakum.
... you raided the Temple with Thieves of Yliakum.
... you know who has a stolen page from the Book of names.
... you participated in the huge Battle on Oja road (BD road today, or at least it was a year ago when i last checked in)
... you had to double check your description to see which kind of Elf race the character were.
... Aradia, SovHed & Ponengey taught you everything.
The huge battle on oja road, the one between dwarfs and dwarf haters?

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: March 21, 2014, 12:09:43 pm »

yes, add this extension to firefox
after isntalling and restarting firefox
in the menu go to functions->add-ons->user styles
click "write new style" or whatever the button is called in your language

copy paste this
Code: [Select]
@namespace url(;
@-moz-document url-prefix( {
you can change the number if you would like to make the width of a page smaller/bigger

is it something like this you want? you can see rigwyns post being reduced :)

or if you know how to use greasemonkey(firefox, for other browsers I can't remember the software use this) you can write a small script that reformats the window like you want

I think I have found a solution, make the player spawn a place that you only go when you just start the game (so you still have to spend time travelling) as a better quick/dirty implementation instead of the curse like a place you harvest low level materials that you only need to harvest to increase your skill, or in the hydlaa dungeon (the one beneath the temple of laanx.) There will ofc be a different spawn for races that don't initially spawn in hydlaa

Uhm... honestly I think that the Dakkru's curse it isn't so painful... I've never had troubles with that... after all if you get killed by a mob and you are usually an RPer, the lower stats can't prevent you from RPing
nope they can't, but if you want to rp you'll rp dakkru's curse or not
instead if you are a grinder it's a good occasion for PPs farming... just my opinion though...
not for money which you also need to train, harder monsters->more money

As for those who might dramaquit over a 30 peanalty for dying, anyone that impatient will likely fine something else equally objectionable and quit.

You're not supposed to just spring back after death like it was a trip to the bahamas. Common death is supposed to be a very big dl, and escape from the dr is not supposed to be certain.

The game today is not the same game it was years ago. A lot of changes have occured since then.
I've played a few games over the years and 30m is a lot of time, specially if you die due to a bug or because you're not yet used to the game and attack a monster you shouldn't, and I know things have changed, dakkru's curse is what kept me away since I could spend 30m on other things, this is a huge limitation, specially if you want to do such a thing as guild wars, you'll be quite an easy target and inactive from the fun. I don't blame people who don't want to play a game where they have to spend 30m after they finally figured the way out of DR for the first time and then figure out they lost half their stats and will continue to do so for 30m, I don't know how long you played PS but for an older player who has already invested lot's of time it might not feel like such a big deal, but if you're just starting out it's discouraging factor.

PlaneShift Mods / Re: MinimaTuux update
« on: March 19, 2014, 07:54:49 am »
remind me to get this gui fix when I get home, never liked the elves skin

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP outside of cities
« on: March 19, 2014, 05:57:49 am »

Quote from: Peacer
with proper macroing you can prepare some statements, and you can create events in the client that makes your character say something pre-defined on death/near death/battle initiation.

For some of us, this would reduce role playing to clicking macros. It would defeat the whole purpose of role playing. The use of macros like this would akin to me telling you to just hire someone to play the game for you.

I agree. Albeit some too verbose RPed actions kill my personal excitement and tension about the fight, those kind of macros are not very satisfying to me too... if I have to die I wish to do it in a spectacular and case specific way. :)
Maybe I should have been more specific, with death I meant if you want your character to make a comment if your ally dies, if you yourself die you could get a gui box that waits for you to input something. ex.
I'll get you another time
character says: I'll get you another time

\/me glares at his killer with hatred (had to use the backslash to show the normal slash without activating the forum action :p)
character glares at his killer with hatred

you could also just press ok and it will output something you have predefined.

Making some after-match RP won't be hard to implement with this, it's more the pre-match RP that will be hard, implementing events is probably the best thing, and you can prepare it before you decide to rampage about the outlands.

For some of us, this would reduce role playing to clicking macros. It would defeat the whole purpose of role playing. The use of macros like this would akin to me telling you to just hire someone to play the game for you.
only in open pvp scenarios where you have to use the in-game battle system, as I said before the only hard thing will be to type out the before-hand battle scenario, although you could create a piece of paper which you hand to your victim if you decide to ambush him with guards around. That's the only difference you'll have with requesting duels and having open pvp, if you wish to roleplay the whole battle you probably won't need to do it in an open area anyway, you can make "imagine" that as well (did it before house of purrty got the in-game interior of the house they rp'ed at.)

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP outside of cities
« on: March 19, 2014, 03:57:48 am »
So if I read this right, given this solution, all players would be vulnerable to pvp. They would need to rely on guards (and hopefully watch towers) to protect them from getting one-shotted from a very long distance or gutted up close.
I have no idea how the current pvp works with distance and all, but my suggestion was based on the idea that pvp would be *somewhat* balanced, if you can get one-shot the guards that are implemented should be able to stop this
I'm not sure if you were still playing when the pvp server(ezpc) was set up, Peacer. The entire server was ooc open pvp. You could say anything you wanted and just chop people down willy nilly. As I recall, it did not exactly pass the test of time and was eventually retired.
Nope I didn't play :) I heard the news of it opening, not the result or that it already closed though.

To be quite honest, if another player does not want their character to be exposed to the whims of  my character, then I would rather not force it on them. When I play the game with fellow players, I want them to enjoy it too. I don't want to be an annoying pain in their ass ( Here I'm talking about the player, not the character). If someone is willing to take the risk of exposing their character to mine, then I will not need to force action on them with the game's mechanics.
that is why keeping to the main road should keep you safe, straying off of it there should be the risk of people wanting to chop you down (you take risk of a shortcut but travel faster) if you have to agree on setting up events with travelling merchants that gets ambushed sorta ruins it a bit that you know it will happen, spontaneous is better since you don't expect it to happen but you know it will happen which creates a better experience.

While not everyone will agree with me on this, I want to point out something about mixing live-action pvp and text based RP. If I can't type an emote or statement because I'll get chopped down at the knees while typing, then I can't RP and that really sucks. If I need to spend all my time training HA and stats so I don't get tragically impaled from behind while typing, then I don't have time to RP. That really sucks too. If I can't quest for glyphs or needed skills because to do so requires crossing a pvp zone that is lined with players who oocly know where the boundary is and just want to skewer a noob, then that kinda sucks too.
with proper macroing you can prepare some statements, and you can create events in the client that makes your character say something pre-defined on death/near death/battle initiation.

If you get chopped down as a noob you have an opportunity to get to know new players and ask them for protection, great way to start relationships with one another.

I do see the fun in live-action pvp, but I really don't think having both pvp and text rp in the same world works very well. Rearranging all the NPCs and quests so that you can train within the city walls might help (assuming pvp is off in the city), but that would take a ridiculous amount of work and would eliminate the incentive for players to step into the danger zones. That's just my perspective and opinion.
create guards where the npcs you need to speak with are, but having danger adds some much needed risk to the game and a way to make things happen in a way that the game more intuitively supports.

Currently I think there's three open pvp zones - Camp Banished, the Dlayo(sp?) pit, and the new Plat mine. (Maybe the arena in oja too?)  Admittedly, simply having pvp zones like these does not really open up strategic opportunities for pvp as you had described.

 ( Actually, the new plat mine did provide this opportunity and was exploited by a guild. This worked because there were elements of both risk and reward. Once plat lost it's relative value, the reward disappeared and the dynamic dissolved. It's barren now. )
I think that's sad, the game need some kind of dynamics so the gameplay isn't that stale and for a way to make things happen that doesn't turn the game into a 3d chat game.

I see your points and I think they are good ones which can only make the idea better, and mold it in to a way that creates some dynamic game activity rather than chat activity.

You can technically leave the combat itself to mechanics, but use RP to determine who gets into combat and what happens after. If I remember correctly, you don't have to automatically kill someone at the end of a duel now. Not automatically killing should help leave room for RPing at the end of the duel and deciding where to go from there.
As I said before, you can add to the dynamics by having events on your character that go off on death, attack initiation, near death, adding with enemy spotted could be good too, you could implement that outlaws can steal trias from you when you lay there (spoils of war) and killing people would make you able to only get 25% of what you could get (you can just bank your tria). Guard npcs will come 5s after the outlaws leave and your character will automatically tell who it was to get them wanted (eventually bountys) if the character got killed guards could see the blood and determine that it was a brown stonebreaker (or whatever race) in the group of attackers

yeah I'm definetely out of shape so won't be going into battle with any hard monsters XD

Be careful even trying the ones you used to be able to take out. Strengths have been changed over the years, there are now more variants of the monsters that have been around since you last played, and stat caps are higher.

the portals are optional, you don't have to enter them :), it's the feeling of being limited that puts me and possibly others off.

I personally like the straight shot. When they updated the DR to the current map I got lost in there for 3 days before I figured the way out. I almost quit playing back then. I might have done it if I had been trying portals and they tossed me back a few times. But the DR is actually intended to be, or at least it used to be, as extensive as Yliakum so it will take a while for it to be implemented.

But I always thought it would be easier to deal with getting stuck in the DR as long as you could do much of the same stuff there. So trainers, mobs, and merchants would be all that is needed to get by there.
The difference between portals and a debuff is that you chose the portal, you don't always chose when you die, the randomness can of course vary and be discussed like change the chance of a successful one to 90% but don't let it spawn too often.
if you can already kill anything in the game then doing it at half-stats is more profitable. Of course you get to a point where you have more PPs than you can reasonably use.

If you have enough crystal way you can hunt the 'nauts from a range where they just run up to you and turn around and flee while they die. If you have enough archery skill and can apply a  weapon damage buff you can kill them from outside their reaction range.
if you have everything maxed that is, my current character doesn't, and a new player does not know all this, if a new player figures out that he has to wait an extra 30m on top of exiting DR for the first time after getting killed by a character he thought he could take out(or crash in the middle of a fight.) he's not going to stay, his reaction will be "**** this game" then quit.

The death penalty in this game should be Death realm, not an additional debuff.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: PVP outside of cities
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:08:30 am »
I know I'm necroing this thread but I also think this should be implemented, it would add some needed substance to role playing evil.
Here's how it could be implemented:
  • Players who wish to ambush others enable pvp(Aggressor)
  • guards will be patrolling the main roads between cities and will attack an aggressor in combatmode

You can then add things like wanted status with rewards, good/evil points and so on.

By doing this you get both, relative safety for people who do not wish to be instagibbed or ambushed, and people who wish to create disorder and attract goody-two-shoes can do this too, you can adjust the amount of guards depending on players with history aggressive pvp behavior, there will always be 1 or 2 guards in patrol and more could spawn in case of combat to not give away if there are any of these players in the area. This way guards can be fought as well.

Hello. While I admit it can be no fun in the DR if you get stuck there, I believe there is a timer that keeps new players out of the DR for awhile. Are you playing your old character or a new one? Also, you are only stuck in place if you are overburdened. We have banks now so you don't have to carry everything all at once. Just make sure that you have less than half your capacity whenever you are doing something that might get you killed.
where is this bank XD?

1. A quick and dirty fix would be to make mobs more aggressive, let the main path be filled with weak mobs for newer players, shortcuts can have stronger mobs, or make multiple spawns in the death realm so that when you spawn you will spawn at one of x paths to the citadel where you have to fight your way through vicious mobs in order to get out, exp rate and drop rate should be low to avoid farming and spawn rate should be high.
Not every character is a combat character, so that might not help. Now you actually can build a good amount of pp and tria while training crafting and some characters are purely RP characters.
well their combat level will be calculated to newbie :)
2. Make the death realm longer, have random portals open up beside the main path that could take you out, closer to the end or further away from the end, 45% to get closer to the end, 50% to get further away and 5% to get out of the death realm.

If you have random portals redirecting people you could end up frustrating people further. The last thing most players want to do is just keep getting stuck in a new place in the DR.
the portals are optional, you don't have to enter them :), it's the feeling of being limited that puts me and possibly others off.

3. put transport services around, people used DR as a free transport service, put one where fee=distance traveled (not areas/checkpoints passed through) this way of tackling the problem can be refered to as "if you can't fight them join them" kinda solution.

We have Pterosaurs now that will transport you to one of the major cities for a fee so that much is in effect now. I think the best solution would be to have a trainable spell, maybe crystal way, that lets a player relieve or negate the affect of Dakkru's curse at high cost. Perhaps they can cast it once and it will take their health and mana down low and temporarily reduce regen rates. That way, if they cast it constantly it will kill them but if they space it out they can still function.
well that would make crystal way, way more profitable than the other magics, if you don't train it yourself you'd need to have a friend or pay someone to do it for you.

However, I think that you will be fine once you learn how the maps have changed. Fall damage is not as bad as it once was so falling from places isn't necessarily a death sentence and traveling slowly between maps should let you have enough time to spot dangerous mobs. Avoid getting too close to the ulbers and consumers as they are still dangerous, will pursue, and can cast buffs that make it even harder to get away. Arangmas are also bad if you engage but not all of them will attack if you get close to them.
yeah I'm definetely out of shape so won't be going into battle with any hard monsters XD

Funny. There are people who intentionally pass the Death Realm to get Dakkru's Curse because they obtain more Progression Points in the now a lot more risky combats.
did not know this, it's not mentioned in the wiki, but does it matter as you can battle harder monsters who give more xp and earn the same amount of progression points?

Is there any way to see their plans for dr and if possible remove the curse while we wait for these plans to enhance the player experience?

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