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Topics - Moogie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Title pretty much sums it up; I can't raise anybody's ear in the IRC. What's the best way to go about getting my character name unlocked?

I'd use another name, but... actually no, I wouldn't. :D Moogie or BUST! (I'm sure I'll give in eventually if I can't get it, but I'd be super sad not to.)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Somewhat late tenth anniversary *BOOP!*
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:55:52 pm »
That is to say, the tenth anniversary of my account registration, not the game itself-- which of course is much older. This is also meaningless because I'm never here! Woo, anniversary of me not being here! I'm sure some still celebrate it every year. ;)

So, anyways. Still chugging along, eh? Planeshift: one of life's constants. :) Keep on keeping on, you brave warriors of opensaucy gaming! You should advertise more; I never see anyone out there in the wider Interwebs talking about PS. One day, my memory is going to fade, and it'll be as if this place never existed-- part of my subconscious will feel sad about it, but I won't remember why. I'll remember nothing, except for a vague sense of loss and a fleeting image of a ruby crystal, encrusted atop the crumbling stone pillar of some old, dark temple... It'll feel oddly comforting, this dreamlike scene, but I'll never be able to put my finger on just why it feels so... important to me. Then I would shrug, assume it's from "some jumping puzzle game I once played", and go about my day, never again knowing of this place.

But for now, my brain occasionally taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "Hey, you remember that one place, with the people and the things?" and I think, "Oh yeah... I wonder how they're doing these days. Maybe I has messages!" And I did. I had two messages. :) But more importantly, the project itself continues. Now, go out there and show people you still exist, damnit!

Hey all! I was a bit bored today so I decided to stop by and visit my old "home" again. I like to stop by periodically, and it has been a long time since I last did. So here's what I've been up to. :)

After leaving PS, I spent quite a long time playing Silkroad, and was a regular at I eventually stopped posting there and just bummed around the 'net for a while, trying different games. Me and Ayshe started a secret project, but we put it on hiatus for a while. We might pick it up again sometime. After that I became "GM Chica" for Carpe Diem MMORPG (my first 'real' job in the games industry, hurrah!). But the company, Persistent Worlds, ceased trading after a short while (due mainly to shortsighted marketing, and issues with an incompetant billing company *coughSecureAccountcough*).

But it wasn't all bad. I got a reference for my CV (Resume for any yanks reading), and met/became friends with Phil White (from Codemasters) who has been sending me lots of game industry contacts and trying to get me a job in all sorts of places like Sega and Codemasters. I havn't got in anywhere yet, though, so I'm still on the job-hunt.


So, today, I was wondering what I could do to fill up my portfolio a bit, and thought of Planeshift. So excuse me but I'm going to steal a few meshes and reskin them. :P Or if any of the devs have something that's in need of a texture, send me a PM, I'll take some of the load off.

I didn't browse around the forums much, but it looks... the same, I guess. :) A lot of new faces, a lot of the same nitpicking. "They use smileys in /me's, that's wrong!!" Bleh. Zanzibar sent me a few emails a while ago saying I should return, but I, er, politely declined. A visit is nice and all, but I don't belong amongst all these new "hardcore" RP nutters. I'm from the Molecular Blue family, and damn proud of it! I miss those days of friendship and fun, nobody cared if you didn't follow strict RP "rules", the community wasn't so anal and aggressive.

But I digress, so let's change the subject. How is development going? Have they got rid of PP yet? Any new areas since they opened the Bronze Doors? That's the last bit of info I heard a while ago. Is Kary still rocking everyone's world with her awesome skillz? :D

Hi to anyone of the following who might still be around: Kary, Vengie, Acraig, Harlekin, Djagg, Taser, Kiirani, Rerogo, Aender, AryHann, Induane, Xordan, aarobber (did you find a replacement to boss around when I left? ;)), DaveG, jorrit!!!!, TomT, Dorbian, Xandria, Xenia, Draklar, Pogopuschel, Nefron, stfrn!!!, all of Felines Lair (because I can't recall most of the names), Dancer, the amazing awesome josePhoenix, UndertheMoon, Shooree, steuben, and a hundred other people I really can't remember the names of, because most of these came from my MSN list. My memory sucks, but if I missed your name here, here's a special hug just for you: *biiig squeeezy hug of love*

Not much new art is up at my site, but feel free to look around there too. (Thanks Thom ;))

I'll check back here for replies for a while, but if anyone needs to contact me, find me here: or send me an email (Address is on my site).

Keep on rocking the opensource world, Planeshift. ;]

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / An open challenge, the vote
« on: December 03, 2005, 11:17:41 pm »
\"many thanks to the fair mistress moogie for starting this thread off, and the original idea.

the submissions in no particular order are:

1. \"The Second Chance\", by Draklar
2. \"Remember the Valley\", by Under the Moon
3. \"who were the lucky?\", by steuben

voting will run for 14 days after the last story gets posted up. most votes wins.\"

Right... now whenever I post a poll, the orders mess themselves up. :P So make sure you\'re voting for the correct entry. Correct is the one you click to vote for, not necessarily the order written in this post.

Have fun and good luck to Drak, Moon and Steuben. :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Acronym List (IC? OOC?)
« on: December 02, 2005, 11:52:47 am »
For those not entirely familiar with all the little shorthand words PlaneShift regulars use, here\'s a definitive list of the most common ones.

PS - PlaneShift

GM - Game Master. Ingame assistants and event organisers.

Devs - Developers. Members of Atomic Blue, the team building PlaneShift.

CB - The current version of PlaneShift, \"Crystal Blue\". It is version 0.3.

MB - The previous version, 0.2. \"Molecular Blue\".

AB - The very first tech-demo, version 0.1, \"Atomic Blue\".

NPC - Non Playable Character. NPCs are server-controlled characters in the game world not controlled by any human. They give quests, serve as merchants, etc.

IC - In Character. Speech spoken as if it were your character in the world, not you sitting infront of a computer.

OOC - Out Of Character. Speech spoken as you, the player. OOC speech is often considered \'second priority\' to IC speech, as it breaks the realism of the game world. It is courteous to use square brackets [ ] when you need to talk OOCly ingame.

RP - Role Playing. Speaking IC with your character as if the game world is real.

DR - Death Realm. Where your character is taken when he or she dies.

LD - Linkdead. When the server crashes or you get disconnected from the game, we say it\'s gone Linkdead.

Feel free to post more suggestions below, but please avoid regular chat acronyms such as \'wtf\' \'afaik\' or \'bbiab\'. The purpose of this list is to teach people what the PS-only words mean, and how to use them.

Thanks to Merak for this suggestion. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / MMORPG's
« on: November 21, 2005, 07:35:27 am »
A nice (and completely free) MMORPG I currently play is Silkroad Online.

Generic korean mmorpg with some unique elements, but incredibly fun.

PS people who play at the moment are me, Demarthl, Tmed, stfrn, Hart, Grono... and probably more I can\'t think of right now. :P

General Discussion / Ingame PS GUI
« on: November 07, 2005, 04:17:11 pm »
Poll Question:

For the resolution you most commonly play PlaneShift with, would you say the size/shape of the ingame menus and GUI windows is:

a) Just right
b) Too small or hard to read
c) Too large or cluttered

If you vote, please take the time to post your vote below, including the resolution you play in.

Thank you :)

Edit: Grrr to the reordering the forum did without telling me -.-

General Discussion / Pip's Poll: Duelling Rules
« on: October 12, 2005, 11:39:04 pm »
Vote Yay or Nay. Pip requests for you to PM her (not me, I\'m just creating the poll for her ;) ) if you have any questions or need to discuss something regarding the subject. Poll will remain open for 3 weeks after initial post. Have fun~

Rules For Duelling

1. No duelling in the plaza or tavern at all, or anywhere that is well populated. (Unless by a prearranged audience)

2. A verbal challenge is made giving a) reason for challenge b) weapons preferred (including fists) c) whether magic should/shouldn\'t be used d) place and time

3.The challengee may countermand b), c) and/or d) above. The challenge is then verbally accepted/declined.

4. When the conditions discussed in 2. and 3. have been met, the duel should begin - both the Challenger and the Challengee should place themselves at a convenient length facing each other.

5. For training purposes go to an empty room in the arena or away from areas which are busy, where parties can challenge each other as much as they wish. (This may suit those who like to fight each other for fun)

6. In the case of a guild war terms should be drawn up and agreed between the leaders of the warring guilds. Bearing in mind that rule 1. should always apply.

7. If you use the PvP system for your RP fights, then any form of exploitation is not allowed. Commodities like shortcuts may be used for convenience, but not for speed.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Enhancing Game Graphics Beyond Their Max Settings
« on: October 11, 2005, 09:49:35 am »
Enhancing Your Gaming Experiences with NHancer

If you\'re experiencing great framerates on the highest detail settings that your games have to offer, good for you! But if you REALLY want to get the most out of your system, then this program will let you squeeze every last drop of detail out of them.

What You Need:

* Latest version of NHancer found at
* A system capable of handling high performance graphics, or one that struggles a bit but is capable of it nonetheless.
* The very latest graphics drivers for your card (crucial).
* Hands (minimum of one finger required).
* Cash amount: 0. This software is completely FREE.

What Exactly is NHancer?

NHancer can best be described as a graphics profile manager. With this tool you\'re able to create a custom settings profile for any application you choose (games, obviously) and forcibly apply many enhancments and optimisations to them. This works for both D3D and OpenGL games, meaning pretty much any game you can think of. :)

So How Do I Use It?

The application is mindlessly simple to use, yet incredibly powerful. Simply create a new profile for your game if the default isn\'t already on the list.

Then, in the \"Executables\" box below, click Add and browse to the .exe of the game- in this case, Black and White 2. You\'re already halfway there.

Now look to the right of the window. The first tab you\'ll see is Enhancements, allowing you to apply varying levels of Multi/Supersampling, Anisotropic Filtering, and Vertical Sync. To allow the profile to override the game\'s default settings, click the Override checkbox.

Here\'s a useful tip: Choosing \"Combined\" in the Anti-Aliasing box produces a slightly better performance than having a maximum of either Supersampling or Multisampling alone.

VSync forces the rendering of frames to match the speed of your monitor\'s refresh rate. The upside to this is that it can help eliminate graphical \'tearing\', but the downside is, the framerate is limited to this number, so if your monitor is running at 60Hz, that will be the limit of your FPS regardless of how much more your system may be capable of.

The Optimisations tab lists options that you can force on the application to try and improve your framerate and overall performance, at the cost of quality. All options in all tabs, when clicked, will show detailed information on their uses and any warnings that come with them.

How Do I Apply These Settings?

NHancer writes these profiles directly into the registry, thus the information is saved every time you change a setting. No need to apply, no need to reboot- infact, in many cases, there\'s no need to even exit your game! Changes often take effect immediately, but it is always better to quit your game and re-load it to be sure you\'re experiencing the full benefits of your tweakings.

Does it Really Work?

It all sounds good in theory, right? Well then, let\'s put it to the test with some sample screenshots.

The first is taken with maximum game detail settings applied (with high Anti-Aliasing) before any enhancements are applied.

Then I created an NHancer profile and applied the following:

*8xS Anti-Aliasing (1x2 Supersampling and 4x Multisampling Combined)
*Transparency (Supersampling) checked
*16x Anisotropic Filtering

The image below is the same view with this profile active.

The images speak for themselves, no? :) Note the beautiful sky, the massively increased LOD distance, the particle effects visible as if they were right up close. As for my framerate, I -can- notice a slight decrease in performance. But the difference is so minute that it can easily be ignored; if I had to guess, I\'d say it still runs steadily in the region of 40-50fps.


NHancer is completely free software. Experiment with your game and find the right settings for you. If you experience problems, double check that you have the latest drivers for your graphics card installed, and if all else fails, simply delete the game\'s profile and everything will be back to normal. Above all, enjoy the all new Nhanced experience! :D

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A PS Community Blast from the Past
« on: September 01, 2005, 01:33:58 pm »
I took one last look at my old computer, and found many PS things that I had left there by mistake. Amongst hundreds of ancient PS screenshots, I discovered a rare gem indeed.

Many moons ago, I regularly ran community competitions, doing all sorts of things. One of these was a story-writing competition. I found the submissions from the people who competed, and I\'d like to post them here. :)

*nods to Draklar below* This is mainly for the new people who never saw the things that we used to get up to. :D And for quick reference without bumping the old, dead topic.

If any author no longer wishes his or her story to be here, do let me know. In no particular order:

At Legends End - By Sharaz

Everything changed the day the strangers came...

On the floor of the town hall, Eric went through his exercises, guided

by the old wizard.

\"Close your eyes... Visualise the forces within you as a river, blocked by a


\"Now slowly make a tiny hole in the dam and let a small stream of power

flow out.\"

Eric had gone to this exercise so often, he could do it in his sleep.

On his knees, he could feel his staff vibrate as he sent the first trickle

of power into it.

\"Now slowly widen the hole, but make sure you stay in total control of its

size. You\'ve all seen what happens to someone if the dam breaks.\"

Around him, Eric could sense the presence of other people struggling to

control their power. He didn\'t have as much trouble as the rest, to him it

all came naturally. And today, he was going to show them all...

In his mind, he widened the gap in the dam more and more. He could feel

himself radiate with force, overpowering all around him. By now, the dam

had completely gone, but he was still in control of the flow. At the back

of his mind, he could hear the wizard talking to him, but he didn\'t care.

This was the greatest feeling he had ever had. He felt like he could take

on anyone and anything! He felt his staff glowing in his hands and he

envisioned himself fighting hordes of monsters without even breaking a


Finally satisfied that he had shown to everyone who was best, he started to

tighten the hole again. But it wouldn\'t respond, the flow was too strong.

He focussed as hard as he could, but whatever he tried the hole wouldn\'t

shrink! Forcing himself not to panic, Eric searched his mind for the

lessons he had learned on stopping the flow. But no matter how hard he

thought about it, he couldn\'t remember a thing. His whole mind was occupied

with keeping this incredible force from destroying him from within.

Then, when he\'d almost given up, he noticed the voice of the old wizard

again, speaking to him in a calm voice.

\"It\'s no use to try to control a raging river. You have to stop it when

it\'s still calm. Follow the river back to its source...\"

Follow the river back to it\'s source? That was ridiculous! The whole river

was only a way to visualise his power, how could he follow a thing like that?

\"Follow the white light...\", he heard the wizard say. \"I\'ll lead you there.\"

In his mind, right where he\'d visualised the dam only minutes ago, he saw a

small light appear, moving along the river.

Evan though he still wasn\'t totally convinced, Eric knew that this would

probably be his only chance to get out of this struggle alive.

Following the river, he noticed that the further he went, the wider it got,

until he came at a very large and tranquil lake.

\"This is the source of your power.\", the wizard said. \"This is what feeds

the river.\"

\"The only way to stop the river is to stop the lake from feeding it. This

is the most dangerous part in any apprentice wizards education. You\'ll have

to simultaneously block the river and create a new way for yourself

to control your power. The way you choose to control the force within you,

will determine your strength and control as a wizard for the rest of your

life. I can\'t help you with this choice, it must be made by you and you


\"Control my power? How do you control a lake?\", Eric thought. \"The only way

to get water out of a lake, is by letting it flow away through a river or a


But the problem with both a river and a canal were, that they only carried

water from the top of the lake. If he wanted to become a real powerful

wizard, he\'d have to come up with some way to control much more of the lake

at once...

Even as he thought about this, he could feel that time was running out. His

staff was becoming red hot in his hands and he caught himself hoping that

someone would just pour a bucket of water over it.

\"A bucket of water, that\'s it!\"

He\'d been thinking about this all wrong. A lake was no more than a big

bucket of water! So all he had to do was think of it that way and he\'d be

able to exercise total control over it.

In his mind he pictured the lake as an enormous bowl filled with water,

with himself holding it in his hands.

The moment he did that, he knew how to stop the river. All he had to do was

keep the bowl straight. And so he did.

It wasn\'t easy, in the beginning he wasn\'t able to keep it completely

still, so gushes of water would come over the side. He could feel his hands

tremble as the force of that power hit his staff, but after a while and

with great effort, he managed to keep the bowl steady.

Now that he had his power under control, he could feel his staff cooling

down and he heard the wizard speak to him again.

\"You can open your eyes now, slowly...\"

As he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see that the hall was dark,

except for some small burning lights.

\"What happened, the sun was shining only minutes ago!?\"

Looking up, he saw the wizard sitting before him on the ground, looking

very tired.

\"Time spent in the mind\", he said, \"has nothing to do with the time spent

outside of it. Your ordeal lasted for over 12 hours. But I\'ll explain

everything tomorrow, as I begin your private tutoring...

Caldazar\'s Entry

He lay down on the cold, dried-out ground, with his ear close to the ground, and his eyes ransacking the tormented landscape. Far away he could hear the sounds of Diaboli feet, running through the landscape, away from him. Away from their nemesis. He stood up, and looked around him. The ground behind him were covered with blood, as if there a great battle just took place. Although, that was not the case. He giggled. Those beasts never realized whom they where battling against until it was too late. Around him laid the corpses of Diaboli children and women, but not many males. This angered him; he had hoped that he would be able to kill them all in their sleep. His clothes were stained with blood from innocent Diaboli, and he licked his fingers. They blood were still warm, and he could feel the fluid run down his throat. All of his senses had grown sharp, sharp as the tip of his two short swords, made from the finest silver, of course. Another good thing about being mad, he thought. The madness was always present. Raging within him like a storm. Telling him how to act, whom to slay. How long was it since he went mad? Two years? A decade? He had lost all track of time, not that he cared though, every now and then, he experienced a few minutes of inner peace, a few minutes where the clouds of madness rose from his mind. When those moments occurred, he cried. He cried his heart out, for his family, for himself, for what he had become, a monster. Not better than those dreadful Diabolis. During those moments, he knew that all Diabolis weren?t evil, not all Diabolis had participated in the slaughtering of his home. Although, he could not care less about who was who when he was mad. All his crazy mind could think of was revenge. He had become vengeance itself. Luckily, those moments of sanity became shorter and shorter. Every ounce of sanity, everything that used to be him where gone. Left were only the madness, the hatred and the memory of his family. The memory was slowly fading away, but the madness and the hatred endured. And grew stronger with every drop of Diaboli-blood that stained the ground of this world.
Once again he ran through the landscape. A wretched soul, a tormented spirit. With the last bit of sanity, he wised for his death, for salvation.

OK, I know it aint good, but I got carried away? I can always hope for no other entries, right? ;-)

Ayshe\'s Entry

From the quill of Ch\'ion Luez, imperial scribe to Lord Khalar i\'Illeryion, Vigesimi to the Yliaku Inner Circle.
(The following is the final accounts of the criminal Jityshe Dhendari Alchamet, sentenced to Displacement next cycle at peaktide.)
I see you there, little man. So you are the one sent to hear my story. Sent to listen to me before they throw me into oblivion? You? A Hammerwielder? Ha! Don\'t tell me you enjoy working for these, these keha? Very well. Sit, oh traitor to your proud people, sit and take note of the last words of a crazy, dangerous caged animal.
My name, as you well know is Jityshe Alchamet. Sixth in the litter of the second mate to Yshen Alchamet, legendary warlord of the Black Marsh Enkidukai. Oh I see the contempt on your face. How did one, born to such noble peerage become such a filthy creature? Your contempt is laughable, little one. Listen on and hear the full story. Well known it once was that I was my fathers favourite. Coddled and favoured since weaning. For my youth, instead of play I took to the bloody fields with the best mages and warriors ever to wear the silver and blue sash, and I was always a keen and eager cub. I listened. I watched. While others my age were out amongst the chiha, playing in the long supple leaves, pouncing and dreaming of glory, I witnessed it every day. My teachers respected me so, this I believe. Always were they ready for a new spell to teach, a new ward to weave, a new dance of steel to show. And of course, I insisted. I pushed, for it pleased me so to see my fathers joy when I would return to the lair covered in sweat and, often, blood. Every scar I bore I vowed to never forget. Never would I be struck in the same place twice. Of all the cubs my age, and indeed some much older, I alone carried the most \"lines of valour\".
I see your puzzlement, little one. Allow me to explain. You sit there in your neat little uniform and wonder how anyone relishes scars. Does my missing eye disturb you? It is true that amongst Enkidukai these days, it is considered unfashionable to be so decorated as I. In the Black marsh clan, this is not so. When we pass on, we will be asked to show our scars as proof of valour in battle. I shall not go unnoticed.
But my thoughts wander. When I was still young and without mane, the Black Riders appeared from nowhere and began their swift destruction of... everything. Even after all this time I still do not know anything about them. It seems that their coming, and the subsequent destruction of my home has fallen from the memory of this world. Maybe it was because so few survived. It does not matter. They came one night. I know you, little one, will appreciate what I say when tell you that night and day mean little to us. Just as there is no night and day to one digging an underground fortress, there is no difference between night and day to one who can hunt equally well in either. But to the attackers, there was a difference, they could not abide daylight. Sunset - the last, real sunset I ever saw - came and for us the sun never rose again.
There was not panic. This warms my heart. We always had been ready for attack. That we had no chance, and that we did not know our attacker meant nothing. We fought like only our kin can. We fought and died anyway. Most of us did. I was sleeping in the communal hut with the cubs when I awoke to the battle cry. Then they came. It was not a battle, it was a slaughter. Remember you, that we are not helpless as young, and each and every cub in that hut fought like a demon. Of the seventy or so that were sleeping at the time, five made it out with myself, still breathing. Three sisters and two brothers. One of the sisters bore the silver and blue that marked her as a litter mate, and the rest were from some other warriors.
I can see I am going to have to explain this too. In our clan, all cubs of a certain age are brother and sister. We do not care who is born from whom, and only rarely do we attach any significance to litter mates, or what you might think of as a \"proper\" brother or sister.
We six made it to the town centre where we found some senior mages concentrating on a shimmering circle in the air. My father was there, for he was an accomplished mage. A ring of defenders, nearly a third of the clan, stood by, and fortunate it was for just as we reached the circle the riders descended and the battle was truly met. As the wounded fell, they were bodily thrown through the shimmering ring. One of my sisters was killed almost straight away. It was then that I noticed the ring. Every time a mage fell, it would contract. As our losses increased, the hole became too small for some warriors. The four kin that were still alive from the hut were thrown through by my father himself. When he reached for me I refused and stood my ground against the attackers. Eventually, three mages, my father and myself were left fighting, and although I alone could have escaped through the shimmering ring I did not. The final charge started and I prepared to taste sweet oblivion. My father started a chant and turned in on himself, spun and directed a spell at me. I was flung backwards... through the ring.
I will never forgive him.
The last I saw, before the ring disappeared was him driving his sword deep into a rider. Then I was left unwounded and bewildered, the only standing warrior amongst hundreds on a strange, underground hill turning slowly red with the blood of my clan.
Many died right there. But many survived, including my blood kin, who in time had made friends with the elves to whom the crystal - lit lands belonged. What was left of our clan settled in. When I left, in the fullness of time, there was even a new litter, with more on the way. I wished only joy to our fragmented clan but it was not a joy I could taste, for to me it was bitter.
I should have died right there, a warrior to the last. I had lost my purpose and I could not stomach this, this honeysweet land of kind and fair Dermorians. I left to seek my own oblivion. I instead found more misery. I became a hunter, but not of food. A hunter of evil and corruptness. It was the only pleasure that I had left. For such a long time I slew the wicked as I pleased. Not for noble reasons, I have no trouble telling you. To satisfy the thirst inside.
When I chanced upon this delicious city of yours, rife with corrupt people who had never seen a battle in their lives I found easy pickings. It was not long before you offered rewards I see, for my capture. I didn\'t care to explain why I killed whom I cared to, and people never bothered to find out. Besides, I was no hero. I was just a simple murderer. Not once did I ever try to justify what I did, and I still care not to. Beggar or rich Guild head, if they did not deserve life they lost it.
My mistake, it seems, was going after the head of the Black Wind tong. He was not stupid, nor weak. The battle was thrilling in it\'s sweet dance of blood and steel, but I prevailed. When I boldly stepped out on to the street, wounded but still pounding with the rush of combat, I met with a dozen guardsmen. I had not anticipated his whisperings to the guard head to have his illegal hall patrolled nevertheless. All but one of the guards was an easy kill. The last, a fresh faced rookie, did something no other warrior had. He bested me, and it was no easy fight let me tell you. He is the one who gave me this wound on my side. As he raised for the killing blow I started to laugh. He paused and asked what was so funny. I asked his name so that I could warn the demons in the next realm about him. And then this proud, young Enkidukai amazed me by smiling. He formally introduced himself, as a warrior of old would have and from my kneeled position I bowed my head and prepared again, to taste oblivion. He stood, sword raised, silent, waiting for my turn to die. And that is how the imperial mages found us, and that is how I was captured alive, cheated of death but... in honour this time.
Notetaker, I suppose you are here to take my last requests is that right? Very well. I have but one. Find the rookie guard and give him my sword. Jefecra is his name, I believe. Perhaps one day he will find use of it. As for my final words, let them be \"I am what I am, and no more. Peace favour those who are true to themselves.\"

(Scribes note: Jityshe Dhendari Alchamet was cast into the permanent anomaly known as the \"Displacement\" portal to unknown destinations at exactly peaktide this day, as per the decree of the Yliaku Lawmaster. Talad spare his soul.)

Nirnaeth Ardentide - Battle of the Dark Sea - By Havena

High atop the Hydlaa Tower the chill wind of the new dawn stung Dayvin?s cheeks. In the
distance of the Hydlaa Hills, a black morass slowly took form against the mist. Ever clearer
came the sound. The sickening beat of ten thousand heavy boots. The guttural war-cry of a
heartless race.
The first volley of arrows sprayed forth. A hundred wounded shapes sunk beneath the feet of
their charging brothers. So many were the enemy, the deaths seemed as raindrops breaking the
surface of a great sea.
Dayvin?s mind wandered, ?Has our time come so soon??
Draklar\'s body tensed. His boots bit into the earth as the first wave hit. He did not budge.
Only blood, limb and fallen axe spilled past him as the hurtling wall of orcs struck. Nadius
moved even forward into their ranks as he beat mindlessly into the swath with his punishing
fists; his sword remaining sheathed in his maddened fury. Abaddon?s calculated strikes saw the
enemy?s front line pressing into a confused and demoralised half-circle before him as he hewed
their shields from them, each blow splitting another stunned skull. Pent magiks snapped forth
from the harness of Druke?s staff in shocking surges of energy, flattening the charging orcs
and shattering their bones. Kada?s twin black blades shredded flesh and life, bringing fear
and pain to the enemies of peace.
But, ever more did the Enemy come. The thousands trampled and clambered over their fallen
brethren in a lustful bid to bring their jagged blades to meet the defenders? flesh.
Outnumbered heroes staggered back before endless waves and undimmed fury. A laughing face,
blackly-hooded and hideous, filled the Azure Sky.

Dayvin awoke with a start, sweat beading on his face. He lifted his heavy head from the hard
?Shivering.. agh.. it?s a cold night. A pen in my hand.. plans.. army. The

He swung around as a lithe Dermorian burst open the door.
The runner?s breathing was rapid.
?The Dark Army begins its advance?....

Skain\'s Entry

It was a dark and stormy night... \'well actually it wasnt, it was kind of overcast and damp, but it should have been a dark and stormy night.\' thought Misaohl Sh\'Omal as he lay staring at the sky. Tonight was the night the his rogue section would strike the Emporium, It would have been an easy target had that idiot Seriefl not sent them a note, \'sigh, the truely evil like to gloat\' thought Sh\'Omal \'It had not been meant as a warning but more to scare them, plus it was like...advertising their group.\' Sh\'Omal looked to the sky as thunder broke and it started to rain, \'thats more like it\' he thought as smiled and took another tug on his pipe.
*************************************************************************** ********

Thunder broke^ A cart rolled toward the village of Hydlaa, and a lightning flash lit the sky.
Boralis, a red faced beared man with a temper to suit was holding a sheet of tarpaulin over his wife when the cry came.
\'Stand and deliver!\'
\'Whos there?\' shouted Boralis into the dark
\'What kind of questi....look your being robbed stand over there!\'
\'And if i refuse!?\'
\'Is it really necessary to shout stand and deliver boss?\' Shouted young Seriefl from the dark.
\'Shut Up! And you! If you refuse we\'ll kill u..and your pretty wife\'
\'I mean hes already standing, and he doesnt really deliver anything\'
\'I said shut up! You really dont get the point of these things do you?\'
\'Hey boss hes gettin away!\'
\'After him!\'

^Thunder always breaks in the begining of scenes like this, I guess the gods have some artistic vision of how the narritive should go.



?Hey are you alright??
Boralis found himself being shuck violently, as he attempted to open his eyes.
?Hey guys hes alright too! Get them both into town!?
?wh..who are you..?? Spluttered Bolaris
?heh? smiled the stranger ?I guess you can call me Zak... just Zak.?

The Betrayal of the Ylians, Part 1 - By Drillixer

   Many ages ago when Yliakum was still young there were twelve Klyros brothers.  Exiled from their families for a general lack of respect for their kinsmen, something very unnatural indeed in Klyros, they had been asked to never return home again lest they develop into more responsible family men.  A particularly rash young warrior named Azel scoffed at their exile and soon gained a position of authority over the other Klyros who were glum over their lost futures in whatever businesses their families had maintained back home.
   One night while on his watch something tapped Azel on his left shoulder.  Realizing immediately that he had just turned his head from that direction and that nothing could hide in the shadows from his eyes, he groaned at the obvious use of a magic more powerful than he or any of his ?brothers? could detect.  ?What do you want?? Azel whispered through cracked lips as he unceremoniously dropped his arms by his side.
   Silence.  Azel began to tilt his head and then jumped back as his cheek pressed against a blade held just over his shoulder.
    And then a hearty laugh broke out from behind him, ?That was easier than I had thought.  Go ahead turn around young one?  The figure coughed and then preceded to lift the stunned Klyros, without the use of his hands or any other physical force, and then rotate him so that they two were facing each other.  Before Azel stood a man? no his skin was a remarkable shade of black with fine horns on his otherwise bald head? definitely not a man?
   The creature sighed and this time poked Azel in the chest with a staff, which he had been leaning on. Azel wheezed and the creature let out another fit of laughter proceeded by more coughing.  This time lights winked on in the tents around the two.
    ?Ah good!  Your companions awake!  Well then I?m sure now!?  Azel was still stunned at the odd creature, but he managed to catch his breath and piece together what it had been saying.
 ?What do you mean your sure?  You are sure of what??
    ?Well!? The creature slowly pulled a magnificently embroidered scroll out of his pocket and set it on the ground before him. ?You there don?t be shy now come over here and behold your futures!?
   Azel hadn?t realized that the other Klyros had awoken.  He whipped his head around to see them slowly walk over to the pair.  None of them appeared to be as shocked as Azel himself was.  In fact they seemed rather angry that they had been awaken from their sleep.  Until the youngest of the bunch awoke that is.  His name is Dralimir.  He was the special exception the outcasts around him.  He had grown tired of the monotonous lessons that he had mastered at the local schools.  An insatiable learner and reader of exotic books he recognized what none of the other Klyros had yet seen.
  ?A Diabolo!  Oh! I never? with joyful glee that disgusted the other Klyros he hopped out of his tent and plopped down beside the mage who was completely ignoring him.
  Azel saw with smug satisfaction that his brothers were now just as shocked as he had been.  Diabolo are extremely rare in these parts.  They would have been considered legend back home. Children?s tales.
 The Diabolo straightened himself and put his hand on the scroll, which he had opened up on the ground.  Azel frowned. The scroll was empty.  Azel stepped back as a slow tearing sound began to emanate from the scroll.  Immediately before him was a large blue tinged spike seemingly balancing on point in front of the wizard.
 This time the mage glanced around at his crowd, who had all dropped their jaws in country-boy astonishment.  He nodded towards the spike.  ?Any idea what that is?  Dralimir?s hand shot up but before he could answer the mage continued.  ?This is a map of Yliakum?. His hand shot through the blue cone and pointed to a large red sphere about the size of an apple.  ?This is where we are?.
  Azel had by this point regained his composition.  He stood up to take full advantage of his height advantage over the Diabolo who was still seated.  ?What is it you want from us.  These magicks are amusing, but why should we be interested in what you have to say??  Azel ran his serpentine tongue over his canines. A habit which he had retained since his youth.  He was nervous.
  The Diabolo only turned his head to gaze at the Klyros who formed a rough semi-circle around him.  ?I am in need of help with a project centered in this village.? A small orange sphere began to pulse near their location on the map.  It was difficult to notice due to two massive purple orbs directly above and below it.  ?You should be familiar with it.  The inhabitants refer to it as the Four Corners.  Ylians all of them? just peasant farmers and an old mill nothing more to that town.  The inhabitants have no concept of it?s strategic value to the surrounding areas?. The Diabolo who had begun unconsciously pacing stopped and stared over Azel?s shoulder. ?What is it??
  Dralimir slowly lowered his hand and then as if correcting an incorrect teacher responded ?Sire Diabolo , erm? there is nothing within a hundred miles of the town which you have mentioned besides farmland and our village.  There is no ?strategic value??? Dralimir yelped as the Diabolo quickly picked him up with one hand then set him down again, an excited grin pinioned across it?s face.
   ?Exactly! There is nothing nearby on this God-fearing level of Yliakum. But tell me what do you suppose those blue orbs above and below it represent?? He pressed his face against that of Dralimir.  ?Cmon little guy I thought you had all the answers??
  ?Let off him!?
The Diabolo still held Dralimir?s whimpering form by the collar of his cloak, but he turned his head towards Azel. ?Good? He said simply before he resumed his dictum. ?These are two of the most powerful and influential trade centers in all of Yliakum.  They are each other?s greatest trade partners.  By now their hands have gotten so deep within the other?s pockets that they couldn?t live without each other.  The only problem with their relationship is the distance between the two kingdoms.  It takes several months via the current route from one kingdom to the other.?
One of the Klyros beside Azel leaned forward and interjected ?So you are trying to build a bridge?  You want a part of that trade don?t you??  In reward the Diabolo deftly thumped him on the head with his staff in a fluid almost artistic motion.
Azel smiled.  He could not help but admire the creature.  The other Klyros suddenly dropped their veil of silence and began bombarding him with questions.
?How do you expect to build such a thing??
  ?Surely not us!?
?Klyros are clever merchants, hunters, and travelers.  What could we do to assist in such an effort??
    ?Don?t worry about that? he waved his staff to silence them, which he to a certain extent.  ?I have a small army of 200 Kran.  They should be sufficient for even such a monumental project.?
   Azel glanced at the Diabolo.  It?s voice had wavered at the last of those words. ?Tell us what you want from us and what our share will be.  Exactly this time?.  The other Klyros cut silent again when Azel began speaking.
   The Diabolo looked up into Azel?s eyes and bowed.  The other Klyros seemed shocked but Azel gracefully accepted the bow as he had learned to do from his father, who had taught him various matters of court in a now lost parental fantasy.  From then on the Diabolo would only speak to Azel.  The rest of the Klyros ceased to exist in his world.
  ?The Ylian population will have to be dealt with if we are to setup proper trade in the region.  We cannot allow them to have ownership of the land or they will demand the profits later.? He thought for a second and then continued as if he had never stopped. ?That is your first task.  I cannot fully describe the circumstances at the moment for reasons which I do not wish to tell either.  Needless to say you will be in control of the operation.  I am getting old and all I want out of this is a warm place to spend the rest of my years perfecting my?craft so to speak.?  His grin was almost hypnotising in it?s perfection at these words.
?Oh yes.? He threw in almost forgotten ?you will be needed to fly ropes up to the first level so that we may speed up construction.  Kran don?t have wings after all? The Klyros chuckled at that but they quickly died down once they realized his attention was not aimed at them.
    ?We will aid you then.  It is a long walk to the Four Corners.? Azel turned to his companions. ?Prepare yourselves brothers we are off ?.

Warrior\'s Tale - By Draklar

...And so there i was... standing eye to eye with my destiny. Looking into the passage, which held legends of the invincible dragon. I was so close, but also so far away. The missing bridge was successfully disallowing me to get there. Disappointed, I slowly approached edge of platform. I stoped for a while, and glanced at the passage. It was obvious that it would be hopeless to try to jump there. Filled with sorrow I looked down. Far below the platform I could see wooden bridge. I was able to catch sigh of various shapes passing it from time to time, although... I couldn\'t tell what races those shapes belonged to. I was so high... fall from here would be a certain death. Rage started replacing my feeling of sorrow. I tighten my fists.
\"I can\'t give up - not that easily\"
I looked about for a way to get there. I couldn\'t see anything besides dullness of rocky walls... Suddenly, I noticed something. Those walls weren\'t flat, I could climb on them to achieve my goal! I glanced down again, and then looked at passage.
\"So be it\"
I came closer to wall and began looking for good starting point... I found it, although I wasn\'t sure if I could reach it, even by giving everything I have into jump.
\"There\'s no going back now\"
I closed my eyes... Using my skils in School of Esteria, I started concentrating my energy... I opened my eyes, and looked at my targed. Waiting for few seconds, I was getting ready to jump... Then it started...
I sent my energy into ground, giving boost to the high of my jump. I hit the wall, receiving bit of pain, but I managed to hook to the wall. I waited for few seconds, and then started climbing. I was getting closer and closer, but then I reached area, where no more climbing was possible. I looked at platform before passage: \"Close enough\" - I said, and then jumped to platform. I was there...
I turned towards passage. I could smell odour of sulphur coming from within.

\"The time has come\" - saying those words I entered the passage. Soon afterwards horrific sight revealed to my eyes:
There were bones scattered all over the place. I could see cracked skulls of various races, destroyed weapons, and parts of armour. Everything was covered with blood. Suddenly odour of sulphur started to grow. I looked before me, and there he was... Fearsome dragon was coming my way on all of his four legs. His red scales could seed fear in heart of the bravest warrior... It was red dragon alright, the one, that can use fire to annihilate his foes. He stoped and started looking at me. Fear was filling my whole body. I couldn\'t do anything. He made grimace, like if he wanted to laugh at me. He knew that I\'m no mach for him. He thwacked his wings, raising cloud of dust, which had flown into me. That was enough:
His last action made me furious, leaving no more fear inside me. I looked around: next to my feet there was lying broken sword. I tried to grab it, but the dragon was faster. He hit me with his claws, delivering me massive pain, and sending me to the wall behind me. The great pain was disallowing me to move. The dragon thought that I was dead already. He started celebrating his victory, and after few seconds he began moving towards me.

I could move again. I knew what to do, the only chance was to make one last berserk attack. He approached me with his head, trying to grab me with teath. And there was my chance!
I jumped up, and using School of Esteria i sent power into my claws. The attack was fast and direct. I clawed his throat, sheding his blood all over the place. He made voiceless roar, and one second later he made his last mistake.
He tried to breath fire at me, but his damaged throat made him lose control. The fire started emerging through his throat, carbonizing his own bowels.
I closed my eyes, darkness surrounded me...

Suddenly from the darkness, arised red dragon. He was burning in his own flames, sending cry of sorrow. The dragon was soon burnt to pieces. I could see only flames. All of a sudden in flames that burnt up the dragon, appeared a shape. This shape was walking out from flames. Few seconds later I could see more details.
It was a knight. He was wearing full armour, and was holding sword in both his hands. Suddenly he droped his sword. He waited for a while, and then he\'s taken off his helmet. I recognized his face - that knight... was me.

In that moment I realized, that in flames of the dragon, new legend, has been born...

Zaphar\'s Story

Shaz looked over his shoulder panting heavily. ?I think I lost em.?, he thought. ?Serves me right for listening to Calder. I dare you Shaz.? he says, ?Go ahead just a quick sneak and peek,? he says. ?Sheesh I\'ve been running for hours!!!? Shaz looks around carefully. ?Where in the 9 levels am I? All those rogues and they saw me I just know they saw me. What if they mark my family? Mom and dad and sis, I am so stupid. I got to get back home quick. The only question is where is home??
Shaz took stock of his surroundings and the few meager things he had on him. His family had never been particlularly well of, just poor farmers saving up so that one day maybe a member of the family could set out into the caverns to earn their fortune. Shaz had been enjoying a day of relaxation with his friend Calder. The two of them were hunting mushrooms in the lesser caves when they heard whispers coming from out of a little used branch off. Calder who always liked to tease turned and said ?Rogues!!!! I bet its Rogues!!!? eyes wide with delight. Shaz just laughed and said ?nah its just some hunters returning from the hunt Cal.? He wasn\'t going to be swayed by Calders wild imagination. ?No Shaz, really go take a peek. I bet it\'s Rogues. I dare you Shaz, go ahead just a quick sneak and peek.? Shaz who knew better allowed Cal\'s infectious enthusiasm to carry him along. The two crept down the passage as the voices gradually grew louder.
?Leeshaile Shol Saardh!? A hard voice rang out. ?You have been marked Sanchez!!! your protection money is very late. I want no more excuses!? The boys looked at each other wide eyed with excitement. ?No!!! please sir I can\'t afford this. I am a very poor man my family has little enough to support themselves,? another voice rang out.
Cal turned and told Shaz ?Lets get closer.? the two boys crept closer to the voices and peeked over a rock. A lone merchant stood before a group of black clad rogues, tembling in fear.
Thats when it all went wrong. Cal misstepped and rocks clattered thunderously in the cave. All eyes turned toward the boys hiding place. ?Someone is watching, go search the Cave!? the man with the hard voice said. A group of rogues began moving toward the boys. ?Quick Cal. Run!!? whispered Shaz as he turned and ran like mad out of the caves.
?And now what do I do? Shaz thought. ?I am lost.? Shaz began walking looking around him. He had never been this far into the caves. ?I don\'t even think this is the lesser caverns anymore.? he thought.?I must have run all the way into the caverns proper. I better find a way back and soon.?
He walked for a while looking desperately for a familiar landmark or sign of friendly habitation, till finally he grew tired and fell exhausted to the ground. He was awakened later by a small whisper. Someone was very close! Shaz opened his eyes and slowly looked around. There standing in front of him was the stranges thing he had ever seen. A very small leathery creature with large eyes and nose was struggling to jump out of a crevice in the ground near him. Each jump was just inches from the edge and the creature was obviously getting tired. It was whispering to itself as it jumped. ?Stupid big lug lyin there scared me so bad I stumbled straight into this hole. I ought to whack him good once I get out of here. Whats he think he\'s doin sleeping there right in the middle of my route? All those big folks think they just lay where ever they please. No consideration any of them!?
Shaz almost laughed out loud at the site. ?Excuse me? Could you use some help?? The creature froze. The creature slowly looked up. ?Oh. Now you want to help. Hmm? where was the offer of help an hour ago. Eh? And what in tarnation do you think your doing sleeping right in the middle of a path like that? Its dang dangerous is what it is. Disrespectful little brat thats what you are.? Shaz looked down in surprise and realized there really was a little path running right under his resting place. He leaned down and gave the creature a hand. Once up. The creature looked him up and down and said, ?What are you doing here anyway. Can\'t say as I remember you being here before. What is this an invasion?? Shaz shook his head and told his story to the creature. ?Ahhh...? said the creature. ?Serves you right for poking your nose where it don\'t belong. The caves are no place for shenanigans you know. My name is Bolubolo. Now lets see about getting you back to where you belong. Can\'t have you blocking my path forever you know. Follow me.? Bolubolo lead Shaz back to a common trade route. ?Wait here for a merchant and hitch a ride back? he said.  
Shaz didn\'t have long to wait before a merchant came along in his cart and gave him a lift back. His parents were worried sick and had been searching for several days. Cal had made it back much earlier and reported the rogues to the Guards. The band had been arrested and put under armed guard.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Alienware- What I think of mine so far :)
« on: August 30, 2005, 04:52:11 pm »
Thought I\'d post something for those thinking about buying from Alienware. Here\'s my personal experience so far.

It was delivered today, not too late, but not early. There was a slight problem; they didn\'t include a power cord. :) I\'ve sent off an email about that.

Now this machine is a monster. Not just in specs (AMD64 (HT) 4400+, 2GB RAM, GeForce 7800 GTX), but in sheer size. Slightly over two foot tall and wide, and a foot in width. It was a bit awkward getting it up the stairs, and god forbid if you don\'t have much room on your desk (or under it).

It\'s also noisy. No, noisy is an understatement. You see, even with the optional extra of \'Acoustic Dampening\' to the AlienIce cooling system, this thing can be clearly heard from downstairs. Sent off an email about that, too. ;)

Took a while for me to find where to plug in the speakers, but that wasn\'t anything wrong with the machine. :) I\'ve just never had a decent soundcard before. Audigy 2 ZS.

So, that\'s all well and good, normal sorts of problems that happen to everyone, blah blah... you want to hear how it runs, yes? :)

Gorgeous. Fantastic. Brilliant. Beautiful. If my last machine was a steam turbine capable of doing press-ups with the Eiffel Tower, this is a Behemoth with the unbridled power of a thousand galloping stallions that have been fed steriods their entire lives. In outer space.

...Because there\'s no wind drag in outer space.


On to looks: it is a piece of art. Mine is black with blue \'eyes\'. It glows menacingly in the dark. Very sleek, very stylish. :)

Hmm... pics, you say? Pics?! Of what speaketh thou! Okay then, I\'ll take some pics. Later. I\'m tired right now, and the machine\'s deafening noise is driving me insaaaaaaaaaane!! I\'m going to find a way to turn them off. Or pull them out. One thing\'s for certain, I\'m not sending it back to their warehouse. Because the warranty makes you pay for it. THE WARRANTY IS EVIL.

I\'ll be back later with pics.

The most recent official Radeon drivers for Windows do not work with PlaneShift.

Go to and get theirs.

Thanks to DaveG for this. :)

General Discussion / Notice: Naming Policy Alterations
« on: August 18, 2005, 01:31:38 pm »
Greetings folks,

Some new alterations have been made to the current naming policy. To ensure everyone is aware and up-to-date with this, please visit the following link:

Character Naming Policy

The main changes are as follows:

Firstnames now must not be or contain an adjective or a verb.

Firstnames cannot be titles, such as Lord, Miss, Lady, Baron, etc.

Lastnames cannot break these rules if they contribute to breaking any other Naming Policy rule.

Thank you for your continued support of PlaneShift, and have fun. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Dell Computers - What's the Catch?
« on: July 12, 2005, 02:59:07 am »
Hiya folks,

Both me and my dad own computers, and usually when mine gets old, it\'s passed on to him, while I get the next new one. That way we don\'t have to be buying two comps every time these ones get old, and my dad doesn\'t usually need grand-spanking performance anyway.

Today the discussion of Dell computers came up. They\'re always advertised with loads of RAM and big LCD monitors and great processor speeds... but at as little as ?399? A top-notch computer that is not a Dell costs anywhere from ?1500 to ?3000 from the shops here these days.

Dell are the only company, who I\'ve seen so far, that do these \'offers\'. There has got to be some sort of catch. You don\'t get exactly the same computer for up to ?1000 less than somewhere else- it just doesn\'t work that way.

Our budget isn\'t big, so please, I don\'t want to hear about \"Alienware are the best\" etc, because I know, they\'re also incredibly expensive. :P And in all honesty, building a computer myself would not go well either.

It\'s either a Dell, or another shop-sold brand. The only thing I\'m interested in really is knowing what this catch is.

Anybody know? Thanks for any replies :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / What was that game...?
« on: June 22, 2005, 10:24:29 am »
I wonder if you can help me.

Many years ago, I used to play an old DOS game, which I can\'t remember the title of. Basically, it was a sidescroller, sort of a platform adventure/shooter game. You played as a woman who could transform into a wolf. As the woman you can climb rope ladders and things, but the wolf form was really useful for jumping larger gaps without being skewered in spike pits.

There\'s not much else I remember about the game... just vague images of random levels and things. I\'m hoping this is enough info that someone might realise what I\'m talking about. :)

Anyway, I\'d appreciate it if you know the title and can tell me. Thanks!

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