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Messages - Moogie

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Thanks bilbous! The GMs are helping by giving Talad a poke.

Title pretty much sums it up; I can't raise anybody's ear in the IRC. What's the best way to go about getting my character name unlocked?

I'd use another name, but... actually no, I wouldn't. :D Moogie or BUST! (I'm sure I'll give in eventually if I can't get it, but I'd be super sad not to.)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Forum Private Messages: Your History
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:10:27 am »
I usually just forget, when the forum doesn't automatically tick the option "save a copy of this to your Sent Box". I end up sending the mail and not having a copy saved. :(

Also, yeah... incoming oldbie wave! I seem to have that effect around here! Hehe

I'm thinking of hopping ingame and checking out the new stuff. I haven't played since the very first combat was added. It looks... intimidating...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Forum Private Messages: Your History
« on: September 17, 2014, 11:56:21 pm »
There's been too many forum hosts and whatnot for any of my oldest to survive, but the earliest I still have dates back to 2006, about 3 years into my time here. It was from a user named Venae Rell, asking something about the Enkidukai language. I apparently responded with some useful lore information, but the sent message wasn't preserved.

Then a few days later, a message from ThomPhoenix thanking me for joining some contest? xP Who knows, it's all lost to the mists of time.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Somewhat late tenth anniversary *BOOP!*
« on: June 17, 2013, 12:53:47 pm »
Of all the days I decided to check the forum...

Hey, Sweety, how ya been?  :D

Hello, you. :) I'm good, thanks! I hope you're also doing well. Do you still come here often, or did you just randomly decide to check up on the place (like I did)? I browsed around some of the recent threads and haven't recognised a single name so far. Kinda scary.

Oh, that reminds me. Is anyone in contact with Princess Aeyla? Niber was asking about her a few days ago. Said he thinks he saw her in some 'famous' Youtube video and wanted to ask if it was really her. xD

The Hydlaa Plaza / Somewhat late tenth anniversary *BOOP!*
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:55:52 pm »
That is to say, the tenth anniversary of my account registration, not the game itself-- which of course is much older. This is also meaningless because I'm never here! Woo, anniversary of me not being here! I'm sure some still celebrate it every year. ;)

So, anyways. Still chugging along, eh? Planeshift: one of life's constants. :) Keep on keeping on, you brave warriors of opensaucy gaming! You should advertise more; I never see anyone out there in the wider Interwebs talking about PS. One day, my memory is going to fade, and it'll be as if this place never existed-- part of my subconscious will feel sad about it, but I won't remember why. I'll remember nothing, except for a vague sense of loss and a fleeting image of a ruby crystal, encrusted atop the crumbling stone pillar of some old, dark temple... It'll feel oddly comforting, this dreamlike scene, but I'll never be able to put my finger on just why it feels so... important to me. Then I would shrug, assume it's from "some jumping puzzle game I once played", and go about my day, never again knowing of this place.

But for now, my brain occasionally taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "Hey, you remember that one place, with the people and the things?" and I think, "Oh yeah... I wonder how they're doing these days. Maybe I has messages!" And I did. I had two messages. :) But more importantly, the project itself continues. Now, go out there and show people you still exist, damnit!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Remember when?
« on: January 03, 2012, 02:37:04 am »
So, what have you been up to these past years?

God only knows what I was doing before, but the last 3-4 years have been spent doing Flash animation over at It helped me land a short-lived indie partnership with the guy who makes the Protector tower-defense games at Kongregate, where I did the monster sprites/animations for "Reclaiming the Throne".

I've improved massively since then, but sadly haven't found any new game dev opportunities yet. But I make a nice amount from the Whirled stuff, so I'm happy enough for now. :) I'm trying to break into fullblown 3D animation lately so that I can really broaden my opportunities. Chase the dream, never give up..!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Remember when?
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:53:48 pm »
Yes jose, I tried letting you know 6+ months ago that you can delete it. :)

Hi Drey, Drakkie, Thom and everyone else! I love how we all seem to come out of the woodwork at the same time, haha. It's nice to see you guys still alive and kicking.

What are you working on these days, Thom? Congrats on achieving a game dev career!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Remember when?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:25:41 pm »
I don't remember any of those things... but I do remember when only the Hydlaa Plaza existed, and all we did was run around picking up crystals all day. That was my favourite version of PS. :)

Merry Xmas 2011! It's always heartening to poke my head back in here every few years and see you still chugging along. It's been nine years since I first joined, and I've witnessed you paint a long and colourful history behind you. Despite all you've been through, you are invincible!

I met my best friend here, all that time ago. Funny how these things work out, isn't it? :)

Now, if I come back in 9 more years' time, I want to see you still kicking, y'hear? Mkay. Have fun tomorrow, you crazy kids.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: August 28, 2009, 07:31:53 pm »
Oh snap, Phin. Snap. :thumbup:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: April 08, 2009, 09:31:14 am »
Hi Phin :) ltns. It's cool to see familiar faces stil,l even after all this time.

Vengie occasionally gives me little updates about goings-on in Planeshift, but I never really check back here anymore. After all, if zanzibar is still here, it can't be any better, can it? :) (Just kidding zan, don't throw your twisted panties at me!)

Good to see the place is still alive though, at least. The reason I visited today was because somebody showed me a game called Mortal, and it reminded me of Planeshift. Mostly in that the movement looks kind of awkward and clunky... but I'm sure that's been improved since half a decade ago when I last played. :)

Ah well, time to drift back to Whirled again. See you all in a couple of years as usual! ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Any old players still around?
« on: July 29, 2008, 10:35:52 am »

that thread's still better.  :P

I'd like to see Seppy make an appearance in this thread now.  Maybe kix too.  Pigs will fly when moogsters makes a new post.....


I can hear my name spoken across space and time.

And I always crop up in threads like this, it should have been obvious. ;]

Peacer, thanks for stopping by and looking around, it's appreciated. :] Yeah, I am looking for my next mod job. Since PS I've learned quite a bit, and well, just ask any former Carpe Diem player what the GMs were like. :) We were goooood, hehe. I miss that game terribly.

Xanacru, ugh I know. Silkroad is a mess. I stopped playing a year or two back, before botting became quite as prevalent as it is today, but even when I did play those quests were enough to destroy your soul. But, that game has something you can't pinpoint; some appeal that makes it so addictive. I have no idea. The forum community helped (SRF, not the 'official' forum), but these days even that has been taken over by pre-pubescent kids and bot-users. :( I played it for months through the horrible, horrible grind. What was I thinking? The only thing that stopped me playing was realising the futility of the game - futility against the botters, hackers, scammers, but also the futility against the level grind. I reached level 57 and just could not go on any more. I'd never play it again though.

Anyone here in the 2Moons 'first 100 players' thing? Meet you there! I'll be called Moogie, unsuprisingly. :)

It's a Moogie...

Let's see...I remember

Getting slapped by you! Aha, good times...Happened quite a bit I think.

I like to think there were fewer whiners back in MB...not much to whine about really, you can't much complain about the crystal picking up system.  And with fewer whiners comes less Anality (new work) and agressiveness.  Back then it was rampant RS prejudice :P

I'll the same o/ Moogie.

(I used to go by Waylander and slapped me while I was Waylander :P)

Totally agreed. :) I remember the closeness. People were grateful to be involved in such a special project.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Animal extinction
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:48:32 am »
Only because man is only a recent introduction to life on earth...

It IS still a fact that the extinction rate since man entered the scene has exceeded ten thousand times the 'natural' rate. That's terrifying. :(

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