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Topics - Fantasyfiend

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General Discussion / Long Game Running
« on: October 21, 2004, 05:06:41 pm »
I haven\'t been in these threads for a while now. Just came back in today because I had some time between classes. I was frankly shocked and amazed at the new screen shots that were seen when I entered the site. Nothing like I remember. Incredible progress. I haven\'t seen character animation, but I thought I would just pop in and say \"Excellent Job\" by the looks of things. Keep up the good work.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Transient Commumication
« on: March 01, 2004, 06:33:44 pm »
Ever get the feeling you did something and someone\'s avoiding you for it?

I asked a girl out to see a movie. Not a date or anything, I know she had a boyfriend, but I was just looking to enjoy a movie with someone I considered a friend.

Anyway, she gracefully declined, and I tried to explain I wasn\'t trying to come between them. It\'s not my thing. Anyway, I think she\'s been avoiding me. It kinda bugs me. I\'m not mad, or anything, I just feel like I offended her or something. Maybe asking her to see a movie was a bit too much as a friend.

Just out of curiousity, does anyone have a suggestion to break that awkward silence? I\'m a little at a loss for what to do (First time for everything, I guess...)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Vulgarity in games
« on: February 17, 2004, 08:54:11 pm »
I don\'t know how many people here watch XPlay on techtv. A little show about games in America. Well, it showed an import game called \'Sexy Beach 2\'. In it, you stalk girls around aparrently tropical enviroments, and shower them with gifts, like scantily clad bikinis, or things that don\'t even count as clothing, but as twine. Eventually, you got to \'touch\' them. Give them back rubs, thigh massages, tickle their belly, and any other sick little fetish limited only to how far one\'s mind can sink into the gutter. Farther along, you take them back to your place to test the springs on your matress.

Now, I\'m not a prude. I play GTA: Vice City, though I don\'t solicite hookers in the game, but how would I go around justifying playing that, and shooting down a game that\'s play control consists of \'looking\' at overly busted girls, then clicking on them. Does it even constitute as a game?

By technicality, yes it does. Personally, in my books, no it doesn\'t. I think gaming takes more than a foot fetish to play. But the question about GTA comes back up. Well, this might sound lame, but I think it can be justified since it actually takes some finess. Skill. efort. The other is digital porn. Perhaps that sounds hypocritical, maybe it is.

Either way, I find it sad that games have sunk to this level. Personally, I think it really started with DOA: Beach Voleyball.

Maybe I\'m looking at this from the wrong angle. I mean, anyone so incredibly pathetic as to buy a piece of trash like that obviously couldn\'t get a date, so maybe, ironically they need it.

To sum up, What the hell happened to games? I know with graphics improving, games can, and have become more mature since thye have the power to. But since when did mature  slowly eating popcicles and running slow motion through a sprinkler in a white shirt? Perhaps one of the most \'mature\' games I\'ve played is Harvest Moon. A personal favorite. Final Fantasy is a good example of maturity. For the most part. It focusses on telling stories and testing the might of the player. X-2 looks like a backslide.

The Hydlaa Plaza / More destructive than the atomic bomb
« on: December 01, 2003, 04:20:20 pm »
I guess I should warn everyone before hand, that what I\'m about to say is a long drawn out rant. If you don\'t want to be brought down by it, you might want to leave. Sorry for wasting what little time it took to load and read this far.

I have to tell -someone- about this loathsome thing. No matter who I talk to in \"RL\", they don\'t seem to comprehend the vile stranglehold their in. I watch EmptyV, and all I see is the twisted filth of collectively foul minds. If you haven\'t figured it out thus far, I will break it down.

I hate television.

God, it disgusts me how someone like Britney Spears and Madonna can suck face at an award show and become more  popular. I cannot. Cannot . Understand, why you would have someone randomly enter your room. For what? So they can judge by your living conditions if they would date you?! Queer Eye For the Straight Guy; doesn\'t it strike anyone else as rude, or even disgusting, how people (A) Assume that homosexuals are good dressers, and (B) Dictate what they should, or shouldn\'t wear? This is America, you have a right to dress like a slob. Exercise it.

Jesus, how long has Howard Stern been on the air? He\'s married and he lives like any single pervert I know. Eminem. Slim Dorky. A tongue as venomous as that just about deserves to be removed. And his stupidity dwarves that even further. Comments by him about how \"joking\" about rape, murder, and gang-bangs are okay -if joking-. It doesn\'t end.

The Band, Hell on Earth, were going to publicize a suicide. Then, claimed it to be in a secluded place. Anyone sick enough to watch another person throw their life away, and find entertainment from it deserves to be cast off to a much more horrific death for being so unforgivably sick. Christ, it almost makes Maralyn Manson look decent (I won\'t even get started on that one.)

Even commercials. Axe Body Spray. Depicting \"man\" as a so-called gentlemen with a sick horn-dog sex-freak waiting to jump out. True. Humans as animals are not above dirty pleasures of the flesh, but with that kind of crap being forced into everyone\'s mind, is it any wonder AIDS is such a killer? It\'s the same thing with another cologne, whose name I forget, showing a cowboy and girl about to, ahem, ride a bull. I am aware that these \"commercials\" air on channels and programs not meant for children. I find it irrelavant. Why bother NOT having cigarette commercials when your just going to promote sex?! Victoria\'s Secret. Again, depicting only the desirable, trying to lull minds into an accepting state that you can be carnally desirable (Though I like those commercials...Stop looking at me like that.)

Why is it, that some skank like Madonna, who let us not forget, wrote a book about her sexual ways, is now writing a children\'s book. Yeah, here little Suzy, read this story about Little Red Riding Hood who show\'s the Wolf and Grandma how to have the same time. I realize now that my gripes seem to revolve around sex on television. Yes, I suppose so. But it seems like that\'s what they promote the most.

I would LOVE to see America if it went without T.V for a month. Hell, a week would be interesting enough. Let\'s see what they could accomplish when their minds aren\'t distracted by soap opera\'s, or Spring Break Wet T-Shirt Contests. Just think about how many potentially great minds were laid to waste by something so aptly called \"The Stupid Tube\". When television was introduced, children stopped reading so they could see that brain-washed squeeky clean family like \"The Cleavers\" live their lives, neglecting their own. Brainwashing, even then.

Even people I admired, turned to sludge. The Osbournes. I liked Ozzy\'s music. For a while, I even liked the show. Then I got to think about how sad it was to watch Ozzy and his misbehaving children. It finallly dawned on me. Yes, I know that as a star, he has to make a living, and someone of his reknowned state would make for a dare-I-say perfect Reality Show. But I find myself liking it less. Even finding out about Pete Townsend with his child porno problem, ruined another  star I considered good. Maybe I just put too mcuh faith in people. They do make mistakes after all.

I think I bantered myself enough to where I got my point across. Yes, that should suffice. I suppose by now, most of you who read this thinking I\'m probably quite cronicly insane. No, I don\'t think so. The only reason I exploded like this was because I held it in for so long. My point  seems like it was illustrated fluently. I don\'t expect to change any minds. I\'m not slamming anyone who stomached my anger this long. I\'m just expressing my personal views...on global level.

Then again, it\'s subjective. I mean, everyone has a right to their own conflicting opinions. So I guess, this was long, drawn-out, and somewhat pointless.


Wish list / Pacafist Merchants
« on: February 26, 2003, 01:03:25 am »
I\'ve been thinking of this since I started drawing out ideas for my MUD. The thing is this. Warriors are obviously meant for combat. Wizards are caple of combat and healing. Merchants aren\'t really meant for combat against monsters, are they? I mean they spend all their time studying money and bartering there\'s no skill room left for fighting so my  idea is this.

What if mosters weren\'t just stupid creatures that attacked you on sight? What if you could put that High IQ to work? Let\'s say your a merchant travelling through a mountain pass. On the way through, you meet a goblin. Well you know goblins are greedy, and for a few gold pieces, he would change his mind about attacking you. Just because they\'re monsters doesn\'t mean they\'re out to kill everyone. Could it even be possible to hire trolls as packhorses? This is an interesting idea. If a monster was extremely stupid, you could confuse it long enough to escape.

Single Author Stories / The Fools Goblet
« on: February 15, 2003, 03:20:58 am »
The dream was the same as always. It was more memory than a dream. Fantasy walking into the portal. Apprehensive, Cautious, but he had to do it. His life here wasn\'t worth living. Nothing exciting happened, and everyone thought we was strange for not wanting to live as a blacksmiths aid. Then the portal appeared. It looked like a rip in a page, almost like his reality was split. Then without thinking hee entered it. No regrets, No thoughts. Anything was better.

  \"Hey...Hey!....Wake up!\" Came a voice that broke the dream.
  I jumpeed awake. I had fallen asleap at the table in the Kada-El tavern. Kada-El was standing above me, looking annoyed. Probably since I hadn\'t bought anything and was taking up space.
  \"What time is it?\" I asked yawning. \"It\'s about Noon, Fantasy. Didn\'t you have something to do?\"
  At the words noon, I was awake. I was supposed to be at the blacksmith at dawn! The Kran I worked for would be angry, he expected me to be there every morning. It was nice of him, since he gave me room and board, but I hated being a blacksmith aid again. It wasn\'t as bad, since adventure ran rampant since I came to this world, but I still hated it.

  As I walked out the door onto the plaza, a thick mist hit my face. It had been raining, and a heavy fog hung in the air. Two Lemurs were sitting by the fountain arguing over a mathematical equations while Two of the aquatic elves were sitting in the fountain, basking in the sun. It never ceased to amaze me.

  I started walking toward the log hut that housed the blacksmith. As I walked past an alley, came a hiss. I stopped. There it was again. I turned around and there was a desperate looking man holding a golden goblet like a child. His eyes were red, with dark spots beneath them, and his face was gaunt. \"Mister, are you alright?\" When I said this he acted as though I were about to slap him. \"Take it. Get rid of it. I can bear it no longer!\" Before I could ask what he was talking about, he threw the goblet at me feet and took off at a dead run in the opposite direction.

  I just stared at the Goblet for a while. There was something alluring about it. Something that made me want to hide it from prying eyes. So I picked up the cup. Forgetting the blacksmith. Just for today, till I can find out what this goblet is, where it came from, and what I should do to it....if anything.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy Valentine's Day
« on: February 15, 2003, 02:57:28 am »
If your over seas this might not apply to you, but to all of you in the states, Happy Valentines Day! Hope you spent it with that lovey goo-goo stuff I hear about. Otherwise if your like me, it was just an excuse to stuff your face with those boxed chocolates. I think that\'s all I have to say....yeah,  I\'m done.

Wish list / Player owned Dungeons
« on: December 12, 2002, 09:51:25 pm »
I\'ve been thinking of this for a whil now. You know how you can own a house, but other than storing stuff there aren\'t many perks? What about player owned dungeons. You see, houses take up a lot of space above ground, what if characters could own subteranean lairs? It could work like Dungeon Keeper so all you had to do is click here and there to carve out differant bedrooms, hallways, and stuff. Plus if you had skills in trap making, you could make floors that fell out, fire traps and stuff. Also, if you had powers in elements, you could set lakes of lava, water pits, maybe wind tunnels that sweep you into blade pits, or maybe fissures that open beneath your feet. I\'m going to leave it there, cause I want to hear other player ideas.

Wish list / Medieval Betty Crocker?
« on: December 04, 2002, 02:38:41 am »
Hey everyone,
I know it\'s been a whil since I posted, but this has been nagging at my somewhat abnormal mind for some time now, at least since it was discussed on an old post.

Why is it that skills like swordfighting, and magry get the most attention? I\'ve never seen a knight go into battle wearing rags. No. They wear shining armour, flowing capes that catch the sun, and banners of war streaming. Now, someone has to create those banners and capes, so why is the seamstress skill so ignored in RPG games? If you hit a certain skill point, new creations could be opened up, or if you were a guild member you could design and strut your guilds emblem. I know it probably isn\'t as exciting as slaying dragons, but it shouldn\'t be \"thrown into the game\". I mean, even Dirk the Daring looked presentable for Daphne (After his many horrible deaths). Then there\'s the baking skill. I\'m not saying you SHOULD eat in this game, but if there were perks to the skill, then more people would be chefs. I think it would be more for socializing with characters, and for parties in the game. You could make a Wedding cake for weddings instead of 500 breads and a handful of Wraith meat. Just a thought. I know these are considered sissy skills, but if this is rp, then shouldn\'t someone in the game have to do it, like people in rl?

Granted or negated Wishes / Simpler Races
« on: October 04, 2002, 04:26:27 pm »
I noticed in the Character setup page, that each race has bonuses and minuses for certain things like a Kran might have a -10 bonus for Intelligence but a +10 for Strength. Why not just make things simple, without the bonuses? The Kran could be the only race to climb sheer rock facings, so only they could get to certain villages or Dungeons. Those Aqua-Elves are the only ones that can breathe underwater, so the same kindof applies. Then there\'s the Dwarves. They could be the only race to go REAL deep into caverns and stuff, while not being destroyed by the heat. The Lemurs could be the only race that undrstood all languages and speak them. On that note, I think that all races should have differant languages until your character learns that language, until thn they could understand a few words here and there. So only Krans could understand Krans, and Those cat-things could understand other cat-things.

Wish list / Character movement
« on: September 21, 2002, 02:20:43 am »
I honestly think characters should have a lock and maneuver control in the game similar to Zelda. That way stats would somewhat contribute to if you win or lose, but it would mostly be player skill. That way you wouldn\'t necassarily need an army to take down a dungeon boss if you didn\'t want to, but you would have to be damn careful.

Granted or negated Wishes / A few ideas
« on: August 09, 2002, 03:48:50 am »
I just downloaded Planeshift, and I have a few ideas, that I think might make the game the best one out. I divided them into 2 sections: Reasonable and Rediculous.

1) Usable Chairs-Sit in them, fall out of them, go wild!
2) Player Run Pavilions-Players can prop up a pavilion so other players don\'t have to buy goods in the hot sun.
3) Companies-Kinda works like a guild. You can actually make a brand name weapon or food. Completee with little insigna label.
4)Better view control-The current one feels boring. There\'s too much to look at to not see it.
5) Wagons and Carriages- You can toss stuff in the wagon to carry it, and with thee carriage, you can arrive in style!
6) Better graphics- I\'m not whining, I mean its a free game. But couldn\'t you make the resolution a bit better?

1) Apartments- To cure people having to spend alot of money to buy a house in the middle of no-where what if players could have rooms in an apartment complex?
2) Travel-Wouldn\'t it b cool to ride in a zepplin? You could drop stuff in unsuspecting twits.
3) Gardening- Player owned ranches, gardens, or flower beds. Add originality to your home!

                   I think I\'ll leav it at that for now. Lemme hear what evereyon ls wants or thinks.

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