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Topics - Lumi

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General Discussion / Player vs Player, Why not ?
« on: November 03, 2013, 02:51:27 pm »
I guess there are many forum treads about the pvp already but since a couple of months, i noticed that the Champion Cup is less and less frequented.

1. I would like to know why ? I am curious. I know that many people like to level up their skills so i suppose it's not the reason. Is it because of the RP side ? For my part i participate to the Cup enterly ICly. It's possible. So what could be the reason ?

2. We could introduce some new formulas for Champion Cup or Yace (to be discussed) : Kiaerulf came out with a nice idea which would be to have "team color". Therefore it would be "RED" vs "BLUE" and not only "xGUILD" vs "xGUILD". This would permit to spice up the pvp activities proposed. We could then introduce a random team fight event where the referee would randomly create the team that will fight together in 2 vs 2 or more (exemple : Referee pick randomly Lumi to team with Kiaerulf vs Gonger to team with Haraun).
To see with a Dev if it's even possible (coloring name of the people / grouping in a certain way) ?

3. What do we do about the looted weapons ? What do we do about the Bow ?
We do know that the Bow is a weapon of mass destruction when the user of this weapon carefully choosed a precious looted bow with particular boosts. Up to 5000 damage in one shot (yes.). We also made tests and noticed that the regular 50Q or 300Q bows makes "normal damage". But for some, the bow user has still the advantage of beeing able to moove while shouting which (toward what Kiaerulf told me) make the weapon user incapable of killing him/her.
Should we ban the bow of our pvp event ? Should we ban the looted item of our pvp event ?...

Side Note : Apologise for the eventual grammar problems.

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