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Messages - Fyrre Tijorra

Pages: [1] 2
Fan Art / Re: Fenki Pixelart
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:01:15 am »
Fyrre ... hmmm, did Doctor Forita a birth support in Kada-El's, or did I mismatch names? But I do remember she existed. So: :flowers: Wibble!
I don't know who Doctor Forita is, but thanks for the comment.

Fan Art / Re: Fenki Pixelart
« on: December 24, 2015, 07:36:12 pm »

Fan Art / Fenki Pixelart
« on: December 23, 2015, 04:12:41 pm »
I bring the art you've all been waiting for: a weird looking picture of characters no one remembers, by a person who hasn't played the game or read the forums in ages!

Fan Art / Re: Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: August 17, 2015, 05:22:33 pm »
Thanks for drawing Fyrre with level 10 Intelligence, Dannae! :P


* Mariana Xiechai FANGIRL SQUEALS!
Weird, I didn't know she had a fan.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Remember when?
« on: September 28, 2012, 07:02:38 pm »
:p Speaking of which.... who drew the diseased rat on the public art wall in Amdeneir?
* Fyrre Tijorra gives a broad, yellow-toothed grin, grateful to have stumbled upon a chance to display her strange creativity.

And getting back on topic, remember when dust used to look like dwarves? I think one fenki even claimed that a pile of dust was her husband! ;D

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Becoming the Masque - Costumes
« on: January 01, 2012, 08:32:23 pm »
An asymmetrical, roguish grin of sharp teeth is carved below mischievously narrowed holes for green eyes in a mask of blackened wood which is splattered with vertically flowing fiery colors. Warm-hued eyespots on ears each lined with three ragged holes peek out from its rough-hewn crest.

Angular red, orange, and yellow stripes adorn black fur, while an unhealthily thin body is hardly covered by bones dangling from brown strings tied over its shoulders and hips.

A spiral-shaped Red Way glyph is clutched in her right hand.

This Enkidukai speaks in a rough growl that sounds as though it belongs to a man.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Masquerade Ball Guestbook
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:53:12 pm »
An Enkidukai in a grinning mask with strings of bones over fur dyed black with warmly-colored stripes approaches the book and looks side to side, making sure that no one is around.

She writes "Fyrre Tygyrr Tijorra", and draws the ugly face of a widely smiling striped fenki with big eyes beside it.

More quickly, she adds "Burrt Panterru," also sketching a portrait of a handsome menki with the shape of a bird on his face, and runs off.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Happy Birthday!! Have some cake and such.
« on: December 29, 2010, 05:19:17 pm »
* Fyrre Tijorra thanks Derula and Mishka and Dannae and LigH and Lilura and has some rat eyes and blood and such.

Fan Art / Re: The Night Before Xiosiamas and a Rat Eye
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:16:25 am »
*shrugs* I'm good at writing without too many errors when I take my time... And it might help that I wrote it on post-it notes first, then wrote it on the paper, then traced the whole thing, and knew some of it by heart by the time I thought I should type it.

Fan Art / The Night Before Xiosiamas and a Rat Eye
« on: December 25, 2010, 07:16:06 pm »
I meant to put these here yesterday... And I don't know how to post images....

A Planeshift version of "The Night Before Christmas" with a drawing:

Oh, I almost forgot, I have a present for you:  :D

Fan Art / Re: OTR's Crayon Wonder-party-fun-time-place
« on: August 10, 2010, 12:21:35 pm »
I drew a PlaneShift-related picture in crayons a while ago. Do entries that were made before the contest starts count? =P

General Discussion / Re: Your thoughts on death and the death realm.
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:46:28 pm »
I wish it was easier to tell what the mood of the Death Realm is and clear whether it's supposed to be a horrible place that should be avoided at all costs or something that's just necessary for coming back to life and not really a big deal, so people wouldn't have to argue about that. The DR is dark and creepy enough to suggest that it's not a fun place, but, like the player, do characters get used to the journey over time to the point where staying there for a little while wouldn't be so bad? Is just being there after their first time unsettling? Painful? Traumatizing? Or not so different from Yliakum?

I'd like to see the eye between the two stairways near the exit as an important part of leaving the DR. It could see into people's souls or minds or whatever and judge if they're worthy of leaving yet or not, as a kind of helper for Dakkru.

Someone who died in a situation like attempting  to steal or murder would have to take the staircase to the left and go on to more challenges in part of the expanded DR. Maybe that eventually leads to another monster that gives some sort or riddle or challenge like the eye did. If they try to take the other staircase anyway, the eye could somehow stop or hurt them.

If the character died when helping or trying to save another, or just fell off a cliff :P, they would be allowed to take the right staircase to the portal (or take a safer route to the way out if the portal moved).

This is probably way too complex and impossible to implement, but it would be cool if being able to track how someone died caused the eye to make the trip out of the DR shorter for those who had bug-related deaths. I think it would be fun to at least rp a reason for the eye.

Fyrre's religion isn't completely clear, but it's closest to atheist. She grew up loving nature and thinks of animals as equal to the Races. She doesn't want to worship Xiosia though. After finding Xiosia surrounded by a crowd in the Secret Garden, Fyrre heard her say to shun atheists. She thought this was very unfair and hasn't really liked the goddess since, but respects what she's done for nature.

She only read about and hasn't had any real experiences related to other religions, so she barely knows what they're like, but would definitely be interested in going to some sort of event that explains them and welcomes possible newcomers. If she met a god who didn't seem to dislike anyone just for not worshiping them, she might be more convinced that the gods are better than everyone else and really are worthy of being prayed to (and whatever else it is that happens with religion).

I think having a separate event for each religion would be best. It seems like religion hardly ever comes into conversations and when it does, it doesn't take a lot to get characters who don't worship the same god into an argument.

General Discussion / Re: I think RP is...
« on: July 11, 2010, 07:21:44 pm »
Fyrre smiles and gives a short purr to the comments on her post.
Now if only my character could be confident enough to rp outside of her guild more so I don't only experience that awesomeness once in a while... :sweatdrop:
Your character roleplays?

As long as your character wont RP you in RL everything should be fine, you know?
All I did was screw up the wording there. It's not really a big deal. I'm probably just taking offense when none was meant, but, fine, I mean "...confident enough to say more than a few sentences to another character or otherwise interact with them instead of with just a glance and maybe a greeting, outside of her guild more..."

General Discussion / Re: I think RP is...
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:21:05 pm »
Fyrre smiles and gives a short purr to the comments on her post.

Now if only my character could be confident enough to rp outside of her guild more so I don't only experience that awesomeness once in a while... :sweatdrop:

And, um, if we're also adding what makes a good rp, it's nice when a character isn't completely good, evil, or neutral, but a mix of those in the same way that anyone in rl is.

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