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Messages - Nivm

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: July 02, 2010, 05:59:56 am »
 Wait...What we are describing is to actually make "atheism" in-setting. Currently the term is described with the same definition as real life when in Plane Shift that isn't what it means.
When referring to atheists, even if the character creation definition says otherwise, it should be "a person who does not revere or put their faith in gods".
And I refer to "faith that the bridge is sturdy" instead of "faith that the bridge exists". An atheist like that in real-life is almost totally unheard of in Yliakum; and this is a civilization with libraries that's going through an age of unnatural enlightenment. It's not important to just make the character creation description less offensive, it's important that it also conforms to the universe it refers to; and makes sure the newbie knows it.

 This above is like vehemence but with out that implied angry or sullen feeling.

Wish list / Re: Another suggestion to determine character stats
« on: July 02, 2010, 05:47:00 am »
 I'll just tack this on here.
Quote from: From a .txt labeled 'PS SkillAtrophy'
Skill Atrophy; it helps even if you hate it.
(Predit: please remove the "but if we hate it isn't good" from the title, I don't mean it that way yet can't think of something else differentiating.)

 I found four threads on the matter in this subforum, but they are diffuse in subject and at least three years old ("I'm this many!"). So I wanted to make one that compiles all points raised, at least on this aspect of skills. There are a whole lot of other skill points (ignore pun).
 The concept is that one's skills (and possibly stats) will atrophy (decrease), when left fallow, for the purpose of rounding out the game.
  • When will it happen? - Some want it to happen all the time, but a majority want it to only happen when you are logged in; this makes sense, since your character effectively ceases to exist when logged out. It should be a slow process; in real life, if you spend a whole day learning archery, it takes a ~month for that skill to degrade noticeably, a few years for the archer to forget, and decades for the feel to completely vanish (if ever). This needs to be converted to game-time based on skill increase times; we also need to define just when the timer (or each skill timer) is active (such as times where the player can't counteract it).
  • How much will it happen? - After an in-game month of being logged in, a skill will start losing practical experience just barely (it will take you down a level, but the instant you use the skill again the level will be back), and this will be your early warning. As more IG months pass by, the rate of practical experience loss will slowly increase. After a couple years, you'll be probably be losing multiple levels. A year after that, you will start losing theoretical knowledge, the rate of which will also slowly increase. However, the rate for practical experience will level out and reduce to nothing, leaving a certain amount permanently, but the theoretical knowledge rate will just keep increasing. The rate is cut down every time you use the skill; but it wont go back down to zero with just one use if it's high enough. Those who have put more work into the skill will have an advantage, because the atrophy isn't percentile; the rate is based on time and a constant.
  • And skill synergy? - Using skills similar to the ones you're not using will slow the atrophy, and possibly even start gaining levels. This is somewhat broad topic.
  • Why? - Creating procedural professions; further encouraging people to focus on certain jobs. It will cut down the "jack-of-all-trades" problem people have found cheapening. Good fighters will be those who focus on being good fighters, being the great or greatest of something will mean more. I recall their were other problems this solved as well.
     Procedural professions; further encouragement for people to focus on certain jobs. Newbies don't like Super-People.
  • But why?! - You might not like to lose things you've spent time to get, almost none do, but this will solve more problems than it creates. Besides, if you want to keep those skills, it's not hard or annoying to just use them again every once in while. You might even visit people you usually don't, or see that something's changed (or be enraged that it hasn't).

I found it kinda funny that any old thread mentioning atrophy was locked, but that's mostly because of the vehement arguments about levels in general. Or perhaps because some mod locks threads when they get old.

 I'd like to know exactly what I missed here, and hopefully those who influence or control the game mechanics do to.

 So I guess that means natural state of Plane Shift's role-playing is "dying", and any action can be considered "death throws". Well, I guess that can be said for all life on our planet.

General Discussion / Re: Intelligent combat: Weapons and armors!
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:08:59 am »
 Chainmail wouldn't provide any protection from blunt force; or about as much as your skin.

 System wise, I would give each attack a certain amount of force (working with the players strength and weapon weight). Then divide that force depended on both the weapon and the armour. For instance, if I were to slash you with a sword (not hack or stab) I would be focusing my kinetic energy on cutting, but if I struck my opponents chain mail (coverage modifiers go here), all of the cutting damage would be negated, but a certain amount would be transferred to blunt damage. Hacking would transfer more damage to blunt against chain mail, but would be a slower strike, and have a chance of getting stuck on lots of damage (to opponent or armour). So I guess the player should also have a quick, strike-type option, something that could be automated for people with super-lag (don't want to be stabbing with a hammer).
 Platemail is the one that gets general damage reduction, from being able to spread the force of any blow of the respective plate. Pierce a hole though and the attacker gets the drive it in for full damage.

Fan Art / Re: Illysia's Render Gallery
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:56:33 am »
 I meant which source, since it might not necessarily be insects, or might be dangerous, giant insects...

General Discussion / Re: Planeshift War
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:53:55 am »
 Define "necessary". [: To whom and why?
 You could cull every post not directly responding to the first one, or even my response could be considered utterly necessary for both our understanding. Is the definition whatever it feels like at the time?

Fan Art / Re: Illysia's Render Gallery
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:26:12 am »
 When I put a sewn-badge on the floor, I see no shadow around it. Are the butterflies really that thick?

 A village that works on candle production will need the equipment and wax stock for it. Do you know what their source of wax is?
 Are the objects in the candle tray polished stones?

 Do you think you could add a horizontal branch-plane to the tree, positioned where a person would look up into it? Just something to hide the fact that it's made of 2d planes from that angle.
 The size of the threads on the doll's shoulder are incongruous with the rest, but it doesn't look like it's required, since the lower parts show texture that could be used in the same place.

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: July 02, 2010, 01:42:01 am »
Hang in there, you're not the first person to get tripped up by the above... Everyone that has played PS for any amount of time has had to learn/relearn the above at one time or the other, even more than a few "veterans."
This implies that you think it should not be changed, is this correct? (Y/N)
 Y: If you're going through a dark hallway, and trip on a rock, do you leave it there for the next person?
 N: Glorious, how do you think it should be changed, and what do you think should be added? Put any concise suggestions on the bugtracker.

Fan Art / Re: Art With Botanic (Dial-up warning LOTS of images)
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:08:32 pm »
 This is a rather good tutorial, although I was hoping at the beginning it would say something about what the Plane Shift engine was capable of.

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:03:06 pm »
 I opened up a bug report to take care of it completely for 4-5 years.
 Suggest things to go on the character creation list and just what the descriptions should be changed to.

Fan Art / Re: Illysia's Render Gallery
« on: June 30, 2010, 09:47:19 pm »
 That got it Illysia. Not perfect, but to the point where I can't describe what's missing adequately. Increases the contrast on the gain of the wooden tables would help, but I think you need to detail it more. Perhaps using a photo or a real wood of the same kind as a reference would help.
 I guess the rainbow rugs are the kinds that were dyed after being weaved?
 The butterflies look like confetti or wood shavings that were sprinkled on instead of being part of the rug. Could you remove the shadows? And perhaps give them a more distinct outline from the string used to sew them on after weaving?

 Do you refer to an old ~DnD GM, or a Plane Shift GM?

 Stereotypes are harder to role-play than a simple person, even a full person, since stereotypes tend not to exist outside our imagination. At least in my experience.


General Discussion / Re: Ads, what you think of it?
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:22:12 am »
 I still don't see how it links up, especially because you already made a reply to that. I'll check again after a few days.

 I can't like anyone the way you're thinking, Blooded. But to my way, yes. We had one of those PM conversations that could be called flaming (but would better be described as a duel of patience and coherency), and that was kinda fun. She has a typing impairment injury, so it's paused right now.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The Delightful People on Planet Earth
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:11:59 am »

Complaint Department / Re: Complaint about religion.
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:11:11 am »
 Different idea, Blooded. You can put your faith in a bridge, your truck driver, or a good friend. It's putting faith into a chance, rather than putting faith into existence. I'm not sure how to make that explicit in the quote.

 Think of things in real life people revere (that are real); those are far more capable of ignoring degrading speech. It's the difference between yelling angrily and murder, or the difference between informing tactfully and yelling angrily.

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