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Topics - Rando

Pages: [1]
VisualC++ / MSVC 8.0 CS Build Problem
« on: August 17, 2010, 04:16:34 pm »
I recently started following the windows MSVC build guide.  I have all of the repositories mapped and up to date.  When I try to build CS, the entire build works except I get an error for startme.ico in /apps/tools/startme/

The error is "Old DIB, Pass through SDKPAINT" or some such error.  I am wondering if this means I didn't install SP1 correctly, as I am running windows 7 64-bit and all I can find about SDKPAINT is that it relates to old resource compilers not working with Vista+ format icons.

I am presently installing SP1 again, as well as downloading the win7 SDK (which I believe contains the said utility).  However, if someone else has had a similar problem or more experience with Windows, please fill me in.

This issue was not present when building with MSVC 10.0 (VS 2010), but in there, after building CS, I ran into issues building PS and would like to use 8.0 since that is the version the guide is based on and I believe the most commonly used.

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