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Messages - Karyuu

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 615
Fan Art / Re: PS art
« on: July 30, 2009, 05:32:58 pm »
It still boggles the mind why this counts as fan art.

Fan Art / Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:41:42 pm »
So what are the floating bloated-colored cubes for? Yeah, you're having a blast goofing around in Maya, but somehow I don't think they'll remain in the final composition. What's with the mustard gas filter? It looks like you're hitting random buttons and are somehow impressed that they did something.

Stick with the kran head, but remove everything else - if you actually want this to be good in the end.


Criticism isn't always going to be a pat on the head and a cookie - get used to it.

Fan Art / Re: just messing about in maya tbh!
« on: June 30, 2009, 05:55:45 pm »
I'm not sure what's going on in here, but the red block seems so vital to the scene that I had to post and ask. It's driving me crazy with the unknowing, and the blocks don't speak back when I stare at them with my longing, questioning gaze.


Shaders are cool, but - slapping a bunch of colors onto geometric shapes doesn't make for an exciting first post. It doesn't show anything off. It's not your art, it doesn't display your effort. I'm sure everyone gets giddy the first time they fire up a 3D application, and the first sphere you create shines for you like a thousand sapphire stars in the night sky.

But it's not art yet! Post art.



Wish list / Re: Item Malls
« on: June 29, 2009, 04:55:39 pm »
I also think we should not let those idiots see this post or they'll catch on to us <.<

Secrets are secret for a reason >:( Why don't you just tell everyone where we hid Miguel's body, while you're at it?

Wish list / Re: Body Art Skill
« on: June 10, 2009, 03:24:43 pm »
Hehe, this is not similar to tailoring. Tailors, I imagine, would change clothes that would already be UVed properly, with all elements placed where there is minimal stretching. Freestyle editing simply cannot work, for the same reasons I mentioned. The UVs are not flexible. If someone, at the start of PlaneShift's 3D beginnings, imagined players being able to whip out clothes textures just like that, I doubt they were familiar with the technical aspects.

(Or better yet, tailors would be able to "create" clothes that are unattainable elsewhere - they would just be already created by the dev team.)

I'd love to see someone come up with a workable solution, without reusing the same art image 23 times and limiting its placement.

Wish list / Re: Body Art Skill
« on: June 10, 2009, 09:35:25 am »
Maybe you could train to tattoo different races, meaning you acquire different canvases to work on. So, there would be a canvas for arm tattoos, one for chest tattoos, one for face tattoos, and so on, for each race. That kinda fixes the race differences... but I don't know about the UV squares.

I wish it were that simple, but that's not the case. Depending on the size of the tattoo, let's say something that runs from the shoulder down to the forearm, parts of it could be stretched because of the UVs. The only way to find out where this stretching will happen on a tattoo is outside the game client, when you're actually creating the art. And face tattoos are even more difficult, since heads have so much more variation than just an arm or a back. Having the same tattoo repeated 23 times to account for the different character models will be very messy, and when I was still working on the project, Luca really hated redundancy of any kind.

Even if it is not possible for players to create their own designs, perhaps everything could be done with templates? I dunno... That would require tons of art...

Right, but the main issue here is actually making this look possible in the first place. Even templates don't fix the UV issue.

Wish list / Re: Body Art Skill
« on: June 09, 2009, 03:35:40 pm »
I'm interested in all art ideas, and this one's neat.

Unfortunately, the potential for abuse with a blank canvas and complete freedom will mean that this won't go that far in PS. If anything, templates are your best bet. And whether most players want to admit this or not, -very- few of them are decent artists and most will scribble all over the models and make them look like crap. I guarantee it.

The technical problem with this, is laying the "tattoo" image over any arbitrary spot on the character model and not having the UVs distort it. It's impossible for a couple reasons:

1. the UV "squares" for various areas of the body are almost never the same size,
2. and the UV space is also very different per race/gender.

It's going to be madness to try to make this work as freely as it does in real life, and for very little gain in comparison to the effort. That's why no MMO allows you such incredible choice - their tattoo placement and size is always predetermined. (If there are exceptions I'm just not familiar with, I'd love to know.)

Neat in theory, but very unlikely in practice, unfortunately.

Complaint Department / Re: Crafting or the 'New Realism'
« on: June 08, 2009, 03:29:53 pm »
Ah, but making something harder to bot does not necessarily make it enjoyable, and a game should be fun first and foremost. In addition, the rarity of something should never come from a lack of enthusiasm for trying. These are very bad arguments to use. But hey, if the team says they'll look into it, they will.

In the meantime, you could always make Wishlist threads with suggestions of more interesting crafting systems.

General Discussion / Re: New PS Review
« on: June 04, 2009, 03:05:35 pm »
Obviously he's doing it for monetary gain.

General Discussion / Re: New PS Review
« on: June 03, 2009, 05:28:16 pm »
Reviews don't usually pat PS on the back for being a volunteer-run project, because reviews don't give an A for effort. You get an A for being an awesome game, and PlaneShift isn't there yet, regardless of the awesome effort spent on it. Most positive write-ups are by players who have stuck around for several months and have found a reason for doing so. The negative are from players familiar with many other MMOs, and are looking for more than PS can currently offer.

Game companies are successful by catering to player whims. It's how they stay afloat, and it's why there haven't been any WoW-killers to date. No one does it as well. It's also why I found the following comment distasteful:

The complaints basically fall into the "not enough graphics/functionality content" category as they usually do, coming from players who are used to getting their every whim catered to.

That's usually what makes a game fun, as an enjoyable use of someone's time. Pretty graphics, and a lot of functionality. In general, dismissing players who want this might not be a good idea, because this is really what PS is striving to become. A lot of people really do make whine-like remarks about slow progress (and reading reviews with typos makes me want to dismiss the author's entire opinion, truth be told), but once you get past all the defensive reactions in your head, it's worth noting that their points are just as valid as the positive ones.

Fan Art / Re: My character's model: a work in progress
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:29:56 am »
Looks quite nice :) I'd recommend you post orthographic views from now on instead of perspective, since it really skews your proportions. The last shot before this, for example, made the arms seem extremely elongated.

Unwrapping, eh? I'd be interested in the textures you'd come up with.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:29:17 pm »
Well, the developers know how much power they have over the community - some more than others. (When I was involved there was a wide gap between the team members who cared not at all about this, and cared too much. I suspect that this gap still exists to some degree.) What would make PlaneShift an interesting object of observation long-term, is the fact that no one knows exactly where it's going. The developers who worked on PS 8 years ago could not have expected it to change the way it already has: features previously crossed out in bold red being implemented, certain mentalities and attitudes in community leaders being supported, etc. While Luca oversees everything and definitely has a master plan for a general direction, a lot of little things are malleable. Little things that add up.

So if there's an interest in following a real change rather than a cycle, from an outside perspective, that's what I would look at. The rhythmic rise and fall of the community isn't as intriguing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: April 09, 2009, 10:10:17 am »
Yeah... tempting to come back and not be hailed as incredibly awesome, except I'm afraid I'll always be recognized for what I am - better than most people :)

Communities remain basically the same - the only change is in their fluctuating size, and therefore the volume of their obnoxious little voices. There are the same disgruntled oldbies, though they may now have different names, the same clueless newbies with their same questions and requests, the same emotionally unattached and same hot-blooded developers, the militant moderators, the melodramatic voices of dissent, the weird let's-all-be-friends hippies, all of them. And here's the kick: it's not special to any one community. What happens when you step back from it, Pizik, is that you realize how very unspecial this cycle really is, and how dreadfully boring it is to witness it on a miniature scale over and over again. The people in the cycle think it's awfully exciting, of course, and that they're witnessing something wonderful that must be noted and remembered. Except they're not, and it's not.

This pessimistic spin brought to you by The Association Of People Who Tire Of Other People. :D

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:21:20 pm »
* Karyuu latches onto Moogie and doesn't let go.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: An announcment, a changing of the guards
« on: April 06, 2009, 09:26:04 am »
Nonsense, Thom. There can be only one! :)

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