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Topics - Shadow1490

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Memento Mori
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:54:21 pm »
The assassin perched atop a roof, scanning the street below.
Soon enough, if his schedule is the same as usual.
A slight flash of red below.
He made his way across the rooftops, until the figure he was trailing stopped.
Right behind the tavern, I couldn't have chosen a better spot myself. Wait, what was that?
The assassin spun about, drawing a pair of long knives.
"How long have you been following me?"
The other figure, swathed in black and grey, did not answer.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this one.
The other figure silently drew a longsword.
The assassin studied his opponent, adjusting his grip on his weapons.
Tch, pure black mask, not a bad idea. A swordsman, what a terrible place to fight one, guess it can't be helped, though.
A smile found its way onto his face as he adjusted his feet on the narrow strip of roof. The swordsman raised his weapon.
The assassin adjusted his footing once, then charged.

A final kick sent the dead man falling to the stone street below.
Tch, not much of a swordsman. Still the other one got away, and that certainly made a good deal of noise. Time to go.

The red cloaked figure listened to the ring of steel on steel.
My, my, they really are going at it up there.
A thud, then another.
Another failure, I'll have to reconsider my approach to this.
He suppressed his anger, composing his features, then he turned and went below.

The assassin closed his eyes, bringing his memories of his opponent to mind.
Weird eyes, blank before I killed him. Where have I seen that before....
Come on, think!

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Nightmare Dust
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:33:53 pm »
A young Xacha was sitting at his desk, going over a few details on the alchemical formula his teacher had asked him to study. He could feel his eyes drifting shut....
Eyes open! You've got to finish this, then you can sleep. Come on, Fismas! Wait, what was that?
A knock at the door.
The young man sleepily opened his door.
That's odd. he thought There aren't usually figures in dark cloaks outside my door...
His sleep deprived brain needed a moment to register the oddity of the situation.
"You're coming with us."
Fismas scrambled back inside, trying frantically to shut the door. His foot hit something as he backpedaled and sent him sprawling upon the floor. Then a darkness swept over him and he knew no more.

A cloaked figure watched the fool tumble backwards and heard a distinct thud as a rather heavy book landed on the Xacha.
No matter, shouldn't be fatal.
He went through the Xacha's desk, until he came upon a bit of paper, covered in scrawled alchemical markings.
Ah, here we are.
He looked back to the Xacha.
Shouldn't be too hard.

Fismas opened his eyes.
My head's killing me...
He looked around, but he could see only stone.
Where... am I?
Then he noticed the shackle about his leg.
Where am I!?
He noticed a second shackle, and at the end of that...
A corpse!
He passed out again.

General Discussion / Black Market Idea
« on: May 05, 2008, 04:22:54 pm »
Mostly inspired by the monthly market idea I started wondering if it'd be a good or feasible idea to set up a black market :devil:. Y'know for all of the items that were recently...acquired in legally... questionable ways or for assassination or theft services...
Hey this is just an idea and before this becomes a flame war over where it should be. Respond with how you think the idea might work. Or if it would.

General Discussion / An Idea
« on: April 12, 2008, 09:53:33 am »
NPC client was down and there didn't seem to be much going on. So I ended up wondering something about an idea i'd had.
Would for example a group Xiosia fanatic healers who absorb everyone (or almost everyone) they heal into a hive mind of sorts be a violation of anything?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Why no poison?
« on: April 05, 2008, 02:27:27 pm »
O.K. that I'm even posting this means I have way too much free time but here goes:
Why is it that to my knowledge no main character(especially the good ones)  in any T.V. show or video game I've play/watched uses poison as a main ability? Just why is it that the evil characters are always the ones who debilitate their enemies? It works doesn't it?
Example: Big Guy with sword+poison=Dead body on floor

Complaint Department / Gugrontid Blockade
« on: March 22, 2008, 09:58:03 pm »
Firstly if this is in the wrong place I apologize.
Secondly if the blockade in question just dissolved on its own and I'm simply misinformed I apoligize.

But if I was correct why activily remove it in an out of game/RP fashion? If it was an in-game/RP method then I apogize and just stop reading here.
1. It was interesting: It made for a change and gave characters a challenge.
2. It wasn't like a player who didn't want to have anything to do with it couldn't just walk through it.
3. I'm annoyed because my character had just made a plan to try and slip through it.

Alright then and if I was wrong for any reason I once again profusely apologize.

I keep getting this issue with the anvils or locked doors where when I select an action is says I have no target selected.

Single Author Stories / Wind and Darkness Hiddenblade's sorrow
« on: March 05, 2008, 12:03:14 am »
This is my first attempt at something like this so it will most likley really suck but here goes. (Constructive criticism is welcomed)
Point 1: Idle Breezes
A group of Dermorians stepped out of the tunnel and into the light of the Azure sun. In truth it was more like two groups for there was a very noticeable divide in the group. One group was an image of a walking village with families and wagons loaded with all the assorted equipment needed to run a home and business and then some. The other group was outfitted more like a band of thieves or mercenaries. Every one of them bore multiple weapons that, unlike weaponry carried by some in the other group, looked well used and oft repaired. The members of this group did not physically any more ragtag than the other group but their way of holding themselves gave off an air of restrained violence and open wariness. The leaders of the two groups though close in age with each other and similar in appearance could not have been more different. The first was the image of a leader in a community that could always stand back up and rarely needed to use the weapons that the carried. The other wore his weapons with obvious confidence he looked at the world as though judging the threat level of everything. After looking around the area the first group’s leader turned to the other group’s.
“ Are you sure you won’t stay with us brother?”
“ Come on you knew that we couldn’t stay you may not mind, but I think your people do.”
“We could use the extra workers you know.”
“Look we’ve talked about this you knew we had to leave.”
Resigning himself to that his arguments were futile the younger brother nodded “Alright then Celthis I guess if I cannot convince you to stay I’ll simply say this you and your little band are always welcome among us and will always be no matter what. Never forget that Celthis Hiddenblade.”
Celthis smiled “Alright brother, I’ll remember.”

Time passed, more grains of sand dropped in the hourglass than most would care to count.

A Dermorian child slept in a tree over a cluster of wagons and tents. His red hair was cut short and he wore simple traveler’s clothes. A shirt and pants not of a fine cut but suitable for a child who spent most of his days outside.
   â€śSaelan get down here.”  The child peeked open one green eye to look down out of the tree and saw a Dermorian woman, his mother, standing at the foot of the tree looking impatient.
   â€ś Saelan Hiddenblade I know you are awake get down here right now!” Deciding that his mother’s tone was far too severe to try and pretend he was still asleep he sliped off his branch and onto the ground below.
   â€śYes mother what is it?”
   â€śYour father wanted to see you. He said it’s about time you learned how to use a weapons.”
Saelan walked through the camp heading towards the center where he knew his father would be. He knew the way even though the camp layout was never the same twice. His father would always be at the center because he led their caravan and people. The group had always been wanderers they never stopped anywhere for very long for the dual reasons of safety and restless feet. Usually when it got cold they just found a place near a sizable town and stayed there until it became warmer. In a way Saelan loved stopping while the weather was cold. The caravan was entirely made up of Dermorians and he found the other races interesting.
Saelan pushed open the door to the caravan’s central wagon and was quite unsurprised to see his father standing there waiting for him.
   â€śHmm Saelan you’re on time for once. Here catch.” His father tossed a short sword to Saelan and in the following hours showed him how to hold it and began to show him how to use it. Once the lesson was done Saelan’s father turned to his panting son and smiled.
   â€śSaelan there is more to what I and your other teachers are going to show you than simple sword work. There are a multitude of other skills you must learn, but for now you’ve done very well now we should go or your mother will skin us both for being late for dinner.”

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