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Topics - leuxast

Pages: [1]
Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Gloki's Story
« on: October 06, 2005, 05:45:14 pm »
Chapter 1.
The Reason

The dwarf sat on the rock. She looked broken, an empty shell. Around her fires raged, lighting her weathered, mournful face with broken light, dancing in a brutally cheerful pattern off the walls to reflect in her tears like a frosted looking glass. A Kran strode out of the smoke towards her. She raised her head, her face filled with the dawning realization that her end was near. The Kran raised his almighty broadsword. ?My name is Kenti!? he roared, ?Let mine be the last face you look upon!?. A bright flash of steel shot through the humid air and lopped off her head. The merciless Kran turned his back on her dead body and walked away. Not looking. Not caring.

Chapter 2.
The Revenge

Gloki Aslian lifted the Kran high above his head. ?You killed my mother!? he screamed wrathfully.The Kran panicked at the fearsome sight and whimpered ,?I was made to.?
?Coward!? , said the dwarf chillingly ,?you would kill an innocent old woman but you do not dare to face me!?.
 ?No-one calls me a coward, let alone a dwarf,? roared the Kran.,?Give me a sharp sword and I will murder you where you stand, as I did your mother!?
?No Kenti,? the dwarf replied,?We fight like men, no weapons but our hands, no armour but our skin, and no power but our own!?

Chapter 3.
The Redemption

As I bent over the bloody, pulverized carcass I realized how worthless it had been. It did not bring comfort. It did not stop the memories. It did not bring her back. It made me a murderer. It made me like him.
My quarrel was over, at least for now. I was content, yet no better than before. I had to return to my guild, for they were a part of me, and to lose them was to die inside. If they would accept me back, soiled as I was.

Chapter 4.
The Return

The jovial dwarf skipped along, playing on his beaten pipes a bright, bouncy tune. He sat by the gates to the guild hall he knew so well, knocked, and prepared himself, but one thing was certain, he would have a fine tale to tell tonight.

PS: As you might have guessed, I\'m back, but as Gloki Aslian rather than Gloki Verrxe.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Mac Commands
« on: July 14, 2005, 07:55:50 pm »
I have heard from a not very reliable source, that on a Mac you can turn on a text based window (Linux sort of thing) by pressing A whilst starting up.
I was wondering A: Whether it is true and B: What are the commands!
Thankyou everyone!

Wish list / In the future...
« on: June 29, 2005, 09:49:32 pm »
I have been thinking ( a long way in advance) about music. And I thought, Hey wouldn\'t it be good if there was some way using a midi keyboard to project sound to anyone who wished to listen to you.
Then, the people of Yliakum could give you ratings and you could advance that way- through your actual skill at music!

Just a thought for the future.


PS. Some people might not like this because they couldn\'t play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star if their lives depended upon it!

General Discussion / Spell Combinations
« on: May 28, 2005, 11:43:08 pm »
Simple question. Are there any spell combinations? If so what glyphs do they use and what spells of what way do they produce.

PS. I hope this is in the right forum. I was tossing up between here and newbie help.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Character Information.
« on: April 27, 2005, 09:47:16 pm »
I run the Mac version of Planeshift and i accidenly moved the Information Menu offscreen and now i cannot get it back! As Mac users will know the game uns in a window so i mangaged to move it completely out of the window and into the nether regions of my computer ;-).

Wish list / Beast Training
« on: November 29, 2004, 04:24:06 pm »
If you wish to train a beast how do you think it should be done.

I think it should be a system of meat/skill. It takes different amounts of meat to train your animal to do different things. you should be able to either capture an animal or train it from sight. The possibility of a monster (of your level) not being trained first go (therefore attacking you) should be quite high maybe an 80% chance?

ps. if this thread has already been posted i apologise and could someone please direct me to the other thread

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