Author Topic: Dev Q&A Apr 28th 2019  (Read 634 times)


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Dev Q&A Apr 28th 2019
« on: May 12, 2019, 06:38:13 pm »
I got to the meeting a little late, as I was IC at the market when it was supposed to start. Hopefully I didn't miss much.

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

>Welcome to sector guildsimple
>Teleported Ossifus Nallifer to meetingore in instance 345
Damola says: But also there has no world announcement on dev q&a happening
Zarre says: First nice day outside for me in real life so I came inside from cutting grass to be here.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Sorry!
Damola says: Ah, there Uadjet is :)
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Was at the market.
Damola giggles "That is why Damola had something different to do:)
Zarre says: :-)
{Developer Q&A starting now at the courthouse in East Hydlaa. Come and hear about the development of the game and ask any questions you might have. All are welcome! If you need a teleport, ask in gossip or send a /tell to Ossifus.}
Uadjet as Ossifus says: It's weird being so tall at a meeting.
Mordaan says: :)
Zarre laughs
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I know it'll sound strange, but it's genuinely weirding me out.
Zarre covers her eyes, "Ok.. go ahead and make yourself comfortable."
Damola smiles "Well, and by all means it meant we were busy RPing at the market… so thats good."
Silak says: maybe a little inverted motion sickness too ;-)
>Overriding race for Ossifus to dermorian
>Label color of Ossifus set to gm
Uadjet as Ossifus says: There we go.
>Zarre cheers happily at Damola Etedi!
Silak says: "no longr swaying" wink wink nudge ++++
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Getting my silliness out of the way early this time.
Zarre says: Very charming Lady Ossifus
Uadjet as Ossifus says: So, welcome to the Developer's Q&A! Here you can hear about what the dev team is working on and ask any burning questions you have of either the devs or the gms.
Damola says: tab key always rotating bug, did not find a way out without killing psclient process
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Oh, you got that bug too?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: We had someone constantly rotating at an event recently. I was able to stop it by freezing and then thawing the character. I think he tried restarting the client and was still stuck rotating.
Damola says: I sometimes get it when in free rotating, pressing tab key does not immediately work, but when I release tab key any movement of the mouse rotates
Damola says: Sometimes I manage to get out of this by pressing whatever keys, sometimes I donÄt.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Hmm. This was a person constantly spinning without touching any controls.
Damola says: I don't know whether Damola actually rotated.
Damola says: But the view was rotating as if I had tab key still pressed.
Damola says: Anyway, after killing client process and relog it works again, so…
Damola smiles "So that at least someone asks something."
Silak says: whenever I spin by chance I have used the R/L arrow keys held, nd it seems to break me out quickly
Damola says: At second last event I wondered how a Pterosaur would carry a ton of people *on* their Rivnaks. So it might be something for the unreal version…
Damola says: … that whenever someone travels by Ptero they unmount Rivnak or Drifter.
Damola says: Either they have to manually or they would just to automatically prior to travel.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Good point. Not sure if they're planning to bring back the summoning time limit.
Damola says: Oh, there is no limit anymore?
Damola thought she just did not trigger a limit soonishly with higher empathy skill
Mordaan too
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I think they added the message about the pet "struggling to return" instead of saying the pet wasn't able to be summoned yet. Back when they made it harder to train the skill.
Silak taps the mic , looks around, then shrugs and drops the mic and stares at the ceiling
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Not that I blame them, as you could load a shortcut with dozens of commands and train your empathy up in very little time.
Damola says: Remembers myself of the armor skill training bug that got Damola to 200 of each armor skill
Damola says: Well that was my q
Damola looks at the resized Ossifus
Damola says: Hmmm, any news about Unreal port?
Damola says: Or Talad.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I've got a small update from Zwei. He's got Gugrontid loaded into UE now, and Oja, Amdeneir, and the Magic Shop are all partially in.
Damola says: Cool.
Mordaan says: Nice
Uadjet as Ossifus says: And Talad has been chatting with Zwei in Discord, so I know he's still working. Just hasn't streamed in a while.
Damola says: Well maybe he is more efficient when not streaming.
Silak says: Then he can play music as he works
Damola says: Yeah, when streaming and playing music lots of trouble can happen these times.
Gonger says: Good thought, Damola. It cannot be easy to code and to chat at the same time.
Mordaan says: Or maybe real life has him busy with other stuff for awhile. He'll return to it, he always does.
Mordaan says: If there's one thing you learn with the PS community, it's patience. :)
Damola says: Yes, that what I admire about him.
Silak says: I look forward to moving around without map change crashes in the sewer and such
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Well, I know the idea of 'zones' is going away, as will the tunnels we're all so used to.
Silak says: Sweet!
Uadjet as Ossifus says: The UE engine uses background loading for it all, so no map changes unless maybe going inside a building.
Mordaan says: or a guild house
Damola says: Oh… I liked the tunnels somehow.
Mordaan says: or the death realm, maybe
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Oh, yeah. Death Realm.
Damola says: Would it be possible to have guild houses with windows to look out and see the real surroundings? I bet that may still not work.
Damola says: Is DR in Unreal yet?
Mordaan says: I don't think so.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I don't think DR is in UE4 yet. As for windows, they'd be nice but I'm not sure how much work they would require.
Mordaan says: I wonder how it will even be handled, in terms of a physical space.
Mordaan says: Maybe deep a literal hell. :D
Uadjet as Ossifus says: That could be, I don't know. Tartarus, maybe.
Mordaan says: other spaces will be interesting too, like dungeons and the lava cave
Damola says: Really looking forward to it. Might be then about the time I'd look for a newer laptop with faster graphics.
Silak says: maybe that ue4 release comment in discord of 2102 is not so very far off , Yikes!
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Yes, I think there are going to be some underground areas coming. I know Amdeneir is planned to have some. Might be partially water-filled. And from looking at the map I think between there and the Towers we'll have plenty of places to explore. In the future, of course.
Damola says: Oh, would be nice for Nolthrirs, partially water filed, but only when its fresh and not stinky water
Silak says: I imagine weather in ue4 could be quite a different experience
Uadjet as Ossifus says: There's a river by the city. Maybe an aquifer.
Silak says: frozen rivers at select times
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Ah, found my map.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I'm seeing a huge lake not too far from Gugrontid and Amdeneir. So for future expansion, that would be a great place for Nolthrir.
Damola says: A nice.
Silak says: In RK the have a Tribes A.I. working well in Ue4 so,may ours could be revitalized
Silak says: *ARK
Damola says: ARK?
Silak says: a survival game
Damola says: ah that
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I'll have to ask about that. I'm kinda fond of seeing critters pass through town, I must admit.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Not the ulbernauts.
Damola says: Well… about those ulbernauts.
Damola says: Damola rides towards Hydlaa north… taking the portal towards tunnel end towards Gugrontid and so… and then about 3 or more maulber/ulbernauts… one stunned Damola, Damola had no armor on and died.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Not my fault!
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Usually...
Damola says: So I bet a beginner player would have nearly no chance.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Yeah, they do tend to gather in that forest road or just on the other side of it.
Damola might have survived in case I'd have spammed healing flash spells quicker
Damola says: I think this could pose a problem to new players.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I wonder if we could get a guard NPC that actually attacks ulbernauts. Probably much harder to do than I think, though.
Gonger says: New players normally do not rush to the forest at once.
Gonger says: And they do not know about those portals, which IS the big danger you mention.
Damola says: Why are they coming that way anyway? It hasn't been always that way.
Mordaan says: Perhaps the invasions script?
Damola says: I sure now there have been those… ah… trepor
Damola wonders whether she got the name of those other guys right "those that greet and live in tribes."
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I think it's the BD tribe. They move towards Hydlaa if allowed to rest for too long. Kiling them decreases a counter and prevents this.
Damola still has to learn what would be effective against Maulbernauts, crystal way of course is not.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: It varies. Crystal works on most, I think, but not the lords.
Damola says: it works on the ulbers, not not the maulbers which appear to have some resistance and they use crystal way themselves
Damola says: but well… what was actually your question about those mobs?
Silak says: I hope game balance is easier in ue4
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I think a well-maintained engine will prevent some surprises from popping up, so balance should be a lot easier.
Damola says: A time ago I bet some players enjoyed luring maulbers and ulbers to places to attack other players, but this time they appear there all by themselves
Silak says: a good start certainly
Damola watches for a while and saw new ulbers and maulbers walk towards Hydlaa as if they would like to pay the city a visit
Silak says: I had thought they had help often
Uadjet as Ossifus says: I'm pretty sure it's that invasion script. I wonder if I can clear that counter occasionally by killing the tribe a few dozen times.
Silak says: I have played tag with a few that behave very much as if impersonated
Damola says: invastion script? what is that?
Damola says: the big invasion from behind BD?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Rules set things up so that a particular tribe would march towards Hydlaa if they were left unkilled long enough to advance a counter to a critical level. Killing members of that tribe decreases that counter, so killing them with some regularity would prevent the invations.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: If I understood correctly.
Mordaan says: Yep
Silak says: might there be a visible bronze door in ue4 ?
Mordaan says: Not right away, but eventually I would think so.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: It's a great idea, and that's why I did that event where players set up a watchtower in that area. The ulbernauts go right past there.
Damola says: ah, so… Players can help to protect Hydlaa, I see.
Mordaan says: Yep, the idea was to encourage group hunting and provide consequences of not doing so.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: And now that I've said 'watchtower' I've got to play some Hendrix.
Zarre says: Yes you do
Damola says: I see… well I bet that might be a new event topic… Damola probably would not like that all that much… but well it could serve for an event with a bit more of fighting in it, which may be just right for other chars
Uadjet as Ossifus says: We could get more things like this going in UE4, actually. Make the world more dynamic and let player actions actually have consequences.
Damola says: would be interesting
Damola looks around "Anything else?"
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Well, I'll try and see if I can settle that tribe down a bit. /killnpc area:npcs:400:naut should kill all but the lords.
Damola says: Ey.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Yes, any other questions?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Actually, killing by command might not decrease the counter. AoE spells then.
Damola says: GM doing mass killing of mobs…
Damola says: AoE?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Area of Effect. Like Poisonous Hailstorm.
Damola says: I see.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: If that works, if might make the forest road a bit less of a death trap.
Damola says: :)
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Had more chat in Discord, but nothing concret. Chatted about swimming and flying/gliding in UE4, so that's not forgotten.
Damola says: nice.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: But sadly I seem to be the only one who thinks the BD Fortress needs a zipline.
Damola says: Any progress with spell effects in UE?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: That I don't know about.
Damola says: I remember that this was a topic some time ago where help of volunteers is seeked
Uadjet as Ossifus says: The Unreal marketplace had some effects as free downloads a while back, and I know they were grabbed.
Mordaan says: you mean the damage, or the graphical effects?
Uadjet as Ossifus says: The graphics, I think.
Damola says: gfx
Mordaan says: Yeah, I think those all need to be redone. :/
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Ah, the FX Variety Pack
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Has 21 effects in it, so it's a start.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: Oh, and a fireworks pack that's free.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: So those could provide a good start to someone with a little skill with graphics. I'll stick to learning to make plates until I can do spears and polearms.
Uadjet as Ossifus says: So, if there are no other questions I think we can bring the meeting to a close.
Mordaan says: Thanks as always for coming!


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Re: Dev Q&A Apr 28th 2019
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2019, 12:02:52 am »
Thanks for posting Uadjet!
The death realm is not ported yet. I try to keep the list on pswiki up to date, so you can always check the progress there.
Background loading should also work for interiors like taverns, which will use a sublevel. I will be testing this soon on the magic shop.
For spell effects, we do have some starting points from free ue4 assets, but we need a volunteer to jump into these if possible. It is a fairly contained task but will take some time to learn the system in ue4 and convert all the spell fx. If anyone is interested please feel free to DM me here or in discord! Thanks!  :thumbup: