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Topics - Onilise

Pages: [1]
Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Sky Of Night
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:20:16 pm »
O misty sky of night
with faded crystal light
the wind blows so soft
carry my love aloft

Let the hills circle me
while I wait to see
or feel the wings
while my heart sings

then splash my skin
with water again
from river near
to drown my tear

Until I breathe again.

Fan Art / Secret Garden - (Work In Progress)
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:39:20 pm »
I wanted to take on kind of a big project... I wanted to paint the secret garden and then, as I can, add my guild mates and myself into the scene one at a time. So here's my start! Image 1 :p

Fan Art / The Dosor
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:33:41 pm »
This is an idea I had for a new domestic creature called Dosor. They are raised in herds like cattle and are herbivores. They are raised for their skins because they shed every cycle a leathery shell-like skin that can be used to make armor and shields. They're about as big as a hippo and they resemble them a little. I drew them and Crimsa colored it all in.

Fan Art / Nolthrir Couple
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:41:59 am »

Single Author Stories / Earenn's Treasure
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:17:14 pm »

Oni wrote this for Stonebreakers

There once was a very old stonebreaker named Earenn. You could still see a tiny bit of red hair intermixed with the thick white locks all over his head but there was little color left in the piercing gray eyes. He sat on a big cushion that he carried in his pack and chewed the end of his tobacco pipe. His great white beard gave a quiver and he scratched underneath, lost in thought.

Earenn had amassed quite a fortune during his life and had stashed it all in a deep hole under his cave. He worked so much during his long long life that he never took the time to marry or have any children. Now that he was old it was too late to start all of that.
"But what should I do with my treasure?" he wondered.

Leaning on his thick twisted cane, he began to pace from his cushion to the cave entrance and back. He twisted his beard with his fingers as he paced. His beard was in great long curls from hours of twisting when he tired of pacing and sat back down. He pulled a piece of dried fish from his pack and ate. Still pondering his predicament he fell into a deep and dreamy slumber.

He saw in his dream a great mountainside full of trees. Within a dense array of tree trunks laid a small stone box that reminded him of something he had carved for his mother as a boy. He woke from the dream with an insatiable desire to find that box. Unable to physically make the trip, he sent his young friend Mikara the menki.

Mikara searched the wilderness every day and especially around the many trees surrounding the area. All he ever found was a big brown rock. He noticed it because it was smooth all over as if it had been in a river but there was no river there. He carefully searched again and finding nothing else he took the rock to Earenn.

Earenn took the large heavy rock into his hands. Although his hands were wrinkled and deeply scarred from the years of mining, they were still strong and nimble. He turned the great thing over and felt the cool smooth surface. The weight of it seemed somehow "off" and he shook it near his ear. Something was inside! He studied its surface once again, taking more time to feel for the slightest inconsistency. Mikara looked closely at it too and couldn't find anything like an opening.

Finally Earenn announced to everyone of the clan that whoever could open the mysterious rock would receive a great reward. Curious and determined, each member came to see the stone and try their hand at finding the opening. For many days dwarves of every persuasion came and went but none could do the task.

One day a very small daughter of Earenn's third brother came to try. She was barely bigger than the stone itself so he set it down on the floor beside her. Before he realized what she was doing she pulled out a hammer and gave it a big >whack!<

Earenn and his neice looked down at the rock on the floor. It was now laid open in two separate pieces. Inside was a bright red jewel. It shone so bright that the whole cave seemed to glow. Earenn picked up the glittering gem and studied it with delight. He looked down at little Weranna Vox and shook his head. The wit of this child had confirmed his own dream as a vision.

Earenn left his whole fortune to that little girl. Much older now, she still works with hammers and her father wears the glittering jewel in his beard to this day.

Single Author Stories / Oni's Story
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:18:34 am »
I decided to try! I'll add more as I write it

Oni had landed her first job. She was a very young Nolthrir with skin the color of darkly glowing green tree leaves and a long shock of dark hair that sometimes got a bit wavy in the rain. Her ebony eyes blinked back at her from the stream’s reflection as she gazed upon herself this morning. She was on her way to work and wanted to check her appearance. The soft green grass under her feet felt cool and she threw her worn leather boots over her shoulder for the time being. As an only child who was sheltered and provided for all of her life, everything away from home was new and exciting. She loved her job serving pie and sand cookies to the patrons at the local inn. She met strangers of many races and from faraway lands there who told her amazing stories of creatures and events that she could never have imagined just sitting at home.

That day a hunting party of Hammerwielders kept Oni running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room for ale and then for food until she left work dragging her feet with exhaustion. She absentmindedly squeezed the soft bag of tria in her pocket as she made her way home, thankful at least that they were good tippers. It was almost dark as she pressed through the villages cobbled mud brick streets. It had rained while she was working and the air was humid as she flexed her gills instinctively. Everything was quiet as most villagers began to settle in for the evening with their families. Oni could sense something odd as she turned the corner and approached her house. The window coverings were gone and when she got closer she realized that the house was completely empty. Even in the faded light she could see right in and there was nothing inside!

Not knowing how to react, she stood staring into the dark empty house. Her mother and father… where were they? She studied the front deck which had been built years before by her father and uncle. Her mother’s alembic and alchemy tools were not there and her father’s anvil and hammer were missing as well. Her heart sunk inside her as she fell to her knees and cried out for them but no one answered. She went inside and closed the door. It was so quiet that her own breaths were all she could hear for a moment. Even the sketches which usually hung on the neatly washed walls had been removed and the rugs were not on the floors. Oni crouched down in the darkest corner of the room, alone, and cried for hours until finally falling off to sleep.

Oni woke up the next morning to the sounds of the waking village outside. The light of the crystal shone brightly into the room with no window coverings and her eyes began to focus on her sparse surroundings. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy from the hours of crying and tears began to fall again already. She didn’t move at first… she just stayed there in the corner wondering what could have happened to her family. Finally she stood and rubbed her eyes, stretching the stiffness from her long muscular legs. Determined to find out what happened, her shock and sorrow began to change to great concern. Oni made her way out to the garden where her and her mother would often sit to share their dreams with one another. Everything there was still intact so she quickly chose a few spices to add to her meals later. She would fish up something to eat after she had made a thorough search of the area. She reached out to touch the old wooden bench where she remembered her mother sitting as if to convince herself that it was still really there and then made her way out of the nearby gate.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Irifon River
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:03:38 am »
Oh Irifon river
with sparkling glimmer
the light of the crystal
making you shimmer

soft and cool
you spray and sway
with strong tin treasure
and gobblers at bay

Oh Irifon river
drifting along
from whence have you come
from what dreamers song

bathing the serpents
where eagles are drinking
your sparkling eyes
laughing and blinking

With soft sand bottom
and fish delish
no other could fill
this nolthrir's wish

Single Author Stories / Binki
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:54:36 am »
Binki Fuhren was a soft and beautiful young fenki. She brushed her fine, long spotted fur at least one hundred times each day and carefully filed her long sharp claws before heading out to hunt.

Whenever she hunted alone, she would wait behind a certain pile of large boulders for a fat clacker to happen by, then she would pounce suddenly and bite his neck with her fangs.

On this morning, Binki planned to do just that. She had a strong craving for a good clacker meat meal and could think of nothing better.

Crouching behind the stones, she waited quietly. An hour later, still crouching, she pressed back her whiskers with her paw. Her stomach was growling with hunger and she was growing impatient. Stretching her legs out behind her she readjusted herself and settled back down.

Finally, a bright jade clacker happened by wiggling it's pincers wildly. She hunched up, ready to pounce. She sprang out with all her might toward the clacker but just as she did, he turned his head to the side. Instead of landing with her teeth in his neck, her sharp fangs sank right into his hard clacker shell.

Binki's fangs were firmly attached to clacker's shell and try as she might, she could not break free. She pushed with all four paws and pulled with her head to no avail.

Suddenly, clacker started to thrash his feet and rock back and forth to get her off his back. Each time he rocked and threw him self left or right, her neck would twist but she couldn't hold him still.

While she began to realize that she might be in more trouble than she thought, something wet touched her cheek. She couldn't see anything but coarse brown fur but she knew that smell. The fear of death gripped her. It was an ulbernaut! Attracted by all the racket, the ulbernaut could smell the clacker meat juices running down the shell and it was a little confused by this vision of ... stacked up creatures.

The ulbernaught pushed the great flailing heap around a bit and then decided that yes... clacker smell means clacker meat even on this day. He grabbed the clacker feet all in one arm and began to pull the clacker closer. Feeling his fur against her paws, Binki planted them against the ulbernaught's legs and while he was pulling, she pushed with all her might. The Clacker shell shattered with a loud >CRACK!< and she spun away running as fast as she could.

She ran all the way home to her pack and fell among her siblings in tears. Her mother, seeing that her mouth was sore and swollen, coaxed her after much pleading to let her have a look. Just like everyone feared, Binki sat with her mouth open showing only one fang instead of two. One of her fangs was lost in the skirmish and was most likely in ulbernauts belly by now.

Binki ran crying to her bed and would not come out. After about a week, Binki still refused to leave the den. She was too embarrassed to be seen with only one fang and didn't want to hunt anymore. Binki's mother sent her father hunting in the valley the next week and when he returned he called everyone out.

"I have gifts for all of you!" he said smiling as he dug through the large sack that was bulging with treasure and token from the hunt. Her mother got enough meat for two cycles and all her siblings were given their trinkets when her father approached her. Binki raised her dewy eyes to her father sadly. Whatever it was, she planned to thank him for his kindness and then hurry back to her room.

"Hold out your paw" he said as he smiled down at her. She held out her paw and he placed something there. When he drew his paw away she looked down and saw it... a fang! Her eyes widened... "Where did you get this?!"

Patting her fur, he explained. "It's a tefusang tooth. It is around the right size and length. The town healer is waiting for you now. He will plant this tooth where the other one was."

Not sure if it would work or not, Binki took the tooth to the healer. He pushed the root into the hole from her lost fang and stitched it neatly. After a few weeks, the new fang was much like the old one but Binki never hunted clackers again.

Single Author Stories / Raen The Jumper
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:53:52 am »
There once was a Dermorian boy named Raen who loved to jump. He loved every part of jumping too... the spring part, the vaulting part, and especially the up in the air part. Raen jumped up on chairs, on rocks, and even on animals. He tried to jump higher every day.

When he got older and bigger, he began to jump into trees and even up on buildings. Everyone wanted him to help them reach things that were too high. Soon he became so famous for jumping that people would stop him wherever he went.

One time, Maxanna the stone breaker asked him to jump up the side of a steep mountain precipice to rescue five pages of parchment that had blown up there into a tree. The tree was barely in sight and some of the pages had blown up even farther than the tree.

Happy to be of service, Raen began to jump. He jumped up the crag of the cliff, over the precipice and up into the tree. A little out of breath, he sat up in the branches for a bit before gathering the pages out of the leaves. There were only three pieces of parchment so he knew he'd have to continue even higher. Steeling himself for the ascent, he carefully tucked the three he'd found into his pocket and eased himself down the tree.

The way to the next piece of parchment in front of him was straight up. He could barely see it hanging there from a fallen tree branch. He looked back downward to see if he could see Maxanna but he could not. He gulped. He had never jumped this high before! He imagined he might jump so far up that he'd faint but then he dismissed the idea and went on.

Raen jumped up again and landed next to a cave in the rock. He saw something shining down inside but he couldn't tell what it was. Carefully, he pushed some brush aside to make his way in and immediately after entering, found a piece of Maxannas parchment! Pleased with himself, he tucked it away and continued on through one of the numerous underground caverns.

Eventually, he started to suspect that the other piece of parchment was not within the caverns. He turned to the right and then the left. He had become a little disoriented. After walking until he was exhausted, he stopped to reconsider his direction. The ore that he sat on was hard and cold so he decided to go on. After turning a particularly sharp corner, he saw the most amazing thing before his eyes.

From one side to the other and from the ground to the ceiling of the cavern were glittering diamonds. Their clarity was so superb that colors reflected from underterminable sources back and forth between them like sparks of fire. Barely able to believe his good fortune, he was able to actually pick three of them with his fingers. These would fetch a small fortune back in town! Try as he might, he couldn't loose anymore from their element and so he decided to return some other time with proper equipment.

Raen wandered and wandered but try as he might he could not find the exit of the dark deep cavern. He finally smelled something... yes! Fresh air! He looked to the left, the right, but he saw nothing. Suddenly, he felt it. It was coming from directly above! Tipping his head back he squinted up... there was a vertical tunnel above him that continued so high that he could only see a small small speck of light. This would be his highest jump yet.

He stretched his legs and straightened his vest. Bracing himself, he forced his body up as hard as he could - straight up into the tunnel.

Maxanna never got her parchment. She waited and returned many times but never heard from Raen. Some say he jumped so high that he disappeared or that he finally jumped so high he couldn't come down again.

Single Author Stories / Reland The Healer
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:53:07 am »
Once, long ago, a Nolthrir girl named Seritasa was working with her sisters gathering seaweed for an especially significant family event. Nevra, their oldest brother was leaving on an adventure to explore the region and his brave stories of conquer and quest would be missed by all until his return. The girls would prepare him a feast for his going away party. His parents and grandparents would honor him with gifts and prayers to the gods for a safe journey.

Seritasa worked and worked all day with her sisters and still they were hardly effective. Tired from bearing the weight of the great bundles of seaweed and fish they were carrying, they longed to begin the task of preparation. After all, rushing the recipes with poor preparation would be of little benefit to anyone, Seritasa thought herself. She glanced about to find some sort of solution.

"Of Course" she whispered aloud as her bright blue eyes found her uncle's megaras. The huge beast swelled against it's enclosure as she approached to judge it's worthiness. It was very great and strong. If only she could load him up, the work would be done with plenty of time to spare!

Seritasa suddenly jumped atop the animal and released the holding reins. He was much too powerful for her and she could only struggle to hold on for her life as he dashed out into the wilderness... her long emerald hair trailing behind her from his back.

After what seemed like an endless time, he bucked her off and she landed down roughly in a nearby pond. When she hit the water she of course felt revived and could only try to shake off the confusion. She looked down to discover that she had quite seriously injured her left leg. She sat still for a while until she felt some strength return and then hobbled home.

Reland combined both herb and potion for hours until he came up with a poultice for her leg. It was so effective that the recipe became a well known treatment all over the land and that's how he became a famous healer.

Single Author Stories / Limij
« on: April 28, 2011, 05:48:40 pm »
Little Azuder was a very small Klyros. She wasn't sickly or weak... just small. She watched the bigger Klyros jump and play but she felt out of place so she would usually find an area to play alone.

Azuder loved to fish of course and was always bringing home a bag of fish or crabs. She would often tie a bit of leather sinew between her toe and her fishing pole so that she could spend her time dreaming of the day she would grow up as tall or taller than everyone else.

On one of these days she was lying on her back with her wings spread out softly on the grass when she felt a quick tug on her toe.

Not wanting to leave her dream, she ignored it for a while until the persistence became annoying. Sitting up, she picked up the pole and began to pull in her catch. "It doesn't feel like much" she thought, as she reeled in the line as carefully as she could.

Once she pulled the fish on to the shore she couldn't believe her eyes! It was very small but it had a large horn on its head and its scales were a bright bright blue. Not knowing what to make of this thing, Azuder picked him up, looked closer and noticed the fish changing color! She dropped the fish and stepped back three or four steps. What kind of magic was this?

The unicorn fish sat up on his tail and looked Azuder straight in the eye. Please let me go back home.

"What?!" she cried incredulously.

Let me go back home wee girl. Me mum will have me scales fer this if'n me don't git home directly. Me give ye anything ye ask. Jis make yer wish.

Azuder stared wide eyed at the now bright orange, horned, talking fish. Deciding she must have fallen asleep next to the river again, she thought that she must be dreaming so why not go along with it?

"I wish to be bigger" she blurted.

"Bigger eh?" the fish looked up at the figure before him. He could see that she was serious. "Okay, okay. Close yer eyes then. Close them!"

Azuder closed her eyes and wondered if it would hurt. She felt a warm tickle that started at the tips of her toes and was working its way up fast! Losing her balance, she fell into the grass before she could uncover her eyes.

The unicorn fish had gone but something felt... different. Could it really be true?! She ran to the river and approached the water in a slow flowing place. As her reflection came into view her mouth dropped open further.

The magic unicorn fish had made her bigger! She was much bigger! But unfortunately, her wings were still the same small size. From that day forward, everyone called her Limij, meaning "flys with difficulty".

Limij resigned herself to a life of fishing and dwelling in or near the water. Some Nolthrir swore that she had a glowing tint to her skin if the light of the crystal shone on it just right. If you ever see her, you can decide for your self.


Single Author Stories / The Magic Hour
« on: April 28, 2011, 05:45:40 pm »
There once was a Kran who's stony skin had a pretty blue tint. Kra's marbled blue and white coloring was so soft and beautiful looking that everyone thought it looked like water.

They joked a lot and said that kra was "all wet" or a "slippery slope". This Kran didn't care a bit. All kra really cared about was trying to swim; therefore kra would try for hours and hours on end. One day, Kra's school teacher grew tired of all the absences and set off to find the big blue kran.

Everyone in class joined in the search. They searched the rivers, the ponds, the lakes, and the seas. Finally, after searching for many days they gave up searching. It was hard to see Kra in the water with that blue coloring anyway! Who could expect to find someone like that?

Deciding that eventually, the kran would come home, life in the village went back to it's daily routines.

One night a long long time later, a black haired Nolthrir traveled through the village. She told stories in the tavern of her travels and amazing things that she had seen. She spoke then of a thing that few would forget.

The story told of a kran who lived in the bottom of a far away pond in a hole. Kra appeared to never move, however, when the crystal's glow emits a certain glow of specific distinction, all of the riverlings would come to gather round. Lifting the kran, the riverlings would gently float kra round and round the pond three full circles before dropping Kra back where they started again in graceful pose.

Some say they've seen a kran waiting in such a pond but none can say they've seen the magic hour.

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