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Topics - Talad

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PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.19
« on: May 10, 2022, 04:46:36 pm »

Hello PlaneShifters, in the last few months we worked hard to improve the alpha of PS Unreal and today we are finally releasing 0.7.19! This is a full release, so you have to download it, the updater cannot update from 0.7.18. Major improvements and the addition of new areas and new functionality.

Here is the list of major changes:
Finished and improved the new Factions window. You can find it in the skills window, last tab. The faction scores for your character are not updated yet, and will be loaded in the next days.
The new factions window contains all new symbols (Dark Way is bugged as its black on black background... will be fixed).
Factions scores are now split between reputation and title. Reputation represents how much that faction likes you and is eager to speak, trade or give you access to special locations. Titles are acquired by completing faction quests and raising up in their hierarchy.
When your faction rating changes, we now update the client properly.

Added the first set of special attacks based on weapon types. Example if you have rank 10 or more in Sword, you will get a special attack called Side Slash. You can see all the special attacks (and special abilities) in the skills window.
While in combat mode (press tab) if you have equipped a weapon with special attacks, you can now press Q for the primary weapon and E for the secondary weapon, to display and select the special attacks. To use the special attack you then just click with your mouse, ensuring you have a target under the crosshair.
Added combat mode attack scroll keys to key mappings.

New Sarraghi Dsar added to Ojaveda, it's a completely new area, with new buildings.
Added new Ojaveda Buildings: granary, water tank, windmill.
Added new Ojaveda banners with symbols for the packs.

First version of Raurim village, it is a Dermorian village with new type of houses and a very large tree. It's unfinished, will be improved in the next release. You can find it north of Ojaveda.

Changed the setup of lights in the game. The result should be more vivid colors and shadows. The dark shadow patches appearing randomly are now fixed. We can have more realistic looking dark areas.
Updated many levels with new lights to use the new light setup, including guildhouses. There is a known bug in Ojaveda at night, the light is not correct.
Improved light for day and night cycle.

Here is the list of additions:
Added new style for Ylian Female hair, you can change it in character creation.

Added lemur hair color options (Light green, light blue, silver, light purple)

In the Settings panel, added option to scale menu bar and increase the size of all simple icon tooltips

Implemented new system for mechanism puzzles, currently used in the lavacave map.

Fixed mantle movement to work better, you should now be able to grab ledges more easily and precisely.
Updated the minimum step height your character can step on without jumping or mantling.

Added back button on character creation screen: the universe view.

Added achievement chat message when getting new achievement, to notify the player of which achievement he got.
Added crystals to some cave maps.
Added sounds to windmill in Delver
Added damage trigger to lavacave lava.
Added Xiosia shrine, Talad Shrine and Laanx shrine to be part of random generated events... soon.
Added Pet Info to /info command.

Here is the list of fixes and various improvements:
Fixes to character creation traits, now properly set color to hair/beard
Fixes to character hair geometry and texture for ylian male
Improved hair color a bit
Fixes to homestead river
Fixes to NPCs getting stuck on bottom of stairs

Improved system for permanent spells effects to be shown on the client
Fixes to magic light spell: persistency, intensity and position. You can remove it by casting magic light again.
Fixed problem of characters going to Dryken plane when falling off map in certain locations.
Added new method for developers to manage the loot spawned in chests. Will allow easier creation of new chest and loot.
In the character creation screen, when you select a trait changing the face, the camera will zoom on the face.
In the character creation screen, during customization you can rotate the character by clicking on it.

Improvements to Random Generated Events, we can now spawning items, and destroy items when the event ends. Random Generated events are not yet used in game, but they will soon.

Fixed NPC dialogues. Proper removal of pending phrases from dialogues with previous NPC.
Fixed chests showing black or wrong textures
Fixed player torch item to have more radius and less falloff
Fixes to laanx dungeon textures
Improvements to performances and lights of Amdeneir
Significant amount of fixes to amdeneir houses to avoid flickering
Fixed access to Platinum Mine

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.18
« on: February 07, 2022, 11:20:20 am »

Hello PlaneShifters,
we are back with another PSUnreal release! Yaaaayyyy! This time is 0.7.18, ready to be downloaded from PSLauncher. This release is important as at this point pretty much all the PSLegacy functionalities are in. Let us know if you think we are ready for the real migration.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). A special thank to all the people who are participating in our live streams, testing the game, and giving feedback, supporting through Patreons and donations!

Here is a list of changes for 0.7.18:
Implemented a new functionality of achievements. You will get achievements upon migration for the ones you already achieved in PSLegacy. Some you will have to redo. There are achievement for combat, loot, quests, events, crafting, magic, and many more. This is the first implementation, so please test it and let us know if it works for you and which changes/improvements you would like to see.
Fixed all the entrances to guildhouses, you can now enter your guildhouse! We also found a way to port the guildhouse items from the old game. Those should be correct in terms of position, but may have a wrong rotation. You will have to fix the rotation yourself in Unreal, just right click and transform.
Changed top menu bar to be split in three panels: Character, Social, Others. This is done to avoid a long list of icons hard to search, and to allow room for the next icons that will come.
Added back the ability to right click and get a description on some of the static items in the game. We didnt add new ones, but the one present in PSLegacy should now be working.
Updated Settings window to use new background based on Jade theme with more space for content
Made the arena dungeon doors openable, right click or press E
Added openable gates in hydlaa walls, north gate and west gate
Connected the old tutorial area to hydlaa, its now accessible from the north part of the city. We will shortly fix items and NPC in that area
Fixes to merchant window to prevent wrong clicks on buy/sell and wrong item list
Fixed login window to be adaptable to different screen resolutions
Fixed error in Active spell window
Fixed a number of sounds which were not 3d based (levers, traps, house footsteps, ...)
Fixed crash preventing (for now) to cast spells on Interactable Objects
Fixed bug in loading secret passage marker
Some fixes to group loot
Added new panel for GMs to set flags
Fixes to Howling well cavern entrance
Fixes to caves entrances
Fixed enter and exit from guildhouses
Fixed crash on summoning pet after relogging
Deleted 55779 unused characters to free up names (full list is on Discord in #announcements ), making sure the criteria of deletion would not affect any "meaningful" character. The criteria used to select the characters to delete is following:
- The account owning this character has not logged in game after 2018-01-01
- The character has less than 300 seconds of gameplay
- The character has no money and no items in his inventory or in its storage

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.16
« on: January 08, 2022, 11:58:54 am »

Hello PlaneShifters,
we are happy to announce a new Alpha is available, it is release 0.7.16 !! This is a full release, so you need to download it fully.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). A special thank to all the people who are participating in our live streams, testing the game, and giving feedback, supporting through Patreons and donations! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.
For Windows users, be sure to launch the game/updater with Administrator rights. In this release we upgraded to Unreal Engine version 4.27.2, but unfortunately we are still facing some issues on Linux, which is crashing often.

Here is a list of changes for 0.7.16:

Added first set of levers to be used in dungeons
Made levers functional, including ability to open gates/doors
Added the context menu for iteractable objects (Use icon), example to activate a lever
Added new dungeon (still to be populated with creatures) to test levers and traps, try to find it and explore it.
Added new dungeon props: cage, pillory, chair, table, ....
Fixes on Hydlaa map holes and other map bugs
Display of skills/stats buffs in the Skills window, based on magical items equipped
Added new walls and arches to be used in dungeon creation
Added new metal materials
Added new system to manage special abilities
Added ability to search secret doors
Added fire trap sounds and fire trap particle effect
Added ability to search traps and remove traps
Extended the context menu (right click) to have search trap and remove trap icons
Implemented trap functionality on levers and chests
Allow traps to be present on ground as well, triggering based on player proximity
Added Pressure Pad item to be used in dungeons
More dungeon items added
Added ability to Brute force doors (when possible)
Added new audio for mechanisms (levers and such)
Fixed interactable light, you can turn on and off some lights
Added coamti variation, we now have two
Fixed Kadael tavern material (still looks dark due to other issues)
Updated our game to UNREAL ENGINE 4.27.2
Added new golden chest item
Added new smith tongs (3 types)
Fixed pickup of items (was bugged in multiplayer scenarios)
Fixed problems with resurrect upon death in wrong place (dryken plane)
Increased crouch movement speed
Fixed NPC rotation, should now rotate better while in fights

We realized we never posted the changelog for our previous release, 0.7.15, so here it is

Added Gobble, Tloke and Velnishi 3d models, which were missing as not compatible with UE in their original form. We had to remake those. Added textures and animations.
Fixed speed in blendspaces for many monsters
Fixed credits window, still basic, but at least functional now
Working version of dice minigame (still has some crashes)
Added sounds to minigames
Thanks to our sponsor, we got a permanent new server to use for PSUnreal, its listed in the client as "PROD Server", please use this one from now on
Fixed corrupted item modifiers description
In the item details window we are now showing stack count only if it is greater than 1
Ability to equip torch, and still keep its  item properties
Added ability of scripted items (Blueprints) to be dropped into the world and spawned
Fixed Laanx temple collision, some areas were blocking movement
Various map fixes
Improved the Drykenplane level, by fixing some boundaries to avoid falling down
Still in Drykenplane, added invisible guide on first elevator to make it simpler to use
Fixed spellbook : scrollbar on spell description
Improve the way we manage relationships between characters and active spells to fix the crashes on spell cancel trigger
Fixed mounts! Those should be moving much better now
Fixed character movement speed. Due to a bug all characters (monsters and players) were moving at the same speed. Now we can specify different speed
Pet will stop following you when you ride
Fixed button scroll to end in chat for all panels
Fixed guild join/leave crash
At the moment Windows and Linux are available. For Mac we will create it if there is enough request.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.14
« on: October 29, 2021, 03:43:32 am »

Hello Friends,
the new Alpha release 0.7.14 is ready!! If you already have 0.7.13, this release can be obtained through the PSLauncher. If you don't have 0.7.13 you need to download it first.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). A special thank to all the people who are participating in our live streams, testing the game, and giving feedback, supporing through Patreons and donations! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

Here is a list of changes:

Updated Laanx Interior building: fixed railing, enlarged the upper wings, create a new secret room (closed for now), fixed Sharven position.
Enabled more ambient sounds in various locations
Fixed containers not to show content when locked
Various map fixed to remove holes in the ground or other non walkable areas
Fixed invite, leave buttons on guild window
Equipping a robe now doesn't cause plate arms/legs to disappear
Added new DrykenPlane map: when you create a new character, you will be teleported to the Dryken Plane, this is because your travel between your homeworld and Yliakum was interrupted, you need to solve a small puzzle here to exit
Added new Dryken creature
Added new UI to speak with Dryken creature
Added new DrykenPlane Shards puzzle
Created a new method for triggering achievements (example exploring cities). Not yet enabled at the moment, but working in our test environment
You can now select the mouse cursor graphics in the settings panel. It's an hardware cursor, so very fast.
Added Chat Logs configuration in settings panel. You can decide which tabs of the chat window you want to log, and also if you want to split certain tabs into a separate log file
Some fixes to Laanx temple geometry, wider upper level and added some particles
Fixed the character creation choices, adding new ones and fixing old ones. The char creation should be usable now.
Added a new summary panel, you can trigger it by clicking on the bottom right gem in the character creation, this is showing all the stats/skills you are gaining while making the choices
Stats/Skills in char creation, now have a mouseover tooltip with some information on the stat/skill usage
For the "Relationships" category in character creation you can select a custom skill
Fixed calculation of char creation cost options
Fixed several bugs with quests and NPC speech window
Fixes to NPC movement when reaching a waypoint and moving to the next one
Fixed fall damage (was actually enabled only for GM :) )
Removed fall damage from Dryken plane
Added Biography of character based on char creation choices
Fixed loading screens

At the moment Windows and Linux are available. For Mac we will create it if there is enough request.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.13
« on: September 18, 2021, 09:36:21 am »

Hello PlaneShifters,
the new Alpha release 0.7.13 is ready!! This release is a full release, so you cannot update it through the PSLauncher.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

Here is a list of changes:

Character improvements. We did a pass to fix some of the more "blocky" old looking areas of our character models. This is not a remake, but just fixes where really really needed:
- Improvements to Male and Female Enki geometry, shoulders.
- Improvements to stonehammer male, beard, eyebrows, shoulders
- Improvements to Male and Female Diaboli. Torso, shoulders, arms, shoes, ...
- Improvements to dermorian male and female geometry. shoulders, arms, legs
- Improvements to Kran geometry. Elbow, back.
- Improvements to Ylian male model. shoulders, back, legs, shoes.

Multiple outdoors fixes and additions.

Fixed position of monsters based on map changes
Fixed Xalpalock cave a bit to allow more space
Fixed arena entrance on both sides
Fixed gaps on the road to Amdeneir
Fixed wrong grass on top of Homestead buildings, fixed trees and position of stones
Fixed Blackflame level, adding missing assets

Added FPS limit to the settings panel. You can now decide the max FPS, it can be useful to lower the load on your PC when running PlaneShift

Removed the log line where your username and encrypted password were listed. Now you can safely share your logs.

Imported all music and ambient sounds from PSLegacy
Added new bird sounds
Added a new component which allows us to better manage randomized ambient sounds
Updated music and background ambience and specific sounds in different areas (not completed yet on all areas)

Updater program:
- Added detailed log window
- Added more log entries to detect errors
- Added the disk space check, telling you if you are low on disk space. In general you should have 10+ Gb of disk space available
- Added more error checking
- Files are now maximum 2Gb, which should improve the update process.

Improved Ulbernaut model geometry significantly, improved idle and idle variation animations

Fixed the issue where NPC was remembering you also after death
Fixed issues with pet being dismissed
For linux users, we added a potential fix for the Vulkan Driver DEVICE LOST crash

Fixed some commands to allow running GM events
Fixed /morph command for GMs to impersonate creatures

Added some particle effects (sparks) where present in Legacy
Added fall damage, need to be tested and tweaked

Added scrollbar to win quest for quest description and quest notes
Fixed the freeze in char creation history scenes
Added dermorian history scenes in character creation
Fixed a server crash in Emotes
Fixed a server crash in group functionality on disconnect

Some work has been done to improve the way tribes work, mainly in reproduction and building
The /harvest command now also accepts the full name of the object, so /harvest "Gold Ore" in addition to "gold". This is useful for our NPC Artificial Intelligence

At the moment Windows and Linux are available. For Mac we will create it if there is enough request.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.12
« on: August 13, 2021, 04:14:40 pm »

Hello friends, the new Alpha release 0.7.12 is ready!! This release is available through the PSLauncher, so run that program, and it will update the game. For the one of you which just discovered PlaneShift, you will have to start from 0.7.10, and then patch it up to 0.7.12.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

Hundreds of map changes/improvements, in particular:
 - Added walls around Hydlaa to make it look more like a properly fortified city, including the Winch
 - Changed entrance to arena corridor to make more sense now that we have seamless levels (there is a known leftover of some rocks near Harnquist)
 - Updates to most roads going out of Hydlaa to make those look nicer
 - Added two small fortresses/castles on the map (still to be populated with NPCs/Items)
 - Added Hydlaa farming area (to the left of the road to Oja)
 - Added new village Homestead to the west of Hydlaa, can you find it?
 - Added test version of river and waterfall
Added Goujah. It's a draft animal used in the farms
Fixed the torch, may the light of Talad shine upon you. Equip it for some light!
Added new tannery tools/items, mostly used for Homestead village, but in the future can also be used for something else
Added missing window to inspect player information (right click, eye icon)
Made bracers working again! Added bracer sockets to all races with proper scale
Fixed NPC movement on many maps, before they were not able to move/walk properly
Fixes to Pet window, to better separate Primary pet from mounts
Fixed summoning of secondary pet (mount)
Updated the mounts to have multiple speed as characters, so you can walk/run/sprint
Fixed riding for drifter and Rivnak. Unfortunately still not good, but usable
Added quest notes, saved locally. Should be compatible with old notes, except some cases where you have special characters
Equip by default goes to right hand, except bows and shields
Fixed NolthrirM ponytail position, geometry and weights on stoneb male hair and beard
Fixed character creation screens not to be stuck on homeworld (silence placeholder added)
Fixed /rp commands not triggering on the right character
Fixed round shield missing texture
Fixed wrong item positions in arena
Fixed bug on trees, now those should look more naturally lit, without the bright shade at night
Fixed some weather code bugs
Fixes to random generated events

At the moment Windows and Linux are available. For Mac we will create it if there is enough request.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.11
« on: July 05, 2021, 05:55:24 am »

Greetings Planeshifters,
the new Alpha release 0.7.11 is ready, it has been released few days ago, but we took some time to test it before publishing this news. Seems stable enough now! This release is available through the PSLauncher, so run that program, and it will update the game.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

- Fixed emotes pop up window, with a predefined set of emotes you can use. Still you can use other emotes by chat command. Right click on your character then click on the emote icon.
- Created the emotes icons.
- Added group chat which was missing
- Added new progress bar for crafting
- Added crafting animations
- Added crafting hammer particle
- Added the server status report file, and client display in the login window, you can now see if a server is online and when it was last online.
- Added a new area to Bronze Doors!
- Added TRIBES! This was a major piece missing from the porting of the old game. It's a first iteration, not sure if they work fully yet
- Removed restriction on last name being unique. Now only first name must be unique
- Added large metal barricade and door and a barricade pack to be used in Stone Labyrinths
- Fixed most monsters animations and movements, there were some systematic bugs which prevented many of them from moving/fighting, it should be better now
- Fixed pterosaur travel functionality, added travel loading screen
- Prevented the drop in 3d world while speaking with NPCs
- Reduced the maximum distance of dropping items to 5 meters. Before you could drop them very far away
- Fixed problem in speaking with NPCs, where the Exchange/Inventory window could not be dragged properly (mouse stuck)
- Fixed clacker monster flickering
- Fixed water in the arena to be non colliding
- Fixed some collision in Delver village
- Fixed crash on trading with non player characters
- Fixed collision of trees in hydlaa, you should not get stuck anymore if you jump on a tree
- Fixed positions of items in various areas
- Fixed few items meshes and textures
- Some fixes to pet to have them summoned with command /pet summon id:0
- Ability to rename pet by pet UI
- Fixed invisibility of GMs and NPCs
- Fixed right click on map elements (like the quench tank) to connect to containers
- Added gravity setting for gms. /set me gravity off
- Fixed an old problem with our windows where the resize icon was misplaced.
- Fixed icon sizes in spellbook.
- Fixed character movement values when you exit from swim and go back to walk.
- Fixed rounding error on capacity in inventory window

All three platforms are available: Windows, Linux and Mac.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.10
« on: June 04, 2021, 10:04:26 am »

Yay! We made it again! Another PlaneShift Alpha release is out! Considering we changed the Unreal Engine version, most of the files are updated, and so this time its a full download. This also allowed us to recompile the updater itself to the new version of UE.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

- Added Klyros Female model!
- Added Lemur Male model!
- Added Lemur Female model!
- Added Ylian Female model!
- Improved character creation (still not complete) adding also some screens for homeworld stories   
- Character creation now finishes with warp portal   
- Added voiceovers to character creation (still need to complete all)
- Improved skill window to recognize abilities vs talents (/attack vs /ability commands)
- Improved shortcut bar to receive /ability talents   
- Many improvements to compendium, like management of images, fixed icons, display of locked entries, fixed layout   
- Enabled discovery of compendium entries through books and talents   
- Fixed walking/run animation bug on Linux and Mac   
- Map fixes to the Death Realm, should be easier to walk   
- Fixed some combat crashes   
- Fixes to hydlaa windowless tower   
- Fixed to sewers to clear some unwalkable areas   
- Fixes to merchant exchange window   
- Fixed bugs on equipping items   
- Reduced inclination/lean of character when sprinting.
- Fishing now uses a specific animation, fixed fishing rod equip   
- Fixed some armor textures and icons   
- Made more lights dynamic (this may change the overall light in the game, we need to test it more)
- Tweaked the Ynnwn model to become the Diaboli model, different skin colors and tweaks   
- Updated Unreal Engine to version 4.26.2, this change is important for the next releases to enable new features (example better water) and to keep our project on the most up to date Unreal Engine.

All three platforms are available: Windows, Linux and Mac. Mac is currently building, should be ready by tomorrow.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.9
« on: April 02, 2021, 02:15:00 pm »

After only one month from the previous release, here is another one for you to test and enjoy! We are still in Alpha, and lot still to do, but with your support and our passion, we can do it! Version 0.7.9 is now available.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

- Updated the characters to have a better spine position, should look more straight
- Fixed problem with dwarves having their legs bent
- dermm and klyros weight fixes to remove geometry gaps, other races will follow
- Checked and fixed all spells and their effects
- Added new Pet window, to list your pets and mounts. There is only one primary pet, which is the one you have a mental link with.
- You can feed your pet with food
- You can teach your pet some answers
- Added Yulbar and Groffel animations
- Fixes to quest dialogues, should be more consistent now
- Fixes to inventory refresh and stacks
- Merchant categories and items are now ordered alphabetically
- Added new loading backgrounds
- Several fixes to maps, fixing holes and gaps where you could get stuck into
- Fixed shield position on left hand
- Added scaling of items based on race when equipped on hands. (ex.: Sword on Kran should look bigger)
- Added /pose command to test some specific poses, for example you can use /pose feminine or /pose handstied
- Added context menu for pets
- Added encumbrance slowing down your movement instead of stopping you completely
- Fixes to death realm walkable areas
- Added StoneBreaker female robe
- Rebuilt mines by magic shop
- Implemented first version of the Compendium, which will store all the knowledge your character has, with entries to be discovered in game. At the moment it looks empty as we need to add the data to it
- Fixed "click through" on mostly all our windows to improve usability. If you have a target and you click on a window, the target will stay in most cases.
- First version of bows implementation
- Updated credits

All three platforms are available: Windows, Linux and Mac. Mac is currently building, should be ready by tomorrow.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.8
« on: February 20, 2021, 11:18:00 am »

We are glad to announce a new Alpha of PSUnreal is available! Version 0.7.8. It is the fourth Unreal Alpha release after the one of January 2021, and there are a lot of new features and fixes.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.

- Fixed interaction with NPCs, you can now trade properly
- Fixed a number of bugs in quests, you should now be able to complete quests properly
- Added new particle effects for nearly all spells (crystal aura and crystal mirror are known to be not working)
- Added Audio for nearly all spells, reusing old PS ones
- Dozens of maps fixes, removing holes/gaps in maps
- Fixed equip of torso and robe which was causing some parts of the body to become invisible
- Added Combine and Use icons for crafting. Crafting should now be fully usable
- Added Death Realm
- Reworked Options panel (it's still missing nice background or icons)
- Changed day/night cycle to use better lights, night is now darker (known bug on red trees at night in outdoors)
- Added loading screen (images are placeholders) to avoid seeing your char fly until load completed
- Fixed audio volumes at startup
- Some fixes to digging/mining
- Fixed bugs on calculation of Stamina
- Added possibility to train stats
- Fixed some issues when receiving active spells
- Added completed events list in the quest window
- Fixed transformer tool so people cant anymore have flying tables
- Improved menu for transformer tool
- Added some temporary animation for mining
- Fixed plate mail armor textures
- Some fixes to missing item icons
- Added command for clean server shutdown
- Bug fixing on several commands, including /who, /die

All three platforms are available: Windows, Linux and Mac.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

General Discussion / What should we develop next?
« on: December 18, 2020, 03:08:46 am »
For the ones of you who are not using Discord, I'm posting here a poll we posted there, it's about what you think we should develop first in Planeshift Unreal.

I know that strawpoll can be exploited somehow, so please vote only once, thanks.

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release #2
« on: November 25, 2020, 01:05:10 pm »

We are glad to announce a new Alpha of PSUnreal is available! It is the second Unreal Alpha release after the one of May, and there are a lot of new features and fixes.

This release is open to all Patreons and to all veteran players of the previous game (200+ hours of gameplay). Thanks to all the ones who are supporting us and cheering for us! Your support is very welcome and is actually what makes us continue in this incredible journey through the years.
In this new Alpha we improved movement, now characters can overcome obstacles by climbing low walls and fences. A new village has been added to the outdoors, added new trees, plants, buildings. Many code fixes for stability, improved interaction with objects and NPC, added ability to sit on ground and on chairs.
The main purpose of this second Alpha is to have a limited number of people testing it to discover critical bugs. This Alpha release has these main objectives:
- Catch the critical bugs which are crashing the server to ensure stability for the next phases of testing
- Test performances with multiple players connected
- Test performances on different hardware

All three platforms are available: Windows, Linux and Mac.

All the bugs are tracked on our Flyspray, where you can register and add your findings. You can report crashes and other in game bugs. You will also probably find many missing features comparing this version to the original version of the game. On these ones please do not report yet in Flyspray, we are aware of what is missing and will be added in future releases.
If you are a Patreon you will find the download link on the website directly, if you are a veteran player contact us on Discord to get access.

General Discussion / Forum activity
« on: November 05, 2020, 03:18:01 pm »
I see very little forum activity these days. Is that due to the new tools like Discord?

PlaneShift News and Rules / PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release
« on: May 10, 2020, 11:17:54 am »

We bring some good news! Today we built our first PlaneShift Unreal Alpha release! It's not complete for sure, but the core is working and this is giving us a lot of joy and hope for the future of PlaneShift.

We started this journey with many doubts. We were not sure if it would even be possible to convert our game to another engine. Millions of lines of code to be ported. Hundreds of meshes, hundreds of quests, dialogues, sounds, etc... A big thanks to all the developers who made this possible! But please don't take this announcement as "its done", as it is quite far from done. There are still a significant set of missing features, and the most important part is that we need to test what happens with multiple players connected. At the moment we didn't yet optimize the game, and we have to identify as soon as possible any road blockers.
This is why we want to release the Alpha version to a limited number of people to help us testing it. This Alpha release has two main objectives:

  • Catch the critical bugs which are crashing the server to ensure stability for the next phases of testing
  • Test performances with multiple players connected
  • Test performances on different hardware

For now we will start with a Windows release, shortly followed by a Linux one. For MacOSX we need a bit more time.
For the people who will test it: please report only severe crashes, other in game bugs like missing or not working features are not the scope if this first test. We know already many parts are not working.

We want to give back to the people who decided to support us, and so all current Patreons and all the future ones will get first access to the Alpha release. For everyone else you need to wait a bit more as we go through this first test.
If you are a Patreon contact us on Discord to get access.

Become a Patreon

PlaneShift News and Rules / Leaving Homeworld Stories
« on: January 11, 2020, 09:46:55 am »
We have updated the "Reasons for leaving Homeworld" chapter for the races!

In our journey to the new version of PlaneShift, we are also working on the history of the races and their homeworld. This information will be present in the new version of the game. All races, except Kran, Lemur and Ynnwn, are coming from other worlds, and travelled to Yliakum through magical portals. The reasons of why this happened will be unveiled while playing the game, solving quests, and exploring areas.

We have updated the chapter "Reasons for leaving Homeworld" in our races page. The races born in Yliakum have anyway a pretty important part in the history of the stalactite and will contribute greatly to its evolution.

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