
Gameplay => In-Game Roleplay Events => Topic started by: Sarko on October 07, 2014, 02:26:19 pm

Title: Player Event Initiative
Post by: Sarko on October 07, 2014, 02:26:19 pm
1) What is it ?
A way to temporary become an Event GM, and run an event, not just any event but the one you wrote.

2) How ?
You have an idea for an event, you want to run it in game, for other player but you don’t have the tools to do it ? then we offer you a way to do it and we'll provide you all help & support you need.
You just need to send an Email there with a small script of your event.

3) Rules
- First your event must fit with the setting,
- The event must be shorter than 2 hours long
- Not more than 2 GM should  be involved, so a team of 3 ppl (2GMS + you), and only one GM in case you need impersonations.
- You must think about a good reward that fit ICly with the event itself.

For those who just want to help us running event we also made a guild for that, PS Events, we actualy use it for most of the event we are running, and under some conditions we also accept player characters there.
If you're interested just send me an Email, poke one of us InGame or log on #ps-events

Here are some of the questions your script need to answer:
- Character who will run the event:
- Will the event need advance preparation? (For example, advertising)
- How will the event begin?
- How will the event progress?
- How will the event end?
- How long do you expect the event to last?
- What GM assistance is needed for the event to run?

Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: Mariana Xiechai on October 07, 2014, 03:26:46 pm
Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: LigH on October 07, 2014, 03:43:07 pm
Sounds great. I have an idea for a small part of an event since ... for years. Just no chance yet to make a whole story around it. Now I see a chance, so I may put more efforts in it.
Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: Illysia on October 07, 2014, 03:59:59 pm
I hope this gets a lot of events going. However, what about things slightly smaller than whole events? Such as when we had a GM do the text fireworks for the end of the Masquerade Ball?
Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: cdmoreland on October 07, 2014, 04:01:17 pm
(Shameless plug) Let's not forget that you can use the RCD for your events. ;D
Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: Pierre on October 08, 2014, 12:37:41 am
Love this.

Will think about how to implement a tiny event I have an idea for.
Title: Re: Player Event Initiative
Post by: Sarko on October 08, 2014, 04:29:54 am
[edited first post]

I added few questions your script need to answer
Title: Update: Player Event Initiative & Player Event Characters
Post by: iridia on September 06, 2015, 01:53:24 pm
The "PS Events" Guild makes it possible for GM's, dev's and players to work together on events.


What can you do to get involved?
The Player Event Initiative (PEI) is a way to run your event as part of the PS Event Guild (GM's, dev's and players). Simply by making a script for your event and sending it to Iridia (via forum or gmiridia [at]

Scripts will be accepted if:
We will need the following information to be in your script:
Once we receive the script it will be discussed in the team and we will contact you to find a good date to run it!

Nearly every weekend we have a GM event planned, so we are always happy with someone lending an extra hand. To be part of (any) GM event you can (on invite) create an Player Event Character (PEC)  that will be added to the PS Events guild.

We ask you to keep in mind that characters created for use in events must follow special rules, meaning you will only use the characters during GM events, are respectful to players and won't abuse any of your privileges.

Events are a lot of fun to do but keep in mind that RP in an event as an event character is quite different than RP as a player in an event. We will support you with anything you will encounter in an event but patience and the ability to make decisions quickly are a definite pro!

Interested? Contact us in game, on the forum or log on to IRC and join #ps-event