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Messages - Mordaan

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Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Explorers
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:27:04 pm »
Hiya Thoss.  Good to see you back.

As for the old site, it's probably in a backup folder now somewhere.  If -really- necessary, I'm sure I can go find it but not sure it'd be much use without an actual website.

General Discussion / Re: [COMMUNITY] Bug Hunt 2014!
« on: May 09, 2016, 09:40:28 am »
It has been awhile, but with recent activity, I thought I'd compare things to where they were in the past by adding one new row..

Date|Total Bugs|Fixed PR|Can't Verify|Postponed|Ready to test|Open

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Explorers
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:17:45 am »
Yes, it was great to visit with you in game once again.  There's lots more to do these days.  Both in terms of the game stuff and more frequent events.  So, hope you can enjoy your time back.   :)

Complaint Department / Re: Factions and Notoriety
« on: June 17, 2015, 10:39:38 am »
As it is now factions are terribly underutilized.  We really need to overhaul that whole aspect of the quest system, but it's a project for the future...and a big one that will take time.  So as of now, factions have no bearing on quests, except for actually receiving faction points.  But we still hold out that they may have an impact sometime in the future.  We shall see.

General Discussion / Re: Rigwyn for GM
« on: June 08, 2015, 02:56:55 pm »
why aren't the GMs nominated and elected by the players?

That would be a popularity contest. Easy guess why that's a terrible idea.

I didn't read the whole thread but just to the general point of nominating someone for GM, players can always do that.  Either by suggesting it to that person or by mentioning it to other GMs so they can reach out.  But ultimately it's up to the person to seek out the position.

You can say "hey, you'd make a great GM" but they still have to apply, themselves.  And be accepted.

Complaint Department / Re: Quest: Dagger for Jirris
« on: June 08, 2015, 02:41:18 pm »
Hi there,

Looking over the quest, looks like things are as expected.  It is a little awkward, but you're helping out the fanatics.  It's -supposed- to be a little odd.  They're nutters, afterall.   ;)

The delivery part is more of a distraction and not really part of the task.  Harnquist asks you to go as a favor.  When the quest was written, we didn't have the quest timer it was a way to ICly buy time for Harnquist to finish his task.  Even though we have that feature now, it kinda works well enough as is.  The fact that the shipment is supposed to arrive the next day doesn't really matter in the spirit of the quest.  You have the dagger and can move on.  You don't really need to worry about that part of it.

I hope that explains things sufficiently.

-- Mordaan
Settings Team

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Lets make PlaneShift Unreal
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:49:26 pm »
I hope though it doesn't change the current upcoming features. I'm looking forward to brewing, would understand though if that took a back seat now.

We can emphasize that this is a fork.  So while this project will understandably be getting a lot of attention, we will not be dropping everything.  All the existing projects will move forward.  That includes the new crafting being finalized: brewing, jewelry making, and weapon enchanting, the Shindrok crater project, and even the work on the new crafting UI will continue as planned.

It's going to take a looong time to work everything will likely be developed in bits and pieces.  In between that, we'll still focus on everything else.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Old Account
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:15:13 pm »
Looked up and pm'd.   :)

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: PlaneShift 0.6.3 released!
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:07:56 pm »
Hmm, seems there's problems with the mirrors.  Hopefully we'll work that out tomorrow.  Of course keep in mind that'll be Christmas day.  Not sure who or for how much they will be available.

In the mean time.  Try the bittorrent route.  I'm seeding it myself, though for whatever reason, all the torrents are red.  Worth a try anyway.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: PlaneShift 0.6.3 released!
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:29:06 pm »
One addendum (maybe we'll think of more):
Note there are no more Master Crafted tools (hammer & rock pick).  If you have one, it will be replaced with a regular tool of higher quality.  This was already changed in the last update with the quest rewards, but now the final step of replacing existing items has been made.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Explorers
« on: December 15, 2014, 12:00:51 pm »
Hiya, Nadius!  Good to hear from you again.  Do try and stop by in game sometime and see how things have changed.   :D

General Discussion / Re: Salves for Sore Hands
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:29:55 pm »
Sure, that's something that can be expanded on.  Problem is, right now, there's not all that much to herbal.  And the poultices and salves are at higher levels.  At some point herbal might be expanded a little.  We might revisit this at that time.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] Explorers
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:20:37 pm »
Hiya Thoss.  Good to hear from you again.   :)

Well done, KS.  Congrats on 10 years!   :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: Food Items Needed for Quests
« on: November 14, 2014, 10:21:22 am »
One goal the settings team has is to provide repeatable "skill" quests that have you make various items based on your level in that skill, so it's not getting the same item again and again.  Examples of the ones already in are "Harnquist is Hungry" for cooking and "Malco's Munchies" for Kran cooking/alchemy.  There is another which requires hides.  There will also be a new one for cooking in this next update.  There will be others in the future for things like alchemy and herbal, or at least that's the plan.

Having the finished products available would be defeating the purpose of these quests a bit, but having some ingredients available could save people some time if they have to go someplace far to get it and don't have any in storage.

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