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Messages - Bragan

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Complaint Department / Advising chat window is inefficient
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:42:07 pm »
Is there any way to make advising as effortless as tells? Currently every time I want to tell some player something I have to /advice playername message. But usually advising sessions are conversations and not just one thing said, it would be nice to continue the conversation by simply typing the message in the Help pane, like we do in Tells. It's especially relevant when I have to type in a finger-twister of a name fifteen times (don't want to name names, but it's happened)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / On the scarcity of advisors
« on: June 21, 2008, 09:35:46 pm »
I don't really know where this goes, I'm guessing here since this would be where people interested in helping newbs would hang out. I've asked for help using /advisor a few times, once there weren't any at all the other times I simply never got an answer, though in all cases I eventually got my problem licked, usually with some help from the IRC channel. I have recently taken to volunteering myself as an advisor, and from what I've been hearing from my advisees there really aren't that many around. I suspect some of this may be that advisor mode is reset every connection, but I think most of it is simply that people don't bother to turn it on in the first place. So I come here with a petition to all of you: go ahead and type /advisormode on, and help out where you can. It's nothing that you don't already do here, except you'll be reaching more people (most people won't register a forum account for a simple question).

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