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Messages - Nochulas

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Re: Player Created Lore
« on: March 01, 2010, 05:08:22 pm »
But on another note, if you write a book, is it still only one item? Because I was hoping for a sort of way to make a book go viral, and not have to be in one person's hands at a time. Something that could really spread to everyone.

Wish list / Re: Player Created Lore
« on: March 01, 2010, 05:07:16 pm »
Wow, this made my day. \\o//

Wish list / Player Created Lore
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:53:39 pm »
I was thinking to myself today, "I wish planeshift had a sort of journal built into it, just like one big quest note, that would allow my character to write his experiences (and his past prior to me starting the game) down. I think that would help everyone Role Play more consistently and allow people to get inside the heads of their characters. Also I'd be able to keep track of confusing things."

Then I thought, what if you could share this journal with other people?

Allowing players to write books and share them with each other would, in my opinion, really help in making the world of Planeshift an evolving one. In a world where you can here about people second hand and read accounts of things that happened before your time or while you were elsewhere, or just of another's personal experiences, could make the world all around more immersive. This sort of thing lead to more persistent player-created storylines and that, above all else, is really what Role Playing is about.

What do you think?

PvP,PK and Thieving / PvP and RP
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:18:02 pm »
You are free to rant a bit on why it should be in the game, but what we need are good ideas and concepts, not "Because I want it" or "Because it is cool" or "Because that is realistic."


The more I look around the more contempt I have for people who think the best use of their time is causing others grief. Don't take this the wrong way, there should be winners and losers in most conflicts. However taking advantage of the less fortunate or of some in-game absurdity will be avoided at all costs.

It seems to me that the primary reasoning behind disallowing PvP is because it would move the game's focus away from RP and would cause players grief. I hope to show how PvP could be implemented in a way to cause no grief, without breaking RP, and still being satisfiable to those who truly enjoy PvP.

The first case I would like to make is that a lack of any open PvP zone does not encourage Role Play, but actually hinders it. Players are encouraged to develop characters in any way they want (the classic polarization of Good and Evil is often brought up). However, an evil character is fundamentally unable to truly play his role. He has no opportunity to be wronged, and hence no opportunity for revenge, and no opportunity to surprise an opponent, and effectively cannot do anything without the consent of the other player. It's fairly obvious, then, that the mechanics of the game are not adequate to allow for a truly dynamic relationship between players.

Often brought up in retort is that the game mechanics are not important to Role Playing. Characters can act out their stories without using the game's mechanics and can effectively betray one another, become enemies and perform evil acts against one another. While I believe that player cooperation is essential to feel-good Role Playing experience, this set-up has a fundamental detractor--their is no uncertainty. No RP story can happen truly spontaneously, you may encounter a surprise, but in the end everything that happens happens according to your consent, and while you can play it realistically, you cannot subject yourself to chance--in the end, the players make all the decisions, removing the very real element of randomness, coincidence and happenstance. Effectively, you play the Role of not just your character but of God as well, with nothing happening outside the control of players.

The problem is with implementing PvP, how does a game designer protect players who do not wish to be harassed, or taken advantage of by other 'evil' characters? The answer is simple, and has been proposed before, but I hope to be making the argument for how it is truly conducive and helpful to the experience. Areas where there is no law, where PvP can happen spontaneously and you can be jumped (and possibly pickpocketed). To allow players to remain safe, there could be paths around every PvP zone, so as to allow every player access to anywhere they wish to travel without having to enter a PvP zone. No character who does not wish to brave such dangerous territory would never have to tread there, and a warning could appear on screen before you arrive so no one could accidentally wander in and be assaulted.

RP could easily be enforced there as well as it is in any area. Players must remain in character or be warned by a GM and then booted. It would not be harder to enforce it in the lawless zones than it is anywhere else. Players would not be able to harm any other player who did not wish to be subjected to the danger. Essentially, it opens more possibilities with no limitations. Such areas would allow players to experience the uncertainty (and thrill that comes therewith) of a real, wide, and sometimes dangerous world.

Wish list / Re: Lawless areas (i.e. for trading routes)
« on: March 01, 2010, 01:14:47 am »
I have to agree with empty_aka here. Having lawless areas would be great. Honestly, never having to fear another player takes away something of the realism. Lawless areas could be implemented en route between places, but there could but there could be longer, more roundabout ways to get where you're going if you really want to avoid a dangerous area. That way, those who don't want to subject themselves to danger can still get where they're going, and those who want to have PvP can. I think it could work out beautifully.

Wish list / Facial Hair
« on: February 28, 2010, 07:39:56 pm »
So, I couldn't help but notice I could not remove the beard from my character at the start of the game, unless I were to choose another race altogether. Should that option change, would I be able to remove the facial hair from my character? Might seem silly but I am a big advocate of being clean shaven  :lol:

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