Author Topic: Hope you enjoy  (Read 297 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Hope you enjoy
« on: January 17, 2005, 02:02:04 am »
The Sentinels of the Ragnarok:

Our History:

The end of humanity had come and gone with the final battle, Ragnarok, between the Norse Gods and the evil giants from Muspelheim. The world regressed and fell into a terrible ice age. The last two humans wandered down from the Yggdrasil tree in a sullen attempt at replenishing the world. Hope had been lost? At the threshold of death, this man and women prayed to their fallen Gods for solace. This prayer awakened the final three Einharjar from their slumber in Valhalla. They had been put to sleep by the great Odin who knew the destiny of the Gods. These three brave Einharjar, Valbrandr, Induane, and the all-knowing Hyrcanus, who had been imbued with the memory of Munin, bestowed upon these two humans a time without hunger, without bitter cold, and without suffering. They came to be known as the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate became the protectors of the righteous in an attempt to restore humanity to the dismal land.

Time slowly passed human recollection. And what had been made good gradually turned bitter. The humans began to struggle against one another in order to fulfil their aspirations for knowledge and power. The Triumvirate wanted to provide guidance for the people. This was no easy task for the human?s wills had been broken and their faith had diminished. These humans knew that their ancestors could not escape the ecstasy of warfare under their Gods. If the Gods could not bring peace to the lands of the Northmen, how was a Triumvirate of Einharjar going to bestow peace upon the land. This was a fair question because these Einharjar had very little physical power compared to that of the Gods. However, there was one major difference between the Triumvirate and the Norse Gods: The Triumvirate was a council of loyal warriors who relied on one another on and off the battlefield. They were three entities with one concise conclusion. In contrast, the Gods meddled in human affairs, they were often divided which caused them to fight amongst themselves and would habitually spill over into the lands of Midgard, and their goal was to keep man subservient to the will of the Gods.

The Triumvirate took a different approach. They wanted to grant man absolute freedom in which humans would obtain knowledge for the continuation of the evolutionary process. With their progression would come peace to their lands. This was difficult for the people to grasp, possibly too idealistic for a world ruled by the rationale of humans. There was widespread anarchy for a time followed by a period of divisions and blind hatred between classes and races. The Triumvirate finally decided to assert their authority in an indirect way.

They thought that if they could trick all peoples of the hierarchy into working together for a common good that peace would win over greed and intolerance. They created Planeshift. All people were encouraged to participate in a journey throughout the lands of the world. These people, referred to as Sentinels, were to find ancient artifacts and information on the battle of the Ragnarok. They were to retell the story of the Ragnarok and come to a conclusion on why it happened and who was at fault. For their travels, they would receive immortality but not in life, through death. Their deeds will be remembered through a legendary story: The Saga of the Einharjar.

If some enjoy this, I plan on writing the Saga also.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2005, 05:52:20 am by Valbrandr »