Author Topic: Binki  (Read 261 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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« on: April 30, 2011, 09:54:36 am »
Binki Fuhren was a soft and beautiful young fenki. She brushed her fine, long spotted fur at least one hundred times each day and carefully filed her long sharp claws before heading out to hunt.

Whenever she hunted alone, she would wait behind a certain pile of large boulders for a fat clacker to happen by, then she would pounce suddenly and bite his neck with her fangs.

On this morning, Binki planned to do just that. She had a strong craving for a good clacker meat meal and could think of nothing better.

Crouching behind the stones, she waited quietly. An hour later, still crouching, she pressed back her whiskers with her paw. Her stomach was growling with hunger and she was growing impatient. Stretching her legs out behind her she readjusted herself and settled back down.

Finally, a bright jade clacker happened by wiggling it's pincers wildly. She hunched up, ready to pounce. She sprang out with all her might toward the clacker but just as she did, he turned his head to the side. Instead of landing with her teeth in his neck, her sharp fangs sank right into his hard clacker shell.

Binki's fangs were firmly attached to clacker's shell and try as she might, she could not break free. She pushed with all four paws and pulled with her head to no avail.

Suddenly, clacker started to thrash his feet and rock back and forth to get her off his back. Each time he rocked and threw him self left or right, her neck would twist but she couldn't hold him still.

While she began to realize that she might be in more trouble than she thought, something wet touched her cheek. She couldn't see anything but coarse brown fur but she knew that smell. The fear of death gripped her. It was an ulbernaut! Attracted by all the racket, the ulbernaut could smell the clacker meat juices running down the shell and it was a little confused by this vision of ... stacked up creatures.

The ulbernaught pushed the great flailing heap around a bit and then decided that yes... clacker smell means clacker meat even on this day. He grabbed the clacker feet all in one arm and began to pull the clacker closer. Feeling his fur against her paws, Binki planted them against the ulbernaught's legs and while he was pulling, she pushed with all her might. The Clacker shell shattered with a loud >CRACK!< and she spun away running as fast as she could.

She ran all the way home to her pack and fell among her siblings in tears. Her mother, seeing that her mouth was sore and swollen, coaxed her after much pleading to let her have a look. Just like everyone feared, Binki sat with her mouth open showing only one fang instead of two. One of her fangs was lost in the skirmish and was most likely in ulbernauts belly by now.

Binki ran crying to her bed and would not come out. After about a week, Binki still refused to leave the den. She was too embarrassed to be seen with only one fang and didn't want to hunt anymore. Binki's mother sent her father hunting in the valley the next week and when he returned he called everyone out.

"I have gifts for all of you!" he said smiling as he dug through the large sack that was bulging with treasure and token from the hunt. Her mother got enough meat for two cycles and all her siblings were given their trinkets when her father approached her. Binki raised her dewy eyes to her father sadly. Whatever it was, she planned to thank him for his kindness and then hurry back to her room.

"Hold out your paw" he said as he smiled down at her. She held out her paw and he placed something there. When he drew his paw away she looked down and saw it... a fang! Her eyes widened... "Where did you get this?!"

Patting her fur, he explained. "It's a tefusang tooth. It is around the right size and length. The town healer is waiting for you now. He will plant this tooth where the other one was."

Not sure if it would work or not, Binki took the tooth to the healer. He pushed the root into the hole from her lost fang and stitched it neatly. After a few weeks, the new fang was much like the old one but Binki never hunted clackers again.

Never trust a unicorn fish.