Author Topic: The tale of Roberet's exit  (Read 1697 times)


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Re: The tale of Roberet's exit
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2013, 10:16:15 pm »

  Therefore reader we come to the final night of this, the tale of my exit from the Village. Cinereo's farm estate was distinctive at night, heavily lit it seemingly was like the crystal's baby brother who comes out at night. The other feature, which due to circumstances were more extreme, was the amount of guards place around the estate. This proved to be a sticking point in my, admittedly, quickly thought out plan, worse of all time was not on my side. I was hiding in the cover of trees just close enough to see positions of the guards, I felt sick, every angle was covered. There was no possible route to sneak in, any attempt to engage would be fruitless. Thus I did what any love struck naive young man would do when faced with such a situation, wallowed in self pity. The possibility of not ever seeing Ari had struck me once more, ever so clearer this time, a pain in my gut.

Yet I was in luck.

In my emotionally distressed state of mind I forgot about one factor, Cinereo's son Whoni, he was in the courtyard of the estate pacing around in circles. As I sat there in pity for ones self, he finally ran out of patience of news of our families discussions. In one giant yell he had enough of his frustration.

"Curse it all! Everybody by my side now! We're going over there to teach those gobbles a thing or two" Whoni then proceeded to march out of the courtyard with the guards rushing to follow behind him. If ever there was a window of opportunity...

With the estate now without the many watchful eyes the task of going into the main building was relatively easy. A quick double check of my bearings then I ran from cover to the building, being as light footed as possible, or at least an attempt to be. Now I was inside, you may dear reader now think the problem of where to go would be the next issue, but that was not the case. Cinereo hosted many grand feasts for the families of the village to come too, the highest displays of wealth and gluttony, always a fantastic occasion. A perk of this was being able to roughly know the layout of the main building, and in more particular where Ariuy's room would be. Where I hoped she would be.

The blood was bumping as my heart was beating fast, the building was silent bar the flames of torches along the walls. This was quite the contrast to the loud partying of the feasts, a point I only have appreciation now in reflection. During the moment I ran straight up the grand staircases and to Ariuy's room.

 Fourth door on the left, fourth door on the left, fourth door on the left. Was all that was running through my mind. At the door there was an immediate visible problem, the door was locked from the outside.

I slumped my shoulders and sat down against the wall just looking at the door. An iron lock, I thought, would be impossible to get through. With my hands on my head and my head in between my knees, I thought the it was all over. I just wait for them to find me, or flee. Then in the silence I heard whimpering,  very quiet high pitch crying. That tiny sound just overwhelmed me, I could not take it just to hear that and do nothing. I stood up an attempted to break the door down, this thick wooden door. Shoulder barge attempt no 1, no luck, a gasp from inside. No 2, still now luck but seemingly the rage fueled me on. Attempt no 3, the door was moving and again after another attempt it became looser and looser. I kept on going with the hinges straining to support the door. Then I had burst through, the door came down and I with it.

On all fours panting heavily with my head down I hear just one word.

"Robbie?" I turned my head up and it was her, in a white night dress, her hair down and  tears down her cheeks from sore eyes. We immediately embraced, no words could justify what that moment was or felt like. After a while she finally ended the peaceful silence.

"My father will be back you know, I did hear my brother yell, it is only a matter of time" she said looking down with sadness seemingly slapped on her face. She then grabbed my face with both hands and looked into my eyes very closely.

"Oh Robbie, please say you have a plan, something to get us out this!" she cried. I simply just slowly shock my head back and fourth with my eyes watering up.

"First man who gets him to me gets 100 circles!" A shout from downstairs, Whoni.

We looked at each other now physically shaking,  for what brief moment we had, it was running out fast.

"I don't want this to end Robbie....I..I'll run away.. we could together!" Ariuy said clutching at my shirt. We could both hear the footsteps of steel boots crashing down on the wooden boards.

"Where to? Your father will look at every tight corner in the dome for you." I said with tears strolling down my cheeks. In frustration she punched her bed sheets repeatedly before looking back up on me.

"I'm not going to give up on you" She cried. That moment the footsteps were in the corridor.
I had my arms on her shoulders, "I'll be back for you...I'll see you again" I said before feeling the arms of two men forcing me off the bed and to the door. As I struggled I remained eye contact with Ariuy and said. "You'll never guess how wonderful you are". With that I gave up the struggle and got dragged out of the dor, that's the point I black out, a knock on the head had  me out cold.

I woke up on the back of a merchants cart with my two brothers looking at me, with Arco holding a bag.
"Rob, this is the best we could do for you" Brust said with a regretful look in his eyes
"Father had to distract them whilst we dragged you out, with all those guards around it wasn't the easiest of tasks" Arco followed up. I gave an odd look at them as I sat up on the cart.
"Soon as Whoni came and started demanding you, we all saw you were gone, knew exactly where you were too. Him and Cinero wanted to shoot you into the crystal." Brust claimed.
"Along with many other suggestions" Arco said as he gave the bag he had to me.
"This Merchant has been gracious enough to take you along with his goods, you're going to Hydlaa. The bag has enough food and tria to keep you going for a couple of months. Do not come back here, that would be a bad idea, you don't figure around here anymore."
Hurting physically and confused mentally I looked down at the bag then back up...
"What about my sword....Jou my rivnak...everything else" I said looking at the two like a pathetic groffel.
"Consider it gone Rob, tribute to Cinero. Not that he needs it, but it is the principle..... we will be in touch" Brust replied, nodding to the merchant whom proceeded to get aboard the cart.
"Ariuy...just promise me you keep her safe brothers" I said as the cart began to move.

"Shes out of our hands" Arco yelled in frustration with Brust calmly responding
"No promises, I'll see" he nodded.

 To conclude dear reader that was my exit. The Merchant, as promised, dropped me off at Hydlaa and it being the busy city it was fended for myself a while doing odd jobs here and there. Sangwa Greenmoon eventually recruited me into the Dark Empire where I find purpose and ambition.  Arco would eventually follow me into the Hydlaa and along with Brust, both going to otherside of the Bronze Doors. I have not been back to the village, nor have I seen Ari, nor have I found another. Perhaps that may change one day dear reader.

Roberet stops writing and puts the paper away, he then picks up a letter addressed to him. He opens it and proceeds to read, his eyes widen as he processes the words on the page. With the letter understood he immediately bolted out of the Imperial HQ, got Joubert his rivnak and began to ride out of Hydla

[That is it, a rushed job I'd say but the story is there, there is a reason why the rush as this story is necessary to put out in order to introduce a new game! Once again...all errors will be corrected at a later date :P]