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Topics - Jarexia

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Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The Nature of Crime
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:58:45 am »
The shackles restricted her from performing some of the more elaborate and showy shuffles in her repertoire but considering her audience it mattered little.
Kaisa, after a job gone foul, found herself in jail. The cell comprised one corner of a larger chamber, partitioned off with thick steel bars from ceiling to floor on two sides, the others being the stone walls of the building itself. A similar cell mirrored it on the other side of the room while the rest was given over to...well, it looked like a combined guard`s lounge, interrogation area and armoury. Balconies overlooked the room and all but encircled it to the left and right. Barely minutes after being roughly `escorted` into the cell she found herself playing with the one possession she had been allowed to keep: her deck of cards. Thank Dakkru for that! She would have died without their comforting feel between her hands...not to mention their aid in dispelling or at least delaying the inevitable boredom. Eyeing the prisoner in the other cell and the guards outside she also thought there might be an opportunity to make a some gains, perhaps not monetary, but...
The eyes of the dwarf in the other cell had fixed upon her as soon as she`d swayed her shapely rear into her cell, but now they were on the small rectangles of thick parchment that flowed in her hands. She let him salivate a bit before looking up, as if she`d only just noticed him.
“Fancy a game?”
He nodded and moved across to the nearest cage-like wall of his own cell, just a couple of meters beyond her own, sitting on the flagstone floor. Kaisa stood and tried to pull the rickety wooden cot across for a more comfortable seat but found it bolted to the wall and clicked her tongue. Looked like it was going to be an uncomfortable seat on the floor for her too.
The guard, a hulking ynnwn in full platemail, looked over from his seat, pausing in his work on a broadsword with a whetstone. When he noticed the enkidukai shuffling cards he went back to his sharpening, occasionally looking up.
“So, what`re we playing?” asked the dwarf, running his fingers through his thick red beard.
“Crystal Facets,” she replied and his face creased in a frown to which she shrugged and looked about their spartan cells. “You`re quite welcome to seek alternative amusement.”
He held up his hands, “No, no. `s just that I got robbed blind once. Four of diamonds and three of emeralds and the guy pulls out the seven of rubies and a vig`. Next hand I get that...he gets the Crystal, and I get deep in debt.”
“Sometimes that`s how they fall,” she nodded.
“Well, nothing to lose in here,” the other replied and stretched out, trying to find some measure of comfort on the stone floor.
Kaisa didn`t reply, hoping that, once the guards got bored with watching them, she`d be able to get the dwarf talking. Sure, neither of them had any money or other goods to use as stakes, but there was always information. His name, what he was in for, how he was caught doing whatever it was he`d done. Heck, perhaps he`d be worth approaching after they both got out.
The two played a few hands, each getting their share of luck though she got the Dark Crystal for a loss in the last hand, before the ynnwn guard yawned loudly and sheathed the sword he`d been working on and hung it on a rack to one side. Perhaps he`s going to have a snooze, she hoped but she wasn`t that lucky. Rather he stood and approached the cells, kneeling in the small corridor between the walls of bars, and motioned for her to deal him in.
Kaisa clicked her tongue with mock reproach, to which the guard shrugged, “We won`t be gambling. Plus this way I get to keep a good close eye on you two and make sure there`s no gossiping.”
Cursing internally she rapidly dealt each of them a pair of cards, deliberately dealing the guard the Dark Crystal from the bottom of the pack without him noticing. She did catch an amused crease in the dwarf`s eyes though. He`d seen it. The dwarf won that hand and the next. Her the third and the guard the fourth. That finally loosened his jaw.
“Judging by how you two choose to amuse yourselves while you`re in here, you`re not going to be changing when you get out, are you?” he said, looking from one to the other.
The dwarf`s eyes widened in mock shock, “If I`ve said it once, I`ve said it a thousand times: it`s tragic circumstances what got me in here!”
The ynnwn rolled his eyes, “And what tragedy was this?”
“I got caught!” and the dwarf erupted in bellicose laughter. Even Kaisa could not help but give in to the grin that tugged at her mouth.
Stifling his own laughter the guard motioned for Kaisa to deal again. “Just can`t help yourself, can you?” and reached for his cards...only to find them out of reach.
Kaisa had dealt all three hands, face down rather than up, within her own cell.
The ynnwn frowned at her and reached through the bars, finding his arm just a shade too short. The dwarf studied her patiently.
She calmly lifted the dwarf`s cards so that only she could read the faces and announced, “Two of diamonds and the four of rubies for a six.”
The dwarf nodded.
She then lifted her own cards, again so only she could see them, “Octarch of Rubies and the seven of diamonds.”
And then repeated the procedure for the guard`s cards, “Two of rubies and two of emeralds for a four.”
The guard scowled, “how can I believe you? Play fair! Show us our cards.”
This time it was Kaisa`s turn for the innocent expression, “You`re not suggesting that I`d cheat, are you?”
“Well, pardon me for accusing a thief of being dishonest, I`d hate to cause offence,” he retorted in a voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I`ll take my third,” the dwarf said, ignoring the guard, and she dealt him his third and final card.
“Three of rubies for a final score of two. Bad luck.” She looked to the guard with raised eyebrows, “Get the Crystal and you beat my straight seven.”
He folded his arms, “If I can`t see the cards you`re dealing then I can`t trust you. No game.”
She then scratched her jaw with the pack in her hand, “You`re suggesting that, given the power to hide something from you, I`d automatically cheat when I usually – believe it or not – play fair?”
The guard nodded.
“Is that because I`m a criminal?”
Another nod.
“You`d never do that? You wouldn`t be tempted to cheat given the opportunity? If there was enough riding on it?”
The guard`s nod was shallower.
“You asked if, as soon as we got out, we`d go back to lives of law breaking? Well, why do people obey the law?”
“Because it`s right. It keeps the peace. It keeps us safe.”
The fenki nodded as the ynnwn spoke, “All very noble but people don`t obey the law because they want to...but because they have to. Break the law and we all know what happens.” She motioned to herself and the dwarf, who was sat with an amused smile, watching her lecture the guard.
“But people don`t want to follow it. The law is just. Actually the law`s the law, justice is another thing, but my point is that injustice is profitable to the individual. Take this game of cards. I remove your ability to see your own cards: you can only trust me that I`m not cheating. I can cheat all I like, laws be damned, and I`m sure most out there would do the same.”
“But for the law,” the guard added.
“But. For. The. Law,” the fenki gambler repeated, “And as long as there`s you lot, there`ll be people like us here to test the balance. To take that risk, follow that primal urge to take what we can when others aren`t looking.”
The guard chuckled, “ this a confession to your crimes?”
Kaisa snorted and shook her head, " Of course not," flipping the cards face up...
The two of diamonds, four of rubies and three of rubies for the dwarf...
The two of rubies and two of emeralds for the guard...
And the Octarch of rubies and the seven of diamonds for herself. A winning hand. Just as she had said.

“Because I don`t cheat.”


[With thanks to Plato for inspiration and Porridge for a line]

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A True Assassin.
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:50:20 pm »
One – There`s A Problem
“There`s a problem.” The voice was barely muffled by the door.
Not a phrase anyone relishes waking up to.
Kaisa yawned and stretched on the sponge mattress. Kada El`s lower room might turn into a fighting pit on occasion, and the miasma rising from the sewers made the back veranda less than pleasant, but the beds...oh the beds! She could sleep an eternity on them.
The rapping at the door again indicated that everlasting slumber would have to wait.
She slipped on her pants and tunic, then her bulky plate mail gloves and boots and splashed some cool water from a jug onto her face. Shaking the drops from her whiskers she clunked across to the door and opened to reveal the Akkaio menki who had woken her.
Stifling another yawn she rubbed sleep from her eyes, “What is it, Mog`?”
He peered wordlessly past her into the room. At first she thought he was checking the bed to see if she`d shared it with anyone -the fenki never having been associated with a male (or female for that matter)- then decided he wanted in so he could talk freely. She stepped aside and closed the door behind him after checking no one else was stood in the hallway.
“Ooh, still warm,” said the menki, reclining upon the bed and look down at it with a grin before the fenki coughed her irritation and he got to business. “I confirmed that the Quinx Mercantile Guild is to receive the shipment up from Nalvys via the winch in three days` time. The crate`ll be in it. Two members of the guild will receive it. Amani and Mesusa.”
Kaisa frowned and shook her head, “Their names don`t ring any bells.”
The menki, always in the know when it came to people and events in Hydlaa, continued, “Amani`s a junior trader in the Guild. Ylian woman. Young, upcoming and greedy with it. Snatched the bribe so fast she left scorch marks on my palm. She`ll make sure the crate disappears from the manifest and gets to us. Mesusa, ynnwn guy, is her senior...”
The trailing off of the menki`s words indicated that this Mesusa was the reason she had been woken.
“I take it his morals are not as flexible as his enterprising junior`s?”
“According to Amani: no, not at all, though it could be she just wants all of the bribe for herself. Want me to approach him?”
“Where is he?”
Mogweh chewed his lip, “Both are now in the winch area. Preparing their warehouse for the shipment.”
Kaisa withdrew a pack of cards from a pouch at her belt and rubbed her jaw with them, a habit she had when thinking. But these weren`t her playing cards for Crystal Facets. This was the smaller deck. The tarot deck.
After a few minutes she nodded to herself and flipped the top card from the deck onto the mattress next to the menki.
The sliver of hard parchment landed face up.
Mogweh whistled when he saw the image on the card. “I`ll get Rigwyn or one of the merc`s onto it,” and he began to rise from the bed.
“No. I don`t mean to say that Rig` lacks compunction-“ this drew a grin from the menki, “but I`d rather use someone from outside the family on this one.”
The menki deferred to his superior, “Got someone in mind?”
She nodded, “I just hope he hasn`t worked for a while.”
Frowning, Mogweh followed Kaisa out of the tavern, beyond the city walls...and all the way across the countryside to a lake.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] If you go down to the woods today...
« on: December 06, 2009, 05:57:09 am » might get robbed. As two unlucky individuals found out...

Our two enkidukai anti-heroes set themselves up; he in a midnight blue cloak; she in battered platemail, a battle helm and a purple linen handkerchief tied across the lower half of her wait in the bushes to either side of the road from Hydlaa to Gugrontid, just past a convenient corner.
[my menki accomplice`s name has been removed at his request.]

And it wasn`t long until a man came running along...
(17:37:43) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life!
(17:37:47) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:37:56) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:38:18) Kaisa says: [just a few coins or whatever would be nice]
(17:38:18) Menki leans towards Shywan bradishing his sword menacingly.
(17:38:24) Shywan says: I see.
(17:38:40) Kaisa says: Quickly one wants to get hurt.

(17:38:46) Menki says,'Spill your load or we spill your guts fat boy' which point the man started to make a run for it but was quickly cut off.
(17:39:32) Menki snarls,'ooh looky we got a runna'
...but he soon opened up his tria pouch
(17:39:42) >Shywan gave Kaisa 500 Tria.
(17:39:50) Kaisa accepts the coins
(17:39:54) Kaisa says: Now get outta here!
(17:40:01) Kaisa swings a kick at the man
(17:40:30) Shywan bows low I shall do that
(17:40:34) Menki says,'and forget about us, cause we will not forget'
(17:40:36) Kaisa motions to Menki, "Let`s go!"

Emboldened by their success, the two decided to try it again...though the next fish that came into their net wasn`t quite so easy...yet another man, though this one appeared to be a warrior: a long sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

(17:52:26) Kaisa says: Stop right there! Your money or your life! [Just a few Tria or anything you don`t mind losing. RP cooperation appreciated]
(17:52:28) Kaisa is clad in battered platemail, a battle helm and has a purple linen handkerchief over the lower half of her face.
(17:52:30) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(17:52:48) Volund smirks
(17:53:03) Kaisa says: No need to run...just lighten your tria purse a little, eh?
(17:53:07) Volund says: I'm Volund the sellsword, you pick the wrong man to highwayman
(17:53:21) Kaisa says: Why? You poor or something?
(17:53:21) Volund throws his shield over his back and draws his longsword
(17:53:35) Volund says: For seven cycles I have slaughtered targets for tria
(17:53:46) Volund says: Why do we not test who is more efficient at the job?
(17:53:53) Kaisa says: Aaaah, one of those types. Gonna make us work for our money, eh?
(17:54:06) Menki chuckles,'pretty shield. If you think you can tackle us both at once''

And so battle was joined...the warrior Volund`s two long swords against the fenki thief`s two daggers...and occasionally summoned rocks. The duel, in the close quarters of the forest road, was fierce and the menki cutthroat had little chance to get in a swing with his saber. The man and fenki exchanged several blows, both drawing blood....before one of the man`s swords slipped between the plates of the fenki`s armour and dealt her a grievous wound...
(17:55:59) Kaisa says: Run!
Sprinting for all she was worth, she headed out onto the hills beyond the forest before collapsing, panting. Hands shaking, she cast what little healing magic she knew, while keeping an eye on the edge of the forest.
(17:56:14) Menki says: where`d he go?
Her partner in crime also set about healing her, and she had a good idea that the swordsman was probably doing the same in the shelter of the forest. Minutes later he charged forth from the trees, swords held high. Sighing deeply, she staggered to her feet and raised her daggers once more...

...only to prevail.
(17:57:00) Kaisa says: Cough it up!
(17:57:18) Kaisa says: Quickly now
(17:57:21) Volund pulls out a bag of tria
(17:57:39) >Volund gave Kaisa 5000 Tria.
(17:57:53) Kaisa says: scram!
(17:57:55) Volund lays on the ground and coughs
(17:58:10) Menki nods to Volund and says,'he's got spirit this un'

And again the thieves fled, heading cross-country to take shelter in the shadow of two small fallen stalactites.
(17:59:31) Kaisa pants and examines her injuries
...setting about healing her injuries once again.
(18:00:52) Kaisa says: Thanks...that was a little *too* close for a while.
(18:01:21) Kaisa takes out the purse they got from the warrior, "Here, you take it."
(18:01:22) Menki nods and slumps as his energy is finally sapped
...only for them to be interrupted by a familiar bellow coming across the valleys...
(18:01:26) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:28) >Kaisa Tuulod stands up.
(18:01:31) Volund shouts: I"M GONNA KILL YA
(18:01:36) Kaisa says: RUN!
(18:01:44) Kaisa shouts: RUN!
(18:01:45) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!
(18:02:19) Volund shouts: I'll kill you both!
(18:02:37) Volund shouts: FENKI DIE!
(18:02:39) Menki shouts: if you were you'd have done it little boy
(18:03:02) Volund shouts: Get back here fenki, I'll kill you now
(18:04:05) Volund shouts: Scum and theives!
(18:04:14) Volund shouts: I'lll wring your little necks!

...and so the swordsman Volund chased the two thieves across the wilderness to Gugrontid where they split up, the menki heading into the city itself and quickly disposing of his disguise, the fenki heading out into the maze-like valleys surrounding the city to catch her breath and tend to her hurriedly-healed wounds.
Slowly she circumnavigated the city, surmising that the vengeful warrior would be searching for her there. As she passed over the Scar of Laanx she spotted a patch of wild-growing yarrows and had an idea: she began picking them, intending to strip off her armour and pose as a herb-collector. Unfortunately a now-all-too-familiar-voice came over the hill before she had time to put her plan into action...
(18:13:41) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:13:58) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:01) >Kaisa Tuulod picked up a Yarrow
(18:14:14) Volund shouts: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!
(18:14:18) Volund shouts: I"LL KILL YA!
(18:14:31) Volund shouts: I SEE YOU FENKI!
...and thus she scarpered again...
(18:14:49) Volund shouts: YOU ROB ME?!
(18:14:57) Volund shouts: SWEETHEART YOU"LL PAY

...only for them to meet once more, decisively, beyond the valley-entrance of Gugrontid.
(18:16:25) Kaisa draws a pair of exceedingly sharp-looking daggers.
(18:16:39) Volund shouts: COME ON THEN!
Once more they danced the deadly dance, blades shining in the light of the Azure Sun: warrior on the path of the sword, and thief desperate to get away with her ill-gotten gains...
...but Dakkru was on the fenki`s side again and the man was felled.
(18:17:55) Volund roars, spitting up blood
(18:17:57) Kaisa says: This mercy.

[My thanks to my accomplice for his work, to Shywan for being such a sport, and to Volund for a whole lotta fun and some nerve-jangling duels]

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Tapestry Of Secrets
« on: November 20, 2009, 12:08:40 am »
Tapestry of Secrets
[Rather than posting the full (and rather gory) logs, I`m posting a summary of the intro to this new RP]

Prologue – The Waylaid Courier
It had been a long journey from the 3rd Level and Residy was tired. All his life he had been a courier, racing across the levels (and occasionally up and down them) delivering letters and parcels, but this was the first time his work had taken him to the Dome. The package he carried was important, not to mention valuable, but time –he was told- was not particularly vital, and so he had taken the long way up to the Dome. Besides, he enjoyed the exercise and the countryside. Had he taken the winch he would have missed out on so many wondrous sights. The Cups of Laanx, the city of Sarpendil over the Irifon river, the ruins of Ylon Dynari, the exquisite qulams of Shimieth...but he felt sure he was nearing the end of his trek.
Rounding a bend in the road he noticed a rather curious cluster of tents on the grassland to the side of the roadway. He could even smell the porg roasting on a spit at the center of the camp and his stomach noisily reminded him that he hadn`t eaten for some hours. He could see a couple of people by a table at the camp`s edge: might as well get a bite to eat and ask directions at the same time...

As he came closer to the camp he started to have doubts. The individuals under the covered stalls looked more like cutthroats than vendors, swathed in black and watching him with hungry eyes, but the weight of the claymore strapped to his back was comforting. Nevertheless he tightened his hold on his satchel and its contents.

The two at the table were both enkidukai; one female, in battered plate mail armour and a helmet with four horns curving round before her face, the lower half of which was covered by, of all things, a fine purple handkerchief. The other was a stocky male wrapped in belts, from which hung several curiously empty scabbards. His hand was closed around a quarterstaff.
Taking a deep breath the ylian courier called out a greeting to them and asked if they could direct him to Hydlaa. The menki turned and pointed to a hill, indicating that the city was not far beyond it...but the fenki regarded him with an avaricious stare. Soon the pair were asking him about his journey...and what he carried. He turned to leave but, while the fenki rushed to block his path, his feet were swept from under him by the menki`s quarterstaff and he found himself on his back, his weapon pinned under him.
He refused to give up his burden, and this sealed his fate.
He was soon gagged and his limbs systematically hacked off with an axe, Red and Crystal-way magic being used to cauterize and heal the stumps...the poor ylian succumbing to shock and unconsciousness before they had finished with him.

He eventually came to, his body racked with pain, in a location he had only been to once before in his life...for he found himself lying on his back in the cold, dark catacombs of Dakkru`s realm. He attempted to stand, only to find that he could not. He tried to push himself upright yet did not move. Craning his neck he looked down at his body to find that his arms and legs had not accompanied him from Yliakum. He opened his mouth to shout for help but could manage no more than a formless bellow, for his tongue too had been taken.
Like some obscenely large consumer grub he began to crawl across the chamber and up the roughly hewn stone staircase...

Meanwhile back in Yliakum the two outlaws divided up the loot: the man`s boots, his tria purse and claymore, before opening his bag to reveal its contents. A bottle of schaeminare soap which the menki took, needing it to clean himself up after the butcher`s work...and a rolled scroll of cloth. The fenki unrolled it to reveal an exquisite woven image of the Iron Temple.

She pocketed it, already thinking about who she could sell it to and how much she might demand...

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] In his father`s footsteps
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:12:39 am »
Yister Narach leaned over the straw-mattressed bed, his eyes never leaving those of the frail figure within it. A wet cough came from the mouth of the prone form, though the mouth itself smiled.
“Yister, my son-“
“Do not speak, father,” the young menki said, patting his sire`s hands. “Rest.”
The older menki chuckled though it quickly turned to a hacking cough that wracked his body.
“I- I will rest, soon enough, and forever. But you: you will live on. Carry on the family name, and its traditions.”
The son shook his head sadly, “But what of mother`s stall?”
The father took the son`s hand and squeezed it with his remaining strength, “I`ll be with your mother soon. I`ll make sure she doesn`t mind. Sell it. Sell this place too,” he looked with clouded eyes about the small adobe house.
“Father, I-“
The hand left Yister`s and for a moment it dropped back to the blanket and the son thought the end had come, but it rose again, one withered finger covered in silvered hair pointing toward the mantelpiece above the fire. To a small box made of split bamboo-canes. “Bring me it, my son.”
Yister rose, crossed the small room and returned to his dying father with the box, setting it on the old Blikau menki`s lap. He fumbled with the catch for a moment, batting away his son`s attempt to do it for him and finally eased the lid open. Within were several scrolls, a cylinder wrapped in cloth...and an ornate dagger, the pommel of which was shaped like the head of a pterosaur, the sheath of aged leather encrusted with scuffed gemstones. Yister knew what the scrolls contained: they were posters from over two decades ago, advertising exhibitions at the pterosaur arena north of Hydlaa. Exhibitions at which his father had been one of the main draws.
Narach the Elder took out the cloth-wrapped cylinder and handed it to Yister, who as soon as the heavy weight was put in his hands realized it was a stack of circles. Evidently his father`s savings.
“Not much, but the stall and this place should fetch you a bit more. Enough to get you to Hydlaa and get you a room,” he then, with the greatest of care, took out the dagger from the box and, holding it with both hands, presented it to Yister.
Yister bowed his head to hide his tears.
“What once was mine is now yours, my son.”
Yister accepted it with silent reverence.
“Go now,” the father said between wheezes, “seek out Krestal Dhusho, in the plaza of Hydlaa. He was but a young cub when I rode the beasts, but I hear he is the menki to see these days. He will set you on your path. Our path,” the old menki smiled and fell silent.
The son closed the small box, the posters still in it, and wrapped his father`s arms around it. He then carefully put the dagger in his belt and the circles in his pouch. Soon the house and his late mother`s stall were sold, his father`s body was on its way to the Burial Well...and Yister Narach set out toward Hydlaa to seek his fortune.

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: March 04, 2009, 10:50:05 am »


To form a criminal network with a place for all outlaws and outcasts from Yliakum society. We're not a bunch of thugs, more of an organized criminal syndicate.  We break the laws when we have to (or want to), but we're careful about it. Tact and secrecy are paramount for the Outlaws.
We're also very much interested in cooperative RP with other guilds. See later for who to contact.

Member Ranks:

The guild structure is based on four Ranks. The lowest rank is the Rogue Rank. After Rogues have proven that they fit into the guild, they will be promoted to the Division Rank. Divisions are lead by the Division Leading Rank. The whole guild is supervised by the Elder Rank.
Three are the divisions, each of them with its own specific tasks:

  • Economists, led by the Economy Leaders, are in charge of maintaining and increasing the guild's and members' wealth doing tasks such as organizing auctions, investigating the market to find the quickest path to enrichment, spotting the wealthy merchants or high-class citizens, etc.
  • Intelligence agents, led by the Intelligence Commissioners, are dedicated to seek for any kind of information that may be of use to the guild or any of their members. They shall stay secretive and befriend as many influencing people as possible in order to keep their cover and find out more about their shady dealings.
  • Mercenaries, led by the Mercenary Commanders, take care of the contracts given to the guild, should they involve robbery, murder, kidnapping or simply protection. They ought to be experienced in combat, if possible both dueling and RP fighting.

Note that the different divisions may often team-up for any kind of actions. They are free and encouraged to do so.

Services we can provide:

  • Mercenary contracts (from protection to assassination).
  • Professional thievery and the fencing of stolen goods.
  • Spying.


1. Regarding Role-Play:
  • Try to stay In Character and play your role at all times. No smilies or leet-speak. If you must speak Out-Of-Character, use [brackets], or better: send a Tell.
  • Don't speak about guild matters in public. What happens in the guild stays in the guild. Feel free to spread false information and gossip though.
  • Support those who have broken the law so long as the potential benefits outweight the threats to the Guild.
  • Be loyal to each other and to the Elders of the guild.
  • You are responsible for your crimes, accept challenges or flee, also RP the consequences of your deeds. Guild support is only given for crimes supported by an elder.
  • If you commit crimes, do it thoughtfully. Try to operate secretly and plan well in order not to get caught.
  • Cities are usually well guarded. If you are to commit a crime inside their walls make sure to stay hidden from the guards and that your victims don't have the chance to call for them.
  • Have fun, cause mischief [in-character] and remember... "It's good to be bad!"

2. Regarding Out-of-Character activities:
  • Guild chat is OOC, but keep a civil tongue in your head.
  • Try to ensure that your activities don't aggravate other players. Our characters are thieves and murderers, but that doesn't mean we want other players to hate us. Their characters can hate ours, that's fine.

NOTE: If a member is inactive for 6 months he/she will be removed, though there are exceptions.

The Outlaws are a secret guild, so you won't see our Guild Tag above our heads. However we are out there, active, and recruiting. If you want to join us it may be difficult to find us In Character, so please send a Tell or PM to one of the following (keep in mind that this is Out Of Character information. IC all members would likely deny their Outlaw affiliation)…

In-Game Roleplay Events / Run For The Money
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:37:06 am »
Stealth, cunning, greed and knowledge of Hydlaa`s sewers.
A game of hide-and-seek knee-deep in the effluent of the city.

I, Kaisa Tuulod, will be holding this game (on the 1st of March, from 1500 GMT) and seek participants for two roles...

Runners. Up to five individuals. You will be set loose within the sewers of Hydlaa with a simple aim: don't get caught for 6 hours (One Real-World hour). The longer you survive, the more money you earn. The prize money starts at zero and goes up by twenty circles every hour (Ten minutes). Get caught and you win nothing.

Hunters. I want ten individuals. You will be responsible for hunting down and catching the runners. Catch a runner and you earn fourty circles. Initially five hunters will be released, another one every hour (ten minutes) after. (After catching a runner send Kaisa a Tell informing her of it.)

There will also be...
Guards. Three guards (already chosen) will prevent runners from leaving the sewers or going to a known hiding place (those in the know, know. Those who don`t, are blissfully ignorant and I hope they stay that way). Any runner leaving the sewers forfeits the game.

How to apply.
Post below stating that you want to be a Hunter or Runner. I`ll accept a few backups for all positions in case of last minute cancellations.

Who`s Who
I`ll be away most of Friday and Saturday (Tokyo-time, anyway). When I`m back I`ll edit in a list of the guards and the chosen runners and hunters, plus reserves. Meet at either of the sewer entrances, preferably ten minutes before the event begins. Kaisa`ll be sending Group invites to the runners beforehand, and making contact with the hunters.

How do the hunters catch the runners, you ask?
If you`re in range and can start a trade: you`ve tagged the runner and they`re out. Hunters: make a shortcut with both /trade and  /screenshot, and post the pic as soon as possible in this thread. That way we know you got them, and that you could actually see the runner (not done through a wall, etc).

I`m doing all I can to prevent cheating, but there`s no way to stop Tells and Guild chat, so I can only allow it. Kaisa, all Runners and Guards will be in a Group, to keep track of the prize fund as it goes up. If  the Hunters also Group Kaisa keep in touch with a chosen Head Hunter as and when necessary.

Death, Crashes and the like
If a Runner dies, crashes out or has to log off: you forfeit the game.
If a Hunter or Guard dies, crashes out or has to log off: please get back ASAP.
Combat is not a part of this event. It takes place within the city and the law applies. Murders, assaults and the like will be reported to the city guard. Also send me a tell: the perpetrator will be removed from the event.

In addition, the use of the "Next Player" target shortcut can`t be helped. Consider it as the Hunter keeping their eyes, ears and nose open.

EDIT: edited to include the third guard.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Robbery on the Ojaveda Road
« on: September 30, 2008, 11:16:42 am »
An armoured Klyros slumps on the ground, his body wracked with the pain and fatigue of Dakkru`s Curse, his two comrades soon joining him in their return to the world of the living: Khywe of the Klyros Junction, and Enecota of Elemental Light.
All three bloodied from battle.
Jarexia spits on the ground and curses the trio who attacked them.

It had been a relatively simple trip: a sack full of platinum ore to be sold in Ojaveda.....
but something hadn`t felt quite right.
It had been all too long since he`d seen his old friend...and the Fenki hadn`t been the same recently. Fallen in with a bad crowd.
So he`d asked about and hired Khywe and Enecota as bodyguards...

Khywe says: sounds like a deal.
Enecota says: yes
Khywe says: we Klyros help each other out, you know that.
Jarexia says: I have a...bad feeling about an old friend of mine.
Jarexia says: Well, the three of us should be okay.
Khywe says: well, let's go then!

Jarexia says: We`d best stick to the road...and not stray too close to that damned camp.
Enecota says: hope not just payed my ticket into DR
Jarexia says: You`re welcome. Now...let`s keep our eyes peeled.
Jarexia says: How about one of you take the lead? That *is* what I`m paying you for.

But no sooner had they made their way along the road to the boulders known as the Fallen Lovers, and three cloaked figures crested the hill...
One towered over the other two, a leather cloak over bulky armour and a cloth across his helmeted face. Sabers in his hands.
Another was clearly a Klyros, like Jarexia himself and Khywe. Again cloaked and his face concealed, but nothing could hide those wings.
The third was a slim figure...a Fenki? Dressed in a hooded cloak, a mask over her face...the clatter of weapons under her robes, and the obvious bulges of long scabbards. Not Kaisa...she never used swords.

Orgonwukh shouts: Halt!
Jarexia says: What is this?!
Khywe says: what do you want?
Orgonwukh says: We take the delivery, that is.
Jarexia says: I think not.
Enecota says: How kind of you
Khywe says: I don't think so.
Enecota says: haha
Jarexia twirls his axes
Nyarimius nods and eyes the three coldly.
Orgonwukh says: Eh, just hand it over, then we are done. Noone gets hurt.
Khywe says: how about you leave us alone and no one gets hurt?
Jarexia says: I mined this myself. My own blood and sweat. I`ll hand it over to no one.
Karnafe says: there could be more blood and sweat if you dont
Enecota says: you can get tria from doing some work to Reffitia
Orgonwukh says: Shut it! Last warning. Give it to me. NOW!
Nyarimius snickers.
Jarexia raises his axes.
Khywe looks angry

And battle was joined.
Axes raised, Jarexia had charged the biggest of the would-be robbers, fully expecting to cross blades with him...only for the brute to retreat, casting bolts of magic at him. For such a big warrior, he was agile and Jarexia couldn`t land a blow. Concerned for his comrades he turned back, hoping to at least cleave one of the other attackers, only to succumb to the magical assault. Dakkru took him, but not before he felt the thieves depriving him of the sack of ore and several of his goods.

Khywe says: you really killed him!
Khywe says: how dare you!

Death Guardian says: You have died, it may be in your best interest to unburden yourself before crossing into the land of the living again. Dakkru curses those who pass through her realm as a reminder of the value of caution.

Let this be a warning to others. There are dangerous bandits roaming the wilderness and even with bodyguards and the finest of blades you may not be safe.

OOC: thanks to all involved, it was brief but fun. And I know Jarexia`ll be out for revenge. ;)

Mac OSX Specific Issues / No mouse.xml file..?
« on: July 14, 2008, 05:56:10 am »
With the update I tried to follow Caarrie`s instructions here: to get control+click working again as a right-click...but I don`t have a mouse.xml file, in /Users/<your user name>/Library/Application Support/PlaneShift/options or anywhere else either it seems ???

It seems that whenever I equip my "Alexandrite-encrusted Worn Battle Axe" and attack a monster...PS crashes. When I use other weapons it`s fine...I tested a little and it definitely seems to be that weapon.
I did a search but couldn`t find a case of an alexandrite weapon causing a crash in combat. There was one case of a player who tried to sell an alexandrite sword and having crashes....
same case for attacking with one?

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