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Messages - Gilrond

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51]
Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Settings Expanded
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:13:03 am »
One of the ways to improve this could be sounds. I.e. an approaching monster (unless it's a sneaky one) can make noise. This could alert to their approach.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Settings Expanded
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:00:46 pm »
The trepors by oja roam freely, and some of them do attack when you come near, one of my alts got unexpectadly killd by the queen. they also call for help. But things like cuttrhoats rogues, dlayos, gladiators, all humanoid type monsters should sneak up
Yes, I noticed that in that location not far from the river. Though in other places (like outside Hydlaa near the road to Gugrontid/BD) they stay in one place. Is it implemented only partially?

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Settings Expanded
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:46:43 am »
Good idea.

In general, non aggressive creatures are mostly static - standing in one place. This isn't realistic either. They can at least roam in certain area.

General Discussion / Re: Time cycles and seasons in Yliakum
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:55:13 pm »
But if this happens then the Devs will have to fix all the NPCs that go home during the night. So that people on the other side of the world can still play and use the NPCs. If we look at it like this. A day in Yliakum is 6 nights and 6 lights (days), so then we will all be on track, the sun just goes down a lot more in a Yliakum day than in a Real World day? Good idea?

I think that's not practical. Matching daily time 1:1 is going to be too burdensome. (Like people waiting for some NPC to appear for half a real day? Doesn't sound good).

General Discussion / Re: Time cycles and seasons in Yliakum
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:47:26 pm »
It's not 1:1. See here: 10*320 days are mapped to 356 days. In this case, it's a 1.1125:1 ratio. The page also answers question about seasons etc.

GM events use the dates like on the Wiki page. You can use this to do the same conversion manually.

But yes, generally, game time is completely insane. It's almost impossible to RP time because it's somewhere between being 6 times as fast and 0.89888 times as fast as normal time. I usually have it somewhere in between. (sometimes a bit slower, sometimes a bit faster...)
Thanks for the pointer, I remembered some of those details that from character creation. But still, is using exact timing in the game appropriate? The clock in the window kind of suggests to do it (It would be useful if current game month/date would also be shown somewhere. Not necessarily in the window, but for example on some board, like in the library, etc.).

Having these specific details of the calendar (10 months, each having 32 days, making the whole year last 320 days,  four seasons of 80 days, because of the cultural heritage of the people coming from the surface) gives some interesting insight into the Yliakum universe. On Earth the relation of month to the year is artificial, because year measurement is actually the result of the solar cycle, while the month is the result of the lunar cycle. But since lunar months don't sum up to the solar year exactly, the year is divided into approximate intervals (for example like 30/31 etc.).

So in Yliakum having 32x10 days in a year (probably also coming from the surface) might give some idea about the solar cycle, and possibly existing moons or some other cyclic phenomena which matches the solar cycle almost exactly. What's interesting is the meaning of 6 periods in the season.

General Discussion / Time cycles and seasons in Yliakum
« on: December 20, 2010, 01:54:08 am »
I have a few questions regarding time cycles in Yliakum. There is a daily cycle, which is apparent by the change of crystal radiance, and also monthly / seasonal cycles. The daily time is shown in the info window, so in relation to that, is it IC or OOC to mention certain time (like saying that certain trainer comes / goes at N o'clock etc.)? Is there a "crystal clock" invented?

However I didn't understand how one can check the seasonal cycles (current months etc. it's not shown anywhere in the UI, or I just missed it?). The weather seems to depend on them (rain, snow) or it is random? (In regards to weather, it would be great if snow would stay on the ground, roofs, etc. for the winter period, though I understand it's much harder to implement [like making all extra snowy textures etc.]).

General Discussion / Re: Pterosaurs - Amdeneir
« on: December 17, 2010, 01:21:20 pm »
Thanks for the Information, its true.  \\o//

Thanks, nice screenshot ohforf! And thanks to devs to making it available on Zeroping too!

Linux Specific Issues / Re: If your game crashes complaining about openal
« on: December 17, 2010, 12:44:02 am »
Just to add, that if one is using OSS4 as a sound subsystem instead of ALSA, the configuration in .alsoftrc should be
Code: [Select]
drivers = oss
Tested it in Debian with PlaneShift and it worked.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Shortcuts for items transfer?
« on: December 15, 2010, 09:08:41 pm »
Is there a command which could transfer an item from inventory to currently open container (or other way around)? Setting this to some key would be extra nice, because using mouse for that puts a lot of strain on fingers if there are a lot of items.

Wish list / Re: Worn yet not wielded positions
« on: December 15, 2010, 04:17:43 am »
Yes, it's a nice idea to add weapons/sacks etc. to actual players/NPCs models. Like wearing a sheathed sword on a side, or back, wearing a bow/quiver on one's back etc. (And add animated drawing of weapons etc.) This would look  much more realistic. But I guess it's a non trivial change (it will require models redesigning).

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: What's wrong?
« on: December 15, 2010, 03:15:36 am »
(chmod x is not a way to do it - try chmod +x ...).

Regarding the segfault - It looks like you have a problem with OpenAL configuration. Are you using ALSA or OSS4 sound subsystem?

Hmm. I think I found a workaround - switching the X to required resolution beforehand, and running psclient explicitly works OK. I'm not sure why it can't switch the resolution by itself though... Should I file a bug about it?

PlaneShift used to work fine for me on Debian testing 32 bit. After switching to Debian testing x86_64 it stopped working in full screen mode! (I'm using the same video card though - Geforce 6200).

Related error output is as follows:

Code: [Select]
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  129 (XFree86-VidModeExtension)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  10 (XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)
  Value in failed request:  0x4000002
  Serial number of failed request:  411
  Current serial number in output stream:  415
AL lib: ALc.c:1879: exit(): closing 1 Device
AL lib: ALc.c:1808: alcCloseDevice(): destroying 1 Context(s)
Segmentation fault

(Resolution was set to 1024x768 and it used to work perfectly with 32 bit Nvidia driver. But on 64 it just refuses to work). What can be the problem?

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