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Topics - David_HD

Pages: [1]
Granted or negated Wishes / Food
« on: September 10, 2002, 07:44:53 am »
Okay, this isn\'t so much a wish, as a question and poll :P
Are there any plans for food to be incorporated in any way? I\'m curious what plans the devs have regarding this, and what everyone elses oppinions are, since I\'m probably going to get those anyway :P

Granted or negated Wishes / Colors
« on: May 25, 2002, 06:42:38 am »
The ability to choose your colors... That\'d give some distinction to characters of the same race & type w/ the same gear...

The lack of this is something for which I still curse Diablo II. :P

General Discussion / Any inkling regarding magic system?
« on: May 25, 2002, 06:18:04 am »
There may have been a thread here somewhere already, but I\'ve searched as thoroughly as I\'m going to, given that it\'s now 5 in the morning...
So if there\'s already a thread on this, please point me to it.

What are people thinking about when it comes to magic? What kinda system? Whatever it is should allow for some customization, perhaps even researching new spells, but shouldn\'t be overly complex and must be easy to use in combat... Yes, I\'m restating the obvious. I\'m tired. Shut up. :P

Okay, so anyway, I\'m thinking maybe a lynchpin system like in Amber? Where it takes time to prepare the spell, and then you set as many variables as you care to in advance, and round out the rest upon casting (Which takes time, so the more that is preset. the better).  I\'m not sure what should limit how many spells you\'ve got hanging around at once... Maybe have them decay over time, maybe even such that their effectiveness is decreased, and then they go away after a certain amount of time. If you sit around doing nothing but hang spells for long enough, you\'ll be losing them as fast as you can give yourself them...

Possibly a GTA3 style aiming thing, both for magic and for physical combat. If you\'re in combat mode, it highlights an enemy, and you can cycle which enemy is selected, and can attack the highlighted enemy... Similar for spells, but you pick from amongst appropriate targets, not necessarily enemies... I\'m not sure. Just an idea I had...

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