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Messages - Vilthis Trayus

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General Discussion / Re: What do you seek, and what did you find?
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:03:35 pm »
Kaisa was the person that kick started my RPing when i joined in 2009. He played a mentor role through a char called Giroum Duphra.

I started of with this game with some experiences in role playing with some table top games. I had a read of the settings in planeshift and what really drew me into the background was the religion, particularly Dakkru and the sort of struggle against the an insidious force that seeks to corrupt the natural order of things (Blackflame). I never really found any meaningful ways to push my story forward since alot of 'Dakkruist' aren't really orthodox to playing their worship as per the 6 truths, 6 falsehoods and most importantly the 4 revelations.

I ended up taking a break from the game and then returning again recently to see how I can try revive this directiong I'd like to take as a detective noir, inquisition business sort of story line. I've given some attempts writing my ideas here.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Firearms in PS
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:07:37 am »
I am a Warhammer 40k player myself. It is a table top miniature turn based strategy game, not a RPG. But I get your point. Though there is potential that 'technological' innovation not reined to the settings may result in an absurd outcome, i believe hard caps towards character ingenuity is even a more absurd outcome where central to the theme of this game is role playing - and imagination is central to that.

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Firearms in PS
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:32:51 am »
Essentially, necessity is the mother of invention in the history of the arms race. Logically speaking Yliakum is no exception, though ends justify means; does magic supersedes the need of using gunpowder based weaponry? Or alternatively magic operate as a substitute to it akin to a propellant like azure way telekinetic discharged projectile? I strongly believe it is simply up to one's imagination and ingenuity of a character in the game. I do not presume to speak for the settings but if someone seeks to role play a fire arm, as long as the justification is sound I personally have no qualms about limiting the imagination of a player.

General Discussion / Re: Bucket Lists
« on: April 21, 2012, 01:06:37 am »
- Combat the influence of the Black Flame on the Dark Crystal under the tenants of Dakkru's Revelation
- Quest to uncover the life work of Shindrook the Mad and learn his power over true death
- Replace the Stronghand House as the Vigisimi of Hydlaa
- Mastering all aspects of the Ways (As Shindrook the Mad did)
- Mastering alchemy
- Mastering unarmed combat

General Discussion / Re: Fantasy RP Story Line - Any Interest?
« on: March 12, 2012, 03:08:41 am »
Would be keen to contribute to the endeavour.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Looking for a Guild Leader
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:44:55 pm »
Oh this is looking interesting, it's like a CEO advertisement. :P

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Forget about guildhouses
« on: April 26, 2011, 12:28:26 am »
I'd be interested in that. My character is leading vagrant lifestyle at the moment and would be fun to make camp with an assorted crew.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Apprentice
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:11:24 pm »
Thank you for the encouragement Vamese.

Relating to what justifies as what is defined by 'epic', It's easily arguable that my character has the stats and levels to pull that off without resulting in a cringe. [Azure.Red.Dark Maxed along with an assortment of combat skills]

Roleplaying is definitely the reason why I began playing planeshift over other MMOs. But as of late the community is just so unsupportive to what is suppose to be the paradigm of Planeshift. I had it with the trolls and I'm pragmatic enough not to get drawn into heated pseudo-intellectual debate about what RP should be; there is already plenty of sanctimonious self righteousness about this place (albeit with little credentials). If this community isn't for me, so be it. I'd personally not mind this being a pay to play game should RP be the paradigm for both the devs and the community(at the risk of sounding elitist, create a niche community whom are willing to pay for a RP driven environment). But as of late I'm dismayed. Planeshift without it's priorities in Roleplaying is just another game that does not top the list of appeal simply based on the mechanics. The community needs weeding. If paying to play planeshift does that, I'm more than happy to. Roleplaying is the biggest selling point of this game.

Still, the dev team deserve their due credits, this is a remarkable technical accomplishment for a free, volunteer based, independent project.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Apprentice
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:15:39 am »
Well, I'm just following what the blasted panel on azure way says. :P

It's basically a sneaky and insidious energy, that can control the will, the perceptions and the intentions of any intelligent being. It's power comes from the deep knowledge of the mind and the way to influence it, but it relies also on mind potentials to influence the surrounding areas and objects, mainly all that is related to the air element.

Bit cliche, but eh, could lead to good things.

Well thats encouraging...It's not like this stuff for a living...Gee thanks...=/

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Apprentice
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:16:45 pm »
Encounter in the Slums of Ojaveda

Though Midday, the Crystal hanging above glows dimly lending insufficient radiance to warm the populace of Ojaveda that cowers away from the freezing climate of the Dwanden month. The cold is the bane to the living, but indications seem to show he isn’t among so - not any more to say the least as Vilthis trudges through the cold alleys of the slums with no visible detriment upon him, shrouded modestly in only his identity obscuring black robes and his half plate beneath. The residents of this destitute district hurdle about a stove desperately, keeping it burning with whatever fuel they may gather as the bitter chill claw into the motley of races united by their common goal to seek warmth. It is not uncommon to see the landscape littered with the occasional corpse of the old, the diseased or the tender young unable to survive the harsh winter in these slums.

Vilthis approaches a local Dermorian woman hurdled by this heat source. Posing the inquiry about the hoodlum reported in the journal, Vilthis learnt more about this child whm goes by the name of Felear. His considerable notoriety and mischief made him easy to locate. By offering an octa, the impoverished woman was more than willing to lead Vilthis to where Felear haunts. Venturing deeper into the slums, Felear was readily in sight tending a small fire through the use of a fire glyph…

Vilthis whispers to a local, dismissing her whom by now was plague with a look of nervousness approaching Felear and hands her an octa before she quickly scampers away.

Vilthis comes before Felear sizing him up. Felear sits, expressionless, focusing on a glyph depicting what looks to be a flame.

“I'd have thought someone of your notoriety to be a little…older…" Remarked Vilthis whom was a little surprised to see Felear as a child younger than he expected.

Felear with his steely gaze still affixed on the fire glyph replies “"Older? What's my age matter? Don't play with fire or you'll get burned..."says Felear dismissively

Vilthis carefully observes Felear's demeanour and remarks "And the temperament of a fire too as they say..."

“They? So you've heard? I'm strong you know - One day I'm gonna buy a BIG house and make people work for me!” Says Felear ambitiously

Felear glances away from his glyph for a moment, "Waddya want anyway? You didn't come here to tell me that..."

Vilthis nods "No doubt...You harbour great potential...I have a proposition child..." Vilthis replies broodingly under his hood

Felear Denesel stands up from his comfortably nestled position amongst the crates “A proposition?”

Vilthis nods solemnly “...But first I must apologise...”

“Apologise for what?” quipped Felear with a suspicious tone

“For this…” Vilthis launches a psychic blow directed squarely for Felear's chest with sufficient force to push him against the wall

Felear gets flunged to the adjacent wall

Felear scrunches his face, "Oww! What was that for! You'd better watch it!”

Felear begins to focus a small flame in the palm of his hand but Vilthis makes no remarks or movements as he carefully studies Felear's potential.

Felear launches the ball of flame at the robed figure and smiles with content. “How did you like that? I can burn all of Ojaveda if you don't watch it!” Felear gloats

Vilthis lifts his grafted appendage out casually and consumes the considerable fire burst that had seemed to engulfed him earlier with a wind vortex "Good...But you lack focus..." Vilthis remarks

Felear feels his eyes widen as he watches a swirling vortex surround the mass of robes

Vilthis broodingly remarks, "I can help you..."

Felear crosses his arms and looks away, "I don't think so. You look worse than I do." The child ignorantly proclaims

Vilthis dismisses Felear's remarks casually "Such arrogance" as gathers the winds and directs it to Felear with enough force to catch him in the spinning vortex harmlessly

"Woah! Put me down!" shouts Felear as he got swept into to swirling winds

“As you wish....” says Vilthis as he dismisses the winds with Felear still in mid air

Felear falls to the ground with a thud, "Owww! That wasn't necessary!"

Vilthis looks down at the child taunting him "And I was expecting something more impressive..."

Felear at that moment instantaneously mirrored Vilthis’ spell exhibiting a tremendous learning potential

Felear laughs heartily, "How's THIS!"

Felear pants heavily after summoning the defensive winds

Vilthis watches Felear carefully noting a more focused power within him

“I don't know who you are but if you have money you'd better hand it over before you make me mad.” Says Felear whom has put himself in a better bargaining position

Vilthis replies patiently "You know I can offer you more than that child...I can teach you how to use your powers..."

Felear takes a step toward the robed figure, "I don't need help from the likes of you - I am Felear Denesel! I am a powerful Sorcerer and no one has ever beaten me…” he proclaims

Abruptly a squad of Ojavedan Guards appears from various corner of the alley surrounding Felear and Vilthis easily outnumbering them. The commanding officer Ahestid in clad in plain dress for undercover purposes comes forth and declares “And I take that as a confession of your guilt Felear Denese, stand down and be arrested"

Felear appears a little choked up as he quickly stuffs his no doubt pilfered glyphs down a pant leg

Vilthis stands stoically seemingly without response to the situation

Ahestid unexpectedly makes a corrupt proposition to Felear “Now boy...If you give me 6 circles...I just might forget i see you here…You and your associate here can go free”
Ahestid gives a sly grin “It's a win win situation, No?”

Felear says: “Seriously?” Says Felear in a surprised tone and gives a moment thought to the offer

Ahestid looks on impatiently “Well hurry up...I haven't got all day ya know!”

“Six circles? Do you not see where you are mister? I don't have six fleas for you.” Says Felear condescendingly

Ahestid dismisses the remark annoyed "Arrrgghh...It's the keep then you two"

Ahestid reachs out to put Felear and Vilthis in chains

Felear looks around and sees no chance of escape

Unexpectedly Vilthis elusively evokes an azure way persuasion at this critical juncture "You don't want to put us in chains..." directed at Ahestid

Ahestid falls under the charms and repeats albeit in a slurred manner "I don't want to put you both in chains..." the surrounding guards look on in surprise but dare not say anything for risk of insubordination

Felear looks back and forth at the two, jaw dropped in amazement.

Vilthis continues with his persuasion "You don't need the circles"

Ahestid parrots "I don't need the circles"

Vilthis continues with his persuasion "You haven't seen us and you will dismiss your men"

Felear thinks to himself silently, "How is he doing THAT!?"

Ahestid repeats the words hypnotically "I haven't seen you both and I will dismiss my men”

Ahestid dazedly walks away with his score of subordinates closely following suit confused, quickly vanishing out of sight as they made a turn in the alleys heading back to the Kore keep

Vilthis turns to Felear "That settles it..."

Felear looks to the robed man

Vilthis nods solemnly "Well I noted your unwillingness to learn...Very well…I shall leave you be then" and he begins to make his departure

“Wait mister!” shouts Felear

Vilthis halts at his step and queries without turning back “Yes Child?”

Felear hangs his head and frowns, "I could use some help you know... I wouldn't be in this dump if I were really powerful like you. I just use the little I know to frighten people into giving me food and trias."

Vilthis nods and turns around to face Felear with an expression of sympathy that is however obscured under his mask

“Will you teach me to be REALLY powerful instead of pretend?” says Felear looking up at Vilthis hopefully

Vilthis pats Felear on his head "He who knows he's a fool is not a big fool" he quips from memory what his mentor Giroum Duphra used to tell him under his tutelage

Felear blinks from the patting, "I'd rather not be called a fool, " grinning.

Vilthis looks on to the child, within him the infinite possibilities that would hold...and nods solemnly "My apprentice"

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] The Apprentice
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:43:56 am »
"To face Death without dying is the only way to come to know Me." - The Four Revelations of Dakkru


Within the murky quarters of his safehouse illuminated only by a falka lamp on the desk, Vilthis immerse himself in his studies. Whilst recording his life work accordingly in his grimoire, a timely intrusion brought about his unhealthy obsessive erudition to a halt. At the door way of his quarters stands an imposing figure clad in dark leathers, his presence imposes an intimidating aura.

“My Lord…” Kovarks Berlos bows respectfully as he comes before Vilthis, the steadfast and unquestionably competent agent of the Trayus House approaches the desk. The diaboli’s distinguished service complemented with his pragmatic attitude wins much favour in the Trayus court.

“I believe this might pique your interest…” Says Kovarks as he brings a copy of the local journal detailing a young hoodlum of considerable notoriety making waves in Ojavedan slums.

Vilthis rubs his chin intently and grins as he assesses the information, occasionally reading out to himself the keywords in the article “Child… Arcane...Terrorised Residents…Extortion”

Vilthis looks up to Kovarks “Yes… A fascinating one this is” he remarks and folds up the journal, placing it aside neatly on his desk.

“Shall I see to this my Lord?” Kovarks inquires, awaiting the confirmation of his master. Being all too familiar with the work behind recent probing of potential candidates for his master’s agenda, Kovarks eagerly seeks to undertake another assignment.

“I shall see to this personally Mr Berlos, I could do with the exercise after such criminally long indulgece in my quarters” Vilthis replies, as he raise from his chair and dons the shrouding black robes hung on the cloak stand.

Kovarks bows without protest though surprised at Vilthis’ desire to personally undertake this probe. Left only to speculate what his master sees in this target, he watches silently as Vilthis leaves the quarters in his expedited but refined strides befitting a noble, leaving to track his intended subject...

To be continued...

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Casting Call: Inquisitor's Apprentice
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:09:27 am »
Thanks for expressing your interest, Vamese. a 'screentest' would be conducted at a convenient time.
Thanks for your recent participation Kalypson, in the "Proving grounds"

In-Game Roleplay Events / Proving grounds: Kalypson Groleck
« on: December 11, 2010, 02:08:25 am »
Kovarks Berlos positions himself at the corner seat of the tavern, his hood lowered to obscure his appearance as he lay in wait for a subject assigned to him in the dossier he is provided. He keeps a hawk-eyed vigilance on the entering and departing revellers of Kada-El, none eluding his attention passing through the grand doors of the establishment.

The wait was short lived and the entry made by his subject drawn himself an inescapable attention as he stumbled through the door.

(01:34:03) Kalypson trips over the threshold and tries to recover, looking a bit uncomfortable in the tavern surroundings.

Kovark keeps his eyes affixed on Kalypson Groleck. He quickly looks down at his sketch for reference and target confirmation.

“Yes...This must be him” Kovarks thinks to himself though as far as first impression counts, Kovarks remains unimpressed about his master’s candidate selection passed earlier today. His hypercritical nature nitpicks on any small details of Kalypson quality, as he schemes to draw him out to test his abilities.

As Kalypson occupies himself with his pack over the cider at the bar, Kovarks paces towards him seemingly in an innocuous manner intending to order a drink.

01:39:01) Kalypson nods to the Diaboli again as he quietly sips his cider, looks around the bar. Seeming a little bit more comfortable.
As Kovarks moves in a little closer…

(01:39:23) Kalypson steps back. "Um... am I in the way here then?"
(01:40:02) Kovarks roguishly snatches for a skin at Kalypso's belt and dashes out of the tavern.
(01:41:14) Kalypson steps up to the door holding his belt... now empty.
(01:41:19) Kalypson says: Hey!

Kalypson calls out to Kovarks for him to stop as he gives a chase for him through the dark alleys behind Kada El.

01:41:44) Kalypson says: Now... why you go and take that...?
(01:41:56) Kalypson says: Hey!
(01:41:59) Kalypson says: I worked hard for that...
(01:42:26) Kalypson hesitates but follows the thief into the darkness

Kovarks comes to a ladder and makes a descent down into the sewers with Kalypson following shortly behind. He could still hear Kalypson’s call as he tries to lure him deeper into the sewers.

(01:42:40) Kovarks quickly runs down the stairs at a pace seemingly wanting Kalypson to follow
The chase comes to an end when Kovarks reaches a spacious chamber deep into the sewers.
(01:44:13) Kovarks suddenly come to a halt, turning around to face his pursuer
(01:42:41) Kalypson says: Look, I don't want a fight...
(01:42:47) Kalypson says: Just hand it back.
(01:44:56) Kalypson kicks a rat out of the way and moves forward.
(01:44:58) Kovarks holds out the skin and in a peculiar hissing tone "You want thisssss....Don't you?"

Kovarks dangles the hide snatched from Kalypson before him, taunting him to come forth.

(01:45:22) Kalypson flexes his fists, "yes... it is mine, now isn't it, thief."
(01:45:49) Kalypson holds out an open hand, "come on... just give it back."
(01:46:02) Kalypson shakes involuntarily a moment.
(01:46:08) Kovarks fluidly draws his falchions..."You have to fight for it then" and directs a slash towards Kalypson.
(01:46:11) Kalypson pulls his hand back and flexes his fists again.
(01:46:37) Kalypson shakes again, eyes darkening again, brow knit.
(01:46:50) Kalypson says: Just a hide... it's...
(01:47:07) Kalypson shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut tightly, opens again... "just a hide..."
(01:47:32) Kalypson says: You are just looking for a fight then... not the hide. yes?
(01:47:52) Kalypson takes a ready stance, "why?"
(01:48:10) Kalypson draws his sabres, waiting.
(01:48:15) Kovarks lowers his stance making no response to Kalypson’s queries and lunges his falchion.
(01:48:25) Kalypson jumps back.
(01:48:50) Kalypson stumbles over a rat, surprised by the lunge and jumps back up.
(01:49:07) Kovarks twirls around using the momentum of the lunge and sends a kick directed at Kalypson's chest
(01:49:32) Kalypson shakes silently, shudders against the kick and throws the saber hilt into the Diaboli's face.
(01:50:19) Kovarks roughish instincts permit him to dodge the move, seemingly playing with Kalypson
(01:51:13) Kalypson's face darkens and he swings wildly.
(01:52:29) Kalypson continues to anger, not able to land a single blow with meaningful affect.
(01:52:40) Kovarks dodges the wild flails of the slashes casually though he appears to be studying the moves

Kovarks pays deep attention to Kalypson’s moves. Though unfocused, Kalypson raw rage has carried him through thus far.

(01:52:29) Kalypson continues to anger, not able to land a single blow with meaningful affect.
(01:53:21) Kalypson takes a defensive stance... calming down
(01:53:30) >Kovarks Berlos beckons Kalypson Groleck with a slight gesture of the hand.
(01:53:53) Kalypson shakes but stays calm. Seems to be gaining focus and thinking.
(01:54:05) Kovarks hisses "And I wasssss expecting....more..."
(01:54:22) Kovarks circles Kalyson menacingly
(01:54:36) Kalypson angers again quite suddenly, possessing a new strength and determination.
(01:55:06) Kovarks slightly taken aback by the renewed vigor goes into a defensive stance
(01:55:18) Kalypson lunges. point direct at the taarget.
(01:55:49) Kalypson's second sabre takes a defensive sweep against the Falcheons.
(01:56:14) Kovarks deflects the blow and brings the blunt back of falchion to clash against the sabre non-leathally
(01:56:35) Kalypson recovers with a quick return lunging again.
(01:57:19) Kovarks gracefully makes a butterfly leap and dodges the lunge and pivot a blunt blow to Kalypson's back
(01:57:34) Kalypson grunts and goes down on top of a rat.
(01:57:58) Kalypson scrambles back up and moves back, waiting again... "come on, try me... again!"
(01:58:09) Kovarks appears to be nodding a weak approval
(01:58:43) Kalypson looks around quickly, checking all the corners of the room, breathing heavy...
(01:59:13) Kovarks dashes and slides forward to peform a leg sweep
(01:59:41) Kalypson jumps missing the sweep and brings both hilts down on the Diaboli...
(02:00:29) Kovarks brings his falchions up in a 'x' formation taking the brunt of the untrained blows and makes a roll back
(02:01:11) Kalypson pushes off the defensive move, just barely missing having his hands cut off, and looks more worried as the fight goes on... breathing heavily and sweating.
(02:02:11) Kalypson glances at the gates to the room...

Sensing Kalypson’s intention to escape before completing his required trials…

(02:02:45) Kovarks makes a short incarnation and sets a burst of fire at the exits
(02:03:23) Kalypson ducks as the sparks fly, looking back at the diaboli with wide eyes...
(02:03:35) Kalypson waves one sabre high and throw freezes at the fire.
(02:04:15) Kalypson runs back away from the Diaboli... laying ice all around his feet.
(02:05:00) Kovarks looks at Kalypson seemingly with a discerning expression under his hood.

Kovarks thinks to himself “Some arcane aptitude…Good”

(02:05:49) Kalypson watches, flexes the sabres... tries to think.
(02:06:17) Kovarks casually makes his way towards the exit, a smouldering wisp of smoke rises from the extinguished flames that used to burn by the exit
(02:06:37) Kovarks discards the hide on the ground as he proceeds
(02:07:21) Kalypson growls at the Diaboli's return. "Come on... what is this all about?"
(02:07:58) Kovarks makes no response as he makes a turn leading deeper into the sewers vanishing from sight

From a distance Kalypson’s frenzied cry echoes in the sewers as Kovarks departs.

(02:08:46) Kalypson shouts: "ArrrrrrrrrGGggggg!"

Kovarks weaves through the sewers with great familiarity, the labyrinth no hindrance to his quick exit from the entrance near the Winch gate and quickly makes his way to the temple green to catch his flight on the charted Pterosaur bound for Ojaveda. Properly secured on the saddle, the beast of burden spread it's wings and makes a broad sweep downwards, propelling itself off the ground as it climbed for optimal altitude.

The landscape below flashed past quickly with Hydlaa out of sight in mere minutes and the Shindrook volcano slowly loomed in a distance. Gradually the White Towers in the Dsar of Sarraghi came within sight, the spires dedicated to Talad glows magnificently in the dimming crystal in the approaching dusk. The Pterosaur made a sharp pitch setting coming into descent as it tilts gently setting the course straight towards the Dsar of Akkaio where the Pterosaur dock is located at, the scores of merchants look up in the sky as the the pterosaur glides past the bustling bazaar. The Pterosaur handler expertly reins the beast bringing the flight to a gentle landing as it reaches the docking point, only the slightest jerk was felt when contact with the ground was made.

Kovarls quickly disembarked and hands the aviator 6 circles before melting into the traffic of the merchant quarters heading for the residential slums in the Dsar of Kore. Navigating through the maze of dusty cramped alleys, Kovarks halts before a door with a peculiar door ornament in the design of a carkass.

A cloaked figure attends the door after it was knocked. Kovarks flashes a platinum coin bearing the seal of Rulayne Orgrin before the attendant permits his passage after verification. Kovarks enters the quarters and goes down on a knee before a pale fleshed individual clad in half plate standing in the middle of a sigil etched on the ground. His dread inspiring graft on his left arm clutches a dossier.

"It is done, my master" Kovarks reports "Excellent potential....But a hot blooded one no less"

"Weren't we all Kovarks?" the armoured figure replies broodingly and hands Kovarks the dossier he holds without any further remarks.

Kovarks smiles, giving the statement a silent acknowledgement reflecting upon his early exploits and receives the dossier. What is intended is self explanatory.

"As you wish...Lord Trayus" Kovarks replies and rise on his feet, departing in pursuit for another subject of his master's interest...

General Discussion / Re: Tutorial Voiceover
« on: December 10, 2010, 09:44:05 pm »
we tried to have more artistocratic languages like british be on xacha,

Would love to submit my candidacy for the Xacha voice!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Casting Call: Inquisitor's Apprentice
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:38:06 am »
Thanks for your interest, your submission would be considered Knightspark9.

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