Author Topic: PlaneShift IRC Guide  (Read 3573 times)


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PlaneShift IRC Guide
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:05:42 am »
PlaneShift IRC Guide

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is a standardized RFC protocol for multi user real time chat. To be able to connect to it you need an IRC client. At the end I will list a few of them for different platforms.

All PlaneShift IRC Channels are located on the FreeNode IRC Network. Most IRC Clients will have this network preconfigured, however, for the case it isn't you will have to add the network on your own. For that create a new network entry and add the server to it – it is a meta server which will redirect you to the server which is closest to you.

There are different channels for PS, here's a list of them:

  • #planeshift – the official fan channel, talk with other players. Developers and GameMaster are also around.
  • #planeshift-gmtalk – the public GameMaster channel. No GM ingame and you need help? Go here and poke one of the GM's by saying their name. This is not a channel you are allowed to idle in, when your issue is solved you will have to leave this channel again.
  • #planeshift-offtopic – a few players come into the channel to talk about whatever they want, mostly not related to PS.
  • #planeshift-build – For public development, for help with building the client or a local server, to contact engine developers, technical support channel.

There are a few other channels, but you are not allowed to join those unless you are part of the team (GM, prospect, developer, tester...), so I won't list those here.

FreeNode also hosts the channel for CrystalSpace3d, the 3d engine behind PS. Their channel is #crystalspace

Some guilds also host their guild channel on FreeNode, even tho FreeNode is not intended for such :P Consult the guild of your interest to find out their IRC channel and whether they are hosted on FreeNode or on another network.

You need help with general Linux, Windows, Mac issues? No problem, there are dozens of channels for that as well. English is not your native language? Also no problem, most projects have a channel in other languages as well, just add a dash followed by the country code to the end of the channel (e.g. β€œ-de” for Germany, sometimes it's a period instead of a dash)

  • #Linux – For general Linux questions.
  • #ubuntu – Distribution specific issues for Ubuntu.
  • #debian – Same for Debian GNU/Linux.
  • #gentoo – Guess what, This channel is for Gentoo Linux.

I could probably list more channels, but this guide is not intended for that, there are channels for most distributions, the above list is just to give  a general idea.

Some IRC Clients:

There are dozens of other clients available for almost every platform and operating system you could imagine, if the above list doesn't suit you, feel free to look for a client on your own. If you think I am missing an important client here, send me a PM please.

This guide was written by me, Cebot. No PS Dev is responsible for it, therefore they cannot be blamed for any wrong information in it. However, if you find anything wrong with this guide send me a PM please and I may fix it.
URLs listed in this guide are out of my responsibility, this means neither me, nor any PS member can be blamed for the content of third party websites.
I tried my best to have proper grammar, punctuation and spelling, if you, however, find any mistake you may keep it, it's free :P (or send my a PM and I may fix it).
Within all PS channels it is not allowed to discuss spoilers. As spoiler count quest solutions, locations of mobs, NPC's or shops. Please avoid those questions. If you are stuck in a quest please check the bugtracker at if it is already known, if not report it! If you, however, need urgent help, Rizin has offered several times to help out, You may send her a PM on the forums, a Query on IRC or an e-mail. Be patient as she is a busy person – and be kind to her! :)
Within all IRC channels (not only PS related channels) common sense and good behavior is expected from you. Bad behavior, insults, bad language, floods and so far... will be punished by the channel operators.
If you have to paste more than 3 lines, please use a pastebin like or and only paste the URL into the channel.

So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why do I fight and why do I feel that
I carry a sword, that I carry a sword through a battlefield?

VNV Nation - Joy


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Re: PlaneShift IRC Guide - IRC Commands
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2008, 12:13:04 pm »
Below I'll list some IRC commands which might be helpful to you. To keep this thread clean I ask you to send whatever is missing via PM and I'll add it to the guide above, or to the command list or to whatever will follow :)

/join <channelname> - To enter the channel you want to replace <channelname> with the name of the channel. E.G.: /join #planeshift
/part <channelname> [leave message] - Leaves the channel you specify, optionally you can add a leaving message. E.G.: /part #planeshift I gotta run, see you later
/nick <newnick> - You can change your nickname with this command.
/ me <message in third person mode> - E.G.: "/me is hungry" will turn into "* Cebot is hungry". You can use this for actions and emotions. There is no /my command on IRC (in PS there is) NOTE: there is no whitespace between the / and "me", had to put it there because the forum parses it as well)
/msg <nick> <message> - Sends a private message to a person. E.G.: /msg cebot Hi, this is some crap message.
/ignore - Information taken from Xchat's help system:
Usage: IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>
     mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*
     types - types of data to ignore, one or all of:
     options - NOSAVE, QUIET

NickServ - There are quite a few commands for nickserv to setup your nickname with different options, I will just explain a few of them.
/msg nickserv <cmd> <option> - this is the general syntax for NickServ commands.
Some <cmd>'s with their <option>'s:
register <password> <email> - Register your nickname, according to NickServ you may have to confirm your email addy by following the steps in the mail you received.
identify <password> - When you login into IRC you will have to identify yourself to NickServ.
ghost <nick> <password> - When you lose your connection it often happens that your old connection remains as ghost connection on the server. You can get rid of it by throwing this command at nickserv.

More NickServ commands are available by /msg nickserv help commands

NOTE: FreeNode now allows everyone to send messages to everyone, regardless if one is identified or not. If you want some privacy or spam protection you can disable this feature by typing /umode +E (command and syntax may differ from client to client, this one is for xchat users)

If you don't want others to see your IP address you can send JosePhoenix a private message, he is responsible for the #planeshift channel and can request a vhost for your nickname, but you have to be registered to NickServ. Once the vhost is set up it will hide your IP address whenever you are identified to NickServ

If you want me to list and explain some important ChanServ commands in this guide as well, then send me a PM here on the forums or on IRC.

If you're missing any command that you think should be added here, send me a PM or /msg me on IRC

So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why do I fight and why do I feel that
I carry a sword, that I carry a sword through a battlefield?

VNV Nation - Joy


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Re: PlaneShift IRC Guide
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2008, 01:55:53 pm »
with updated browser and cross-application linking available, we need direct links here now:


and so on... also someone needs to update the forum software to recognize irc:// links


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PlaneShift Help Channel on IRC
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 09:20:19 am »
yet another link to an irc client, this time one from the PS main site itself