Author Topic: More please ;)  (Read 387 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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More please ;)
« on: February 06, 2005, 10:46:17 pm »
Okay, so now that I have the server up and running, how do I get the tables etc up to date.

As I said, I tried just copying the ./art and ./data folders from the game distribution, but that crashed the server next time I tried to start it.

Having read the server console\'s help and noticed the command to import various types of XML file to the db, I am wondering if I have to step through the game folder importing XML files as it is possible to do so in order to bring the db tables up to par with the data contained in the directories.

NB possibly just the result of a hung DLL or something but I noticed that, when I tried this that copying the original art files in the cvs back over the ones copied from the game distribution, the server still would not start up again. Are other files, like the cfg\'s being altered to reflect some aspects of what is in the ./art folder?

Getting back to my question, do I need to import some of the XML files to the database? And, if so, can anyone suggest what files and in what order I would want to do that?

NB2 Another thing I noticed was that using the server as built straight from CVS, it is not possible to create all races and that, when I finally found a race that I could create - the second type of human, that once I got ingame I was actually being shown as one of the dwarves.

The error I was getting on the character creation screen was that I had not selected a race