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Topics - BaretteDeBeurre

Pages: [1]
Granted or negated Wishes / Pets
« on: December 06, 2002, 07:27:51 am »
i know i have talked some words about it in some answers, but i haven\'t made a thread to discuss about it.

I think it should be cool to be able to tame pets and/or little monsters. You would have to raise it, feed it, and so on. What should be greater would be that it could gives you some bonusses, depending on the creature and how you raised it.

General Discussion / No fights in Molecular Blue
« on: November 30, 2002, 07:52:15 am »
But what will we be able to do? Explore and chat? Or more features?

Wish list / my wish list
« on: November 27, 2002, 11:46:25 am »
it\'ll be a little meli-melo as i type them when i think of them:

-Economy balanced by the acts of players(with an offer-demande up/downrise)
-Hard to find places
-Be able to go in places with full people(towns and around) and then go where you\'ll hardly find people
-players be able to teach/learn skills each other
-Emotes to animate your discussions(laugh, anger, cry, welcome, kneel, ....)
-Be able to buy/build houses and forts
-Be able to make weapons, armors, potions, all the stuff sellable in game, and better then what NPCs sell
-NPCs would buy things very cheap and sell them very onerous to force market between players
-An option you can activate to sell things by other players simply clik on you and see/buy what you propose at he price you\'ve fixed(to not have to yell around to sell something)
-improved intercommunication tools
-Rules for outnumbered(i mean maluses when you fight more than 1 mob at a time)
-Events that gather players(orc invasion, demon unleashed,....)
-of course, faster healing when you sit, but even faster when you sit on a chair, drink a beer(at the tavern, ie, talking with others), lie in a bed(to have a better reason to have a house than to stock items)
-Many quests given by NPCs
-PK authorized, and a PJ police to restrain PKers, and assassin guild to spice the world
-Truly unique objects
-Be able to use all the things you find, by simply using them or mix or craft them to make other items
-Be able to swim(and encounters aquatic foes ans hard-to-find places)
-Be able to fish, hunt and gather herbs, fruits
-Boat travels, secret islands
-visible clothes, armors, weapons, jewelry,...
-unlimited skills but hard to progress(and very hard since a certain \'level\')
-be able to party even with very lower/higher levels players without bonusses/malusses
-an auto drawing map system that will allow you to sell/buy them(interiors as exteriors)
-be able to have a domestic pet you\'ll have to feed, take care,... but could give you some advantages later
-horse riding
-be able to marry someone
-social \'leveling\'

Big list, i know, but that\'s all what i\'d like to find in a MMORPG

Wish list / Moving around
« on: November 08, 2002, 09:39:04 am »
I think that it should be faster and mouselook to turn around. I think we should see the difference (in character\'s movements) between running and walking.

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