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Topics - Kendrick

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Azure Order
« on: July 05, 2002, 09:51:47 pm »
The guilds forums say i can\'t post so i post this here and someone can move it

I made an update to the Azure Order site (Yes, that is Shibby stuff you see it all decked out in)

contact me if you need anything

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Mystic Cow (Comedy)
« on: July 04, 2002, 11:40:47 pm »
This was \'spose to be on Kada\'els forum but it\'s broke so some one give this to Kada and they will be cool if they do

The Mystic Cow
by Chubbs (Kendrick)

It\'s a normal day at the BBB, \'cept noone is drunk yet. Do you know why noone is drunk? The Holy Mystic Cow Statue is gone! thats why! without the Mystic Cow, noone is the Kingdom is aloud to drink, for it is the cow who protects the peoples stomachs from cancer.

Bill, The Dwarf: Oh, Hello Kada, Hello, Hello, Hello. Hello Kada.

Kada: HI BILL!

[Bill looks around. His neck is so fat he can\'t move it, so he has to walk around in circles to look around]

Bill: What\'s this? What IS this?

Kada: No drinks \'til the Mystic Cow is found. I think that idiot Cyonamie, the one who is in charge of it, lost it.

Bill: Shamma Whaaa? Shhheet!

[Bill just stares into space. Not outerspace, the space thats in front of him]

Thoos, the Big: Whaaa? Cow gone missing, kada? what that mean? that mean bad?

Kada: Yes, Thoos, i\'ve told you not just 5 minutes ago. That is very bad.

Thoos: Okey dokey kada I do that.


Kendrick, the Chubb: Aha!

[and then]

Binary, the Smart: Boo!

[after that]

Whitti, the Fast: Woooshhh

Kendrick: Dun Da Da DA! It\'s us the Azure Order! The guys who will help you!

Kada: Weeeeee!

The Bar: Huray!

Washi: Hi Kendrick, Whitti, and Binary.

The Azure Order: Alo-ha!

[Aloha is what those Hawaii people say for Hello. They say it for good-bye too. I don\'t know why, maybe because they don\'t know the differance]

[In an instant]

Cyonamie, the playa: Word, yo. Tha Cows is outta here. gone. And a big Dragon took it. It was all like \"Word, yo. i\'m taken this cow.\" and I was like \"Das Wack! Gimme dat Flashy Cow back! Jack! or i\'ll put you in some brown sack... mack!!\"

Meket: Yo man, thats shibby.

Kendrick: To the Dragooooon!

[To the Dragooooon]

Whitti: Look, there it is!

Dragon: Hola, Amigos.  ?Usted no puede tener su vaca!

Kendrick: What?

Binary: He says we can\'t have the cow! Kill him!

[The battle was bloody, and if you were there you would have heard things like \"Who ha!\" and \"usted bastardo, usted cort? mi cabeza\"]

Kendrick: We won! the Azure order Won! Weeeeee!

Binary: look the cow! it\'s flashy!

Whitti: yes, thats normal.

[The BBB]

Kada: Thanks

Kendrick: No Prob, kada. Kada dada maba haba.

----the end----

P.S. I\'m getting a tattoo of a cross on my left chest on the 21st weeeeee!

Single Author Stories / Quest of the Golden Relic
« on: March 24, 2002, 06:25:49 pm »
Quest of the Golden Relic

The sky is dark, and 3 people are running thru a forest

Oww my head.
Idiot, watch where your going!
Sorry, i\'m sorry
Quiet, woman!
I\'m not a woman, i\'m not a woman!
Shutup you two

and the 3 continue running.

OWW! My eye! i\'ve poked my eye! ohh god its bleeding!
*Kendrick falls to the ground and rolls around screaming*
*He rolls on the ground for a few minutes as Turo and alina watch*
maybe we should help?
He looks fine to me, i\'ve been poked in the eye too, and I got better
it looks painful, I think we should find a priest
Whats the priest going to do? Resurrect his eye?

and the 3 set out to find the priest.
and then they find him in the temple.
but it is an evil temple.

Our friend needs healing
Father Zaylik only does appointments!
Can we set one up for right now?
I spose... but don\'t accept currency, I only trade
Whose there?
Well... i built this temple thinking it would attract people... but maybe the evil spirt spooked them away... so if I accept money, i can\'t use it ever
you can have my army
you have an army?
Yes... i mean no, I have arms I meant, and you can\'t have those
oh, well thats not want i need anyway... you see... I need a relic
a relic of fire!
no. A relic of... (looks around) now don\'t tell anyone about this but... I need a golden relic... one that casts out evil spirts and  acts as a people attracter
I have one of those!
yes, yes, at my home. Fix my eyes and i fill go get it!

and after hours of surgury, kendricks eye is once again alive.

it\'s moving on its own, did it do that before?
one of your eyes has gotten fat and lazy! you should use him more often
not using it for 5 days did that! God! eyes take a lot of work!
about the relic...
Yes.. about the relic... ATTACK!!
*The 3 attack the priest*
oww uhh i\'m just an appirition you can\'t hurt me
are you saying your a ghost?
that and i\'m going to haunt you... arr! bring me the relic arr!

The ghost haunted Kendrick for many years until it died. the end.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Ways of Magic
« on: February 16, 2002, 07:59:02 pm »
i remember from the old boards that the magic system is like\"The Azure Way, The Red Way ect...\"

What are the Ways, and what do they do?

General Discussion / Azure Order
« on: February 03, 2002, 06:15:08 pm »
Join the Noble Penguins!

http://www.azureorder.cjb.netThanks to the Zeals

We aint the biggest clan but we have a lot of cool members


you can either fill out the join form, or if your extreamly lazy, just send an e-mail to

We are a non-pk clan, but we have strong allies

thank you

Single Author Stories / Legend of Sapashas\' Armor
« on: January 26, 2002, 05:20:59 am »
Legend of Sapashas\' Armor

*You Sit in front of your grandfather as he tells you a story*

It was a cold night, when Jagana, a young male Diaboli started work on the armor. The armor was meant for his son, who Jagana had planed to train to be the greatest thief in all the world. The armor was sewn with a two layers of a purple-black leather. It was to be a full dress of thief armor, a strong, flexible pair of pants, a strong pair of boots, with a soft padding in the sole, to prevent noise, and a vest. The vest is what makes this armor special. The vest had a golden cross in the front, and two angel wings in the back. Jagana finished many years after he started and by the time he was done, his son was old enough to begin training.

Sapasha, Jaganas\' son trained in the art of the thief for many years, and after he finished, he was rewarded with the armor.

A little ashamed of his fathers choice of decoration wore the armor anyway because of it\'s strength. On the way to show his friends the new armor, Sapasha was attacked and killed by another Diaboli because of the religious look of his armor.

The man who killed Sapasha tried many months to destroy the armor, but failed every time. Finally, he just thrust the armor into a lake and hoped nobody would find it...

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / For Fun
« on: January 21, 2002, 01:40:42 am »

A True Story
The Wicked Witch of Planeshift
(People have English Accents)

Our Hero, Kendrick, bravely walks around Yliakum on his daily witch hunt. It is a blue day in the city, and Kendrick is more Entergetic than usual

*Kendrick walks into kada-els pub, and buys a drink*

-Kendrick- ahhh, Hello bar-keep, seen any witches?

-Kade-el-  Stop calling me bar-keep, My name\'s not bar-keep, it\'s Kada-el. And as far as seeing witches, no. I\'m not even sure why the city pays you, theres now such thing as witchs.

-Kendrick- Ahh, not beleive in witches do we?

-Kada-el- Nobody does. Witches arn\'t real.

-Kendrick- Ohh? then how do you explain rain?

-Kada-el- ...

-Kendrick- S\'what I thought.

*Kendrick Finishs his drink and walks outside*

-Homeless old Lady- May I have a handout, sir?

-Kendrick- No.

-Homeless old lady- Please?

-Kendrick- Did you not hear me?

-Homeless old Lady- I can\'t hear, i\'m deaf.

-Kendrick- no your not

-Homeless old Lady- Yes I am, I\'m blind too.

-Kendrick- Shutup, You old bat, you CAN hear me and you CAN see me.

-Homeless old Lady- ....Can I have a hand out?

*Kendrick runs from old lady*
*Kendrick, not seeing any witches in the town, decided to check out side the town*

*Kendrick is walking on a trail when he sees two knights in silver armor*

-Kendrick- Hello Knights, Seen any witches

*Knights Snicker*

-Whitti, The Silver Knight- Yes

-Thekkur, The Other Silver Knights- hehe, yes we saw one back there, near the waterfall.

-Kendrick- *excited* really?

-Whitti- Yup, a small green witch with a big black hat

-Kendrick- GREAT! thanks a lot... this\'ll be the first time I see a witch

-Whitti- Ok, well... have fun

*Knights walk off laughing*

-Kendrick- hmm... those knights were sure happy.

*Kendrick finds the waterfall the knights were talking about, but sees nothing but a enkidukai takeing a shower... with his cloths on*

-Kendrick- HELLO!

-Kendaro- Go away, I\'m medataing.

-Kendrick- Ohh, sorry

-Kendaro- you should be

-Kendrick- thats not nice... maybe i\'m not sorry

-Kendaro- Go away.

-Kendrick- Fine, But have you seen a witch?

*Kendaro lunges at Kendrick*

-Kendrick- EEEEEEEEE!

*Kendaro slaps Kendrick*

*Kendrick Runs away, and doesn\'t stop til he realizes he doesn\'t know where he is*

-Kendrick- oh great... where am i?

*Kendrick looks around*

-Kendrick- Hello?

*Kendrick looks around*

-Kendrick- Where am I?

*Kendrick lays down and sleeps*

*hours later he is awoken by a loud explosion*

-Kendrick- Hello?

-Bill, The magicain- Hi

*Bill casts fireball*

-Kendrick- Who are you?

-Bill- I am Bill, and you are Kendrick?

*Bill casts fireball*

-Kendrick- Who told you that?

-Bill- Nobody

*Bill casts fireball*

-Kendrick- Well your wrong. I\'m not Kendrick, I\'m... Guh...

-Bill- ohh well my second guess was Guh, Well, Guh what are you doing in my house?

*Bill casts fireball*

-Kendrick- I\'m not in your house

-Bill- ohh, sorry...

*Bill casts fireball*

-kendrick- Stop that

-Bill- Sorry

-Kendrick- Where am i?

-Bill- in Yliakum

*Kendrick looks around and sees he\'s in a house in Yliakum*

-Kendrick- Ohh

*Kendrick quickly jumps out the window, and lands on the Homeless old lady*

-Homelesss old Lady- you Jumped on me!

-Kendrick- Whoops

*Bill looks out the window*

*Homeless old land casts spell at kendrick*

*Kendrick ducks*

-Kendrick- HA HA!

*Magic spell hits bill and turns him into a newt*

-Kendrick- You Turned him into a newt!

-Homeless old Lady- What? who are you? I can\'t see you. Where are you?

*Two Knights come running to the scean*

-whitti- Ahhh Stop! it\'s a witch!

-Thekkur- Yes, stop!

*The Two knights atemp to kill witch*

*Kendaro Jumps into fight to help witch*

*Kendrick runs away, and hides behind trash can that wasn\'t there in that time period*

*Kendaro kills Thekkur*

*Whitti kills Kendaro*

*Whitti Kills Whitch*

-Kendrick- Hurray! you killed a witch

*Whitti walks up to Kendrick and hits him on the head*

*Kendrick gets knocked out, when he comes to Whitti is looking at him from across the table in kada-els bar*

-Kendrick- Oww, My head

-Whitti- Yes, you fell off your horse

-Kendrick- I don\'t have a horse

-Whitti- You did

*kendrick stands up*

-Kendrick- Ohh, Did I find a witch?

*Whitti stands up and pats Kendrick on the back*

-Whitti- Nope, Better luck tommorrow, eh?

~~~~~THE END~~~~~

General Discussion / Story
« on: January 17, 2002, 02:06:08 am »
Heh. I was bored and decided to do something productive. here it is. gets a little violent near the end. be as insultive as you like ;)
btw I already know it doesn\'t make sense ;)

                It was a cold night in the middle of the Xaqad Forest when, your and a friend, Schragan, walked into an empty Kada-el pub, it was empty mostly because the bar was put there to serve the dwarves that worked in the mines, but since the dwarves got free beer from the Black Hand Dwarf company, they rarely came in. The Pub only stayed in business because the Black Hand didn\'t give beer to anyone that wasn\'t a dwarf.

 Schragan came in with a dark purple cape tied to his Gleaming silver-like armor that had his families crest ingraved on it. You wore your usually black leather armor that was missing the bottom of one arm. He and you had spent the day exploring a few new tunnels that had been uncovered by the Black Hand Dwarf Company two days earlier. Together you sat down at the bar and ordered a drink when you heard a sound coming from outside the pub, you thought nothing of it.

    You slowly finished your drink when Schragan decided to investigate the sound. As he opened the door a giant wind knocked him from the  door in front of the bar to the walk in the back of it putting a crack in his armor as he struck the wall. You stood there shocked at what had happened. He screamed in pain as the crack cut into his skin. Lipan, a waitress in the bar that evening ran over to help him. She unhooked his armor and pulled it off of him as bright red blood seeped out of the hole on the back of his shoulder, she took
off her apron an aplied pressure to the wound with it.

    Suddenly the door to the bar was ripped off it\'s hinges by the wind, it flew across the room, hitting Lipan in the back of the head.

 You jumped over to see if she was ok. She wasn\'t. The door had put a large dint in the back of her head. You set her up against the wall and went to check on Schragan, who had not moved. The cut was still bleeding. You removed the apron that had been bunched up to cover his cut. You were shocked as you saw a piece of his armor that was still in his back, but the sight of the steel quickly vanished as a river of blood spilled from the hole. Schragan didn\'t move. You shook him. He did not move. You realized that Schragan, one of your best friends... was dead.  Placing your hand on his chest and prayed \"Another great warrior of to guard the Gaits of Heaven.\".

    Great anger took control of you. Quickly you grabbed you sword and moved towards the door. The adrenaline that was pumping through your veins helped you fight the wind. Managing to get outside, you saw that many trees had been uprooted.

The wind calmed.

   You saw a man who you assumed caused all of the wind, because he was putting a scroll back into a scroll box. You yelled at him \"You, You there with the scroll!\" you scream this at him while running as fast as you could towards him.

  He Turned. The man had fire in his eyes. You didn\'t care, you wanted revenge. \"You, Evil man of hell, you shall pay for the death of my friend!\" you yelled. The man smiled and reached of a sword in his pack.

    Before he completely unshealthed his sword, you stuck him on the face with the back of your hand, sending him many feet back. He tried to laugh, disspite his pain. He fully unshealthed his sword and lunged at you. You took yours up into a defensive position and prepared for the on coming assault. He managed to hit you fairly hard, his sword putting a gash into yours, but you managed to keep your limbs.

  You flipped backwards while throwing one of your arrow heads at him. The arrow head hit him in the lower leg. He yelped and pulled the head out and flung it right back at you. You felt a wetness on your cheek. You put your hand to it to see what it was, and you saw that the head had put a fairly deep cut onto your cheek.

  He held his sword like a bat and started his next assault. You jumped backwards and got into a attack position. He just stood there. Staring. You stood there staring back.

 You held the sword upward over your head closed your eyes, and jumped at him.

  You hit nothing but dirt, your sword deeply imbedded into the ground. You saw that he had moved. He swung his sword at your blind side. You dropped to the ground as the sword missed you by mear centimeters. You turned and jumped at his feet, tackling him. You decided to end this. You crawled on top of him and took him by the hair, getting a good grip for what you were about to do. You put your hand on his chin, and quickly turned his head. Hearing the snap that was all too familiar. You knew you had conquered yet another foe.

 You stood up, and walked away. You returned to Yliakum to brag in the bars about the victory that was yours just moments ago, and live life like nothing happened. You are a iron hearted man/woman. You live your life by conquering evil. You are a Warrior.

Wish list / a stage
« on: January 08, 2002, 11:29:14 pm »
i would like to see a stage in planeshift, a place where people can act out plays and such, I think it would be neat to watch, or be in a play :)

General Discussion / Smilies
« on: January 07, 2002, 05:44:42 pm »
I made some planeshift theme smiles, feel free to use & correct them

Click here to see them

General Discussion / Player Names
« on: January 07, 2002, 12:53:05 am »
Hi, I found a webpage a few days ago that generators really good RPG names  

:) hopefuly that will help keep out names such as \"Miner007\" or \"Superman\"

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