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Messages - Cron

Pages: [1]
The program name is shagnetron.exe and you get it when you compile CS per the compiling guide :

See command output below:

Usage: shagnetron [options] <VFS directory | shader file name> <...>
Pre-warms a shader cache with all the shaders from the given directories.
The name is a portmanteau of 'shader' and 'magnetron'.
Available options:
 -cachedir=<dir>   Specify additional cache VFS directories.
                   The later a directory is specified the lower its priority.
                   The first directory is written to.
 -nodefaultcaches  Do not use default caches set in config
 -cacheclear       Clear used caches
 -quick            Do a 'quick' precache.
                   Precaching will take less time, but some shader processing
                   will still happen at run time.

I copied this utility to the same location as the shadercache and tried some commands:

shagnetron -cacheclear shadercache
Clearing cache ... ok

shagnetron -quick .\shadercache
shagnetron .\shadercache

It runs very quickly and does not appear to do anything, since the size of the shadercache file does not change by any of these commands  ???

But the concept is interesting, if anyone finds out more pls update.
Rgds, Cron.

Here is a microsoft download page also with related links for you to try out :
I also had a vcredist install error when installing ps, but running the ps installer the second time solved the problem.
Also you might check in control panel - add and remove programs - if you have already vcredist and then uninstalling it first.
Hope you find a solution, rgds, Cron.

VisualC++ / msvc10 client build errors
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:56:12 pm »
Dear friends,
I am trying to build the ps client by following this guide :
(Using this selection : Windows - MSVC - user - normal)
Am using ms studio c++ express 2010 to build with.
cs build (with msvc10 version) was error free and the walktest.exe test app works fine.
I used this ps project version : mk\msvc10\wkspstypical.sln
When I build just the apppsclient project I get the following linker errors:

------ Build started: Project: apppsclient, Configuration: Release (with DLLs) Win32 ------
pscelclient.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class CalMixer * __thiscall CalModel::getMixer(void)const " (?getMixer@CalModel@@QBEPAVCalMixer@@XZ)
pscelclient.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class CalCoreModel * __thiscall CalModel::getCoreModel(void)const " (?getCoreModel@CalModel@@QBEPAVCalCoreModel@@XZ)
pscelclient.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall CalMixer::removeAction(int)" (?removeAction@CalMixer@@QAE_NH@Z)
pscelclient.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class CalCoreAnimation * __thiscall CalCoreModel::getCoreAnimation(int)" (?getCoreAnimation@CalCoreModel@@QAEPAVCalCoreAnimation@@H@Z)
pscelclient.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: float __thiscall CalCoreAnimation::getDuration(void)const " (?getDuration@CalCoreAnimation@@QBEMXZ)
..\..\psclient.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Can you please advise how to solve these errors ?

I was wondering if pscelclient has something to do with CEL, since there is no CEL information in the current build guide, but it was in earlier guides.
Is it not required any more ?
Also compatible version of cal3d is mentioned but there is not further info about downloading or building it ?

I tried first in the irc channel #planeshift-build but did not get any response there.

Rgds, Cron.

Dear friends,
I want to share the following with you:
this bug is documented here :
and the solution is as follows:
edit the vfs.cfg file in your planeshift install directory and add this line:
VFS.Mount.planeshift/soundlib = $^$/art$/

In first screen of ps launcher you must also have selected : settings - audio - enable sound

It makes such a difference to have the music working.

Best regards, Cron.

I tried to register with 2 different .is addresses, neither received the email.
Worked by using a address as mentioned earlier here.
Ah the perils of modern times, how good to escape to the dark middle ages in PS.
Rgds, Cron.

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