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Messages - Weavers

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In-Game Roleplay Events / [OFFICIAL EVENT]Evildoers wanted...
« on: October 09, 2007, 08:06:26 pm »
You stop in a shadow and look at the note you found again...

We know your heart. Meet us at the appointed place and time, if you have the guts to follow that dark calling in your heart. Drip three drops of your blood on these words, then burn the paper, and your destination will reveal itself to you.

Go to that location. Do exactly as you are told, or suffer a quick and painful death. Your dagger may become wet, but your purse will surely become heavy.

Make your choice.

You still do not know how this note got into your pocket. You do not know how they knew you. As you look at the note, you make your choice...

[OOC This is a Pre-Eclipse GM event. If your character is dark of heart, you will have found this note. If you do as it says, and want to play a dark part, PM us (Weavers) with your character name, and we will PM you back with the meeting location. The event will take place Wednesday, the 10th (today), at around or after 6PM GMT. That is 2PM Eastern Standard Time. Note: If you PM us, yet show up as a 'good' character, you -will- be killed.  When given instructions, you will do exactly as told, or you will be killed. If you go OOC, you will be assumed insane, and you will be killed. Any who are late to the meeting will not be killed, but will be left behind. The forces of darkness are unforgiving.]

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: new Roleplaying child boards
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:31:16 am »
We have written a small 'guide' to using the new child boards. You may find it HERE.

As you may have noticed, the Devs have their hands a little full at the moment, not to mention being a little distracted. We will get everything worked out in the Story forum and child boards once things have settled down.

Thank you for your time, and keep those pens moving.  :thumbup:

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The New Child Boards.
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:18:40 am »
Greetings. We are Weavers, and we are pleased to meet you.

As you may have noticed, and as this thread title states, there are three new child boards for you to use at your convenience. We placed them here so that you may organize your stories, RPs, or just plain having fun into un-jumbled and easily searchable categories.

If you wish to settle in for a good story, or find out more about a fellow character's background, you can browse through the Single Author Stories forum. If you wish, you can place your own story in there as well.

Looking for a place to roleplay on the forum during client updates, or have the wish to add to a multiple author story? Then Group Roleplays is calling your name.

For the poetic, whimsical, or just off the wall fun, have a gander in Poetry, Comedy, and other.

As you can see, these three child boards are rather bleak and empty right now, as they were just created. We have hopes that you will give them some life, and use them at your pleasure. We will also be slowly but surely transferring all of the many, many old threads from the main thread, and organizing them into their proper categories for future ease of searching.

Please note that you are not required to place your new threads in these forums. You can still place them in the main Storywriting forum for that "In the Spotlight" effect. However, please note that they will eventually be moved to the proper place. We have yet to determine how long we will leave Stories in the main forum before we move them. But, it would be very kind of you, and time saving for us, if you put them in the categorized forums for us.

We thank you for your time, your words, your stories, and bid you to keep those pens humming.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Thieves vs. Vespers
« on: October 15, 2006, 10:48:30 am »
We of the City Guard are still on the lookout for the Criminal, Janeous Creene. There are rumors of him being seen in the shadows of late, and we are certain some of the guards heard him shouting to a runnaway criminal. We are on top look out for him now, and advise the Vespers to be wary. He is an evil man who will stop at nothing to achieve him twisted goals.

Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard. (Saturday, Oct 14 )

To my great relief, little Miss Tria Mepalla came to me yesterday. It seems she had gone out into the hills after I told her not to, and got lost after a creature chased her. She was lost for all those days. I feel sorry for the poor thing. It was raining, so I did not ask her about the fight she had with Alcarin. Something bothered me about that meeting, but I could not put my finger on it until today. It was pouring at the time, but her clothing did not look wet. What does that mean? I am just a simple guard, and do not know much about the magic arts, so maybe it is just a glyph I do not know about.

Speaking of Alcarin, that very man came to see me a little while after Tria talked to me. He seemed to have the sickness that is going around, and the healers are starting to call a plague with no cure. He asked me to tell him about the note that I found on him after his run in with Tria at the north gate. I told him what it said, and he ran back into the tavern. A little while later, I saw Tria come running out in a hurry, though I had not seen her go in. I am going to have to talk to that girl's mother and see what in Talad's name is going on with her. I will go see her as soon as this blasted rain stops..

Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard. (Thursday, Oct 12 )

By Talad above, I am a fool. A good citizen has shown me that strip of paper for what it is. It was not a code, as I thought. It was written out plain. You just had to wrap it around the propper sized tube, and the words appear. This new information does not bode well for Tria. Either she ran into whoever this Jagk is, and he took her, or she was the one who bought this Cloak of Shadows thing. I do not understand why such a sweet girl would want any "items of dark intent". I will ask Jayose if any of his books mentions this cloak. Something sinister is afoot.

Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard. (Wednesday, Oct 11 )

I witnessed a terrible thing yesterday. An Enki killed a citizen in cold blood right before my eyes. After some questioning of witnesses, we found out the killer's name to be Coneitic. the reason he killed the elf is unknown to me at this time, but I thought I may have seen the killer bump into the elf in a suspicious way. The elf had no possessions on his body after we searched it, so that leads me to believe he was robbed by the killer as well. Are the criminals becoming so desperate that they ply their trade right in front of me and my fellow guards, or was this one just incredibly stupid? I have had some of the recruits go around spreading pictures of Coneitic, so that the people may help us catch him. This bothers me greatly.

Also troubling, after two days of searching, we have yet to find Tria, or any sign of her. Her last actions seem nothing like her, from what people have been telling me. I am starting to get worried.

Yesterday, I also heard someone shouting to the killer. I am now told it was Janeous Creene's voice, Talad blight his soul. How can he move about the city without any of my fellow guards seeing him? He will pay for his crimes. Maybe this killing was not random after all. Untar, the elf, did look as if he wished to talk to me, but I told him to wait, as I was busy at the moment. It may be my fault he is now dead. That is for Talad to decide.

Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard. (Sunday, Oct 8 )

I have very disturbing news to report this day. The girl causing the problems yesterday never showed up at home. Her mother claims that she was acting very oddly before she left, and had an argument. Her mother had assumed she had not returned because of the fight, and was staying at a friend's home. This has turned out not to be the case. No one has seen her since the incident at the North gate yesterday. I am going to have all my fellow guards on the lookout for young Tria, but if she stayed out in the hills, the lookout may be bleak. Even good fighters do not roam far in the dark and come back to speak of it.

Of minor import to this, I had to fine a drunk Klyros for his unwanted attentions on several ladies in the tavern. He admitted his folly, and said he will not do it again. I am sure this is true.

My patrolmen have been keeping up on their duties, and report that all citizens have been keeping their doors locked when they are not home. This is good, due to the known thieves plying their craft from the rooftops. We have caught some of them through the years, but it always seems as if two more spring up in their place. They like to keep low when we are about, so it is hard to spot them at times. Be sure that they will all end up in the stocks in the end. Trust me on that.

As to the code I found yesterday on Alcarin, I can still not make heads or tails of it. Something tells me it is important. Maybe I need some sort of code or tool to decipher it.

Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard. (Saturday, Oct 7)

Another mostly quiet day, but for some disturbing news.

The Priestess known as Xillix has given my Taskmaster to New Recruits reason to think that there may be a great danger  lurking in the shadows. He has told me that the criminal Janeous Creene may be up to his evil plotting again. I have yet to confirm this, as none of my fellow guards has seen him. I am giving all of the new recruit’s the description of Creene in hope that he will be caught.

*a  paper with Janeous Creene’s description it next to the report. He is a Nolthrir with no marks or tattoos. You may recognize him by his name floating above his head. This is Under the moon’s character, and we where asked to put this here.*

There was an incident at the North Gate as well, though I am not sure what to do about it. It seems a young girl matching the description of young miss Mepalla was reported to be drunk and even attacked a passing musician by the name of Alcarin Karoce. He did not wish to file a charge on her though, and seemed more worried than angry. He also said she did not smell like drink, despite her drunken actions. He made it very clear that she tried very hard to cover her face after first bumping into him, though everyone had already seen what she looked like. Another oddity is that he overheard her whisper angrily “It was supposed to last longer than this” and something about a man. She then run out the gate. My fellow guards when after her, but she seemed to have vanished. I will have one of my underlings visit the Mepallas in the morning and see what this is about. Citizen Alcarin also found this note caught in the ties of his torso armor. At least I think it is a note in some sort of code. It makes no sense to me, just a very long strip a paper with random dots, letters, and numbers spaced at equal intervals.

*the strip of paper is pinned to the report.*

G d c i b y p h d o a i s e u a a a . y r . . o i v r t . c y t r n e k o o l o h   f . . . f e u e d u n i t . s r r e l e n h t . s e a . e t e h . . . t C d e . e . D b h o . n n w t o u . n o t o e h . t w t f . r e e n . i a . J t k . o o l c a a h . c t n l t n g . e l . c . . y k g n o b e b m . . a d a e . e e o . t i k . B . . t . e n . l e q a h . . g o a t u g e . . . f t r i i r . t B . e a c a . . h r s . y k n i . e i h . . . . t 1 . n a I m a i e 2 f g d . e n f m 3 i . o w . d . s 4 r 1 w i a . y . 5 s 2 s l n . o o . t 0 . l d . u f .

[you may post what you think this means next to the public records (here), tell others ingame, PM the answer to me, or keep it to yourself. That all depends on what your character would do.]

In final, there seems to be a bug going around. I hope my fellow guards can avoid getting sick. It makes it hard to keep up patrols when we are short handed. It seems as if we are at our posts all day and night as it is.

In-Game Roleplay Events / From the desk of Jefecra Harcrit. [RP logbook]
« on: October 06, 2006, 10:14:38 pm »
Public log, Jefecra Harcrit, Lieutenant of the Hydlaa Guard.

Today was quiet, but for a few minor incidence.

The rumors of random killing in the streets has turned out to be a prank by some juveniles looking to stir things up. I had Rabartas talk to them after they finally admitted it. I think they have learned their lesson. If there had been any 'real' murders, you can be sure I would have had my guards spring into action to put an end to it. We do not stand for such criminal activities in the City limits, nor beyond, if we can help it. No criminal has been stupid enough to commit their lawlessness where we have learned of it yet, and gone unpunished. I hope it remains that way. I like my city quiet.

The incident of the lost girl was quickly solved as well. Her mother had reported her missing after being just an hour or two late for dinner. It seems the girl had been outside the City walls by herself and had taken a tumble down a hill. She blamed the limp and dizziness for getting home late. I have told her it is not safe for fourteen year old girls to be outside the north of the City without guardians, as that is where many creature come from. She promised to never do it again. She never did say why she was out there. I do recall seeing her running into the tavern earlier today, though, looking rather frightful. She never mentioned the tavern, though, and seemed very happy, if still a bit dizzy. I will ask her and Mrs. Mepalla about it in the morning, and send one of the new recruits to retrieve her lost basket of apples.

[If you have something to report to the guards, please PM me. This is to help get your RPs more in the open. Blatant disregards for the law are not welcome, though, as the Hydlaa Guards WOULD have done something about it. You can not run around in public killing or being a criminal without taking the NPC guards into consideration. That is just bad RP, and will be treated as unfounded rumors. Thank you]

Guilds Forum / Re: Beggars Guild
« on: September 05, 2006, 09:04:56 pm »
We ask that you be sure those outstretched hands do not become sticky.

We have seen many beggars in the lands that must not be in your guild, perhaps. Though they do speak in the tongue of code, so that we do not understand them. I have many reports of the utterance of "do u hav a sord". I this one of your code phrases?

Guilds Forum / Re: [guild] Civil Patrol disbanded by the City Guard.
« on: September 05, 2006, 08:53:20 pm »
The City Guard, true enforcers of the law:

(history continued) The Civil Patrol had started out as a grand plan, but something was obviously wrong. The citizens of the city began to go the Guardsmen at the gates and patrolling the inner city and Plaza with reports of disturbances. This was normal for the most part, until the Guard learned of who the reports were on. It was the Civil Patrol that had the people in an uproar. It seemed that the appointed leader was an ex-captain of the armed forces often sent into the Stone Labyrinths on raids. Fylork Temitey was the name of this Kran. Though his methods were good and true as heart, they were also harsh and strict, as he had learned in his many years in service. But the people would not accept his way of enforcing the law, as they should not. They were free people, not some fresh face under his command. Fylork could not understand why the people did not wish his way of peace, so tried to force it on them through his underlings. But, his underlings were also just members of the community, and did not like the thought of treating their friends as criminals for just the most minor of supposed infractions. Soon, even members of the Civil Patrol began going to the Guard, and asking that something be done about the Kran.

The City Guard opened an investigation into the matter, and gave their findings to the reigning Vigesimi, who had created the Civil Patrol in the first place. The Vigesimi saw that they had made a mistake in their quest for peace, so set about finding a solution. The solution was obvious to the Guards themselves, though the Vigesimi had been unwilling to take that path before due to dwindling tax income and hard times. That solution was simply more official Guards on patrol. Not the untrained Civil Patrol, but full members of the City Guard. This plan did not sit well with the Vigesimi, as the coffers were even tighter now due to the collapse of some of the richer mines. So they came to a compromise. The City Guard would have its new members, but not full members as the Guardsmen had wished. The new division would be made up of new recruits placed directly under the control of existing Guardsmen. Most did not like this, but Jefecra Harcrit jumped at the opportunity, and took on most of the responsibilities himself, since he is a great guy.

Jefecra even found a use for stern old Fylork. The new recruits would need training and someone to discipline them if they got out of line. Fylork was not suited to enforce the Law on the people, but he was perfect for this task. So, he became the new Taskmaster of the recruits. Since he was too busy with his other duties, Jefecra also gave the Kran the task of bringing in new members, and dismissing them as well. So far, this seems to working well for all. Well, the recruits may beg to differ, but this is what they signed up for.

Guild information:
This continues to be a non-leveling, non-dueling guild. This does not mean that you can’t level until your heart is content. We just don’t require it. However, if you do find a way to level in a good RP manner -such as drills in the arena with or without fellow members-, you may be given extra points by Fylork. PM Weavers if you think you should be awarded points, and why.

We ask that members edit their character description to include what is in <<this>> for each rank (with your own personal touches, of course). We also ask that you PM your interest in joining to Weavers if you can not find any guild members ingame, as it is yet a very small guild. Lastly, every member of the guild MUST put this in their description: “Contact Weavers with a PM on the forum if you are having problems with my roleplay.” Failure to do so will result in being expelled from the guild.

New ranks:
Deputy Watchman. This is someone who wishes to be a temporary part of the guild for RP purposes. If you need some Law in your RP, this is a good option for you. The position is only yours for as long as you wish it. No fault will be given for leaving. But when in this position, you must follow guild rules.  If any Deputy is acting out of their intended role, we ask that they be reported in PMs here in the forum or to a higher ranking Guard ingame.

---Rules for a deputy:
1. Add <<A yellow cloth circle embroidered with a sword crossing a shield designates <character name> as a Deputy Watchman in the City Guard.>>

2. You may only act as a Deputy in the RP you intended. This rank is not permission to go vigilantly on all bad guys you see. You may do that if your character is prone to, but you will be removed from the guild. Note that removal in this way does not mean we see you as a bad roleplayer. Quite the opposite.

3. Not required, but encouraged: PM Weavers with a short log of what happened while in character so that we may add it to our log.

New Recruit. This is the rank for someone intending on being in the guild for a while, if not permanently. This does not have to be a main character. Nor do we have a time or activity requirement for being in this role, as we know many good roleplayers have limited time online. If you wish to have access to your own Guard character without relying on other members the guild (as time zones sometimes make difficult) this is a good option, and encouraged as well.

-----Rules for a new recruit: You will be given 50 points upon joining. These points can be taken away by any member of the guild (except deputies) for breaking the rules below. Lose all your points, and you will be removed from the guild

1:Add <<<character name>> wears one of the large blue badges of the City Guards. A red stripe indicates he/she is a new recruit. He/she also carries the standard blue Guard log-book chained to a thick belt.>>  Also, please add On or Off Duty as you play as it will affect points. Anything with IC is not frowned upon for RP, but must be punished IC. Any OOC violations are double, and are very much frowned on. Points will be rewarded for good RP and submitted logs.

2: No going in the Tavern while on duty unless there appears to be trouble. As a new recruit, you are not yet trusted to be around drink while patrolling. On duty -2 points Off, no punishment. However, getting drunk On duty is -10 (fun RP) and Off -5.

3. No ‘getting in the face’ of another character, in or out of character while on duty. We do not want to be in the habit of arguing the validity of this guild. This is a waste of time for all players involved. If asked who you report to, the answer should always be Jefecra. If asked who started the guild, the answer is a confused look, and the statement that the Guard has always been here, you are just a new recruit, and any further questions should be asked to Jefecra Harcrit by the Tavern. If the other player refuses to stop, ignore them. Since violating this rule could be considered bad RP, it will have ranks of lost points.  On Duty IC - 5. Off duty IC -2 On or Off duty OOC -10 Total flame war -30.

4: No giving ‘the third degree’ inquisitions. You are just a recruit, and do not have the power to do this. Ask politely but firmly. Never look at a person’s character description and use OOC information they may have there. If we hear of this, you will be warned once. Twice will be ejected immediately.

5: No fighting while On duty. -10 Off duty is your own business unless you are breaking the law.

6: Other criminal actions will get you tossed from the guild and fined. So be sure you don’t get caught if you plan on being a ‘bad cop’.

Senior Recruit. The same rules as above apply. However, a Senior Recruit can give orders to a new one. Abuse of this will cost you points, though. Add <<

Lieutenant: This rank is for the best of best roleplayers, who are given free reign to command the other members and go where they please. We will consider this rank to be as close to a ‘real’ (NPC) guard as possible. This rank will be given to very few people. A breach of conduct for someone in this position will be severe, either IC or OOC, depending on the offence.  IC is accepted as part of roleplay, and can be fun. OOC is not.

Taskmaster (guild leader): This is Fylork. He will be the one to invite new members. He has no power to enforce the law, nor can he patrol. His only task is to watch over the Recruits, and assign duties of tasks if needed. Any reports of misconduct ingame or in PMs here go directly to him.

The rest of the ranks are unneeded at this time, so are null.

Rule on dueling for all ranks: This is a gray area right now, and is subject to change. If you are attacked in an RP manner, you may fight back. If someone asks for help, or you witness a violent crime, you may challenge the attacker as a last resort.

Reporting crimes: PM Weavers with the names and general description of the lawbreakers ONLY if they agree to take part in the City Guard RP. We are not in the business of forcing RP on folks who do not wish it. RPing along with you may be considered agreement, but it is always best to ask in tells. The reports will be eventually be placed in a public record once every week (hopefully). Names will be left out of the public records. ;)

Weapons: The Recuits are ill funded at the moment, due to the City’s income problem, so the Guard is on their own until a good source of arms can be found. If you are given a weapon by the City Guard (not likely at this time), it is still owned by the Guard, and must be returned if you leave or are dismissed.

Right now, we are accepting new members, but only if you agree to the above terms.

Note: As of yet, there are no set punishments for crimes and we will start a thread on the subject when the structure of the guild is ready. There are also likely to be holes in the above information. Critiquing is welcome. Flamers will be put on the List as suspected arsons. Thank you for your time.

General Discussion / Re: "Secret" Meetings.
« on: August 02, 2006, 06:28:38 pm »
We have found that coming into any situation with fingers blazing on the keyboard is not the best of plans. That is, unless you are playing a boisterous and happy character. They seem to be welcome anywhere.

The best way to introduce yourself into a roleplay group can be not introducing yourself at all. A simple /me pauses in his/her walk at the site of such a large group. If the other players are good RPers, they will welcome you into the group in much the same way. Perhaps with a /me takes note of **player's** curious glance. That is a very good sign you have been invited. If not, then move on. There is roleplay to be found everywhere. Maybe, you just need to start your own group.

RP on.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:43:06 am »
(We will attempt to have a representitive there to deputize any who wish it. Might as well do this 'buy the book'. We will be passing out the large blue badges of the Civil Patrol for any that wish them. As an added bonus, you will be rememered for future RPs. Not a bad idea to have some friends in the 'police', now is it?

If you are in a guild, but wish to be deputized, ask your guild leaders if a temporary change would be in order for your character. Maybe they will even give you extra points for doing a civic duty on your return?)

Guilds Forum / Re: [guild] Civil Patrol
« on: August 01, 2006, 09:42:47 pm »
To Zhai: To be a 'presence' in the world is our end goal, but to attempt that now would be guild suicide. In time, perhaps we can be viewed as a symbol of the law. People will se a patrol pass, and think to them selves, or tell to a friend. "That is the Civil Patrol. We better be on our best behavior." But also that we are there to keep them 'safe'. The added affect of the 'appearance' of the Law will benefit many RPs, even if our job is just to stand there as an RP goes on. Think of how you behave if you see a police officer in real life, or a patrol car in your mirror. Now, use that ingme. That is our goal. Nothing more, nothing less. True roleplaying is taking all of the elements around you, and judging how your character will act. We wish to be one of those elements, if the world will accept us.

As to your offer of the 'Killer' RP, our current Watchmen are stationed elsewhere (in another RP) but we are willing to deputize anyone who wishes to give your RP the added element of the Law. For now, that role should be basic. The CP is not a 'hero' guild, nor do we wish to be. But, on occasion, we can deputize a 'hero' for you.

As it stands ingame now, there seems to be just a cycle of player vs. player revenge and taking the law into their own hands. That is what Fylork referred to ingame as the "Cesspool of lawlessness". Only in chaotic societies should this happen all the time. Right now, there are two options ingame to solve an RP conflict. One is to gloss it over, or work it out. The other is to go vigilante. We wish to add a third option to that. 'Call the Civil Patrol'.

To Xillix: Well said. But you do not have to keep buttering us up. We will not pull out of your RP due to lack of support. As said, we are a very basic guild at the moment, and will build slow, so as any mistakes we make along the way can be remedied without causing great ripples. In time, we do hope that the community will look on the name of the Civil Patrol as a useful part of daily RP.

To Colinb: The only experience required at this time is roleplay experience. You must be able to play your character well in many situations, but also to just stand around 'looking pretty', as we all know real cops do. ;) We will PM you to inquire if you wish to be a permanent member, or a deputy in one of the RPs we have been invited into.

In the future, the higher ranks of the CP will need to be able to fight, if an RP calls for it. This is not, I repeat NOT the main purpose of the guild, but may be required at times.

Deputy Watchmen will be player's main characters, offen as not, and they may use them for fighting purposes if they wish. But only when RP and the Law calls for it.

Watchmen, however, are never to fight. They are to uphold the Law by pressence and reporting to the 'list'. If a Watchman proves him/herself a good RPer in our eyes, and wish to fight for the CP and Law, they will be promoted to Enforcer.

On another item, we will be posting in both the Thieves and Killer RP threads to indicate our willingness to join, and also to ask for deputies to step forth to RP in them in the name of the Law. We are short on needed deputies at this time. This is a guild of the people, and you are those people.

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