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Messages - Weavers

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Guilds Forum / Re: [guild] Civil Patrol
« on: July 31, 2006, 11:42:43 pm »
Ah yes, our young pupil. Forgive us for not mentioning that the entire last post was truly out of character. It was our own obsevations from outside the glass bowl that we listed. We have no intention of changing any character's mind in the matter. As said, the matter has been delt with In character as well, completely seperate from the test.

Your observations on the two characters used in this RP are very much correct, and not in the least like the personalities of the player. The higher ranking officer was, as you said, a prepotent jerk. The subordinate vouteered after a string of failed jobs, and has always been played as a bit of a blockhead. We do not take offence at your charracter, or you, the player, seeing them exactly as we portraied them. In fact, we deem it a compliment.

Now, one thing we will not do is force our roleplay on those that do not wish it. That always ends in disaster, and out of charracter arguments. This experiment was designed to prove that very point. We ended it before the ooc went beyond a few comments. We will use tells to ask if we may step in, but we know that the answer will generally be "no". As for participating in RP that we are not invited to, how do you think it would have turned out if we had tried to force our way into the Vespers vs Thieves RP without being invited? What would have happened if we tried to arrest Xillix for her crime of killing the beggar without the player's permision? You know the answer. Like it or not, roleplay tends to be exclusive in this game at times. What is not wanted is ignored or glazed over. We would have been swept under the rug as yet another new guild that tried to 'rule the world'. This is not our objective, nor will it ever be. We DO NOT have any true power. We are an RP tool. When we are fully ready, we expect to be used as such.

From this point forward the guild will be moving slow, and taking small steps. We will test each point we wish to add to the system before moving on to the next. If you do see us, we would ask kindly that you A: Play along as if being reported actually could cause harm to your character in reputation at least. B: Ignore us, as we do not wish to get into time wasting IC or OOC arguments on the validity of our guild. That is the only help we ask for now, and the most important.

One last thing that you can not forget is that this game is considered pre-alpha. That includes everything in it. From the graphics to Setting to guilds and to your very characters. We are testing what works in game mechanics, in story mechanics, and in roleplay. Flaws will be found in all three. We play fully understanding this.

Have a nice day, and obey the Law.

Guilds Forum / Re: [guild] Civil Patrol
« on: July 31, 2006, 06:00:31 pm »
Log: July the 30th.

The four stage experiment at the blacksmiths gave mixed responses. Some were not surprising, others were more than so. In effect, the entire affair was a set up form the beginning to gauge the reaction of the people to various forms of persuasion at a simple task. That being the attempt to convince them to sheath their weapons. We did not expect to be successful. Some tests are created just to fail. In the following, we will detail the test and its stages.

Stage one: Proclaim the presence of the Law in a broad base area. Also known as a /shout. The content of this shout did not matter, as long as the people became aware. The player chose to target the shout at, but of course, shouting itself. There was no intention of actually stopping the excessive new-player shouting for help or weapons. It was, however, in the Civil Patrol character's nature to shout these words. Therefore it was roleplaying.

1. Not surprisingly, the shouting did not abate in the least. This was not expected anyways.
2. the attention needed for the test was gained as many players turned to the CP member.
3. This was somewhat of a surprise. One of the new-players actually apologized. Perhaps one lesson was learned that day.
4. A very great surprise. Seconds after the shout was made, in a very RP manner for the role being played, a GM gave a tell to the CP saying shouting was not to be used in roleplay. It is only to be used in emergencies. This confused the player. After a few tells back and forth on the subject, the player asked two simple questions. "Why?" and "What constitutes an emergency in a game such as this?" No answer was given.

Stage two: The ridiculous demand. The player was told to ask everyone to put their weapons away. It is laughable if anyone actually thought it would have been obeyed. a puzzling situation followed. The player look at many of the Character Descriptions before starting the test to establish possible new players from old.

1: Surprising: Some of the new players unequipped their weapons. Those that were not fixing them, that is.
2: Unsurprising: One of them took out, or had out an ax, and chose to defy the order by standing directly in front of the CP. This was ignored, as it was not part of the test.
3: The main part, and most surprising, is that none of the visible players that had been assumed to be 'older' players put away the blades. Most seemed to take it as a personal affront that anyone would ever tell them what to do. The mood taken was this: "It is my choice to carry and run with a sharp object, therefore it is my right" One even demanded to be put on the 'List'. This was perhaps the most surprising of all. It showed that there is no fear for laws in the game, RP or otherwise.

Stage three: Good cop, bad cop. As things settled down, (without change) a new element was added. The severe and uptight 'Chief' archetype. This CP immediately dressed his subordinate down for not doing his job. This was intended to serve two purposes. One, shift the anger of the players to a new target. Two, make the first CP seem more sympathetic to the people. The results were exactly as expected.
1: Anger was nearly completely shifted to the higher CP. This was likely due, in part, to the lower CP taking the people's side that the law was a little strict on this subject.
2: The people did seem to start seeing the lower CP more eye to eye.

Stage four: The threat. The higher CP gave one last threat before leaving. Do your job or else. Of course, this meant the lower CP was to take down all the names next to the blacksmith. However, as any who were there know, he did not do this. Even for the one who demanded it. In effect, this tactic was used to 'humanize' the character. In other words, he is meant to uphold the law, but he is still one of you. Again, the results came back as expected.
1: No anger seemed to remain for the lower CP after the higher left. The ploy to ingratiate him a bit with the people had worked. Some of them now saw him as 'on their side'. Which, of course, he was.
2: Respect was gained for standing up for himself and the people, even though it would cause trouble for him.

This concludes the test. We will now strike 'bared weapons' off the list of minor crimes. That is unless they come into the taverns. Then they are fair game. Even the RPers see these places as 'safe zones'. Also, the 'chief' will be more mellow from now on. We are RPing it up to stress. Perhaps if you are persasive enough on your next enconter with him, you will learn the cause.

In other news, the lower CP member has been demoted for his action, or lack of action, that is. This is an RP guild after all.

To citizen Zhai: Yes, we know of this. As stated, this was a test of emotional response to being told what to do. We would have asked first, but that would have fautled the results. There will be no more 'knocking the door down and taking charge' going on. We are the 'Civil' Patrol, after all. As for now, our laws will be based on the common sense of what is right and wrong. For the most part, we will only 'enforce' the law in RPs we are asked into. Most of the time we will simply be standing around looking pretty. Our aim is not be be the center of a roleplay, but more of a prop. Like the trees and buildings. If needed, we will respond.

As to the assassin, that was not part of the test, nor were we invited into it. Perhaps in the future (if this guild does continue) players would be willing to put something in their character description to indicate if they wish to RP with the CP.

To Citizen Xillix: Yes, anyone who has the need to be a temporary Deputy Watchman will be accepted. Our rules of conduct are vague at best right now, so we are not accepting any of the higher ranks yet, and not many of the lower. Good RP is a must. And we have already accepted your offer ingame, and placed someone on your case. If you wish us to post in your [RP] thread, we can try to do that as well. Any posts would have to be done in IC logbook entries.

Now, we hope we have not confused anyone. If so, we will put it in the simplest terms we can. If you need to RP a fight, you take out a sword. If you need to RP a drink, you take out a mug. If you need to RP a feast, you use food items as the props. If you need a visual representative of the Law, you call the Civil Patrol. (the best way to do so is still in the works, as I am sure none of you wish to register for yet -another- forum.)

Guilds Forum / [guild] Civil Patrol disbanded by the City Guard.
« on: July 31, 2006, 01:54:04 am »
(in edit-- Much of this post is now null and void, but we choose to leave the original post untouched so as to show how this guild evolved. The first part about the history still holds true, but the ranks and such coming after are null as marked. New info and the continued history will be in a post further down starting with 'City Guard' as that is what the 'guild' shall be called now. thank you.)

In times of great need and strife, the official protectors of the people often turn to the people themselves for aid. This is the story of those people. This is the story of the Law. This is the Civil Patrol.

How it began:

As anyone who has walked the streets of Hydlaa can see, the guards of the city do not often leave the gates they protect. This is for good reason. Not so long ago, monsters found their way into the city to rampage and kill at will. It seems the guards had grown lax in their task of guarding the gates. While they were cavorting with the countless citizens who questioned them daily, the creatures made their way into the very midst’s of the people. Although they were killed in the end, the damage was done. The people lost their sense of being safe behind the walls.

After that incident, the guards held strong to their posts. No beast has be seen walking the streets of the city since that day. Or so the people thought. But a new beast was given birth. It was not a creature of the Labyrinths, however. it came from the people themselves. Without the guards walking the streets at night, some of the people began to become beasts themselves. Not in form, but in their hearts. Criminals. Murderers, thieves, and all low elements of humanity crawled out form the darkness in the soul. the people now know a new fear. A fear of themselves.

As most of the city guard remains out in the field, the lawlessness has run unabated. Look to the streets if you doubt this. The people now carry weapons where ever they tread foot. They carry them because of this fear. This has interrupted many of the trades and crafts. Even mining has suffered due to rumors of a killer that delights in the deaths of those that used to dig platinum. They handle their picks for platinum no more. Fear holds their hands.

Something had to be done. Something soon. So a writ was made. If the guards could not protect the people, then the people would have to protect themselves. But not with sword or ax. Not with magic nor glyph. The people would use the word of the Law. Volunteers came forth from the people. Any crime they saw would be put in one of their logbooks. Any description of the lawless would go in as well. Any name found out would be put to ink. Those on the List would not be challenged, nor fought. Nay, the Law would deal with them in its own way.

The people in this group decided on a name. They would be polite and civil on their patrols, as much as they could be. Therefore they found their name. Civil Patrol.

(in edit--) But, there was problems soon to be found in this new guild of the Law.... (contintued in another post)

The laws of the Civil Patrol are simple (and very vague yet at this point until we can learn what works well in game. See notes at the bottom of this post).

<null>Act civilly in public. Rudeness without cause will earn you a mark. (by all means this does not mean you should be polite.)

Do not disturb the peace. (Excessive fiighting and in-character shouting falls under this)

Criminal activities will have the full weight of the Law against them. Thieving, looting (robbing shops), murder, etc. (if you are identified and caught, that is.)

[ooc note: These rules are not, I repeat NOT to try to stop the above practices. We are an RP guild. Our purpose is to add another dimension of RP to the game. We are NOT here to police the players. They can do whatever they wish. Our purpose is to give the illusion of Law in the game.]

Ranks: As it is, there are only two ranks that can be given:

Deputy Watchman. This is someone who wished to be a temporary part of the guild for RP purposes. If you need some Law in your RP, this is a good option for you. The position is only yours for as long as you wish it. No fault will be given for leaving. But when in this position, you must follow guild rules.  If any Deputy is acting out of their intended role, we ask that they be reported in PMs here in the forum. We are accepting very few people at this time until the kinks are worked out of the system.

<null>Watchman. This is someone who wishes to become a more permanent part of the Civil patrol. It is invite though roleplay ONLY. We are not interested in becoming a massive guild. At this time, we are accepting no new members to this position until the Law is more firm.

<null>A third rank is Enforcer. We are not giving this rank out yet, due to its nature. This is a fighting rank. Players of this rank will be offered to events or festivals for the pre-mentioned illusion of the Law. They will force (in an RP manner) breakers of the peace to leave. This may require challenging, but hopefully not. Note: They will not kill, if they can help it. After taking the miscreant down to 1/4 life, they will back off and yield. This in not a true yield, but an RP way of letting the person RP being beaten by the Enforcer. Anyone who takes potions and tries to continue fighting in this context will be considered ooc and ignored. We are not a fighting guild, and do not aim to be, but in roleplay it is sometimes a necessary evil.

Punishment for breaking the Law: As this is an experimental guild, this part of the system is still in the works. As mentioned, there will be a 'List' of miscreants. Only names from roleplay will be added. We will ignore ooc 'noobs' and 'levelers'. What will be done with this list is in secret planning stages. (yes, that means we are not sure yet) There will be three ways to get your name off the list.

Fines: Fines will be assigned for crimes as deemed nessisary. (as it stands, there will be no fines yet. We wish to first gauge the reaction of the players on this subject. Any fines that will/may be collected would go into funds for events put on by other guilds, which we hope may hire the Civil Patrol to 'police' their event. Also, the funds may go for training and weapons of the few Enforcers we may have.

Public Service: This is the one that no one will want. It involves showing new players around, or answering questions for a certain time. Other ideas are in the works. (not enforced at this time)

Pointless tasks: This REALLY won't want. Think NPC quests with no reward at the end. (may be enforced...if you are really bad. :) )

(Note: We know we can not enforce any of these. We have hopes that there may be a few good roleplayers left in the game that will go along with it. We are not trying to become a power in the realm. If you do not wish to be a part of this 'world' RP, then you do not have to be. We will ignore your crimes and character, but your name will still go on the list ((well, the do-not-disturb list)). If you do decide to join in the RP, your punishment will be waiting. :) Just find the nearest Civil Patrol and turn yourself in. For those of a darker nature that wish to 'stay' on the List, we will gladly RP along with that as well.)

This guild is an evolving guild. We will take what works and use it. We will also cast away what does not. It is going to take some amount of time to get it right. This thread will evolve along with it.

The final thought in this post is this: You can cast this guild aside, and let it vanish, or you can play along, and maybe give the game a little more -and much needed- depth and atmosphere.

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