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Topics - ravenrise

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Forum Game!!!
« on: November 17, 2009, 10:03:54 pm »
I want a forum game.
So I made one.

The object is to justify killing the person who posted before you.
You can post more than once and the reasons don't have to make much sense.
I'll go first

I'm the first post!


I kill him for being too happy.

Complaint Department / Tick Tock
« on: April 21, 2009, 05:37:10 pm »
  Okay. The idea for planeshift came up around 1992. We are now in 2009. I haven't played in a while but i know there still is very little content. We can still rp and what not but items and races and customization are a key part of any game. Eventually roleplaying with the same things to talk about or same skills to enhance your characters gets old.   
  I realize that you must test every new addition thoroughly first, but this is a PRE-alpha, your not even at the beginning, meaning that every player and every character is not only a roleplayer or part of the story, but a tester. Tester being the key word there. We are here to help the game progress because we like the concept, so you can just add ideas if you want. skip some of the overkill testing that's what we are for.
  If you find a way to add a mount system test it for 3 years add it and find out the majority of the community hates it well it was a waste of 3 years. The added testing is not needed and can be removed.

Guilds Forum / Tainted Silver
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:13:55 pm »
Tainted Silver

Its time to kick this post into overdrive. after lossing my only prospective member to "The Organization" (by the way the quotes were meant to be interpreted as air quotes)
Im not messing around anymore. It's time to Pimp My Post.
Ever wanted something so bad, just to find you were 10 trias short? Or needed someone out of your way, or wanted to get in someone's way, but there seemed to always be a figurative shield protecting that person? Most people call that shield society. This guild is your escape to a world you have only imagined. It is a guild, nay, a brotherhood that has a bond much stronger and truer that the traditional guilds, who are held together by frail paper trails, and, even worse, a spoken word. We are held together by our very essence, our primal instincts that everyone has but only we are brave enough to indulge. Tainted silver is a guild of thugs. We extort, and threaten, and bribe to get our way. Simple as that. No more purchases, or annoyances or anything else you want to change. For too long people have hidden their true feelings, just because they weren't "right" or "lawful", I'm here to change that. Why do they get to say whats right or lawful? What gives them the right to decide how we act? Some guilds argue that "self restraint" shows we are civilized. Once again I propose the question, why? Why do we have instincts at all if their only purpose is to be fought with and subdued? We fight the "norm" and build off their weakness and inability to comprehend our ways, our philosophy. Life is hard for them because they have turned off the path to true victory, for some they have even rejected it completely, but its not too late for you. You can still get what you want, you can still be free. Join us, embrace us and we will show you the one true way, the only real way, to live your life.

A long time ago, when Hydlaa was no more than a large village, The city watch was very exclusive. Only the best warriors in town could even apply. Because of this many of the guards became arrogant, and cocky, enforcing technicalities and pointless laws that gave them more power. One of the worst offenders was Jacob Aganith. He was a Ynnwn Warrior and a decorated guard, but he was very self-righteous. He once slew a starving woman for stealing a piece of bread. As he drew back his sword to decapitate her, she yelled, "Wait! You say I am the wrong do-er here, yet you kill me in cold blood? I curse you!" She then recited a hex on him in a language that could only have come from another plane. At the time he laughed in her face, then lobbed her head in a single swing. In the weeks to pass, he became very ill. The healers of the city could not find a cure for him through nature or magic. He died soon after, screaming in agony. At the very moment he died, on the other side of the city in the guard tower, his blade, much talked about by the other guards,(because it was solid silver)burst into flames, and the silver blade turned as black as the night itself. The other guards, knowing about the curse, flung it from the top of the tower, right over the city wall. Luck or fate, take your pick, but there is no denying what happened next was not a coincidence. As the black blade's flames were extinguished, it sailed through the air, embedding itself in the ground no more than a foot in front of a young thief. As curious as anyone would be in his situation, he reached out to grab the sword, but the second his fingers made contact, the blade changed back to silver. The thief, more curious then frightened by this new quality grabbed the hilt and drew the blade from the ground. It was like some one had opened the flood gates to his mind, showing him all the virtues and teachings of Tainted Silver. It was then he knew his purpose.  Tainted Silver was formed that day. As a sign of the groups bond the sword was melted into molds and made into rings; one for each member of the guild. It seemed to the members that the curse was a gift to those with malicious intent, for it was a powerful spell that was undetectable to most, but brought luck to thieves and murderers alike. To this day every member of the guild gets a silver ring as a sign that they are not alone.


Their is a place for everyone in our brotherhood, and you have taken the first step by contacting me, but the second step is to break any concepts you may have of right and wrong. It is a small lesson we give you one to think about in your early stages. There is no right, and there is no wrong. What governs what is right and wrong? your own limits. So if you break the chains set on you by society, you can set your own limits, and therfor have more power, and do more than you ever though possible. While you decide which venue to place your new found power in, we will give you some routine grunt work for you to prove your worth.

  • Thug - A common street thug. Makes up the lowest tier of the guild and is where all recruits start to make a name for themselves. This is the hardest part in your transformation, as it involves casting out all you have been taught your whole life and embracing your true potential.

At this point  you have embraced our ways and have devoted yourself to our path. You are now ready to take the first steps toward your final destination within our group. Its at this point you will fall under a superior of your chosen path, who will guide you toward your goal. Don't misinterpret this as meaning he will be spending his time training you, you have to do that on your own. What it means is he is a new reasource for you to exploit to gain knowledge and advice from, and in some circumstances help.


  • Blade Spinner - Our main sources of income is extortion. We, as a group, could not survive undetected with out its strong influence on people. This group is absolutely superb, at making themselves look tough. Key word being LOOK. Your great at intimidating people, but if someone fights back you may be in a spot of trouble.
  • Thief - A path only the cunning, and sharp minded people are encouraged to take, it has the most potential personal gain. While they are expected to share the wealth, they don't necessarily share all of it. At this point in you career however, its never a good idea to get cocky or cavalier.
  • Match Eater - One of the most important jobs within our group. Gifted with the ability to persuade the fire to catch hold. Why is that so important? Think of it this way. What would happen if someone refused to pay our "protection price"? We could do nothing, but then the others would see through our charade and our main source of income would be no more. We could murder the person, its a better option then before, but still not a strong enough message. Now, if we were to burn down their homes, I think we would find people more willing to co-operate. This group is good, but not good enough to take out some larger targets.
  • Assassin - Assassin, Murderer, Hired killer, we're not picky on what you call yourselves, we just need you to do the job. Period. You start asking too many questions and the next contract will be against you. You can get the job done, but higher profile targets and "accidents" are best left to the pros.
  • Fence - The merchants of the underworld. Selling and buying "hot" items is your life. The key to your success is secrecy. After all you do have to make a living selling this stuff, so its best not to go shooting your mouth off about where it came from. Without your skills our profits would plummet and thieves would be out of the job. Your still new though, and are going to have to make a name for yourself if you want to be part of the big deals.
  • Contact - The Assassins are great and all, but they're completely useless without some one to kill. You act as the middle man. You take jobs from clients and assign them to your killers. It takes a good lot of management skills to make sure all orders are filled, and that their filled by the right people. Your still learning you group of men though so its going to take some time before many clients will come to you.

To make it here means you fully understand our concepts and have mastered your chosen profession to a degree that you have become eligible to mentor second tier members. It is now completely your own responsibility to master and hone your skills well enough to be accepted into the final tier, also know as the council.


  • Silver Dagger - The Silver Daggers are a coveted group to belong to. They are our top extortionists, and have mastered inflicting long lasting pain, as a reminder of what happens to those without protection.
  • Master Thief - A master in the art of concealment and acrobatics they're rarely seen, never heard, and able to steal anything. The very streets(and rooftops) of Hydlaa have become your playground.
  • Flame Tongue - One of the greatest weapons in our arsenal, a master, of the sub-category of red way magic known only as Flame Whisper, They posses staggering amounts of power, some even can burn villages with a word. They are easily one of the most powerful professions.
  • Top Hitman - So widely know for your work you even posses a codename to throw the suspicion. Not many can afford your prices, but those that can, are never disappointed.
  • Black Marketeer - You can sell anything. Anything. You are so well connected that you barely find time to fill all of your orders. In fact, you have so much to sell you refuse to buy the thing you used to, just to fit new high price items in.
  • Agent - You have come a long way from struggling with a few killer and contracts. So far that you are now affiliated with the best of the best and are dealing with twice as many contracts as before with ease.

The council is a group of trusted individuals who make decisions that effect the future of the guild.The council is made up of the most successful and notorious members of our brotherhood and is exclusive. The number of spots on the council varies when required, due to unforeseen circumstances to allow the system to work well in this ever-changing world. The requirements to apply for the position(when one is available) are:
you must be in the third tier,
and you must pass a test to be determined at the time.
Also, out of all of the applicants for the position, only 5 will take the test. Those 5 will be voted to take the test by the guild community.

  • Council Member - A basic member of the council with no power, other than the right to vote on council maters.
  • Master Criminal - A criminal from any field with exceptional skill. Able to vote on council maters, as well as propose issues they feel are important.
  • Mastermind - A criminal genius. To amazing for words to describe, you have to see it to believe it. Able to do anything a master criminal can do as well, as many other guild leader duties(acts as a vice leader of the guild)
  • Criminal Mastermind - You have absolute power. Whatever you say goes, no questions asked. You are the leader of the guild and the well being of the guild is your responsibility.

Tainted Silver

I've been pimped!
Sorry I just really needed to get that off my chest. Okay, here comes the OOC part where I try to be funny and you pretend to laugh. Well after coming back to planeshift this afternoon only to find my one prospective member had, hmmmm how can I put this nicely? I can't! Ditched me for "the organization" I decided to kick it up to overdrive.
If you are interested in joining PM me, post here, or as a third option /tell me in game. My in game name is Angithe and he is a brand new char just for this guild.

The only problems so far are
The rings
My inability to speak coherently
oh and a stunning lack of members/cheese sandwiches.

currently we have, including me, 0.37 members. Yes I only count myself as .37.

PvP,PK and Thieving / guild headquarters
« on: November 27, 2008, 05:04:35 pm »
i think that to make the guild system a success then they each need their own headquarters. Guilds are factions battleing each other for power if they,re just wandering around randomly killing each other thats not a war thats randomness. if there were a size based hq system then people would be able to plan wars raids and invasions without
intensive ooc ingame chat. the guild system would have to be developed more like a way to store funds a guild exuipment store a guild weapons store etc. the guild members would be able to plan out the base by setting traps and other defence measures like gaurds. the headquarters size would be dependant on the guild level. and maybe instead of designing preset hq models maybe design a hq builder where the actual players design the guild and the more people in your guild the more points you have to spend on rooms traps security and other things.

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