Author Topic: Ivan the terrible, a bard's tale retold in the tavern  (Read 961 times)


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Ivan the terrible, a bard's tale retold in the tavern
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:06:35 am »
This is an edited chatlog of a talk I had in the tavern, hope you enjoy it.
Semutara listens to Marqsaynt and looks at Agara "I dont remember but do you know a good friend of mine Zirkron?"
 Agara says: I know Lady Zirkron and she's a good friend of mine, Semutara :)
 Semutara :) "I thought so.. She talks about you... "
 Semutara leans closer to Marqsaynt and whispers
 Agara :) at Semutara
 Marqsaynt raises an eyebrow "Lady" Zirkron? More royalty in Hydlaa?"
 Eublepharis looks at his cup *I should get myself a title too*
 Eublepharis says: Something bloody, like Lord Eublepharis of destruction
 Agara says: Lady Zirkron is a good friend of mine, Marqsaynt, I don't know if she's royality
 Eublepharis says: or better yet, Eublepharis the terrible, I hope that's not taken
 Agara says: Eublepharis, you are not terrible.
 Marqsaynt raises an amused eyebrow at Eublepharis "what are you talking about, Pal?!"
 Semutara grins "Sorry.. but you doesnt seem like that Eublepharis"
 Eublepharis looks at Agara *I know, but a tittle like that would be cool, nevertheless*
 Eublepharis laughs

 Eublepharis says: I had heard tales of one Ivan the Terrible
 Eublepharis says: a bard near my home use to sing some of the stories he heard about Ivan
 Marqsaynt laughs "Either way Pal, you look more like an "Eublepharis the Talkative"
 Semutara nods "Yes.. that fits much better"
 Agara says: I like hearing him talk, Marqsaynt.
 Eublepharis looks at marqsaynt *that's true also*
 Eublepharis looks at agara *If I am not mistaken, from what the bard told, Ivan was royalty, have you ever heard of him?*

 Agara says: I have not heard of Ivan, Eublepharis.
 Eublepharis says: ohhh, I could share the tale I heard, if anyone here wnats to hear it
 Eublepharis says: again, I am not sure, how true that was
 Eublepharis says: it was passed down as an oral tradittion
Agara sips her mug of cold milk and listens to Eublepharis tell a story
 Marqsaynt raises an eyebrow, takes a drink of his whisky, and grins "Hey Pal... i think you may have just stumbled your way into being a bard."
 Agara says: Anyone want a pie?
 Eublepharis says: well, aparently, from what the bard told, there is a large nation, who was plagged by invation from several other nations
 Semutara :) "no thank you Lady Agara"
 Marqsaynt grimaces slightly and turns just a little pale "i'll pass Highness."
 Eublepharis says: I would get one :)
 Agara :) to Semutara and syas, " You're welcome, Semutara"
 Eublepharis looks at marq *If only I could play an instrument*
 Eublepharis laughs

 Eublepharis says: thank you
 Eublepharis takes a bite out the pie
 Marqsaynt laughs "no time like the present to learn Pal.... *grins* though don't expect me to hang around while you are practicing "Mary had a little groffel."
 Jaycc says: thanks Sis
 Agara says: you're welcome Eublepharis & Jaycc :)
 Semutara grins
 Eublepharis looks at marq and laughs
 Eublepharis says: well, anyway, Ivan started as a Prince in that nation
 Eublepharis says: and he choose for himself an ancient title, I think it was called "Tsar"
 Eublepharis says: and he made the local clerics bestow that title upon him
 Eublepharis says: that title was Ceasar in their language, I am not sure what Ceasar means...
 Eublepharis says: so Tsar Ivan started his campaign to secure the boders of the country
 Eublepharis says: please let me know, if this is boring
 Eublepharis says: by securing, I mean, he led an army agains the invaders
 Agara says: Please go on,Eublepharis
 Eublepharis says: and then he was able to run after their leader, and finally place an end to their presence among their borders
 Eublepharis says: he then went to the other princes *takes a bit of his pie*
 Eublepharis says: and forced them to join their territory with his
 Eublepharis says: but not everyone was kind to Ivan, and he started to use men in horses with dark hoods
 Eublepharis says: these men would (narrow his eyes) move in the dead of night and attack at first the one that were against Ivan
 Eublepharis says: now, that's why Ivan got his name
 Eublepharis says: listen to this, the bard emphasised that
 Eublepharis says: he would take the people to the castle, and devise means of torture
 Marqsaynt shrugs "i've done worse... *grins* guess i'm "terrible" too then, Pal."
 Agara says: That's an interesting story, Eublepharis.
 Marqsaynt laughs "never mind..."
 Eublepharis says: thank you...
 Marqsaynt winks "guess i'm only mostly terrible."
 Eublepharis says: he would torture not because he wanted information, but because he liked to torture
 Agara says: yw , Eublepharis
 Marqsaynt finishes off his mug and sets it down on the table
 Eublepharis says: there were documents found, church hynmnal and such
 Eublepharis says: in which he described in detail what he did to those poor people
 Marqsaynt wraps his arms around Semutara and kisses her on the cheek
 Eublepharis says: hence, they started to call him, Ivan the terrible
 Semutara looks at Marqsaynt and :) whispering a thank you
 Eublepharis says: so, yeah, I doubt I can match "the terrible" name :)
 Marqsaynt gives Semutara a smile and an "it'll all be alright" squeeze
 Eublepharis says: maybe Eublepharis the pale comparison to Ivan the terrible :)
 Marqsaynt laughs "a little long, but i like it."
 Eublepharis says: thank you, marq
 Eublepharis says: it was a long piece
 Eublepharis says: the bard was tired after if was done
 Marqsaynt grins "I was talking about the nickname."
 Eublepharis laughs

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."