Author Topic: The Hunt  (Read 1208 times)


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The Hunt
« on: June 04, 2007, 12:43:19 pm »
[This is going to be the happenings when he left earlier.  He's not leaving again. you know.]

Nurahk walked slowly away from Hydlaa, knowing he would return; not knowing when.  He’d left because the stress had gotten to him, too often his path crossed with the more undesirables of Yliakum.  Besides, he thought to himself, I’ve put this off long enough.  He remembered their last meeting as if it had been yesterday: the soft touches, long kisses and undeniable passion that had dominated that night... and most of the next day.  The simple words she whispered in his ears…he could still feel the warmth of her breath.

   â€śCome for me, lover.  When the time is right, leave Hydlaa, head west, I’ll find you.”

   They’d been on a soft patch of moss in the forest that day.  It had been perfect: the sound of water from the nearby stream where their clothes lay, the ruffle of the leaves from above and the light chirps and squeaks from the animals around them.  Every detail of the day paling in contrast to the love they shared.  It could have been an alleyway or a gutter, it wouldn’t have mattered much.  Worries had seemed like nothing then, but, he knew he could not control her.  She had to be free, if just for a little longer.

   So much had changed since then, thought the young menki with a chuckle.  The well worn path was uncomfortable to him where back then, he wouldn’t even have noticed the small rocks and twigs strewn across it.  He had changed.  Years of walking on the stone streets of Hydlaa and strolling around the gardens had turned him into one of the weak, uptight, high class people he used to hate.  With this is mind he chuckled and took off his leather boots, throwing them onto the side of the road and sorted through his baggage discarding what was essentially half of it, leaving only food and the gifts he brought for her, his weapons being sheathed by his side; his miniature crossbow fitted into his belt.

   Leave Hydlaa, head west.  The words came back to him and he wondered if she had been waiting all this time.  He never did fully understand her; she had a tendency to find him, to pop up.  She would have made a great Shadow.  The Shadowlord turned around and took in Hydlaa for what would be the last time in months.  With a light heart and pack, he marched off into the forest ahead of him, a feeling of freedom overwhelming him as Hydlaa slowly slid under the horizon.

   Upon entering the forest he was greeted with the familiar but nearly forgotten sound of wildlife: twigs breaking beneath his bare feet, branches brushing against his shoulders.  Ever so slowly, skills unused in years came back to him, he tracked a rabbit through the undergrowth with his ears, he let his eyes lose focus and used his peripherals to watch half a dozen creature move with the heartbeat of nature.  With a small chuckle he extended his claws and dropped his pack and weapons.  He picked his prey carefully and then chased it relentlessly.

   The small creature noticed him coming and dashed from tree to tree, through the underbrush, over rocks and jumped straight across a small stream.  Nurahk followed close behind, stumbling and feeling foolish for being so out of practice.  He practically fell into the stream but got up quickly, the fancier bits of his clothes being ruined.  He stood for a second, tracking the creature with his ears…

   To the left!  He quickly dashed after it, it scampered up a tree and he quickly followed, spotted the creature on a branch and pounced only to see the creature resting on the grinning head of the girl he loved.   A quick chuckle meet his ears and then she was off, jumping and running from him, daring him to chase her.  He knew he couldn’t catch her and so he grinned and sneaked off to grab his weapons and pack.  The hunt had begun.  She’d never be far, she wouldn’t make it easy.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 04:29:37 pm by Nurahk »