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Messages - DaveG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 135
Wish list / Re: Relogin feature
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:19:15 pm »
Well first of all, I must clarify the "moving" after a crash.  You're moving on your end, but nothing is registering on the server for it.  The client just hasn't come to terms with the servers's death yet.

About a logout feature:  This is one of the most requested features, and unfortunately would be a technical nightmare to implement currently.  You have to realize that the startup procedure is rather intricate, and honestly not exactly perfect.  The vast majority of which would need to be redone once reconnected to be in sync with the server.  (also note that some dynamic IDs may have changed, even if nothing else has)  Of course it's possible to create some sort of logout procedure and a coresponding relog procedure, but right now it's not worth the hair pulling it would take to write and get working.  And for crashes, a restart would always be best, if just to get a clean slate.  Preferably, we'd rather it just not crash.  :P

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: New updates are available . . !!
« on: August 08, 2006, 06:35:19 am »
No, unless the updater is currently borked, obey the message.  You just have to remember that there's only one message, and the updates aren't always for you.  Just run the updater, it'll check, and get them for you if they apply.

General Discussion / Re: I'd like to make an apology.
« on: August 08, 2006, 06:25:29 am »
Apology accepted, as far as I'm concerned.  Everyone has bad days, and so long as you don't take them out here again, all's forgiven.  Just remember it is just a game, though we all do forget that from time to time.  ;)

Yeah, there is flood protection, but I'm saying it should be stricter with shouts.

All in all, the biggest problem here is /shout is too long range.  Most of the time we'd want it at half what it does now.

Hmm... that might be a good idea, actually.  Limit shoutting repeadiately.

UTM:  You're really missunderstanding things.  I was calling people who run around doing "/shout were can 1 fnd MONEY!!1" idiots; the people who are abusing this command...

The broken vs. not thing is a symantics issue.  It works exactly as intended, so it's not broken.  Basically the it's difference between a flaw and a bug.  It's working fine, just abused to death.  Anything can be abused, so it's just a matter of trying to make things as idiot-proof as possible and kicking the rest.

With respect to complexity, no new player is going to use 7 different say commands or a pile of checkboxes.  It has to be simple, or it will not be used.

Wish list / Re: Favorite wishes
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:58:23 pm »
This thread probably doesn't belong in the wish list, though it really doesn't belong anywhere else, so I guess this is as good a place as any.  ;)

The most dreaded is probably my suggestion that it be possible for characters to die permenantly.  Loads of people hated that one...  I don't think we'll be seeing that one anytime soon.   ::)

No, chatting has to cross all sector boundaries, or it makes no sense.  What we need is for it to automatically be dampened by walls.

First of all, you're all giving some suggestions that are waaaayy too complicated.  Do you really think a field of checkboxes or added parameters will be used, especially by the idiots who are shouting too much?

Secondly, you aren't allowed to shout for the first hour of your character's life.  This should be helping, but I guess there are a lot of people who stay idiots forever:P

Thirdly, I thought we had already settled this here?  The idea was to make all chat ranges dynamic, based on the overall sound level of the area.  In a crowded area, the plaza for example, with lots of people (talking) chat range is shorter, and shouts really don't go that far.  In a quiet area, the sewers for example, with few people the chat range is longer, and shouts go rather far.  This way, all the user needs to know is /say is normal and /shout is far, with each adapting to only reach relatively nearby people and not go insanely far.  Aditional ideas such as dimming far off chat in the box have come up, and might be nice too.

Oh, and please don't say "/shout is broken".  It's not; it's just wildly abused.  I've used it properly many times.  Most common of which is to yell at someone a ways off as they're about to be attacked.  Though, I guess me doing "/shout Do you need help?" probably isn't that useful to most newbies, as by the time they type out the response they're dead.  ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Mine command
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:35:29 pm »
Yeah, the "for" is optional.

Moved to tech help area.

Please read this.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, please don't blame the game when you screw up.  Most likely, you couldn't equip the sword because you didn't meet some stat criteria, maybe not enough strength.  You then somehow didn't notice this, and just sold every sword you had.  Yes it's annoying, but it was your own fault.  Please, calm down and don't post complaints like these here.

The only reason I origionally got access to the art SVN was so I could edit the cal3d files if I needed to, so if anyone makes fixes for them poke/PM/email me and I'll test and put them in.  (I just did again today)

Actually, your report makes number 4 about it...  :P

I've made the changes to all the character's cal3d files on the art SVN.  Will be in next update/release.

Thanks, again.  This one has been annoying me for a while.

General Discussion / Re: copper and tin
« on: August 05, 2006, 06:49:37 am »
There are copper items, but they don't seem to be in the world just yet.  I don't see anything about lead.

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