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Topics - Allive

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Guilds Forum / new guild oppertunity
« on: September 05, 2009, 11:37:58 pm »
hey everyone i am now working on createing a new guild nothing fancy at this time however te guild is only of a thought for the time being i am currently looking for a number of members that will become the corner stone of this guild ie the higher ranks. so i invite anyone interested in takeing up these positions to either let me know on here or contact me dirrectly if applying through the boards i ask that you make an application in the same vaine as i am about to.

Name : Alliva Alyeve

Race : Enkidukel

Skills: Sword master, red way master, Crystal way expert

How long have you been in Yalikum ( i.e how long have you been playing ): 5 Years

Previous guilds: Sapere magi, Hokyba Da ojaveda and the knowladge seekers

Previous ranks in guilds: Master mason, Elder council, Student

Have you helped run or setup guild before: Setup ad ran both Hokyba Da Ojaveda and Sapere Magi

Other skills or information that perhaps may help you being picked for a high up position:
I have much knowladge about weapons, deuling, Magic and of yalikum itself i have seen a lot in my years and stood on many battle fields i have ralied peopl to the defeance of many and the dfeance of one i have seen a lot and i think i know a fair bit witch i think will be helpfull to the guild and to the other memebers that may join this is why i think i should have a high up possition because of the knowladge base i can bring to the guild and pass on.

Now please remember people i am only looking for a handfull of people to take up the higher roles for the time being as in siting as a infd of council for the guild so tha we can all sit down and ge things done that will benifit us and yalikum as a whole. However if you are not picked for this position i will consider all of you for other positions as teachers or similar the council will be helping as mch as possible but it will be mainly down to other to teach as much as they can and help out lets call em teachers for th time being when and if the guild gets bigger the teachers will be the firs conact for knowladge the council members will still help were and when needed so dot feel bad if ou are not chosen for a spot on the council you will still be a vital part for the guild.

In-Game Roleplay Events / the finding of the grey glyphs
« on: June 14, 2007, 06:06:36 am »
once thousands of years ago a sect of mages of aincent blood were ran out of an accademy in another realm. becuase of the side affects there eperiments had leaveing in a hurry they pick up 8 fragments of an altogether older glyph. Working in secerate to create glyphs as powerfull as the whole glyph of the 8 fragments. they slave days and night to create these glyphs to further mankind but can never make them as powerfull as even one of the fragments. increaseing there experiments and furthering there magic more and more the sideaffects get worse and eventualy they make 14 glyphs. these glyphs were come to be known as the "Grey glyphs". eventualy the ppl of the land again got anoyed of these side affects and set to run these mages of once and for all. a fight ensued that killed many and 8 mannaged to escape. were they went noone knew untill now.

Alliva stands ddigging for ore out by the old ruins and stikes something strange picking it up he relaises he struck some sort of incent tablet. wipeing it of he seas symbols words that he can only slightly make out. reserching these symbols and words he find it is an aincent language that his ancestors used. deciphering the tablet a cryptic message is discoverd.l "fifteen in total 3 broken 2 lost 3 traveld and six reside in yalikum". Thinking it was strange alliva asked nyshyn if she could dig out the rest. a few days later Alliva recieved a message from nyshyn saying she had finnaly got it takeing of with kitiranna and zwenze on his heals he gets to the ruins. there he digs out the last few fragments and set the tableton the ground pieced together. Sudenly a portal opens and the three are sent back through time to another realm were they observe what happend to these glyphs and found out what the 15th glyph was that was mentioned. upon returning to there bodys the tablet refers to were one of the six "Grey glyphs" maybe found.

{Pls if you wanna join in feel free this is a bit of the backing story that has happend IG so far. And anyone is asked to particapate both good and evil light and shady characters. who knows you may even be chosen to wield one of these glyphs.}

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / The road less traveld
« on: May 07, 2007, 05:23:35 am »
As Alliva sits under the tree like he has done for some time now await the next batle he suddenly feals
a strange lonelyness come over him. Grabbing a quil and a piece of partchment he writes something down.
obviosly not likeing it Alliva finishes crumples up the parchment and throws it away wanting to see what he wrote
you look fr the parchment finding it you open it up to reveal.

the road less traveld is a lonely road
a road of hardship and of turmoil
a road of pain of lonelyness
a road as dark as the abyss itself.

the road less traveld is the road of
the warrior a gentleman those of us
that respect that of the world and of others
the road that end in death a lonely and
sudden end and noone that remmmembers them.

the road less traveld reviels the true person
that hides away within us all the person
that wishes to be seen but never is the person
that is inside and wishes nothing of themselves
but everything for everyone else.

the road less traveld is the one of selflessness
the one that is dark and unforscean the one
that at the end reviels no light the one that
ends in happieness for the world that is left
behind is not welcomeing to those that
travel the road less traveld.

yes the road less traveld is one of
complete and utter sadness and self loathing
the one that requires the pure and utter will
of the traveler the one that end in nothingness
but ends in everything helping everyone else
and the traveler asks nothing for themselves.

the road less traveld is a lonely road
a road of hardship and of turmoil
a road of pain of lonelyness
a road as dark as the abyss itself
and at the end the nothingness becomes
everything to the traveler of the road less traveld.

In-Game Roleplay Events / games at oja {casino typed}
« on: March 17, 2007, 05:51:47 pm »
ok guys the h'okyba da ojaveda is thinking of bringing a games night to oja maybe do it again if it works well but before we dedicate any more information we need lots of ppl to help us with this. we require volaunteers fore these positions. 6 security, 2 caterers, bartenders and anyone wanting to setup there own table pls contact either Alliva or Edicho in game or in irc thnx.

Wish list / quests
« on: March 11, 2007, 06:11:40 pm »
ok here gose we have all been anoyed of quests of late i mean over and above our normal frustrations with said quests so i have a suggestions with an idea of how to do it.

ok we go around and ask maybe 10 npcs to get quests greate untill that is they interfear with each other or as the new system gose untill you need them for another quest line and cant do the second quest untill the first is done. so here gose for this idea. when doing quests we have a quest book to make notes ect for these so why not use it for something thats actualy actively usefull. when doing a quest with this idea is to select it from the quest book. for example you have 2 quests 2 you have to go to levrus. now the second levrus quest line wouldnt be accesable cause of the first involveing him but if you had to select witch quest you done you could go and do the seqcond quest line you need him in before the first. you would open up the book selecting the second quest line you need him for do your buiseness with him and after you get his replyes or progress in it it would save your progress. thus allowing you to click on the other quest you need him in doing your buseness with him again and again saveing. thus stoping inteferance with other quest for him and hopefully allowing for a smopther ride if you have to go away half way through a quest and cant remmember witch quest you have to do first. i think we have all had quest that intefer with each ovther at some point in our jurneys.

Guides and Tutorials / Alliva Alyeve magic guide
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:52:45 am »
Ok guys heres the magic guide i have placed in everything to best of my ability and things will change as ps progresses so bare with me.

Magic Guide Version 1.2

This guide is created to try and give you an idea of what magic does what and how effective they are. But please remember the game changes and is still in development, so this information can change. I will endeavor to keep this guide as up-to-date as I can.

Rating of spells:

0 = Virtually useless.
1 - 2 = Only really useful as training spells.
3 - 5 = Useful spells but limited use or mainly for beginners.
6 - 8 = Useful for all but with higher experience can become redundant.
9 - 10 = Very useful and/or powerful spells.

How Spell Realms Work

Realm 1: Can be cast at level one and above
Realm 2: Can only be cast at level 20 or higher
Realm 3: Can only be cast at level 30 or higher
Realm 4: Can only be cast at level 40 or higher
Realm 5: Can only be cast at level 80


Step one:  Open the spell book and click on the combine button to open up another big screenwith all your glyphs on it

Step two:  Click on the spell and the drag it down to the purification button click on it and wait for a few mineuts till it says the spell is purified.

Step three-a:  When the glyph is purified, place it in one of the 4 boxes at the bottom and press the reserch button it will bring up a description and you have finished your research.

Step three-b: Some spells need 2 or more glyphs to make so you must place all glyphs needed in the 4 boxes at the bottom and in the correct order (such as 'energy arrow' would be energy glyph then arrow glyph. Arrow glyph first, energy glyph second, would not make the same spell) and like single glyph spells hit research.

Step four:  Click on the save spell button and you have learned a new spell if there is any magic within that glyph/glyphs.

                  Casting And Combat Casting

Casting spells is easy. All you have to do is open up the spell book and select 'spell' then hit the cast button. Combat casting however is different and much more effective. Instead of stopping to cast by selecting the spell and clicking, you can setup a shortcut button with the /cast command in it. For example, create a shortcut with '/cast Energy Arrow' and then set it to a button in the shortcut menu. This will allow you to quickly and effortlessly activate it, and start to cast energy arrow. The /cast command can be used for other spells - just replace energy arrow with any other spell name.

                     CRYSTAL WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Energy, Life and Light
Stat: Charisma

Gets the pure energy from the crystal, more directly than all other ways. Famous for the ability to heal and cure even
the most terrible wounds. Someone says that if you reach a great knowledge, you can even bring a person back from
the dead.


CRYSTAL WAY: Single glyph spells

Summon Missile
Realm: 1

What Game Says: A wooden arrow is summoned and thrown at the target dealing 6*P damages.

What I Say: Useful spell for beginners can be combined to create a stronger version of this spell.
Rating : 4

Life Infusion
Realm: 1

What Game Says: By means of this spell the wizard can instill pure energy in a creature. The energy,
which has healing effects, is less powerful but similar to the energy the great crystal. It can be cast
on the wizard or another character in touch range. It allows to heal 2P+3 hit point.

What I Say: Useful can heal you after a long battle good for leveling in crystal way. is a very usefull spell.
Rating: 7

CRYSTAL WAY: Combination Spells

Energy Arrow
Realm: 2

What Game Says: This spell uses in offensive way the energy of th great crystal, creating a arrow of
energy. The arrow can inflict 8*P damage to a creature.

What I Say: Stronger version of summon arrow and can be deadly in the hands of an experienced player.
Rating: 9

Healing Flash
Realm: 5

What Game Says: The wizard surrounds a creature with a bright aura of light, healing in this way some of this wounds. 
The target creature regains 30 + 2P hit point.

What I Say: The ultimate healing spell takes about twice as long as life infusion does and takes a fair bit of mana but delivers with huge healing and a much greater range. Well worth your time, tria, PP and effort to get.
Rating: 10

                     RED WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Strength, Chaos and Fire
Stat: Intelligence

The spell-caster is able to invoke the power of chaos and bend to his will the devastating fury of fire, summoning it
for damage and purifying qualities. This way will deal mostly in the fire, most metal workers have knowledge in this way.


RED WAY: Single Glyph Spells

Flame Burst
Realm: 1

What Game Says: The hands of the caster generate a flame that extends very fast till it reaches the victim.
The flame burst inflicts 10*p damage.

What I Say: It's a very good spell with the ability to inflict high damage, even at lower levels.
Rating: 6

Flame Spire
Realm: 1

What Game Says: This spell creates a spire of flames around the caster. Anyone attacking him/her in melee will suffer 1+P damages every 10 seconds.

What I Say: Limited use. Spell is slow to cast, but doesn't take up much mana and lasts for a substantial amount of time. However limited both in combat and training [ Stick with electro touch ]. Has a nice graphical effect though.

Realm: 3

What Game Says: This spell conjures a meteor or a lava rock, that appers in the sky  and targets the victim.
On impact the rock inflicts 10P damage.

What I Say: This spell takes a long time to cast my advice would be to rather use flame burst unless out of range to do so.
Rating: 5

Realm: 1

What Game Says: this spell empowers the hands of the caster with electricity. Anyone attacked by him/her with
hands or a weapon suffers 3+P damage.

What i say: This spell, although a little difficult to get, is very good for training with because of its low mana cost.
And also has the ability of giving you an edge in combat against npcs.
Rating: 6 

Realm: 2

What Game Says: This spell enhances the strength of the target by 4P points of STR. This spell has no affect on
creatures with more than 200 STR.

What I Say: It takes a long time to cast and doesnt last for long better with potions.
Rating: 3

                     BROWN WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Nature, protective magic and the element of earth
Stat: Will

The glyphs of this way give the wizard the ability to cast different protective spells, to summon natural creatures and some monsters and to influence their will.


BROWN WAY: Single Glyph Spells

Rock Armour
Realm: 1

What Game Says: The casters body is coverd with plates of rock, That magical wiegh nothing and give no problem to movement.
the plates can absorb damage and protect the caster upto the spell duration. The caster gains a +15% to its defensive value.

What I Say: Spell takes a little above the average time to cast, lasts for a fair amount of time but is ultimately only really any good for training in the brown way.
Rating: 3

BROWN WAY: Combinations

Flying Stones
Realm: 2

What Game Says: This spell conjures a number of stones that are hurled at the chosen victim. These stones cause 8+2P damage.

What I Say: The spell is realm 2, but is under powered when compared to the likes of energy arrow, yet has a longer range.
Rating: 6

Stone Fist
Realm: 3

What Game Says: From the casters closed fist sprouts a magical stone fist, 50cm in diameter.  The fist travel at very high speed
toward the victim giving him little chance to escape. On impact delivers 20+P points of damage.

What I Say: at the moment uncastable by any means.
Rating: unknown

                     AZURE WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Mind, illusion and air magic
Stat: Intelligence

Its basically a sneaky and insidious energy, that can control the will and intentions of any intelligent being.


AZURE WAY: single spells

Defensive Wind
Realm: 1

What Game Says: The sorcerer some draws powerful gusts of wind around him/herself, so its harder to attack him/her with melee or missile weapons. This spell gives a 15% bonus on defensive value to the caster to any melee or long range attack against the mage.

What I Say: A defensive spell that is stackable. Very helpful against NPCs that use melee as an attack. Extremely useful in war and easy to cast while lasting a long time.
Rating: 9

AZURE WAY: Combinations

Nature Intuition
Realm: 2

What game says: With this spell the wizard is able to determine the physical status of a creature (hp total and remaining hp) and its stats.

What I say: Does what it says on the tin. Can be used on NPCs, monsters, and other players. I see no use for it in combat as of yet but perhaps good for clearing up arguments and giving people some intel on a person before a challenge is issued. Casting also takes a bit of time for this spell.
Rating: 4

                     BLUE WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Divination

BLUE WAY: Single Spells, Purification, Water element
Stat: Will

Many diseases and poisons will be incurable without the help of the spells of this way. The offensive and defensive potential of this art, resides mainly on the control of the water element, but also cold and ice that are strictly related to it.


Realm: 1

What Game Says: The air around the victim starts to freeze to up to - 40 degrees Celsius, causing him 1 hp of damage each second and giving him a minus to his attack value of 10%.

What I Say: Can deal a lot of damage and can be used at a little range but is only really useful as a training spell.
Rating: 5

                     DARK WAY

Description Of Way

Focus: Entropy, Death and Darkness
Stat: Charisma

This way is one that conjures more myth than any of the others, Practitioners have a history of being the most inovitive of any practitioners of the ways of magic but with all innovation there is good and bad.


DARK WAY: Single Spells

Realm: 1

What Game Says: The Caster can a globe of darkness and impairs vision. All creaters caught in the darkness area suffer a -30% to there attack value till they move away from it.

What I Say: Although used correctly is a powerful spell the time taken to cast it is long and you must be within touch range of target so it limits spells usefulness.
Rating: 6

Realm: 1

What Game Says: The necromantic spell tries to destroy the inner energy of the chosen creature. A dark purple haze appears   around the body of the victim which suffers P damages each 5 seconds. In addition the victim loses 10 points of strength  for the duration of the spell.

What I Say: again a useful spell and works over a time period but again has to be used within touch range so has limited uses.
Rating: 5

Taste Of Death
Realm: 1

What game says: This dark and evil spell has the power to link for a few seconds the soul of a creature with the Death Realm. The experience is scary enough to cause a shock that delivers 5p damage.

What I say: This spell, although weak, is the first long ranged spell for the Dark Way, yet its casting speed - like most others - cowers in comparison to energy arrow. Could be expensive to cast over and over and is overpowered by a lot of other spells however good if you're RPing a dark lord or something else like such.



Its seams as though there is a new system that only allows you to research spells when you have the correct realm for them i.e if you're not at level 80 you will not be able to research the healing wave spell. For example energy arrow is a realm 2 spell so you will not be able to research the combination until Crystal Way level 20 or above, or meteor realm 3 until you are level 30 or above. This exists with all Ways and all glyphs - to research the spell you must have the realm requirement in that way.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / some help with ping ?
« on: February 23, 2007, 03:16:47 am »
ok for at least the past couple of days i have been playing ps i have been witnessing a nearly constantly climbing ping. I dont know why this is but i took the usualy procedure of scrubbing things from the list and now im lost. I know or best i can know is there is no cockies, no temp internet files and no viruses. I have also had a look at my ping on a few other games and they seam normal if not a little better even reboted pc to no effect. I am also witnising big jumps from extream to extream such as 230 all the way upto 1060 sometimes now i usualy hold a ping of aroun 300 - 450 im wondering if there anything i over looked or a different selection or even a dev that can tell me if they are doing something on the server that may affect this.

Wish list / improvement to magic system
« on: February 20, 2007, 06:28:04 pm »
ok here gose at current the magic is system aint that great anyone can admit that surely. but hey we know we know your defence its pre-alpha but none the less heres something that could make it better. so we all train we all kill we all gain experience so why dont our spells ? well lets say you had a spell as well as training to improve realm of spell you can cast why not have a system that improves how strong the spell is or even what the spell is. ok bare with me say meteor in this case this may be your favorite spell is meteor you cast this spell more than others. Should you get better with this spell should it take less time to cast ? should it take less mana to cast ? should it be stronger ? or perhaps it could change ? should it do all the above ?well here gose.

System 1: This system like all others allows the spell to gain exp or rather the player to gain experience with said spell. the more you use it the less manna it takes to cast and the faster it casts allowing for you to become stronger in this way and to reserve more manna and ultimately cast it more times.

System 2: say again same spell  meteor you use it more often than others you dont take less time to cast or less manna but instead of tthe spell takeing 15 hp outta someone the more it gains exp the more dmg it causes upto a maximum of say 200 % giveing it a total of 30 hp each cast.

System 3: Again meteor it gains experience and it slwly evolves through many lvls to its ultimate form perhaps takeing longer to cast and more manna. But the spell eveolves from say one metoer into lots of meteors being now an area affect spell causeing many meteors to fall those getting hit for proper dmg and ppl standing around them getting hit for splash dmg.

you could go for a combinations of all or a few of them something to think over.

Wish list / Dabgerous places
« on: February 18, 2007, 01:43:21 pm »
ok an idea to make this game a little more interesting we all get strong in this game some stronger than other but what you think to a place that offers high prizes and ritches but also has as much risk for those full hardy or greate adventurere/ heros.

ok its as suck monsters dont have defenate spawn points there are many many spawn points so you will never know were a monster mght be. also these monster dont always span at the same place each time such as you kill a monster and wait at spawn point for it to come back {when the randomizeing hits that point} and suddenly were there was an ulber suddenly a much more dangerous creature spawn or vice versa. The point is you wont know what your going to run into each monster and possible spawn point is random so hopefully you will be a bit more o your toes never knowing whats going to turn up were. also to add in diffuculty factor of this being a dangerous place is that the monsters aint every day ones these ones are mch much stronger than there everyday counter parts. this makeing an interesting challange for those that maybe are looking for something to do but dont want to go kill the same things over and over. helps with rp of trackers ect. also cause of you never knowing what is comeing next and hopefully these monsters being so strong it will encurage ppl to take in parts of 3 - 4 or even perhaps bigger this giveing rise to tactics. do you take all worrior and get killed or do you take a balanced team of a few fighter a mage or two and a ranger im sure you all get the idea.

Wish list / multi langauge
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:05:20 pm »
Ok i know this game still young and dont think this should be in till beta even if its only a few of the most common langauges but listen to it before makeing a desition.

Multi langauge would allow you to install a game in different langauges this langauge select would then be used for your game. Such as talking with other players this would allow you to type in your own langauge and sent out allowing other clients to convert best it can to langauge selected at install. such as i was french i could type in french and another player that speacks english would see what i typed in english were another player thats maybe german would see it in german. and same for him if the english speacker replyed they would type in english and the german would see it in german and the french would see it in french. this converstion would take part not only in normal chat but under all tabs group, tells, guild ect ect.

Npc would also have this converter allowing ppl to do quests in there own langauge as well. this hopefully allowing ppl to understand storie line better and also quest better and what they have to do in said quests. the npc wouls also reply in what ever langauge selected and also take required triggers in other langauges.

This overall would hopefully lead to less confustion in talk and help everyone have a better gameing experience also allowing for a much much bigger player base from all over the world. 

Single Author Stories / Story of Alliva
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:06:46 am »
The Birth Of Alliva

A bright sunny day shone over head as fenki by the name of Nimera Alyeve went about her business tending to the guards making sure they are feed and have enough drink in the hot air.  Nimera soon to give birth insisted to her husband Groth that she would be fine doing this. Groth smiles as the fenki comes down the road and stops by him just outside ojeveda “hello my love” he said the fenki looking up smiles and kisses him handing him food she asks if he is going to the tavern again tonight. Groth nods “you know I like a few drinks with the men after a hard days work“ again she kisses him and returns home. Groth giving a sigh returns ever watchful for any attack that may come Groth watches long into the night till his relief comes and he heads to the tavern

Groth enters the tavern to the hustle and bustle of the city guard drinking, singing and laughing as he walks over to the bar to order himself a drink the guards quieten down a little stopping there fouls language to a whisper. Groth looks over to the door of the tavern his wife Nimera standing there smiling over to him Groth turns back to brado 1 beer and one red liquor for the wife please. Groth placing some tria on the counter takes a seat in the corner passing Nimera her drink “are you ok” he asks her Nimera smiles and nods. As they drink the night turns bad black clouds fill the sky thunder starting to crash and lightning flashing the rain comes down in sheets

A dark figure moves along ojeveda Trying to move in and out of cover so it doesn’t get as wet from the rain as it moves tentatively but swiftly it mutters to itself “ojeveda why dose it have to be so far out the way were is that blasted opening”. It scanning the hills it see a bit of light from the corner of his eye a wooden hut with an enki sitting inside it. The figure swiftly moving toward it as he gets closer he asks in a low gruff voice “is this the way to ojeveda” the enki nods his head. The figure looking up the path swiftly move toward the sound of the tavern the sound becoming louder as he gets closer the rain still coming down in sheets and thunder and lightening still crashing his steps into town seeing the tavern he moves inside. As he steps inside all eyes fall on him his cloak dark green and black boots they see as he shakes of the water that he carries two swords some throwing daggers and a few bags tied to his belt his armour looks torn and ripped but he didn’t seam to mind. His face even in the light no one could see it was just darkness his shape under the cloak they couldn’t make out.

The cloaked man looks around the tavern to see everyone staring as he dose he notices Nimera and Groth sitting in the corner he his eyes gaze over them for a few seconds moving toward the bar he hears the enki around him going back to there business. Beer the man says to brado as he receives the order he looks through his seemingly nearly empty tria bag handing brado some tria he enquires about a place to stay for a few days Brado points him in the right direction to an inn thanking the menki the stranger goes a table in the corner directly opposite of Nimera and Groth. As he sits he produces a pipe with some tobacco in a pouch placing them on the table he raises his head slightly to a tune from a pan flute by one of the guards as the enki's start to sing the man sits back packing his pipe full of green tobacco that looks like grass As he finishes and the cheers fly for the song the man lights his pipe even with the flame close t his face its still hard to see but people not paying a lot of attention at that point they didn’t notice. Nimera and Groth at that time stand up and walk out quickly running to there tent as not to get as wet the stranger noticing this finishes his drink ready to follow is grabbed from behind by a paw “have another” says the enki behind him as he turns he reluctantly nods to the enki as not to raise suspicions. Drinking the ale an the enki talk with him and discover 2 things one he is a ranger that didn’t come from this world at that they were sceptical but the second thing they learnt was his name sapere in the common tongue. Finishing yet another mug he stands up stating that he’s going to find the inn the enki's greeting him farewell he leaves the tavern seeking the room for the night as he has obviously lost the two enki.

The cloaked figure stumbles into the inn from the rain soaked right through as he’s looks up shadow ever concealing his face he talks again in a gruff voice “I was told I could get a room for the night here” the fenki nodding quickly hands him a key. Taking it he walks up the stairs looking at the tag attached to the key 13 it says he looks tentively down the hall noticing a door with a 13 on it. Inside the room he finds a bath with hot water in it and another fenki filling it as if looking down at the fenki he says in a gruffer voice “leave me let me be” the fenki quickly departing thinking what a horrible man. As sapere takes his clothes of he suddenly winches in pain an old wound is shown on the side of his body but he takes no more notice and steps into the metal bath. As he starts to relax he hears a knock at the door as it slowly open its creaks on its hinges quickly Sapere in a gruff voice ”I thought I told you to leave me” the door slams shut nearly catching a paw as he hears heavy footsteps fade away he finishes his bath and retires for the night.

A slightly dark furred green eyed menki can be seen doing his katar in the guards training yard him concentrating yet relaxing his hand going one way then another he has a slight smile on his face he seams entire centred and focused on a far away place perhaps were he was born.Groth smiles as Nimera a  slender white fenki comes close to him staring into his green eyes he stares back into her deep blue eyes as she grins at him “I cooked some soup for you honey” she says as he accepts the food and sits down with her he smiles looking again of concern to her stomach !it will be soon” he asks Nimera nods “you should rest my love” again the fenki nods and she departs for her house. Groth finishes his soup and straps 2 swords to his belt both short sword but both have an unusual hilts on the main handle is rounded with bands shaven into it and it the top a rounded piece with an unusual symbol on it reminiscing to a four leaf clover the top of the hilt not straight like most it is a half circle with unusual markings on it a small rounded piece of metal comes from under the half circle to the bottom of the hilt.

As Groth walks out the sword master of the ojeveda guard walks up to him placing his paw o his shoulder “my student are you okay when will your son be born” he asks in a low wise voice. Groth turns to the sword master “soon my friend very soon” he reply’s smiling and bowing Groth walks out of the training yard smiling as the sun once again begins to shine. As Groth reaches the main gate to ojeveda an alarm bell rings and he hears the guards shouting “wild monster attack wild monster attack” quickly Groth take to a sprint running past the guards at the gate his two friends Agaroth and Sergul following shouting about a pack of wild strong tefusang attack a traders wagon. As he looks back to see if they are both keeping up he smiles as he seas Agaroth a black menki in chain mail close to him and Sergul Slightly further back sword drawn with shield of his family crest on it his grey fur scruffy and unbrushed as if he had just got up yet he always looked the same.

As Groth closes in he stops about 50 meters away from the attack site looking closely he seas three tefusang and a forth a little further back most likely there version of the alpha male. Agaroth and Sergul join him as he smiles to then Groth runs in past the three tefusang going directly for the one in the back Groth draws both swords. The tefusang and Groth making eye contact the tefusang slashes at Groth but with his quick reflexes manages to jump up on top of the claw slashing at the tefusangs head and jumping of behind the tefusang. The Tefusang turning Groth just manages to deflect the attack but losses a sword in the process Groth quickly gets back to his feet to see the second tefusang claw coming at him this time avoiding it cutting the claw clean of the tefusang. The tefusang growling in pain and taking a few steps back charges into Groth knocking him back down to the ground Groth losing his second sword frantically looks for his other not managing to find or get to any the tefusang now bearing down on him the grab the claw that he cut from the beast driving it down into the tefusang skull as it bends down and snorts into Groth's face. Groth seeing the tefusang tip over quickly rolls over to see his two friends finishing of the other three tefusang Groth muttering to himself retrieves his swords checking them carefully for dent and chips from the fight with the tefusang. Walking over to the other two Groth surveys the terrain and can see no signs of any other beast in the area helping the merchant gather his things he tells his two friends to help the merchant back and to bring rope and more men back so that they may drag the tefusang to there homes for food and for there hides not to mention anything else they maybe able to use from the carcass.

After about half an hour five enki return to the attack site from ojeveda as Groth turns back he catches a dark shape from the corner of his eye whipping around the shape has gone was he imagining it was his eyes playing tricks on him what magic is this he wonders. The five enki start to help Groth tie up the tefusang and drag them back to ojeveda as they enter the town dragging the beasts behind them the citizens let a roar out for the guards as they accept the applauds kids run up taking the tefusang from them helping other men of the village drag them back to the respective homes one of them heading toward the guards head quarters. The rest of the day was quite for Groth the captain hearing of Groth win over the beast he allows Groth to go home early to tend to his kill and his wife. Returning home Groth finds his wife slaving over his kill Groth runs up the stares telling his wife to take it easy and to rest his wife being so stubborn demands he gets some meat of it soon so she may at least cook dinner for them.Groth sighing gently skins the rest of the tefusang hanging the hide up to dry as he washes it down cutting meat from the kill he hands it inside to Nimera witch starts to cook for dinner. Removing the teeth from the tefusang and last of the meat he places the teeth into a plate and dumps the meat into a clean bucket he lifts them into the house. Nimera smelling the meat from the tefusang sighs as Groth lightly seasons it and loads it with salt then placing it in a cold place in the tent he smiles to Nimera and washes the tefusang teeth. Groth smiles as Nimera looks over “I was thinking about making our baby a necklace” Nimera smiles and site Groth down as she serves the food.

As Groth finishes up he pours some red liquor they keep in the house and suggests an early night so they may get up early the next morning for Groth's day of and go have a picnic. Nimera Nodding to Groth she smiles and finishes her red liquor looking over at Groth that is now pouring a bath for her Nimera picks herself to her feet and baths as Groth finishes his drink and slips in beside her. Drying of Nimera climbs into bed leavening groth to clean and inspect his swords shaking his head Groth places one sword away into a wooden box propping the second by the bed as he climes in cuddling into Nimera they fall asleep ready for the next day.

The sun shines in through the door of the tent the morning air cool as Nimera awakes she can see the shadow of her husband on the tent again practicing his katar. She smiles then smells food cooking on the fire seemingly coming from were Groth was suddenly Groth stops as if to sense something Nimera seas his shadow and can see him tentatively looking around after a few minuets he seams to look back and bends down to the ground. Appearing at the door of the tent he hands Nimera some soup made with tefusang and herbs from around ojeveda. Nimera accepts the soup watching Groth walking back outside sitting to eat his Nimera now feels something growing as if something was watching her shaking her head she mumbles “don’t be stupid” and eats the soup. Getting dressed and sitting beside Groth Nimera asks if he was ok he nod “It… it just feels like there’s something wrong ever since that man came to town I have been uneasy I feel as though imp being watched” he continues to tell about the shape he caught out the side of his after the tefusang attack on the merchant. Nimera sighs and goes and start making food for the day out Groth sits in deep thought until about an hour latter Nimera taps him on the shoulder ready to go Groth could have sworn only 5 minuets had passed. Standing up Groth smiles to Nimera fixing a dagger to his belt they walk away outside ojeveda to a place close by but a place were most don’t know of.

As Nimera sets the now dry and cleaned tefusang skin on the ground Groth is again bothered by a felling of someone watching them following them determined to not ruin the day he places it to the back of his mind. The day drags on and Groth and Nimera eat, drink and have a good time Groth pulls out an old pan flute playing a few tunes to his wife and unborn child. Even though the felling he put at the back of his mind continuously come to the front he has a happy day with his wife and as the sun begins to set over ojeveda they slowly pickup and return to there fair city.

They approach the gate of ojeveda and as always the tavern is full of life of shouting of music of song the two decide to go in and show face. As they enter hails are called out for the guard once again protecting there city Nimera smiles looking about for a place to sit as she notices Groths 2 friends moving other so they may gat a seat. Nimera tugging Groth clothes she runs of hugging both menki and Groth goes to the bar to order three beer and one red liquor for his wife. Laying some tria on the bar to pay for the order when it is ready his head is drawn to the stranger only known as sapere sitting in the corner again smoking a pipe a plate of half eaten food in front of him as he seams to be staring at Groth. Groth not knowing to make of the darkened stranger quickly turns his head back to brado paying for and taking the drinks back to his table. Some hours pass as Groth, Nimera, Agaroth and Sergul sit and chat with cheer in there hearts Groth suddenly noticing Nimera in apparent pain as quickly as he seas her he stands up with his friends and takes Nimera home. The stranger in the corner sees this and quickly departs soon after them as not to raise suspicious one of the ojeveda guards could have sworn to have heard the man say “It is time he will be born my task complete” but he passed it of as hearing things.

Groth arrives back at his house with his friends and Nimera quickly looking at his friends Groth nods as they both speedily depart to find a doctor both of them knowing that there friends child will be born soon. Groth comforts Nimera as he hears panting getting closer his friends stopping at the door allowing the doctor to enter they stand at both sides of the door like they are on watch keeping the city people back from wondering whets going on.  Groth emerges from the tent a few minuets latter whispering to Agaroth who then darts of again  “my child will be born tonight” Groth states the city people that new Groth and Nimera well start chatting among themselves exited about the baby. Agaroth returning with a sack full of items hands then to Groth wishing him luck again taking his post beside the door he smiles toward Groth “you had best get in there” Groth nods and enters the tent pulling a fabric like sheet down as a door.

The city people hearing Nimera in pain giving birth trying to help are promptly pushed back and blocked of by Agaroth and Sergul being both loyal to Groth they would never allow anyone to hurt them if he could. The birth lasts well into the early morning witch seams like an age to Groth, Nimera, Aragoth and Sergul. At around 3 a.m 7 hours after the doctor arrived a small faint cry can be heard coming from the tent. The people talking in a louder but still exited voice seas a flick of the fabric as the doctor emerges and walking away looking very tired. About half an hour later Groth emerges with a kitten in his arms raising it up slightly the people gathered let out a cheer placing the baby back into Groth smiles to her. Nimera still weak she gets Groth to help her and her baby up Groth and Nimera papering at the door of there tent the people settle down Nimera smiling he shall be called Alliva. The people let out another cheer as Groth helps Nimera back in the people get moved along by Groth’s two friends who after all are gone peak the heads inside the tent “there gone we will leave you but congratulations before we go. Don’t worry about work we will explain for you.” Groth nods to them as they walk of to there own homes.

The next three days are quite as the people of the city one by one visit and hand gifts in for the child. The first of the people to visit Groth and Nimera is Sergul and Agaroth. Closely followed by a brown and white striped menki with black tipped ears and black stripes going down his nose Groth sword master. As Garithor Enters Groth nods to him paying his respect Garithor leaves saying that he would see Groth in a few days. The fourth person to see alliva out of the town is a Menki with fur as black as night Groth commander Elor. As the last person enter and leaves Groth smiles to Nimera and is not seen further for another two days.

Wish list / some ideas to kick around
« on: August 24, 2006, 04:42:56 pm »
Elemental allignments for monsters and what spells affect them what dosent and what badly injures them. for example ulbas being ground beasts and being affected badly by wind spells or flying creatures to only be able to be attacked by projectile attacks such as energy arrow. Also mage elemental allignments such as a bad char choseing to be alligned with dark way and theyd hold higher lvls to it or do more dmg with it and even take less dmg from those spells.

A proper police system example and best place to use in the hydlaa city if your by harnquists and kill someone the police would come and charge you tria or kill you you also wouldnt be allowed in the town till you have the money.

more citizens like enak and spreed around a little more instead of going to go all the way to ojaveda to sell your hides.

more than one gold mine preferably one close to oja to make oja more independant city.

more looting npcs.

General Discussion / TS 2 Channel (public)
« on: August 18, 2006, 05:09:49 pm »
Hey guys just wanted to let you all know sov has setup and has had for a long time a public Teamspeak 2 server that we can chat in. Be greate to get ppl that play ps into this channel and get a laugh. anyway its upto you but if your interested you will need the client witch you can dl from here . a mic to talk with us and the server adress witch is hope ppl can make it and get a laugh with each other.

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