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Messages - acraig

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PlaneShift News and Rules / Forum Server Move
« on: August 15, 2016, 06:42:49 pm »
Hello Everybody.

The forums are moving to a new server on Aug 17.   The previous hosting provider was bought by another and thus they are moving infrastructure.    The forum software and database will be moved ( along with the bug tracker ) to a new host.    I am in the process of testing the new software on the new server now with a test data load from the forums.   

The only issue that I have is getting the DNS updates done so you might have to go to the main PlaneShift website for the next little while to get the ip address of the forums until I get that sorted out.



Is there a Coles Notes ( or CliffsNotes if you prefer ) to this?  Granted I have not been active for quite a while but I still check in from time to time.    If there something I can help resolve then I would be interested in that.

General Discussion / Re: The Great Screenshot Collection
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:18:44 pm »

Forum and Website Discussions / Sorry about the down time.
« on: December 17, 2014, 03:34:30 pm »
Sorry about the forums being down for the last bit.  Turns out ICANN needed domain name verification but they were using an old email address so I didn't get the notification and boom they had the domain name suspended.  So after some dancing around I think these issue should be resolved now.

Again sorry about the interruption.

Development Deliberation / Re: How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 08, 2013, 03:06:40 pm »
Ok, so we last left off we were looking at the psUserCommands::HandleCommand to see how it handles the /dig that is subscribes to.  So looking through this function it has a case for /dig and builds up the network message to send to the server.

Code: [Select]
psWorkCmdMessage work(cmd);

So taking a look at the psWorkCmdMessage definition I can see that this is a network message ( psWorkCmdMessage : public psMessageCracker ) that is used to send work commands to and from the server.

It has fields for the command, player, filter ( ie what we are 'digging' for ) and a repairSlotName ( which must be used elsewhere ).

The SendMessage command hands the data off to the static MsgHandler to be handled by the network (  msghandler->SendMessage(msg);  ).   I probably won't go into the details of the networking stuff because networking stuff is convoluted as it is.

But basically I now have a full path from keyboard entry, how it is passed around the GUI elements and how it ends up in the command handler and packaged up for delivery to the server.   

Development Deliberation / Re: How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 04, 2013, 12:18:15 pm »
Ok, so now the investigation is on the cmdhandler to see what sort of stuff relates to that.  I can see that there is also the psUserCommands ( which like the main command handler is owned by the psNetManager ).    When this psUserCommands object is created it "subscribes" to various commands
Code: [Select]
cmdsource->Subscribe("/dig",           this);

So basically "this" being the psUserCommands object will handle this /dig command when it gets it.

So what happens now is that when the ChatWindow does cmdsource->Publish(textToSend)  it will end up calling the psUserCommands::HandleCommand().     

So this is somewhat complex so I will try to diagram it out again to get an idea of how the command ends up getting to the psUserCommands::HandleCommand.

Updated Diagram:

Development Deliberation / Re: How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:35:57 pm »
So now inside the pawsChatWindow::OnKeyDown,  it handles the CSKEY_ENTER as well and calls a member function: SendChatLine() which in turn calls cmdsource->Publish(textToSend).

Looking at the pawsChatWindow header I can see that it inherits from psCmdBase which has the CmdHandler cmdsource.   So it's basically publishing this command to the CommandHandler to send out to its various subscribers. 

So the question becomes now where does this command handler get created?   By looking around a bit I can see that the psClient engine creates one main command handler.

\PlaneShift\PS\src\client\psnetmanager.cpp psNetManager::Initialize() is the actual place where it does 
Code: [Select]
cmdhandler = csPtr<CmdHandler> (new CmdHandler(object_reg));

This CmdHandler is then passed around to the various components on the client like the ChatWindow. For example when the pawsChatWindow is doing it's PostSetup it gets the CmdHandler from the psengine itself.
Code: [Select]
bool pawsChatWindow::PostSetup()
    if ( !psCmdBase::Setup( psengine->GetMsgHandler(), psengine->GetCmdHandler()) )
        return false;

So there is one global command handler that we publish stuff to.

Adding in a hacked together class diagram to get an idea of how the classes relate to each other.

Development Deliberation / Re: How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:05:52 pm »
So now looking in the pawsWidget base class and it's OnKeyDown() to see what it is doing.   It handles the CSKEY_ENTER!.   All it does is hand it off to the parent widget  ( return parent->OnKeyDown(keyCode,key,modifiers) )

I know that the pawsChatWindow is the parent of the edittextbox so now taking a look inside the pawsChatWindow to see what is going on in there.

Development Deliberation / Re: How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:00:45 pm »
Found pawsEditTextBox in  PlaneShift\PS\src\common\paws\pawstextbox.cpp  and pawsEditTextBox::OnKeyDown(...) looks like a good place to start. Since the /dig command ends with <Enter> this is probably the place to go.   So looking through this function there is stuff to handle the delete key, arrow keys, backspace, nothing to handle the enter key though yet.   It looks like it punts this back to the base pawsWidget class and calls the base pawsWidget::OnKeyDown instead.  So off to that class to see what it does.   

Development Deliberation / How does it work? /dig command
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:50:54 pm »
So I've been away for a while and I've forgotten how a lot of the code base works.   So I thought it might be interesting to document my process of how I go about figuring how stuff works again.  Since I like crafting and gathering I thought I would start with something like the /dig command.  Should be easy enough to figure out how that works. 

So to start off with... I know that the windows are defined by XML files that layout the widgets and graphics.  So I know that I can use the /dig command in the chat window so I start in /PlaneShift/PS/data/gui/chat.xml and look for things like input or edit or stuff like that.   Sure enough I find:

Code: [Select]
<widget name="InputText" factory="pawsEditTextBox" alwaysontop="yes">

So this is my first starting point in the code.  I need to look at pawsEditTextBox and see how it handles input.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: flyspray infected by spambot.
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:23:47 am »
I've deleted the spam tasks and comment that I could find.  Let me know if you find any more.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: flyspray infected by spambot.
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:04:10 pm »
Talad gave me some scripts to run from the flyspray guys. So I am going to try to do that over my lunch break tomorrow sometime ( depending on how busy I am )

Complaint Department / Re: This game is not fun
« on: September 05, 2011, 03:38:35 pm »

Questing sucks and it's very boring. So is crafting, mining and training. Even RP, you will find those snobs who will label you. I really just go on ZP to chat or to duel. Occasionally I train, If I have nothing else to do.

I have some ideas on crafting but I want to flesh them out before I approach Talad with them.  Since my time is rather sporadic I would rather have a plan together first. 

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Little issues with the new forum theme
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:00:51 pm »
hm, i have send a pm, marked it for being saved...and it didn't
I wonder if it was even sent ;]
Of course to Acraig :)
Acraig, let me know!

as about the logo image overlaying something else, that's easly fixed with z-index.

Ok, I will see what I can setup there ( details in the PM ).  The themes are actually not that complicated to setup and use and I just took the first one I could find and make it "PlaneShift" like.   You might want to check out the SMF website to see if there are other themes that might have a good look and feel as well and we can offer some more theme options.

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