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Messages - Lokked

Pages: [1]
VisualC++ / Re: New to programming, advice needed.
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:05:16 pm »
Some primary resources for beginner C++:

Text/Diagram based - Accelerated C++:

Video-based Tutorials - The best I've found are created by Youtube User XoaXdotnet:

And here is a link to the first video in his beginner C++ tutorial Playlist:

Here is a link to start you off with 3D Development using OPEN GL. There are 5 vids in this series:

Please note, the knowledge gap between understanding C++ Syntax (First set of lessons) to Rendering a 3D image is extremely large. It involves an intermediate knowledge of the way memory is interacted with, and an advanced knowledge of something called Pointers. Here is a link discussing Pointers -

When you think you're done with learning Memory Management and Pointers in C++, try this Quiz (warning - don't let this scare you):

Good Luck! C++ is the best language to learn to program in. If you want advanced stuff once you figure you've learned enough C++, search for Inline Assembly.


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