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Messages - Rigwyn

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 136
General Discussion / Re: Forum activity
« on: November 08, 2020, 05:06:02 pm »
Just curious, how many people are playing these days?
Is the RP just gm events or are there enough players that there is spontaneous rp?

Unreal Engine / Re: Breast physics?
« on: August 12, 2020, 01:36:01 pm »
Off topic, but this totally brought me back to 1985!
Excellent video.

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: August 03, 2020, 02:44:47 pm »
No. Midbies are not special snowflakes like newbies and are not entitled to their own thread. They don't get hand holding and coddling for lacking knowledge or their asses kissed for being here first and in many cases, being crappy players... but I won't go there..

Heh… quite judgmental of midbie players.

I bet Damola would be a midbie. But played by a crappy player? Well… make your own opinion.

Yeah, I was just joking around.
How've ya been, Damola? Still playing these days?

Is it a rework of the Oja gold mine between the crater and the Gobble huts?

Just guessing wildly based mostly on the gold-ish colored veins in the stone.
Wherever it is. its a nice improvement. It looks a lot more like a mine than an ordinary hill.

Unreal Engine / Re: High resolution pictures of the current game
« on: May 20, 2020, 03:47:18 pm »
Nice  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: Steam
« on: September 02, 2019, 11:30:04 am »

Steam sounds like an excellent idea if you want players.

A generic search (without the magic word "planeshift") turns up every other free game first.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: November 25, 2018, 07:19:23 pm »
"Our conventional reality is based on a set of axioms."

a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

So then it is real if others agree or if we perceive it to be true as with Flat Earth before we learned that the earth was spherical... correction, an "oblique spheroid".  That consensus was once wrong and that which was evident, was not so accurate.

I know what you are saying intuitively, but this is a sticky part when defining "real" or "reality". It depends to "some extent" on judgement, assumptions, and the interpretation and application of measurements. Once again, the subjective slips in.

"My point is that it would be unwise to seek out paranormal abilities with the methods that Rigwyn was promoting, that his methods have no scientific or proven basis and may result in delusion as it is normally understood."

an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Like believing in a spherical world when the rest of the world believes the world is flat.. just like the map. I think the "firmly maintained" clause is what is important here. We have to admit that as much as we may like our theories (scientific, magickal, artistic or whatever), we need to know that we could be quite wrong and we need to be ok with that.

Let me clarify something, tools such as magick in it's various forms have benefits that do not necessarily have anything to do with the "paranormal". Some folks explain magick in psychological terms ie. programming/priming your unconscious mind, some explain it as a kind of "energy" or as some sort of "divine" action or jokingly "spooky action at a distance". Regardless of the paradigm used to explain it, if it brings one results, then it does not really matter much "how" it works, but "if" it works "for the individual" -- this is a subjective art, not objective science. An example would be if three people were to theorize about why the placebo effect works. We know it exists and we work to minimize or maximize it without having a suitable explanation for why or how it sometimes works.

"Let me lay out a perspective, casting runes, tarot, etc.. can give a subjective insight into oneself."

-- Just like the Rorschach test. People project onto the ink blots what is inside them. Afterwards, the testee's comments are analyzed. Some folks use Tarot cards, Runes, and other forms of divination in a similar way. Some claim the instrument reveals what is inside, some claim the instrument works via some other paradigm. In the end, if it works for the individual, then it's useful.

Lastly, I agree that tinkering with beliefs can be hazardous in some cases, but not in all cases. We change our beliefs on a regular basis without realizing it. Growing up, our care takers and authority figures play a large role in the formation of our beliefs and values. We can choose to let others ie. "society", "science", or whomever we put in charge, dictate or gatekeep our beliefs, or we can choose to take the reigns and do this in a more deliberate fashion.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: November 20, 2018, 08:35:32 pm »
1. absolutely correct
2. it depends on what "it" is.

Now, how about a definition of what "real" is? What makes something real?

Are thoughts, perceptions, emotions, your "self" real? Or are you nothing but your physical body?

Of what value is inductive reasoning?
Where would be be today in terms of scientific achievement without imagination ( which is not real?).

Im not asking these questions just to be a boogersnot, but rather, Im trying to engage with you in thoughtful discussion.

Did Einstien, Newton, and Hawkings cave into consensus reality and limit themselves to what everyone agrees is truth, or did they dare to get messy and experiment with reality? Surely they dared to experiment with seemingly foolish ideas.

As for the cult stuff, I've done quite a lot of reading on the topic and find it quite fascinating. Rick Ross had a very informative site for a long time. Not sure if its still around or not.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: November 20, 2018, 10:18:54 am »
Oh, come on. Join the conversation and share some ideas. How is philosophy not subjective?  Are we capable of being truly objective or is our objectivity flawed or an imitation aided by the use of tools? Where exactly do we draw the line between the physical world and the mental world? What is reality? What is creativity?  Do straight lines exist?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: November 20, 2018, 07:44:34 am »
That's what I originally thought, Zerxzz. I understand and respect your point of view, but I have found that there is more to reality than the objective perspective. The subjective world is the other side of the coin, and a side that is often dismissed. The subjective world is larger than you may think and is home to art, music, philosophy  religion, magick and more.

One of the ideas central to chaos magick is that belief can be used as a tool. The chaote adopts and dismisses beliefs as needed. And no, this does not cause mental inconsistency as I had origionally feared. You know what you know, and one only needs to adopt a belief temporarily.

General Discussion / Re: Kran nouns, both amateur and pro
« on: October 21, 2018, 07:34:43 pm »
The work put into this is admirable, but keep the audience in mind- most of whom would struggle with simply staying in character or writing any more than a sentence.  ;D

Wish list / Re: Restrictions on using Glyphs in Hydlaa
« on: September 30, 2018, 05:28:16 pm »
Just food for thought:

The no swords in town thing came from role players who were tired of some of the immersion breaking nonsense that was happening in the game. They were tired of people trying to fight and rob them in the middle of town right in front of the guards every day. I think to them, it was silly on top of that. While overkill in my opinion, I think the intention was meant to fix that.

Then, the no swords rule became something people shouted at each other just to put them down like this:
   "Put your weapons away. [you dumb noob]."

Does your desire to restrict users from carrying glyphs into the city stem from a problem like this?

In my not-so-humble opinion, this kind of defensive rule making ( make everything safe and bullet proof ) may make sense in real life, but is not so conducive to exciting role play in a RPG type setting ( e,g, The no-so Wild West, or 'Gently tapping nerf swords like gentlemen' .  Again, just opinion.

The standard counter argument to this was "Why can't you guys go to camp banished and do that shit over there." Obviously, that suggestion was quite silly too.

  "Hey Yarl, let's we be bad asses me hearty, and travel out to the empty occ camp and threaten each other with thyne pointy metal objects. "

  "Yo ho ho, Santapwnzer149, me can't do that. We ain't even drinkith ale and slurred Ragnar the Red yet [nub~!]"

Translation: There was no ic reason to go there, and good ooc reason to avoid it.

Good Luck, and Whisper bless!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« on: August 19, 2018, 03:12:29 pm »
It used to be that guilds in general were good for instilling a sense of unity within the playerbase. They had the tendency to divide and isolate people a little, but that was ok.  With guild houses, people were completely isolated when within a guild house. This was ok when there were lots of active players. Once the population dwindled, the isolation of players made the game look vacant. This was very bad for the game. It meant that new players would come on, see that nobody where there and leave.

I would really ask anyone who's considering buying a guild house to ask them selves, aside from having an amenity, what purpose will the guild house have, and what impact will it have on the game and the community.

I was never a fan of guild house RP.  From my POV, the house isn't what made RP fun, but rather it was the unique ideas that various players brought into the game. Personalities, situations, conflicts, friendships, alliances, lies, theft, backstabbing, betrayal, trade, yadda yadda...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: June 03, 2018, 03:39:14 pm »
We need more people in PS that are actually into grim occult stuff, it would make the suspension of disbelief in Dakkru/BF advanced RP more plausible for a mature audience.

I've always been interested in an adult (non-sexual) rating and crowd for the game. I wouldn't want to see this turned into another smut shop, but the pg/g rating that the game is supposed to have is way too limiting.

Reading about Hermeticism, Qabalah, Tree of Life, Chaos Magick.   

Chaos magick?

I kind of wish you were my dad, Rigwyn.

It's good stuff, Volki. The chaos magick facebook crowd is full of idiots with a sprinkling of intelligent and insightful folks, but the book suggestions that you see and the downloadable files are the way to go if you want to learn about it.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: 'Sup
« on: May 20, 2018, 02:56:00 pm »
Reading about Hermeticism, Qabalah, Tree of Life, Chaos Magick.   
Interesting stuffs ( and very different from my usual way of thinking )

Working, eating, sleeping... not necessarily in that order.

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