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Topics - Rigwyn

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Wish list / The Death Realm Needs some TLC
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:17:29 am »

The Death Realm Could use Some Improvement.

I think the Death Realm would be less off-putting to players if one could be more productive while there. Having things to do there might help to encourage longer stays and would at least give people a reason to park their characters there. More role playing props and space to move around would be an improvement.

My point of view is from both a role playing perspective and a gaming perspective. It is my opinion that the death realm as it currently is, does little to promote either area of interest. Rather than just complaining about it, I would like to point out the problems that I see and provide what I think are possible constructive solutions.

What is good about it.

I like the dark and gritty feel that it has. It is a terrific place for dark, nasty RP that might not look right against a bright, sunny backdrop. Also, from a training/grinding perspective, you can die and come back immediately without penalty. Settings wise, there is a good bit of mystery to the death realm if you read the books. Visually, there are things that leave you wondering - like the huge skeleton and the citadel. This is great, visually.

What it lacks.

It feels barren and desolate. I get the death and loneliness angle, but I think the emptiness is off putting rather than haunting. Also, it does not look like there is room for habitation. Where do the people who live there stay? Why is there no evidence of this?

From a gaming perspective, it lacks things to do. You can train down there to a very limited degree, but once you run out of resources ( mana, potions, whatever ), you need to return to the upper level to get these things.

Also as far as space and mobility goes, it feels like you are on a long, winding track rather than on a plane. In many areas, you can only got forward and backward. It lacks width if that makes any sense. If feels like you are on a track or a roller coaster for the most part.

Things that I think would make it better:

To make permanent or long term stays in the DR plausible:

* A way to quickly replenish mana and hit points.
* More mobs to train against. ( diverse mobs with a full spectrum of difficulty)
* A place to craft and a source of resources

To make role play more interesting:

* Places to hide
* Jails and cages
* Usable devices for torture and restraint.
* Devices or places designed for rituals, sacrifices, and so on
* Kitchens with meat grinders and other morbid devices.
* Perhaps some way of communicating with those above - some sort of magical device for contacting the living and dead ( perhaps at the cost of one's health or something )

Just food for thought.

General Discussion / Planeshift on Darknet Season 1, Ep. 6
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:44:49 am »
Not sure if anyone has heard of this, but I just got to watching season 1, episode 6 of a TV series called "Darknet" and noticed that around the beginning, one of the characters is shown playing Planeshift and getting banned from the forum by Talad. :)

I thought Darknet was kind of lame ( first ep was ok ), so I don't really want to promote it, but if curious, it's available on Netflix.

The Hydlaa Plaza / R U ok with rUK?
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:21:22 pm »
So... the votes are coming in a little at a time. The polls say no, but only time will tell. So what does the potential breakup of Scotland from the rest of the UK mean to you? Do you have preference as to where this goes? Any insights into what the implications will be?

Sound off :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Eugenics
« on: September 12, 2014, 04:52:58 am »


For those who are unfamiliar with Eugenics, its basically the practice of improving the human gene pool by preventing those with undesirable genetic traits from reproducing. This can be accomplished in a number of ways such as: forced sterilization, discouraging reproduction, social pressure, murder, etc.

I'm not sure if this counts, but when criminals are imprisoned for life - or at least from youth through middle age, they are effectively kept from breeding. One might argue that this is an unintentional form of eugenics as in the long term, if their violent criminal behaviour is indeed tied to their genes, then they are effectively being removed from the gene pool.

Some would argue that this could be a good thing. For example, if you are expecting, you might want to know ahead of time if you are going to have a baby with Downs syndrome so you can terminate the pregnancy and try again. Some folks would consider this murder, or simply immoral, while others would see this as merciful or responsible. My question here is how do you decide if it is right, wrong, wise, foolish, or whatever?

Would it be possible to gently steer the human races towards one that is less prone to inherited genetic disorders and weaknesses, or is mankind generally too corrupt to do this in a fair and responsible way? Is there a fair and responsible way at all?

Lastly, is it possible for people to correctly determine whether or not humanity would be better off or worse off with the elimination of certain genetic traits? If so, does the benefit of doing so outweigh the moral opposition?


The Hydlaa Plaza / What are you, exactly?
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:11:46 am »
So here's a fun question that's kind a simple at face value, but gets a little more tricky as you dig into it.

What are you, exactly?

If you cut off an arm or a leg, you are still you.

If you could cut off everything from the stomach down and your arms, nose and ears, you would still be you, right? If so, then you are not these parts.

If with the aid of advanced life support equipment, you could cut off everything from the neck down and still live, you would still be you, right? There would be no loss of self...

And if someone else could have their head attached to your now headless body, they would still be themselves.. they would not be you. Right?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton?
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:45:19 am »
Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton?

Huh? What's this? Europanto? Esper-what?

Just curious about how many (or if any) folks here speak, or are learning Esperanto?

Wish list / A Grappling Hook
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:33:20 pm »
I wish for a grappling hook.

This item would be fired like a bow, and if it connects to the target, it would drag the user up to wherever it connects. The user would then need to perform a mounting manuver that enables them to stand on the nearest flat surface.

The item should be available via quest and should not require a mount to obtain.

An example of use:

1. Fire at top of cliff, statue, or tower to get on top.

2. Fire at side of wall to scale it. Once pulled up to the hook, you would need to lower yourself or climb from there.

3. Use it to safely lower yourself down the side of the winch or bronze doors cliffs to explore the chasm below or pick plants that grow on verticle surfaces. (spelunking)

4 Fire at npc or player to pull them to you - or you to them if they are more massive than you.

A Skill level could determine your chances of success, the distance at which you can connect, and your ability to move from the hook to a mountable surface.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Nexus Vomitus - Your thoughts?
« on: March 25, 2014, 07:53:53 pm »

So what do you all think about this chick who Pukes Rainbows?

One one hand, I see the creative side to this, but on the other hand, I think its kind of degrading. I'm not really sure what I think about this, to be quite honest. There are worse things a person can do to make a dollar - or "art" if you want to look at that side of the coin.

If I ignore the whole objectification side of the coin and just try to think about what it says or expresses as a work of art, I get some interesting ideas. I can see a lot of positive and negative messages here.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Wanted: witty meme
« on: February 13, 2014, 09:32:37 pm »

There should be a meme for this photo!
(Either the whole photo or just the funny looking woman on the right. )

Any thoughts?

Original link ( Just in case they don't allow cross linking )

General Discussion / A Dice Based Roleplay System - Discussion
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:27:38 am »
A Dice Based Roleplay System - Discussion

So a few of us (Allena, Roled and I ) have been tossing around the idea of trying out some dice based RP within Planeshift. The idea here is to run events large and small using a D&D-like point system instead of the stats and abilities that the game offers via the mechanics.


Because it would be interesting to try. It's difficult to incorporate the game's stats directly into role play for various reasons that I won't mention here. Let's not digress.

A brief overview:

So the basic idea here is to structure an event like this:

* One player acts as a DM. They will design a campaign or quest for others to play. It could be short or long, it could be made for one sitting or multiple.

* Each player would make a character ( preferably a new one ) following the system that we will outline, then submit a character sheet. The character sheet basically shows your charcter's starting stats and tells a little bit about them.

* The DM would then try to tailor their campaign or quest to the participating players.  You really need to have a good match. The campaign should be palatable to the players, and the players should have working chemistry and a common goal or reason to partake in this quest.

* When actions arise and players attempt to do things, the /roll command is used to determine success and so on. The DM would have the final say as they could include their own judgement.

* The DM would also award experience points and money which the player could in turn use to increase their stats or buy new items.

This so far is just a rough overview. I'll defer to Ascomanni for the specifics. Give her a few days to reply and fill in the gaps. She knows much more about this than I.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Here Be Dragons - An introduction to critical thinking
« on: December 30, 2013, 11:51:01 pm »

I found this by accident while searching for information about the literal use of the phrase "Here be dragons" on ancient maps. Anyways... its good stuff...

General Discussion / Azure Spirit Screenshot Collection
« on: December 23, 2013, 03:59:27 am »
In the spirit of the great screenshot collection and Arcane Chrysalis collection threads, I present you with the first pic of the new "Azure Spirit" screenshot collection thread.

( Notice the new FlameON Skin  :thumbup: )

The Hydlaa Plaza / Doctor Who?
« on: September 27, 2013, 12:36:26 am »
Has anybody seen this show?


In all seriousness, I remember seeing very early episodes of this playing on the TV when I was a kid - back in the 70's. I liked some of the episodes, but others, I just didn't get at the time. I never really followed it seriously.

Fast forward about 3 to 4 decades. So I'm talking to my son and out of nowhere he starts talking to me about a TARDIS. I was like, "What the hell? Flashback!" He continues explaining to me about how its bigger on the inside than the outside, blah blah blah. I said yes, I know - It's used for traveling though time and space. He was shocked that I knew this and vice versa.

Anyway... I've taken a new interest in this show and have started watching the episodes from 2005 (Ninth Doctor). Is anyone else interested in this?

The Hydlaa Plaza / What the Hell ?!
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:18:28 am »

The Hydlaa Plaza / A Guessing Game
« on: September 11, 2013, 01:48:39 am »

Try this.

Pick a city or place, any city, any place. You have five seconds to make your choice.

Read the questions below when done.

1. Why did you pick this place?
2. How many other places came to mind before you chose this particular one?
3. How many places do you know of in total? Ten or more? Twenty? Hundreds?
4. Of all the cities that DID NOT COME TO MIND when I asked you to pick one, where you FREE to pick one of these cities?
5. Would you agree that your choices and ideas are limited to those that pop into your head?
6. Why did that handful of places pop into your head? Do you know where they came from or exactly why they popped in there?

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