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Topics - Rigwyn

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In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 01, 2012, 06:20:03 am »
Black and Blue

I. Bitter Remorse

     Without a soul in which to confide her deepest fears and sorrows, a slender Dermorian woman with strawberry blond hair sat atop a grassy hill and stared at the burial well across the wide, open field.  Although not its official name, it was commonly called the howling well due to its sorrowful expression. To her, it was cold and hardened; It looked like it was grieving for the loss of loved ones - wailing day and night, cycle after cycle; its cries and moans forever falling upon deaf ears as the foul taste of decay drifted from its lips.

     Zalloh knew that feeling of sorrow and helplessness quite well. It had been about twenty five cycles ago when she broke down from years of sadistic, methodical abuse and sought resolution of her woes in a way that would leave upon her, an indelible mark. At the moment, it seemed the only reasonable solution.

      He was small and frail, with thin black arms and small pointed horns on his shiny little head. As if it was yesterday, she could see him staring back at her from beneath the water's reflective surface as she held his soft, fleshy neck in her hands and forced his head to the bottom of the washtub. He screamed and cried for help, but his words were not more than a chain of bubbles and garbled speech. She held her breath - biting her lip and cried . She was dizzy with confusion, life altering stress, and dysphoria that just wouldn't go away, until her son's his face went soft and the last of his air rose to the top. She could smell and taste his breath as the last few bubbles burst and his life slipped from her hands.
     The time that had passed since that horrible day did little to assuage her guilt. Holding her ripened face in her hands as she placed her elbows on her knees, she rocked back and forth until her depression was replaced with silence. As she stared at the stony entrance to the burial well, she spoke aloud,

     "What good are gods when they do not answer? Are they deaf or do they just not care enough to intercede?"

      Leaning back, she placed her palms against the grass and stretched her legs forward - crossing them at her ankles. Feeling a tender twig beneath her fingers, she picked it from the ground and held it in front of her for a look.  It was a starphire - with bright blue petals and a long, tender green stem. "Is this just coincidence, or another omen?", she asked herself. Twirling it between her thumb and fore finger, a lonesome tear streamed down her cheek. Smelling the flower, she repeated to herself her husband's favorite taunt, "So tender, fragrant, and wild. You're like a starphire, my dear. So quick to blossom and attract, and quicker yet to whither, rot and die without notice or concern."

      She let the lonely flower fall from her hand - feeling too weak and miserable to hold it, too overwhelmed to even care. It was so much easier not to care about anything all, but her empathy was her last shred of humanity. She had guarded it for so long and was determined to never let it go, but what was the point now? Nothing really mattered - her life had been ruined over and over again. The only thing left to hope for was true death and the eternal silence that would follow.

[ This is the beginning of an open event. As always, feel free to join in should the opportunity present itself somehow (And its quite likely that it will).  Remember, all inforrmation in this post is strictly OOC and cannot be dragged in and used by your character. ;)  ]

Wish list / Extensible label on top of char
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:47:46 am »
(Before someone looks at the registered date on my account, I played for over a year)


There are times when its important to let other role players know that your description should be checked. For example, if your character is in a state that would normally be quite obvious - visually. For example, your character is a child, your character is visibly upset, manic, disheveled, cloaked,  reeks like sewage, or is covered in bright green paint.

(For those who are incapable of reading between the lines, the thing about the bright green paint is there only to reinforce my point - its not something that is likely to happen ...*rolls eyes*)

In cases like this, especially when one's appearance/description has suddenly changed,its not uncommon for people to not notice the change. Checking people's description every time you run into them gets tiring - especially when the other person has a page and a half description and you are rushing to keep up with the conversation at the same time.


Allow the player to add a tiny string just above their name tag. This way they can add a tiny note to alert other players to their changed appearance.

For example, a player might add a simple word like "smiling, frowning, child, injured, cloaked, painted(again, refer to note above), wet, floured, unconscious, please_read, or whatever to quickly convey some useful info about the state of their character.

I do realize that this could be abused... Surely some nitwit will set it to something like "--=( I'm dope,yo? )=--", "justin beeber" or n00bl3t sp3ak but the ability to use this could also be revoked, so I don't see it being a huge issue. On the contrary, if I see people put dumb stuff there, it will serve to let me know that I need not bother trying to rp with them as no serious role player would do something like that.

If allowing a word or tiny phrase is too much, then how about just allowing the player to flip on a flag - putting a "!" above their head - or a shebang "#!" If the bang is too wowish o_O.

I think this is.a fairly simple and generic solution. For those who hate it, perhaps it could be hidden in options?

Whisper Bless!

General Discussion / Roleplay Preferences: List Yours Here
« on: November 13, 2011, 10:51:00 am »
Role Play Preferences
To participate, simply reply listing your likes and dislikes, then put a link in your sig to your preferences page as I did with mine below.

This is intended as a place to list what you as a player, like and dislike regarding role play. The idea behind this list is to make it easier for players to quickly figure out what is compatible with which players. 

For example, if you see in my preferences list, that I am not interested in plain vanilla romance, but am interested in dark, immoral plots, playing both victims and criminals, then you will have a pretty good idea of what I am open to and vice versa. You may wish to PM me with an idea or to simply attempt to interact with me in character.

I'll Start in the next reply.

To make a link in your sig, just add this from the Forum Profile window replacing the red text with the link your your preferences post. Make sure to remove the * from the URL tags!

[*url=http://HTTP://URL-TO-YOUR-PAGE]My Role Play Preferences[/*url]

General Discussion / Black Flame: Anyone Interested in writing?
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:50:33 am »
I'm interested in getting some Black Flame RP and collaborative story writing going.

Anyone interested?

I'm interested in perhaps keeping the character killing and torture etc... OUT of the game, and simply writing about it collaboratively in a forum thread. This is mainly because most people don't enjoy playing victims - or dying for that matter. It also shifts the experience a little bit away from gaming and more towards story writing - which in my opinion is at the heart of good role playing.

Pretty much everything else would be done in game... Planning, recruiting, conspiring, betraying, and so on..

You don't need to write Black Flame characters, but obviously, this would involve helping to write stories that involve them.

We could say that what is written about offline is equally a part of your character's background. It just needs to be written in such a way that it believably *could have happened* in game.

My goal is to produce some good quality stories that others will enjoy following. Again, the only requirement is an interest in writing.

So who's in? Who has questions?

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