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Messages - Rigwyn

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General Discussion / Re: Intro to Roleplay (1st discussion)
« on: December 03, 2017, 02:24:10 pm »
Pace, audience and length of post is definitely something to take into consideration. Shorter posts are sometimes better in faster moving games or where there are a lot of active characters in one place. I know some folks ( not in ps ) use a rotation instead of just posting at any time.

Some of my favorite stories were ones that took each player a looooooong time to post. Yes, they were painfully slow and appeared action-less to outsiders, but when you got that post, you would read every word eagerly while smiling from cheek to cheek as the words hammered the buttons in your mind. Some of the slow posters would include all kinds of story-like details that really added depth and color to the evolving story.

Many people don't realize that when your character is in a hot situation, they are likely to be getting downed with tells at the same time that they are trying to type. That and some players play multiple characters in multiple games at once. I used to play up to 4 characters a time when things were slow to medium paced and then make some exit from other games when things got too crazy in one. I'm not the only one here who did this....  ( I won't name names.. ya'll know who you are ) .

Complaint Department / Re: I want my account to be deleted.
« on: November 21, 2017, 02:11:31 pm »
Lex iniusta non est lex.

Fancy Pants :)

Complaint Department / Re: I want my account to be deleted.
« on: November 16, 2017, 08:49:11 pm »
Edico, just click on profile and then on delete this account.

If you want your in game accounts deleted, it may take some time. An alternative is to change your password to some huge ass string of random text and the forget about it.

When the last few players who stayed despite the population shrinkage leave, it will imho be dead. All that will be left is a trickle of new players who will treat it as a single player rpg and leave as soon as they get bored.

Part of the problem is that the game is not discoverable. How are new people going to learn about it?

In all honesty, the game itself is far better than it was when I joined in '07. The community grew toxic for various reasons and the spirit of the game kind of fizzled out. It used to be about exploring, newness, experience, wonder, meeting new players, characters and so on.

Perhaps a with a huge infusion of new players and a thorough letting go of what Planeshift is, once was, and should be, it could become something once again.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Void of the Mind
« on: October 28, 2017, 10:49:06 am »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Real life - messing around with magick
« on: October 13, 2017, 06:14:45 am »
 I would have interpreted Marion's quote as "man invented the concept of a god" or perhaps "there is no god, you're the captain of your own ship". I didn't think he was implying that man is the over powered God of human lore.

As for Geoni's point, I tend to agree. I have no evidence of gods or spirits. Magick however is not the kind of magic that Hollywood portrays. It's simply a means of manifesting your will.

While some folks explain magick in terms of energy or spirits, some also explain it in terms of psychology. Regardless of the explanation used it either works or it doesnt. What works is kept, what doesn't is discarded.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Real life - messing around with magick
« on: October 11, 2017, 07:20:21 am »
I'm not a fan of the God solution since it just moves the problem from one place to another.. You end up with a deterministic universe and an unexplainable god. I do agree though with shifting towards inductive reasoning. The deterministic universe still causes problems for religious folks even if you make God the prime mover.

As for loops and randomness, chaos theory starts to get interesting here.

I'm more inclined to leave the question of origin an unknown than to plug it up with a religious diety.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Real life - messing around with magick
« on: October 10, 2017, 07:59:48 pm »
Summa Theologiae.

The determinism you're talking about is a little different from free will. Eventually you come to the point that there must be a first cause with no cause: "God." If you don't believe in God, you should reconsider this approach.

Thats a stretch. If there was a prime mover of some sort, then who's to say it was your god or that it still exists for that matter? I can just as easily create a character and claim that it is the origin of everything.

If we are going to argue that God always was, then it would make more sense to just argue that the universe has always existed instead.

We have better reason to argue that God is a character that some human rolled and that the universe has always been there.

General Discussion / Re: RP Not Required?
« on: October 10, 2017, 08:50:33 am »
Burn the witch!  :devil:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Real life - messing around with magick
« on: October 10, 2017, 08:46:18 am »
It's all a matter of the mechanism, the method of action.  You guys are half-way there, but so are most people.

Feel free to elaborate, Can-ned.

From a purely physical point of view, a thought, as I understand, is the result of electrical/chemical neural activity and that activity is part of a longer chain reaction. From this point of view free will and choice are not what they appear to be but rather the result of prior chemical changes. We perform an action or have a thought unwittingly and then claim credit for it.

That's all fine and dandy but chain reactions like that have a starting point and starting point has to come from somewhere. It could be that order and determinism are temporary....

Some folks cry God at this point and abandon the problem altogether but even if you make that argument it bites you in the ass again when you ask what made this god.

I find the idea a chaos appealing even though it doesn't give any insight into an orign.

General Discussion / Re: Player-given quests
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:26:29 pm »
This is one of the reasons why I tried to make Rigwyn operate through proxies or hired help. Sometimes he offered money for such favors but more often he would exchange a favor for a favor.

This pulls more people into your game.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Real life - messing around with magick
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:20:03 pm »
I'm talking about exploring, experimenting and learning about shit, but people here are opposed to that sort of thing.

Not everyone here is like that.
According to definition, that weird "magick" is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will". Mundane actions or rituals - doesn't matter, the latter just helping accumulate more energy to cause change according to the law of transformation of quantity into quality, so nothing really supernatural here, sorry. But to me it's only the external side of it. There is also an internal one dealing with psychology and self-exploration. People in the modern world are so obsessed with the outer world, results and goals it's disgusting. The inner psyche is infinitely greater than this tiny globe we're living on and much, much more exciting. Trust me.
However, I strongly disagree about viewing free will as an illusory predetermined choice. Who determined it? "God"? Your landlord? Humans are mortal and have no power over you except economic one, matey.

By predetermined, I mean that our choices and reasons for choosing are just the results or consequences of prior actions and events. That we have as much choice in what we will do as a chain of toppling dominoes.

On the other hand, I'm in the process of reevaluating my views on hard determinism. You could say that hard determinism cannot exist because a first cause would breAk the rule of all new actions being the result of prior actions.

General Discussion / Re: Entering the Death Realm
« on: October 02, 2017, 08:48:51 am »
I agree, making a short cut is bad for the story as it lessens what the death realm is.

Read the dark way books. They contain information on how to summon, invoke and evoke the dead,shadows and demons. Why die if you can just get a minion to do your bidding?

Likewise, if dark way is ooc for your character then collaborate with a dark way mage or dakkruist.

Collaborative Stories / Re: Dwellers in the Death Realm
« on: September 29, 2017, 06:08:04 am »
(( watching this >.^ ))

General Discussion / Re: RP Not Required?
« on: September 21, 2017, 06:01:50 pm »
I couldn't agree more, Damola. Creativity seems to flourish in the absence of oppression and criticism. The player  (and GM) needs to feel free to fail as many times as it takes on their road to working their character. My criticism of fellow players (and GMs) and how they played ran contrary to this principal. It's a mistake that i hope not to repeat.

"I am still leaning on how to RP and there is a limit of the immersion I seem to be able to hold up to. I found that I do not enjoy playing a char which is completely opposite to what I believe in. "

The funny thing about this is that our characters come from within us. They are to some extent, a small facet of who and what we are even if we think that they are a complete opposite or fabrication. I found that role playing can help to reveal that which is hidden within - especially if you ask yourself ( your unconscious mind, your muse, or the universe ) to inspire you with rich symbols and ideas for your next role playing session and then just trust that it will happen.

As for Rigwyn, I've been letting him loose in real life just a bit. Not the nasty, murderous part of the character, but the anti-religious grouch who likes to dabble with the occult and shatter taboos. Perhaps one day I'll find myself with lots of time on my hands  and stick him back into the game. For now, it's fair to assume that the character has gone into reclusion and is festering with resentment as he makes preparations for something terrible.

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