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Topics - gonger

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The Hydlaa Plaza / RIP Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 – October 27, 2013)
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:56:11 pm »
A great bard has left us. There will never be another one like him.
Thank you for many great songs, and two great concerts.

Gonger, shattered.

A great writer, the last giant from the Golden Age of Science Fiction, and always a critical voice.
Important works include the Gateway books, Man Plus, and The Space Merchants. The latter (written in collaboration with Cyril M. Kornbluth) is especially interesting today for its views on the power of large companies over politics.
Thank you for many great books, and say "hi" to Cyril.

General Discussion / How to (re)present PlaneShift
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:49:52 am »
Dear all,

On youtube I recently came across what was called a PlaneShift "review", and the reaction of an (by now ex-) PlaneShift player to it. While as a single incident this is probably without too much importance, it made me think a lot about how the PlaneShift community represents itself to the outside world, and I would like to discuss this here.

I write "review", because it was of poor quality, scratching but the surface of PlaneShift, and ignoring many crucial points. The author had not even fully mastered the interface, and one of the highlights was when he called PlaneShift "too English". (Both "review" and answer were in German.)

Such a "review" is not nice, but the reaction to it was a pure desaster, since the ex-player insulted the author and put forth some absurd claims about the state of the game ("you can do everything now", "there are always 400 people online").

This kind of reaction, even if the anger behind is understandable up to a certain point, can easily create the impression that PlaneShift players are rude and stupid nerds who are unable to handle criticism. While some of the members of the PlaneShift community are certainly exactly like this, most of us are not.

We should also keep in mind that whenever we write about PlaneShift, we are not only writing in our own name. We represent the whole PlaneShift Community.

I replied both to the original author, and to the ex-player, trying to set some things straight.

Below please find some points that IMHO should be respected when talking about PlaneShift. Please do comment about the list - what should be added, where am I wrong?

* Be polite. (One should think this is obvious, but see the example above.)
* Be honest.
* Accept justified criticism.
* Show some sense of humour.
* Do not claim knowledge you do not have, but invite people to come and see for themselves.
* Talk about the strengths of PlaneShift, without denying its weaknesses.
* Mention that PlaneShift is totally free, not just partly free as so many other games.
* PlaneShift is and probably always will be under constant development.
* PlaneShift has a strong community.
* The Dev team is hiring.

Thank you for your opinions. It is important that we present PlaneShift well, so as to attract new people.


General Discussion / Last login information
« on: March 17, 2013, 02:00:22 pm »

During the last Dev meeting, I started a discussion about the possibility to see the last login times of players.
The idea behind is to show to others whether they just happened not to play at the same time as their friends, or whether the friends have been inactive. Unless you are in the same guild, this information is not
available for players right now, even though it is stored in the database.
Several people seemed to like the general idea, but concerns were raised that this might make (too) private information available.

So let us discuss this idea here:
* What do you think of the general idea?
* Do you share the concerns about privacy? Please consider also that this information is already available for people from the same guild. Which - at least in bigger guilds - means that also people who are not
necessarily your friends can see it.
* If many people are concerned about privacy, this information might be made available to certain people only, for example those on your buddy list.
* As an alternative, only vague information might be given: From "Has been on recently" to "Weapons are rusty, and the robe is eaten by moths" (and several messages in between).
* A second alternative proposed was to adjust the colours in your buddy list, like dark red for "long time gone".
* Is there some more information that might be given? And which might be the privacy concerns for them?

Thank you for listening, and please keep your opinions coming.

Travel safely.

Gonger Xaraha, of the Bounty Hunters

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy New Year!
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:42:17 pm »
Happy New Year, everybody!

May your most important wishes come true. And the less important ones in the years to come.  ;)

Personal wish list (for PlaneShift):
1) More RP.
2) More RP.
3) More ... well, you can guess now!  ;D

Travel safely through the year,


The Hydlaa Plaza / English... as some people speak it!
« on: December 25, 2012, 04:10:50 pm »
Hi all!
I got these from a teacher of English as a Foreign Language. Not thinking about anyone specific, of course. Even native speakers mix some of these, as you can witness in emails, news groups, and PlaneShift. Just read and laugh! And please excuse the f*cking language! :innocent:

1. they're   - they f*cking are
2. their     - shows f*cking possession
3. there     - specifies a f*cking location
4. you're    - you f*cking are
5. your      - shows f*cking possession
6. it's      - it f*cking is
7. its       - shows f*cking possession
8. we're     - we f*cking are
9. were      - past f*cking tense of "are"
10. where    - specifies a f*cking location
11. loose    - not f*cking fixed in place
12. lose     - cease to f*cking keep
13. affect   - a f*cking action
14. effect   - a f*cking result
15. could've - could f*cking have
16. could of - you're (see 4) a f*cking retard

Hello, I hope this is the right place for this topic.
Well, subject says it all - most people will agree that PlaneShift needs more players, so let us discuss what we can do.
I will start with something I just did... At work, I am helping out in a team that replaces a PC pool for a client, and the old machines will be cleaned, reinstalled with WXP, and given to the people there. While adding a few freeware tools and programs, we decided to install also a few freeware games...
You guessed it, I added a full installation of PlaneShift! It is running perhaps a bit slowly, but it IS running. So about 20 PCs will go out, and I am certain quite a few people will try all the games installed. With some luck, some will like PS enough to stay.
I am also trying to convince some of my role-playing (Facebook) friends of PlaneShift, but apparently I need to try harder.

What are you doing to promote PlaneShift? Share with us! I will buy you a beer as a reward! Or give you some free ores, if you don't want to get drunk!

Gonger Xaraha, from the Bounty Hunters
Miner and Weaponsmith

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