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Messages - Lanarel

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 37
The first sounds like . The second might be the queueu message thing problem stuff that weltall knows much more about.

Try adding ThreadManager.AlwaysRunNow = true to the pslaunch.cfg (in the application data dir) and psclient.cfg (in the program dir).

Development Team Blog / Re: Spawn Point now in Hydlaa for all.
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:52:29 am »
That's exciting!
Now we can spawn armies of undead alts whenever we need to, and they'll all be together!
The moment there are armies of players in game, there will no longer be a need for a single spawn location :P

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Client crashes just after level loading
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:49:54 am »
Gegnir: that sounds like a problem with shadercache. Make sure everything is up-to-date (try moveing vfs.cfg away and repairing), delete the shadercache dir (see vfs.cfg where that should be).

psclient might crash without error if you do not have the elves skin selected (probably because you had a previous install with a different skin).

General Discussion / Re: concern about repairing weapons
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:12:14 pm »
Lanarel: indeed, a novice would ruin a blade.  Still, an expert repairer should not have a repair take a blade from Q298/300 to Q290/290...
An expert repairer would know not to be so stupid to put his repair tools on an almost perfect blade. Also, if it went from 300 to 290, you are far from an expert (in skill).

General Discussion / Re: Question about the new release
« on: December 29, 2009, 07:16:39 am »
We wanted it out 28th of March 2009 I think. At some point you have to decide not to wait any longer. So when the major new features were working, and major problems seemed to be under control it was decided to release. Also take into consideration that some features such as quest menus and the better lighting were working for over 8 months already, and not only players can get anxious to see new stuff in game :).
Unfortunately the test with many players on ezpc was not as massively as we hoped (with only 5 chars online at a time), so even with major problems discovered and fixed, even more problems surfaced after release on Laanx. Christmas is a busy time for everyone, including devs, and still some have spend days on getting things working (with success). Hopefully the remaining problems are fixed soon too, but where they are related to old hardware, there may not be too much we can do. If we postpone release till all old hardware works again, even newer hardware will become outdated :)

General Discussion / Re: Think NPCs are dumb? Click here!
« on: December 29, 2009, 06:55:27 am »
Sounds to me more like post-quest dialog than general dialog. I've never seen any post-quest dialog (that is, casual topics opened as a result of quests); in that regard, it is consistent.
It is technically possible to have dialog only being available after finishing a quest, just as it is now possible to have guards point at you when you enter a city with your weapons drawn. I do not know if this is used yet though.
Anyway, if someone wrote a book and does not know about it, that is something to be mentioned in this thread :)

General Discussion / Re: concern about repairing weapons
« on: December 29, 2009, 06:52:30 am »
Has nothing to do with rounding. If you slightly damage your weapon (to 49.9/50) and start sharpening and filing it, the end result will be less than 49.9. Depending on your repair skill. If you are unskilled (0), you will indeed repair it to 47/47ish. Actually, if you repair a 0/50 dagger, you will probably end up with 37/37 after 5 repairs or so. An unskilled repairer will ruin a weapon, as it should. Either learn to repair (so you need less repairs to fix a weapon and damage it less), have someone with very high repair skill repair it for you, or buy a new one (whichever is cheaper or easier).

General Discussion / Re: concern about repairing weapons
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:25:30 pm »
There was a hard mininum larger than 10 seconds.

General Discussion / Re: concern about repairing weapons
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:34:50 am »
It went down before. But it took 10 minutes for a single repair of a frosty short sword, or half an hour for some other things. The balancing that is being done improved a lot of things already. I understand you prefer the half hour repairs. I do not.

Development Team Blog / Re: Testing team is recruiting
« on: December 24, 2009, 04:31:01 pm »
Being able to build the game is not all, but a good start. Next will be that the test team gets an idea of how serious you are about helping, especially when things are not only fun. A good start is to help testing reports in the bug tracker, especially unconfirmed ones, or ones that are not clearly reproducible.

Wish list / Re: Deceit
« on: December 23, 2009, 04:36:44 pm »
There is even a feature request for this in the bug tracker. A possible idea is to make it possible to adjust how others judge you based on your charisma, and have others with high intelligence see through that.

Wish list / Re: Old skins worked into current versions
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:51:10 am »
Pawseditor is probably hopelessly out of date, but hopefully in the future someone will find time to update that and make it much easier to create (or change) a skin.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Can't find Xenak
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:39:37 am »
There are 4 reasons you might not find Xenak:
1. Xenak was only added yesterday, so if you looked before, he was not there.
2. He may only have been added to Laanx at the moment, not on EZPC. In that case, Abelia has Xenaks quests.
3. You may just have been looking in the wrong place :)
4. Some people sometimes have NPCs and items not being visible. You can try loging out+in, which may help. Also setting ThreadManager.AlwaysRunNow = true in planeshift.cfg and psclient.cfg (both just to be sure :) ) hopefully removes that and other problems for now. Look for ThreadManager.AlwaysRunNow in those files and make sure the line that has ThreadManager.AlwaysRunNow, has = true.

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